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Show Jim l 8-1 COFTHEFOR li V- (..iDC.Aikr IS IT ByTedOloagKlm Pr..lOFtHP tvvA5 KG PARKIN' f'.n7 cAK II I") FEATHERHEADS By Osborne 7rHy- MARRY CAUOW WAS 'ZT.fisM HE AMD HI? WIFE GOTTA 1CW: mi.it TftKllGWT THEY VE GOT BABY WITH. Our Pet ME, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL OJSH All EDITOR. CAT IM HIS OFRCS AMD A tfwcww BROUGHT IM AM ITEM REA0IM3. fJOHW DOE, OUR PROSRESSIVS MERCHAMT, ktukwep FROM Ntw VORK, VtMERJC HS B0UQKfA UARfie STtXSK OP SOOOS FOR. Hid AKlSHIUSTCKte. OOHM BtNS OUU.V TWS KST AMO lATESt AS HIS fiUStbMERJ KMOVJ." 0P CCUR5E,SA0 tHB MER-CHAMT,THACt3? Wi MMU 1 ELrcOT T?N OAS C3-fcO. t. f wA . . HYPNANif A I -7 I f wui-u ot. l T ' t 1 1 '' ' A I Pklnikl' kA& X I m An ru n a l wwi al TWE WMtLV-4Ki f ta ite m LEAVE THE GLORfiTT WA QTT TXT ETON'S TRAVELS I . I. CAEpENTEas Hall Pb i -do thai? ) JSYf S16" Br ,,w iMiy 7uuo spr U3BLL-H I TAKE CARE THE I OF ALL H f i -v v T n A A t i A . . J TT J I H fwviNa c ""Oyj I g THE I V PI FOO TUP ftKer M .i . i II Peeve l5 By Charles Sugfaoe ttilliiimi UbK yowa fiAUEft SAiq" rjr.nears I WAV4 JH&0 VM TO WRtTB 'ikfiJXrAX- HOW S pjjrdWALS, WHiur i omeaeo Au opw PRivrnM fkoa OUTOC-TOWM. this ismt , RIGHT, SO HER8 IS AM OWJER. A SEARS gUPpCV OP LETTERHEAD &NSU3PtS, QfiMQ Peyton Canoolph of Viccinia rM.nrMT. FIDST CONTINENTAL. C0N(3K9 v- r a business was now at tend. Vjon i i.jL .11- ,a TTnd- ArhVnti QmfiEM . .7T. I -171 TC . a.. IvJH in at r hiuddpnia in ui. in&ujiww 'rr. v OAK ftyb , jAnfida friend oFVhi was choeen pnw.denfni6 nun of Cevdetory deshny vs afvp alert" i J 'A LI VOU KNOVOFPICEC Whit I ulni-n)1 vccny BADI-y CAM SCARCELY JUST PUT YOURSELF- Yoy put IM THBR PLACE. YOOPSELP IM TUE1Q. FAMNiYl! PLACE, FEU! Along the "Sii . STOP LOOK d UM TUBM ST1U. AM07U6U AAERjeHAMT Spoks up tt PVS BEEM LETTlMr THE OTHER F&LOWS APVERTtSe AMD BRIMOc CUSTOMERS Ibl&uJM VJHIU8 I GOT PART Of THEIR. BUSINESS rva oeapsj to cxa w chars im attbaTiw BUVERS1 TO -IHlS fiHV, AWO AU RGORff OM AM AO FOOM AAS IM tSSUS HEREAFTER I " By James W. Brooka st 1 .t I i BENJAMIN FCANICLIN vlVVV ' EDMUND PENDLETON 51 A Man of Few Words J SWRB, AM' 0 Ktfow A THAT BUT IF Ol WF?OTe ( BSTTfeR PE'OPLE WOULD V sea Hom fooR-Lyoi y Felix Has His Hands Full E d Concrete Merely a Fable TMEM THB THREff ePOKff IM CWORUtf AWQ . RKAUXU4Q THAT WS HAWff WASTED LOTS Qp MOUEV M FW-ET-41GHT SCHEMES, WB WIUU HBUCeFORTH OOALC OUR AOVERTIffWa UJ ttift HOMaWEWSPAPEtl VWEREATm WUTTEREq "WOW I KMQV fAA DRAMU4Q AWO VOKB UPl , EMaricaBr Cmtk Sluioka Br CALTIK rABtt PCHACO HENRY LEE yt inc nign- uaon& no departure. Washington give, a dinner at Mount Vernon to hfo traveling pesta. Edmurd RsndHon and mrick Hntv. Djr)rH n i . ... later. As ttib tot&h were ready to moont Mrs. Washington said she roped they woold bs, ffrtn. "I know George, will, Benjamin franUi'nb mission o London foan hororabfe peace- was of no avail and war lite-temper ma increasing. Denver Boy is a Winner Every mother realizes real-izes how Important it Is to teach children chil-dren good habits of conduct but m&Dj of them fail to realize the importance of teaching their chil dren good bowel hab its until the poisons from decaying waste held too long in the system have begun to affect . the child's health. . i v .Watch ocr child and at the first sign of constipation, give him a little California Fig Syrop. ..Children lore Its rich, fruity taste and it quickly drires away those distressing all Bients, such as headaches, bad breath, coated tongne, biliousness, feverish-ness, feverish-ness, f retf nlriess, etc. It gives them a hearty appetite, regulates their stomach stom-ach and bowels and gives tone and strength to these organs so they continue con-tinue to act normally, of their own accord. For over fifty years, leading lead-ing physicians bare prescribed It for half-sick, billons, constipated children. chil-dren. More than 4 million bottles osed a year shows how mothers depend de-pend on It Mrs. 0. O. Wilcox, 3855 Wolff St, Denver, Colorado, says: "My son, Jackie, is a prize winner for health now, but we had a lot of trouble with him before we found his trouble was constipation and began giving him California Fig Syrup.- It fixed him np quick, gave him a good appetite, made him sleep fine and he's been gaining In weight right along since the first few days, taking It." Ho avoid Inferior imitations " of California Fig Syrup, always look for the word "California" on the carton. Hit Wood Don Bradman, the Australian cricket champion now playing lm America, tells this one: At a 'Til lage match In England the loeal butcher was batting when a baH bumped i and hit him on the head, from which the wicket keeper made a catch. . JOutP yelled, the umpire. "But It's oft my head, not my bat," protested the player. 1 don't know where it It yea, responded the umpire, "but X knows the sound of wood, so hout you go." -Boston Transcript Slowest Train DUcorered Australia believes It has the slow est train In the world. It Is the "tea and sugar" special which carries car-ries stores from Fort Augusta to settlers along the route to Kalgoor- lie. The schedule calls for a week to travel the 1,031 miles, and a week for the return trip. Practically the only passenger Is William Cowan, the railway's undenominational mis sionary, whose "parish" covers the entire line. He carries hundreds of newspapers for distribution on each trip. ALMOST FLAT Oil HER BACK 5 Aching backf Will it never stop? She's seariy desperate. IfdiaE.PiflIhm's Vegetable Com pound has relieved ''feminine troubles' foe over 50 yean. -'r'rfi irini Thousands are roine over ta tha idea of dlctatorshlD to rule the n. pie, while dlctatorshlD in the tons.' hold has become obsolete. Salt Lake City's fewest Hotel 3 . n HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths Radio connection ta every coota. RATES FROM 1-50 ERNEST C ROSSITER. Mgr. ?!? Willi New Rlfc-CoM UUIk U m. Portable Astt, fauitalML nu Ism pbiw, water. Orld rn.ll ort at toweet oom. RoT.r mar void. All kind, mialaff machlnarr, itamp ml 11a. rBihara. farnacM ate, AUo apMlal bargain. aJmnt naar equipmaat. Ora testing and aonr Ja'ry- Writt law. STBAUB VfFk. CO .HI Chtatnut. Oakland. California. WANTED TOtJNG MEN jo anallfy for poaiUona In radio.alco-trlcliy radio.alco-trlcliy aad tvlcvraabr taught br ataai praoUca, "o- Practical Training; f of SO Xeara. Werteni Electrical Cofcga. 133 Raeat St, Salt Lata vfiKMHiuuT to nra EDI. Wanted AH Kinds Horses and Mules SjW rUh St. 26tk.Oct 10th. Oct. 2S. No. 7ih. hot fee beat, bjottitiiminat Sukt Ca, Ottm, Ma W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No, 41-1832. v "?i k.X 1'. T |