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Show Thursday, August 18,1927 THE LEHI SUN, LEITI, UTAH PAGE FJV15 I THE LEHI SUN Published every Tkursday at Lehi, Utah A. F. GAISFORD. .Manager Entered at the postoffice at Lehi Utah, as seeond class matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display 30c per inch Readers. 10c per line SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance. Local Items Mr. and Mrs. H. Jfl. woods were capitol city visitors Sunday. ( Miss Susie Clark, of Salt Lake, is visiting here this week with Miss Beth Gilchrist. Miss Audrey Peterson is spending this week In Salt Lake with her aunt, Mrs. Sherman Fredrickson. Miss Alice Merritt, of Salt Lake, and sister of Iowa, were visiting here last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Hitter. Mr. and Mrs. John Whlmpey entertained enter-tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson and family, of Spanish Fork. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Peterson and family motored to Payson canyon Wednesday where they spent the day at Maple Dell. Mr. and Mrs, Lott Kusson spent from Wednesday until Saturday visiting visit-ing In Garfield with Mr. and Mrs. Ira iRusson and family. Roland Shaw, who is employed in Bingham, motored down Sunday In his new Dodge roadster and spent the day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shaw. Word has been received that Elder Ralph Roberts has been released as secretary of the Hawaiian mission and appointed president of the Honolulu conference. Miss Phyllis King, of Ogden, spent Xrom Thursday until Sunday visiting here, the guest of Miss Arema Goodwin. Good-win. Miss Goodwin returned home with her for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and two children, Phyllis and Glen, and Miss Josephine Bringhurst, motored to Magna Sunday where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor. Phyllis remained for a ten days visit "with her aunt and uncle. o Mrs. James Reed and baby, returned return-ed Wednesday to their home in Lark, having spent the past two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jones. They were accompanied ac-companied home by Miss Lela Jones, who will remain for a two weeks visit. Mrs. A. E. Adams had her tonsils removed Tuesday. Miss Doris Dorton, of Salt Lake, was visiting in Lehi Sunday with friends. ; Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Woods and family, of Provo, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Woods Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Garriety, of Eureka, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Garriety's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hansen left Friday Fri-day for a week's visit with friends in Logan and Lewiston. Misses Fay Taylor and Gayle Lar-sen Lar-sen are enjoying their vacation this week in American Fork Canyon. Ila and Wanda Dunkley returned Monday to their home in Salt Lake having visited here for a week with Miss Utella Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoker, Sr., and Mr. and Mis. Harry Stoker were Salt Lake business and pleasure visitors Saturday. Miss Margaret Jensen f Salt Lake, was the week-end guest of Misses Margaret Thurman and Beth Gilchrist. Gil-christ. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bradshaw are the proud parents of a baby boy born last Wednesday. Mother and babe are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Schow spent last week-end in Logan with Mr. Schow's sister, Mrs. Lynn Clark, who has been seriously ill. Mrs. Sarah E. Gaisford had as her guests Tuesday, Mrs. Narra Wanna-cott Wanna-cott and Mrs. Blake Shaw and daughter, daugh-ter, Myrtle, of Salt Lake, Mrs. David Foutz and Mrs. Rose Carter of Silver City. Fifteen members of the J. T. Har-wood Har-wood family, and Mrs. W. S. Welsh, all of Salt Lake, motored here Thurs day where they, were Joined by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winn. The entire party then motored to the lake- shore where they enjoyed a delicious picnic supper. Miss June FjeldTMiss Phyllis Whit man, Warren Bone and Ferd Evans motored to Salt Lake Sunday to meet Mias Leona Field, who returned home from San Francisco, California, where she has been visiting for the past two months with Mrs. Leland Merrill. The arty then motored to Saltair where they spent the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Holmstead, Boyd Holmstead, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Peterson and sons, Earl and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Darling and two children, Gean and Alvin, with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crookston and Miss C.leo Bates, of American Fork, formed a party and motored to West Canyon Sunday where they enjoyed a delicious plcnla dinner. Mrs. W, S. Welsh, of Salt Lake, Is visiting here this week with Mrs. A. E. Adams. . . o Boyd Holmstead left Monday to attend at-tend the barber' college in Salt Lake for two months. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Adams spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hanson in Magna. - Miss Lucile Stoker spent last week visiting in" Spanish Fork the guest of Miss Phyllis Whitman. Moreho and Huitan Allred are visiting this week in Provo with their aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. Loyd Cullimore. Mrs. Christie Harker, of McGrath, Canada, arrived here Sunday for a ten days visit with her sister, Mrs. Owen Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monson, of Washington D. C. were visiting in this city Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Allred. i o Lynn Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fox, sustained a broken arm last Thursday, while attempting to crank a car. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hanson and Mrs. Josh Whitman spent last week In Strawberry Valley where Mr. Whitman Is working. Mrs. Joseph Russon returned to her home In Ogden Sunday, having spent the past two weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Russon. Mrs. Clifford Bennett and two child ren of Bountiful are here for a month's visit with Mrs. Bennett's mother, Mrs. Rose Carr. Mrs. Kate Anderson and daughter, Vida, made a combined business and pleasure trip to Salt Lake Monday. Vida remained in Salt Lake to spend her vacation with Mrs. Tyler Vincent Hi .1 j. 4 4 .j. A 4 4- Fancy Rubber Aprons- 69c Kodaks $5.00 up. Brownie Cameras $2.50 up Pan-a-cea to Tone Hens Up and Make Them Lay Sodium Fluoride for Chicken Lice , ..35c , , .; 30c Dr. Hess Louse Killer-1 Killer-1 Gallon Water Glass $1.25 1 Gallon Kreso Dip No. 1 Your Can $1.50 With Each 50c Java Powder Purchase We Will Give a 50c Java Compact FEEE. LEHI DRUG CO. O. B. TAYLOR TWO STORES S. M. TAYLOR Mr. William Greene of Silver City, was a Lehi visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wannacottf of Salt Lake, were visiting Mrs. Sarah E. Gaisford this week. Miss Arleen Brown is visiting in Salt Lake this week the guest of Miss Mariel Loveridge. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson of Salt Lake, accompanied by Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. and , Mrs. Ellsha Peck, left early Monday morn ing for a week's trip through the canyons and other interesting places of Southern Utah. The Social Club entertained at a pretjtily arranged party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Comer, in honor of Mrs. J. Whit- comb. The time was spent In playing play-ing "500" and later in the afternoon a delicious lunch was served. Mr. Leonard Peterson motored here Sunday from Spanish Fork to get Mre. Peterson and daughter, Edna, who have been visiting here for week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert Gilchrist Now Enjoys Eating, Thanks His wife "For years I suffered with stomach trouble. TheiL my wife got me to take Adlerika. Today I feel fine and eat what I like." 'Wm. Opp. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, It re moves old. waste matter you aevr 'thought was In your system. Let Ad lerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing and see how much better you will feel. It will surprise you! Lehi Dmg Co. adv. WANT ADS. Rooms For Rent A. M. Davis. 8-18-tf BABY BUGGY Christie Smith. FOR- SALE See 8-18-2t Home For Sale 61 North 1st East Inquire Mr. T. A. Bateman. 7-28-tf PUBS WHOLESOME Cider Vinegar A Home Product For Home Folks. Guaranteed Best' Vinegar For Pickles. At Your Grocers Manufactured by AMERICAN FORK BOTTLING WORKS ine A Word With the Old Folks Elderly People Are Learning Importance of Qood Elimination. IN the later years of life there U apt to be a slowing up of the bodily functions. Good elimination, however, is just as essential to the old as to the young. Many old folks have learned the value of Doan'l Pilla when a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys is required. Scanty or burning passages of kidney secre-' secre-' tions are often signs of improper kidney kid-ney function. In most every com munity are scores of users and en dorsers who acclaim the merit of Doan'a. Aak your neiihbort OF OUR GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE 13 NEARING. Scores of careful thinking buyers have taken advantage' of our further reduced prices the past week and have bought 'much of our fall merchandise. School Is Opening soon and much of our merchandise is just the thing for clothing the children. HIGHEST GRADE MERCHANDISE LOWEST PRICES EVERYTHING MUST GO W &i son Merc. Co. DOAN'S PILLS 60c Stimulant Diuntie to thtKidnay Fotter-Uilbura Co.. UU. Chem.. Buffalo. N. V. Mrs. Louisia MacKenzie of Tooele has been visiting her mother, Mrs. S. E. Gaisford the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Robinson and son, Sherman, and daughter, (Marie, left Monday on a week's motor tour through Yellowstone National Park. Misses Helen Budge and Conda Tanner of Salt Lake, entertained at a .bridge tea Wednesday at the Budge home in Salt Lake complimentary compli-mentary to Miss Marian Gardner of this dty and Miss Ida Schofield, of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Rastus Lamb, of Hyde Park, and Mrs. Sarah J. Parks, of Logan, vlisted In Lehi from Wed nesday until Friday with Mrs. Margaret Bushman, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman and other relatives. FOR SALE; Good home cheap. Inquire In-quire Mrs. James Comer, Lehi. 7-14-tf The Best Is Cheapest Take no chances with your foods. Get the best and enjoy the tasty, wholesomeness of good food. Our large sales makes it possible for us to buy often and keep everything fresh. MEATS Fresh, Cured and Cooked. GROCERIES Everything You Need. FRUITS J All Seasonable Fruits Stocked. VEGETABLES Fresh every day. Larsen Bros. TELEPHONE 17 LEHI LOST! A small 2-year-old Jersey heifer, branded 7 or L. Please notify Mrs. Heber Comer, 8-18-lt Wanted To Rent Good dairy farm or chicken ranch in Lehi or American Fork. Must be fully equipped. Phone 120-J Lehi or write E. W. Mallory, 3600 South 9th East, Salt Laker. 8-ll-2t FOR SALE A nice 6-room house, with flowing well, etc. Mrs. Elizabeth Creighton. For particulars see Mr. Chipman at State Bank of Lehi 7-28-tf HENRY LEWIS Notary Public Fire Insurance Real Estate Agent lor Remington Portable Typewriter. Representative of Western Loan and Building Co. LEHI, UTAH SUMMONS In the Fourth Judicial District Court, of the State of Utah, in and for Utah County. John J. McAfee and Lily Lee McAfee, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Joyce, his heirs, assigns, Legatees and Devasees, both known and unknown; Defendants. Summons. The State of Utah to the said defendants: de-fendants: You are hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do. Judgment Judg-ment will be rendered against you according ac-cording to the demand of the complaint, com-plaint, which within ten days after service of this summons upon you will be filed with the Clerk of said Court This action Is brought to recover a Judgement, against you to Quiet Title to certain realestate in their favor, situated in Lehi City, Utah. A. J. EVANS. Plaintiff's Attorney. Post Office Address, 480 North. 2nd West, Lehi City, Utah. First Publication July 28, 1927. THE NEW FALL LINE OF Tailor Made S uits ARE SURE CLASSY And Only . $25.00 CHICAGO & KHAM TAILORING CO. Powers Shoe Store Agent 53 ivery Day We are making motorists happy with our COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE STATION SERVICE Auto Repairing Overhauling Auto Parts and Accessories Greasing Service - Gas, Oil, Water and Air Service EATS FOR THE MOTORIST Sandwiches, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream, Confections, etc. Street Garage Service a The Happy Hour Club surprised Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knudsen with a shower at the home of Mrs. Sarah Knudsen Tuesday, August 16. After the program and social chat luncheon, was served to the following member and Invited guests: Mrs. Bert Wall, Mrs. B. C, Lott, Mrs. Sarah Kirkham, Mrs. Rhoda Gardner, Mrs. E. J. T. Roberts, (Mrs. Orlnda Allred, Mrs. Charles Nostrom, Mrs. Otterson, Mrs. Zina Anderson, Mrs. Ada Stoddart, Mr. Harriet Brooks, Mrs. Mary Kirkham, Mrs. Ada Merrlhew, Mrs. Sylvia Jones, Mrs. Wm. Loveridge, Mrs. iS. J. Taylor, Mrs. Emma Phillips, Mrs. Alice Ash ton, Mrs. Martha Openshaw, Mrs. J. Gee, Mrs. iRodie Kendall, Mrs. Mary Otterson, Mrs. William Knight. Mrs. Susie Bennian, Mrs. Florence Ford, Mrs. Winnie Goates, Mrs. Clara Rlckens, Mrs. Herman Osterloh, Mrs. Iva Hardy, Mrs. EbsIo Worlton, Mrs. Mina Webb, Mrs. Rose Woodhouse, Mrs. Sadie South wick, Mrs. David Peterson, Mrs. David Jones, (Mrs. Ella Manning, Mrs. Elizabeth Creighton, Creigh-ton, Mrs. Jennie Martingale, Mrs. Marjorie Clark, Mrs. Annie East, Mrs. Jane Turner, Mrs. Freeman Royal, Mrs. Eliza FJeld, (Mrs. Eunice Gray, Mrs. Emma, Batchelor, Mrs. Viola Brown, Mrs. Mary Fathering- ham, Mrs. Eliza Crabb, Mrs. Louise Goates, Mrs. Hannah Devey, Mrs. Julia Jackson, Mrs. Lizzie Gaisford, Gais-ford, (Mrs. Grace Powell, Mrs. Alice Phillips, Mrs. Batchelor, Mrs. Jackson Jack-son Wanlass, Mrs. Rula Dorton, Mrs. Eunice Schow, Mrs. Martha Ball, Mrs. Lula Anderson, Mrs. Clara Webh., Mrs. John Zimmerman, Mrs. Margaret Bushman, Mrs. Sarah Walker, Mrs. Rachel Wing, Mrs. Mary Kirkham, Mrs. Rose Carr, Mrs. Addle Rhodbeck, Mrs. Christie Wllles. Mrs. Hugh Otterson, Mrs. Sarah E. Gaisford, Ella Gaisford, Mrs. Evelyn Peterson, 'Mrs. Sylvia Bradshaw, Mrs. Harriet Holdsworth, Mrs. Julia Vaughn, Mrs. Lydla Bushman, Mrs. Laverde Kirkham. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knudsen wishes to express their appreciation to the Happy Hour Club and all those who helped in giving them a grocery shower. State KELLY-GUY STATE STREET, LEHI Only Safe Place 'What Is that motorist honking-about?" honking-about?" "Cau't lie hoi.'.;!us at u. We're on the sidewalk." Louisville Courier-Journal. o Electrical Heat The bureau of standards says that large carbon filament lamps are prob ably still made in email quantities for heading purposes. They are used In o-called "cozy glow" or "radiant glow" bathroom heaters. Wire resistance re-sistance units are now very generally used Instead of lamps. Such lamps are called "heater lamps." Famous Sacred Rloer Jordan is the name of the well known sacred river of Palestine. It rises in the north among the foothills of the Lebanon mountains, and flowing southward in a very sinuous course, passes through the sea of Galilee or Tiberias, reaches the Dead sea, which is 1,816 feet below the level of th Mediterranean Bea. The length of the River Jordan Is 120 miles. |