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Show THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN, Thursday,' December 3, 1953 Nint Legal. Notice 1854, and to mature serially, as Thome, Florence O. Olllman. follows:. $100,000.00 January 15. Iflia t ' 9l0fl.000.00 January 15, im ! SIOO.OOO.CO January 15, 1957 $100.000 00 January 15, 1858 S1OO.0C0 C0 January 15, 1959 $150WO.OO January 15, 1900 i $150,000.00 January 15, 1961 $150,000.00 January IS, 1902 $150,000.00 January 15, 1963 ! $150,000.00 January 15, 1964 for the purpose of raising money for purchasing school sites for building or purchasing one or it NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OP ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT, , UTAH COUNTY, UTAH PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a special election will be held In Alpine School District, Utah County, State of Utah, on the 21st day of December, Decem-ber, 1953, at which election there shall be submitted to the regist ered Yuici wiiu nave Daia a m,.r. v, 1 u , ... election, the followrur auestion. nd for lmPl"iPlrOrove.UuhVVudgeT;f to wit! I I ,uu,,ua- I Election -Delilah Fugal. Fern . . . i baia election to be held In the Hicks E J Swenson Ja SSAtSS'V 8Chl "V" Voting DlstrictTAVne No. 1 Of Alpine DCnOOl PlStrlClV UUn ,rlnrt -ttnrf th nniitntr nlfi-.1 .,,-j . n-mL- bi. 0V!lShlisth0, hln PU-ndTh; nTcit7H SS.JfnTfn 13 'judge wh0 have n PPont Judges of Efcctlon-Faye Adam-e Adam-e F.lct Uw aawuftt 'ito conduct the election are as .on. Florence Strong Ouen Beck. Voting Districts Vineyard No. 1, Lakevlcw No. I. Polling Place Union 8cJool. Vlrvyard, Utah. Judge of E'.ectloi Verda Madsen, Nora Harding, Drucella Madsen. . Voting Districts Pleasant View No. 1, 2. Polling Place-Page Place-Page School, Pleasant View, Utah. Ut-ah. Judges of Election Frank R. Jex, LaVon Roberts, Melba Cluff. Sec and 8chool Representative Precinct Voting Districts- Pleasant ber, 1953. ' Clarence D. Ashum, President. Board of Education of Alpine School District, I tab County State of UUh. Attest: Elijah Clnpman.derk. Board of Education of Alpine School District, I'lah County, State of Utah. son, Florence Strong, Owen Bock. Third School Representative Precinct Votns Districts Ameilcan Llndon... j Fork Nos. 1. 2. 3, 4. Polling Place gijHICKOBY Vtgf iriiicnBOiIHBOHn FuI16years old in the exquisite j J iirf- One Million, Two Hundred tand follows Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,- 000.00 In denominations of One First School Representative Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) i Prednct each, numbered 1 to 1250 In- Voting Districts elusive, bearing Interest at a Pleasant Orove No. 4. Polling i LeKi0n Hall American Fork rvc uut w rwwru wu nu one-1 nace unaon ocnooi, unaon, i utah. Judges of Election Vlo naii per centum per aii-juian. judges or Election Mar- j ate Varney, J. J. Mercer Jr , Ida nuni, w u ubku nuijr la, garei c noiaaway, uavia u. : Coddlntton. Foarth School Representative Precinct Voting Districts Lehl Nos. 1 ! 2, 3, 4. Polling Place Lehl Mem orial Building, Lehl. Utah Judges of Election A. K. Chat- Held, Leota Peterson, Lacrda Peterson. Voting Districts Cedar Fort No. 1, Fairfield No. 1. Polling Place Rulon Cook Hume, Cedar Fort, Utah. Judges of Election Rose Cook, Sarah Berry, Mary Anderson. . Firth School Representative Precinct . Voting Districts Orem Nos. 1 . 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. Polling Place Orem City Hall. Orem. Utah. Jude4 of Election Melba B. Calder Lois Downs, Mariam Bradshaw Voting Districts Orem Nos. 7 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12. Polling Place Robert Max Dowdle Horn 675 South 4th East. Orem, lAah Judges of Election Leona Dow dle, Nina Booth, Ludvig Poulson The voting at such election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the Clerk of the Board of Education of Alpine School District to the Judges of the election, to be by them furn ished to the qualified voters The polls at each polling place shall be opened at the hour of 7:00 o'clock A. M. and will b kept open until and will be dos ed at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P M. No person shall be permitted to vote at said election unkss he shall be a registered voter rcld ing In the School Representative I Precinct in which he offers to vote and shall have paid a property prop-erty tax in said school district during the year next preceding such election. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The Board of Education of Alpine School District, Utah County. State of Utah, has caused this notice to be given as required by law this 30th day of Novem- Thc extra years enrich th great Bourbon taste and warm, friendly character of Old Hickory Straight Hour- bon Whisky. In the taste I fully elegant Gift Decanter at no extra charge it make the perfect gift for the coming Holiday Seaaon, or on any special occasion' (AttroctWy podtagad ki colorful carton) . AIo available in traditional round bottle ' MOOMOID NICKOIY DISTIUING CORPOIATION PHKAOEtPHlA, PA, Clubs and Socials Mr. -and Mrs. En.ery Andrews and children and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Monson. Pleasant Grove, came home Sunday after a five days tour of southern California. They called on the Coy Rack- mans In Oardena, the Boyd Dal-tons Dal-tons in Los Angeles, had Thanks giving dinner In Long Beach, and visited Hoover Dam and Las Vegas on the way home. Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Weed and children Tommy, Barbara, Robert and Oregory are leaving this week end to return to their home in Baton Rouge, La., after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tho mas 8. Prlday, parents of Mrs Weed, and in 8alt Luke City With the doctor's family To celebrate their wedding an niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wagstaff went to Fort Collins, Colo, and spent several days with their son- in- law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Oayle (Lola i Evans. Mr, Evans is at tonrilng the Colorado A tt M College. Card of Thanks In the death of our beloved mother, it has bo n a comfort to have such loyal friends We thank you for your words of comfort, consolation and sym pathy which have been so geri erously expressed, for the beautl ful floral tributes, and all other evidences or your iovc. we wiu remain ever grateful. The Family of Moneta J. Abel ' - ... fck- -N Como in and sco tho far ahead , Moit advancod cart in America! Jcl'J Sodom ? .Winter Poultry Check- Stanford Dahl list: m trr fJciv Sports f Jo dels! Iqvj Station VJan DXCITIUG COLOR-STYLED INTERIORS! and f electyour '54 Studebaker Commander V-8 or Champion -B-k Anon Roy J. Brown Motor Co. By Stan Pahl Well, the prophecies came true and winter gave us a slap. Did your egg production produc-tion drop off? Here Is a checklist to help you get peak production from your flock through this crucial time of the year: 1. Do you have 8 to 10 Inches of dry absorbent litter? If not better get It built up In a hurry. Wood shavings and chopped straw make excellent litter keep the birds off the cold floor.) 2. Are window curtains wind and blUzard proof? (Curtains must keep out storms and drafts yet irovlde- ample ventilation to keep the litter dry.) 3. Is your coop Insulated? (Coop temperatures should not go below 30 to 35 for best results yet hens must have ventilation on even the coldest days. That's why Insulation la Important! Import-ant! 4 Do your birds get plenty of fresh water? (You need enough watering water-ing space so that even the timid hens can get to the watering trough any time, without waiting.) 5. Do your - birds get plenty of high quality laying lay-ing mash? Body weight - mast be kept up thl tea son to prevent neck moult which nccounts for most of the loss of production In the fall!) liEST ADVICE: Keep those hoppers well filled with DRAPER QUALITY MASH. Its fortified with added vitamins and mineralsand min-eralsand Is available with tpeclal antibletlca for added add-ed protection! Draper mashes are scientifically blended for peak production. produc-tion. You can pay more but you cant buy better poultry feed than Draper. Olve Draper feeds a try and watch production soar. Just give me a buzz and I.'ll ) have a load right out to you. : Stan Dahl 182 South 1st East American Fork, I'tah ... Phone: til 4 I 033 LISTEN To Station KEY Y For REAMS "BIG 6" Specials At Stores in American Fork and Provo. AT REAM'S all items are advertised and priced at or below our wholesale cost, to which we add only 10' i at time of sale. A Rabbit FRYING LB 39c GROUND BEEF 3lBS. 75c BACON K."1 ta 27c tB. 43c lb. 39c franks sc:r BOLOGNA DArlV Crisprlte Sliced LB. 54c CHILI BRICKS ta 41c CHEEZE WHIZ , lB. 49c LARD Wilsons LB. 21c MARGARINE g 29c rilVVQV Banquet VjllULJkJLJ .Mild LB. 41c A Pot Roast lb. 29c ORANGES tB. 7c BANANAS Trimmers . LB. 9c POTATOES i' to lbs 19c ONIONS t ellow 10 LBS. riATl?C! Freah Lb. Pkg. 19c 24c SALAD MIX A? 10c TUNA gs? 29c KRAFT OIL OL 60c SALAD DRESSING Quart 35c PIGS FEET 30c EGGS "A" Grade Youngsters Doz. doz. Wdc SPRY 79c 48c BABY FOOD ,C."F. 23c , 3 LBS. ff f 17 Shurfine .lTllljiV T.n c.ns 4 For TIDE S JOY Giant Size 64c 61c LUNCH BAGS 8c CLOTHES PINS JMc WAX PAPER SS 18c TOILET TISSUE M, 5c WHISK BROOJIS r. 25c MixedNufslb. FRUIT CAKE t 63c JAM 37c PINEAPPLE 'c"r 25c TODDY , F, 3ft COCOA IS," "tn'' 29c JEL SERT 4 , 22c WALNUTS "rn. 73c BLUEBERRIES 27c swirt'B s Lbs. ' 1.1 CANDY ,B 26c GOAL- Huntington Canyon TON 7 PEAS SSS. case 4.00 CORN Cream Style CASE 3.53 GREEN BEANS qq Tastewell CASE SUNKIST Ss rAS, 2.45 QPAmiPTTT , uiauu" son Franco-American v. CASE 0JJ TOMATO JUICE case 2.25 REAM'S "FOOD BARGAIN" Utah's Lowest Food Prices! ANNEX- urans Lowesr Food Prices I 385 West"Moin Phone 433 American Fork t Mile East of American Fork on Highway 91 Open 9 a.m,Till.9 p.m. |