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Show THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN, Thursday, April 30, 1959 Local Students to Participated in -Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test More than 70 students at the American Fork High School plan to take the National Merit Schoolarshlp Qualifying Test, Elma Hansen, Counselor, announced an-nounced today. The test wiU be administered at the high school at 8:30 ajn., Tuesday, April a '. The test is the first' step in competition for Merit Scholarships Scholar-ships provided .by some 90 corporations, cor-porations, foundations professional profes-sional societies and individuals, as well as by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation itself. Socr.e SIJ ru"kn in Merit Scholarships Schol-arships has been awarded - In the firs tosr years of the pro- '' The rucrber- of scholarships awarded in asy yesx depends tiyoa Use extent of sponsor par-tsrip&tioa. par-tsrip&tioa. The basic continuing prcrai is tw one million dollars dol-lars a year ifor ta annual pro-grass. pro-grass. Ia addition, sponsor partsdjuitisa this year is expected ex-pected to aid about two million dollars none la sponsored Merit Scholarships. It is estimated SO VOU WAMT TO M'AR.vV ' r MV DAUGHTER. EM? HAVE N'CU J i V "P ,0 "r "rtn A-j jV that , ' yarious outslde-the-pro-gram - sources will increase the present amounts offered to high scoring students by several million dollars. The Natlona), ..Merit Scholarship Scholar-ship Qualifying Test is a three hour measure of educational development de-velopment and college - aptitude. Emphasis is on broad intellectual intellect-ual skills, and on understanding and ability to use what has been learned, rather than on sheer knowledge of facts. Some 10,000 Semifinalists, the highest scores in each state, will be named . early next fall. Each Semifinallst will take a second examination. Those who repeat their high performance on the second examination will -become Finalists. Further eval uation of their grades, citizen ship, and extra curricular achievements will follow, and the winners , will be announced in the Spring of 1960. The test results will be reported report-ed to all participating schools before thebeginning of the senior sen-ior year, in time for use by seniors sen-iors and their class advisors. The scores may -also be used in many high schools to help students make decisions about college and the most appropriate courses to major in. Many students throughout the country who do Tiot-expectto-win- have-register ed for the test, in order to learn more about their individual strengths and weaknesses. Each Merit Scholarship carries a stipend based on the need of each Individual winner, and Is renewable annually without further fur-ther competitive examination. The average stipend in . past years has been $700 per year. The minimum award in the 1959-60 Program will be $100 a year and.' a maximum will be $1500 a year. V The names of all Finalists will be sent" to colleges- and universities universi-ties and other scholarship organizations organ-izations throughout the country. In this way many non-winning Finalists are helped in-winning Miriam Day 'to be June Bride- scholarships awarded directly by Mlilll j Funeral Services Conducted for Mary It. Phillips Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Richins Phillips, ,56,-. were conducted con-ducted Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Second-Seventh IDS Ward Chapel by James F. Chad-wick. Chad-wick. She died April 19 at 11:15 a.m. of a heart attack. Speakers were George Paul and Clarence Hilton. Mr. Paul paid tribute to Mrs. Phillip's parents. He stated that we all need to put away unkind thoughts and acts. We need to repent and grow, Mr. Hilton admonished the family to emu late their mother's life and live to meet her. Jack Phillips read a sketch of the life of the deceased. Musical selections Included a vocal trio by Dean, Dale and Dick Devereaux, accompanied by Mary Devereaux; a vocal solo That Wonderful Mother of Mine',' by Myrl Scott. Inez Kar ren playe'd the prelude and post lude music. Prayer'at the mortuary was Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Day of Highland, are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Miriam Mir-iam to Weldon Kitchen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Levi Kitchen of American Fork. The couple is planning a June 24 .wedding. Miriam is presently a senior at American Fork High School, where she is editor of the school colleges and other organisations. About 700 Merit Scholars, winners of the 1953-59 competition, competi-tion, will be named on April 9, 1959. They are .winners ia the fourth. Merit Program which be- ganlast ApriL paper. She is a graduate ' of the American Fork Seminary and has won various honors in forensic activities. Weldon is a senior at Brigham Young University, -where he Is filling a major in industrial arts. He is a graduate of American Fork High School and recently returned from the Far Eas Mis sion. Both Miriam and Weldon are active in the Latter-day Saints Church. - The best ideas germinate in honest, idealistic minds, and 'not the result - of -selfseeking i thoughts. 00 K3 SKI SEP u u KL'iS ...an eirSFSi paycheck every payday " 1 " ' " The daily wage rate tells only part of the story of a job in copper production in Utah. In addition, there are fringe benefits that are important in helping to provide security for Kennecott employees and their families. These added benefits are equivalent to an extra paycheck every payday. In . all, there are more than 20 fringe benefits at Kennecott, valued at about $1500 a year per employee. For all employees, employ-ees, this amounts to about $10,500,000 a year, which in itself would be one of the largest payrolls in our state. But at Kennecott Kenne-cott it is in addition to the regular payroll of $43,000,000 each year. Among these fringe benefits is a liberal hcspital-xnedical-surgical plan which helps ployecs and members of their families meet the cost of sickness. Another provides weekly payments during sickness, and lump sum payments for fatal or dismembering off-the-job accidents. A third makes low cost group life insurance available to employees. em-ployees. Kennecott pays the major part of the cost of these benefits and employees pay the remainder, while the company pays the full cost of a pension plan that helps provide financial security for retired day-pay day-pay employees. Good pay and fringe benefits that pror vide additional security for the present and the future help tell the full story of a job in copper production in Utah. The combination com-bination of thetwo explains why, so frequently, fre-quently, what may start as just a job at-Kennecott, at-Kennecott, develops into a lifetime career. . ... Si 1 - jfri-wFiJ t I w I m -.-w C5?S0E I ffennccott Goppzr (Qbzpamtzon i i j i . A Good Neighbor Ilclpune to BuuI4 a Better Utah iDoken by Leo Van Wacocer; Steven r. Beck offered the invocation in-vocation and the fce&e&cttaa wa4 pronounced by Cahria Walker. Walk-er. The grave la the. Amertcaa Fort Cemetery vas dedxated by levis McAflee. Pallhe&rers r . Lee Phillips. Boo. John, ETtrttt, Neil and Clyde Richins. Rovers were cared for by members of the ward Relief Society. If you never advertise, some DeoDle will never hear of too. or what you have to offer. Too many specialists, oot enough broadened personalities, make for narrow viewpoints. mm. hop today ... tern bvxWA of nice gift ideas priced fnm p$y a few cents. Shop where "MoAr" shops ot your friendly S-t sor. BEAUTlFUUEWtlRY 7 Pearls or-.a bit of sporUe always al-ways please! Chooserrom-if brooches, earrings. necUacev I bracelets. Only . . . . . NEW HANDBAGS She ofwoyi needs one! . Alt sizes in new plastics.' 2 93 earner ana laortcs. mm1m Ct S-ft Own Brand! ROSE QUEEN Ntfoas lovely, sheer, full-fasS- " . . ioned in all new shades. AHC Regular Of Sfrefch y pl HANDKERCHIEFS Cotton - Linen - Nylon 25 to 1.00 Decorator Table LamDs Planters Framed Pictures Wall Plaques All at Thrifty Prices imported Fine Chin aw are 16-Piece, set for 4 . . ; . 7.69 32-Piece, set for .6 .... 16.95 Anchor-Hocking G la S S wa r e Oorotd TumbWrt, o 8 o l.f Btvcrog Sal, Pitcher, A gbim !. to 11 ' See Our large Selections of Oven-proof tTSSX American Fork VARIETY STORES J HP JAMES CROW cretceil tkt finl Modem bewboa 18J of historic 3JC3B - V Americans r i preierrea bourton UzhfWU-SSPrxf KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOUSU30N xniisanr A is- i |