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Show THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN FRIDAY, AUGUST FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1941 THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN Published Every Friday at American Fork, Utah, by the ALRJNE PUBLISHING CO. Entered as Second Class Matter, at the Postoffice at American Fork, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate $2.00 Per Year Services Held Here Monday For Heber Hansen Local Items Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Mortcnsen of Provo were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Hutchings. Funeral services were held In the American Pork Third ward chapel Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock for Heber Hansen, 63, who died last Thursday night at his home in Pleasant Grove of a paralytic stroke, suffered the previous Tuesday morning. morn-ing. Mr. Hansen, a resident of American Fork for twenty years, had been living In Pleasant Grove since 1938. He was bom November 12, 1878 in Pleasant Grove, a son of Hans Peter and Anne Peterson Hansen. He worked in the smelter at Mid- vale and while there married Emma Hart, June 23, 1901. They lived In Salt Lake City three years. In Amer lean Fork for twenty years, and moved to Pleasant Grove In 1938. Mr. Hansen is survived by his wl dow, Mrs. Emma Jane Hart Hansen, and five daughters and two sons: Mrs. Delia Sorenson of Orem, Mrs. Valeta Anderson of Midvale; Mrs. Lottie Maxwell of Tabiona; Mrs. Fern Clark, Lawrence H. Hansen, Maxlne and Sherman Hansen, all of Pleasant Grove; one sister, Mrs. Hannah Cooper, of Salt Lake City and 19 grandchildren. The services were largely attended and the floral offerings were many and very beautiful. ' Bishop's counselor Charles Walker was In charge and the opening prayer pray-er was offered by John Hunter, after which Jean West of Pleasant Grove sang a vocal solo, "In The Garden". She was accompanied by Miss Mau-rine Mau-rine Mm. Speakers who paid high tribute to Mr. Hansen, emulating his outstanding out-standing characteristics, and also offered words of consolation to the family were Lynn Johnson of Pleasant Pleas-ant Orove, Ell J. CI ay son and Bishop Frank O. Shelley of this city. Leo Hansen sang a solo, ' "That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine," accompanied ac-companied by his wife, Mrs. Ann Hansen and as the closing musical number LaMar Clements sang a solo, "Lay My Head Beneath A Rose". He was also accompanied by Mrs. Hansen. Joseph Robinson of Pleasant Orove offered the closing prayer. Interment was made in the City cemetery, where George E. Abel dedicated the grave. o Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Merje Klrkham of Grace, Idaho are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Klrkham was the former Miss Vauglinda Brooks of American Fork. Mrs. Wayne Anderson and two daughters of Spanish Fork visited in American Fork on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Stewart and children of Salt Lake City spent Sunday visiting in American Fork with Mr. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stewart. Mrs. Earl Anderson and son, Allen, of Salt Lake City visited over the week-end In American Fork with Mrs. Lyle Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. David Cahn and two children, and Mrs. Robert Herman Her-man and two sons, Peter and Jimmy, who have been visiting here from New York City, enjoyed a ham burger roast In American Fork canyon can-yon Saturday evening. Sunday they enjoyed an outing at Saratoga. Legal Notices PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE Consult county clerk or respective signers for further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE" FOURTH JUDICIAL - t ....... r ..ii i , ,m m n wa STATE OF UTAH, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF UTAH. In the matter of the estate of, WALLACE EARL HEISELT, Deceased. De-ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned executrix execu-trix at the office of Attorney Don Mack Dal ton, American Fork Bank Bldg , American Fork, Utah, on or before the 6th day of October, 1941. Nadine Wilson Heiselt, Administratrix of the Estate of Wallace Earl Heiselt. First publication, Aug. 1, 1941. Last publication, August 22, 1941. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of WARREN B. SMITH, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the residence of the undersigned at American Fork, Utah, on or before the 8th day of October, A. D. 1941. IiKSI.TK A. SMITH Armlnlstrator of the Estate of said Deceased Daniel Harrington, F. Henri Henriod, Attorneys for said Estate. First publication August 8, 1941. Last publication August 29, 1941. Mrs. Thelma Pulley, district presi dent of the American Legion Aux iliary; Mrs. Mabel McNeill, district secretary, and Mrs. Haydee Iverson, district historian, visited the Span ish Fork American Legion unit on Thursday, where Mrs. Pulley In stalled the new officers of that or ganization. Mrs. Eric Parthu and daughter, Cecfle, and Mrs. May Best of Salt Lake City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len Jackson and Mrs. Haydee Iverson here on Tuesday. Miss lillle Sh after and Miss Bessie Bes-sie Robinson spent Wednesday In Salt Lake City on business for the Style Shop. Two-Stake Relief Society Convention A Relief Society Convention for the Lehl and Alpine stakes will be held at American Fork next Sunday, August 24, In the Alpine Stake Tab ernacle, according to announcements announce-ments made early In the week by Mrs. Jesse M. Walker, Relief Society president of this stake. Members of the Relief Society General Board wty be present to assist in the convention program. The first meeting will be held at 8:30 o'clock Sunday morning. This session is for the Stake Executive officers. At. 930 p. m. a meeting for all stake executive officers and board members will be held. The, next session begins at 10:45 p. m. and Is for all ward bishops, the ward Relief Society executive officers, offi-cers, members of the stake boards, priesthood presidency and advisory councilman of the stakes. This session will continue until 12:30 p. m. Luncheon will be served by the ladies of the American Pork First ward Relief Society organization. At 2 p. m. the last session will convene. This meeting Is for the Relief Society Stake board members, ward executive officers, class leaders, lead-ers, visiting teachers of all wards In both stakes, stake priesthood presidencies, presi-dencies, advisory high councllmen and bishops. A splendid program has been arranged ar-ranged for each convention session. W. C. Hansen was back to his duties at the local Orem depot, Monday following a two weeks' va cation. Seth Hansen, agent at the Lehl station, took charge here during his absence. Morris Madsen has returned to his home here, following a three weeks' visit In Aberdeen. Idaho with his daughter, Mrs. J. W. Stratton and family. Thomas Shafter visiting in Provo. spent Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wood of Huntsville spent Monday visiting with relatives and friends in Amer ican Fork. Mrs. Ella Harrington, Mrs. Fae Woodcox and daughter, Pauline, of Salt "Lake City were guests of Mrs. W. A. Robinson and daughter, Bes sie, here Sunday. Miss Helen Green and Miss Helen Johnston left Saturday night for a vacation trip to Los Angeles, California. Cali-fornia. They expect to be gone about two weeks. Miss Green is on her vacation from Chlpman's store. Miss Gayle Clark, who recently moved to Salt Lake City with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark, spent last week in American Fork with friends. The Merry Makers club enjoyed a delightful outing at Lagoon last Wednesday. They had both lunch con and supper at the resort and took In many resort attractions, hi the group were Mrs Ann L. Chip-man. Chip-man. Mrs. Maude Wilde. Mrs. Rose Varney,- -Mrs,- Laura. Spratley, Mis. Eliza Thornton. Mrs Lottie Brltton. Mrs Charlotte Featherstone, Mrs Alice Harratt, Mrs Wal!r Bowen. wwr-Mr -ir--Fr-ruu - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crookston of Salt Lake City spent Sunday in American Fork with Mr. Crookston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crooks-ton. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ashby on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Porter of Provo and Mrs. George Mortimer of New York. SHERIFFS SALE In the District Court In and for Utah County, State of Utah. PEOPLES STATE BANK OF AMERICAN FORK, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. LEONARD BATES, and LEONARD BATES as admin, of the estate of Bertha D. Bates, deceased, Defendants. To be sold at 11 o clock a. m., August 25, 1941, at front door of Courthouse, in Provo, Utah, the real estate, situate In Said County and particularly described as fol lows: Commencing 27.06 chains West of the Southeast corner of section sec-tion 30, Township 4 South, Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Meridian. Thence North 9.95 chains; thence West 0.50 chains; thence North 9 JO chains; thence West 32.44 chains; thence South 9.76 chains; thence East 5.00 chains; thence South 10.00 chains; thence East 6.7S chains; thence North 9 JO chains; thence East 13.44 chains; thence South 9 JO chains; thence East 8.74 chains to beginning. Area 47.07 acres. Also, commencing at the Northwest corner of the North' east quarter of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 2 East of the Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 5.00 chains; thence East 10.00 chains; thence North 6.0S chains; thence West 10.00 chains to beginning. Area 5.00 acres. Together with all ditches and water rights of every nature, however evidenced, used with said land or belonging to same or said Mortgagor, or which may oe hereafter acquired and used upon said land, and together with all privileges, easements and right of way belonging to or usually enjoyed with said land or any part thereof, Including 22 secondary shares of the Alpine Al-pine Irrigation Company, ctf. No 715. Dated July 30, 1941. THERON S. HALL, Sheriff. Utah County, Utah First publication August 1. 1941. I.ast publication August 22, 1941. !"', - . f .' . ' . . i -j (bf fn J) '',( fjP Mr. and Mrs Warren Cave of Og-den Og-den were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cave here Friday. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Owen Humphries entertained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. La Drue Roberts of Los Angeles, California; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Roberts of Lehl, and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wilde of this city. Members of the LaConda club en joyed a delicious steak fry in Ameri can Fork canyon Saturday evening. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chesnut, Mrs. Pearl Chesnut, Olive Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. William Laursen, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Conder, Mr. and Mrs. Dick: Durrant, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Karren, and Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Nelson. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED CLASSIFIED FOR RENT 4 room modern apartment apart-ment with brick garage, on Main street. See W. 8. Chipman. 8-22-tf FOR SALE Five room house, 1 acre of land. Locust Avenue, Second West, Pleasant Grove. Phone 2132. Apartment For Rent William D. Baxter. 8-15-ltp. Girls' Bicycle for Sale. In good condition. Inquire Nina Sykea. 8-15-ltp. Furnished Modem Apartment for Rent Mrs. Annie Green, 86 North, First West, American Fork. 7-26-tf HOUSE. LOTS AND FARM H. C. JOHNSON, Licensed Real Estate Broker. Fire Insurance and Notary. Bank of American Fork Building. ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE TO WATER USERS Beth Cheever of Long Beach, California Cal-ifornia Is here for a visit with her grandmother. Mrs. Ann Cheever. Elder Winfred Johnson of Orem, who recently arrived home from the South American L. D S mission, will be the speaker in the First ward next Sunday evening, according to niMnbcrfi of the bishopric. Musical numbers will consist of vix'itl solos by Luc .Groes.bcrk- A good attendance is especially .jJrM.r.cd. The Utah State Training School, American Pork, Utah has filed Application Ap-plication No. 14307 to appropriate 4 sec. ft. of water from American Fork creek In Utah county. By virtue of the ownership of stock In the American Amer-ican Fork Irrigation Company, the Provo Reservoir Company and the Provo River Reclamation project, the applicant now diverts water from American Fork creek at a point S. 29 26- E. 1336 ft. from the NW Cor. Sec. 32, allows it to flow in the American Fork canal and re-dlverts re-dlverts it therefrom at a point N 44 58' E. 5907.5 ft. from the SW Cor. Sec. 31, all in T. 4 S., R. 2 E., SLBAM. Beg. at said point of re- Liberty Lead Mining Company, principal place of business, Roy Okey's Residence at American Fork, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Stockholders of the Liberty Lead Mining Company, held on the 13th day of August, 1941 an assessment of one-half mill per share, or 50c per 1000 shares, was levied on all outstanding stock of the company, payable Immediately to Roy Okey, Secretary at his residence at American Fork, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment assess-ment may remain unpaid on the 15th day of September, 1941, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold on the 17th day of October, 1941 at the Roy Okey residence, American Fork, Utah, at the hour of 1 p. m. to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. ROY OKEY, Secretary and Treasurer. Liberty Lead Mining Company, Roy Okey Residence, American Fork, Utah. First publication August 22, 1941. Last publication September 12, 1941. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Flrmage, 1505 Military Way, Salt Lake City, form er residents of this city, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter. Miss Edna Mae Flrmage, to George La- Mont Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs LeGrand Richards, 925 Thirteenth East street. Salt Lake City. The couple will be married September 9 in the Salt Lake L. D. S. temple and the ceremony will be performed by George F. Richards, a member of the Quorum of twelve apostles of the L. D. S. church. A reception will be given in the evening at the Flrmage home. Announcement of the bethrothal was made at a beautifully arranged tea given Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Flrmage and her daughter at their home. A white decorative theme was de veloped for all decorations ajid ap pointments. The tea table was ar Us tic with white blooms and lighted with matching bridal tapers. Presiding at the tables were Mrs. J. H. Flrmage, Mrs. D. LuZell Chip-man, Chip-man, Mrs. Edwin Flrmage and Mrs. William R. Flrmage of Provo. They were assisted by Mrs. Grant Iverson, Iver-son, Mrs. Harold R. Boyer, Mrs. W. H. Flrmage and Mrs. Eldon Hall. Mrs. Flrmage, mother of the bride-elect, bride-elect, Mrs. Richards, the mother of the bridegroom-to-be and Miss Flrmage received the guests, who numbered 150. The announcements were conceal ed in gay colored balloons arranged In a large cellophane bag. The young couple are former stu dents of the University of Utah. Miss Flrmage is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, Theta Alpha Phi sorority and Trotters. -Mr. Richards Is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha frater nlty. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John Evans announce an-nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Florine Evans, to Mr. Elvin Lovendahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovendahl of Riverton, the marriage to take place early In September. Miss Evans is a graduate of the American Fork high school and has taken an active part in school, church and social affairs in the community. Several socials are being planned in her honor. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DIS- dlversion, it is proposed to Install a ' TRICT, IN AND FOR UTAH 30-in. pipe to -convey applicant's COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, water through a distance of 572 ft. ! ELLEN C. ZWTLLINO, Plaintiff, and thence to concrete line the ex- Vs. GUS ZWILLrNG. Defendant, istlng canals and laterals to their THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID extreineties. In this manner it is DEFENDANT- proposed to save transmission losses APPROACHING MARRIAGE Mrs. Fred Healey announces the engagement and approaching marriage mar-riage of her daughter. Miss Reta Healey, to Mr. Don Molyneux of Draper, the marriage, to take place on September 1. Miss Healey is a graduate of the American Fork high school and has a host of friends In the community wno join in wishing her much future happiness and success. Several socials are being planned in honor of the young couple for the near future. "Y" Day At Saltair Saturday Utah Hide & Tallow Co. We Call and Pay Highest Prices for: DEAD AND USELESS HORSES, COWS, SHEEP HOGS, PELTS, HIDES, FURS AND WOOL ALSO DRY JUNK BONES Phone Spanish Fork 88 Students, former students and j prospective students of the Brigham Ynu nn. iu..hv nmmonert t.n on. Young university are invited to at- by. .KoopaR,-evaporation, etc, in the ' pear within 20 days after service of t nd the nnaVY'' Day at SalU4r., nmount of 4 sec. It. It is proposed mis summons upon you, if served : m'xt Saturday, August 23. j by Application No. 14307 to approp- within the county in which this I A" concessions at the resort will riate 4 sec. ft., of water-thus saved action is brotieht. otherwise within' 00 half-price to the "Y" students.' z.4jmd.i,a..ijsc scaler, and defend the Including the evening dance. Jtober 31. incl. as .a -wipplemental . above entitled' actlonrndTn Tase'l Arpn)granr"witt-begit'-,li.'-.-f MM I ei i nnlv tn irr in n CIA lO -i.-ri.e nf l.mi t . . i - . i ihnH Ihh' A&Mwt will A'mmnrA n -...' n o w a.iuu ui n;r i m ure so to ao. TUuKmenL un"vi"' vwmuwiu- l embraced in the E. and SW, Sec will be rendered against you accord-1 accord-1 and Sec: 12, "TV ' T Sr R'.' '.T -f.: ' M t A'i lie tfemn:'n7W 'ftf the fommatnt' SLB&M. which has been filed with the clerk Protests resisting the granting of 0f the s.ud court said Application, with reasons there- This actlmi Is brought to obtain for. made In affidavit form, must be . a dlvorct ua the grounds of willful filed with Ed. H Watson. Stnte desertion. ;md to dissolve the r-Kngineer. r-Kngineer. 403 State Capitol. Salt rlajje contract between the plaintiff Lake City. Utah, with one extra and defendant. copy and $1.00 filing fee on or be-! FT ,S MORE AND WOOTTON, fore October Attorneys for Plaintiff. ED II WATSON I Pnt Office AHrtrwu State Engineer First publication August 8, 1041. Last publication September S, 1041. American Fork, Utah. I First publication July 23. 1941. Last publlea"-- August 23, 19 U. 9 p. m. Garwood Van's orchestra of ; iTroeatteco faae will , furnish ,v the music. J All those who wish to come earlier j and bring their luncheon arc Invited , to do so. the entertainment committee com-mittee announces. - j Mr and Mrs. Dick McAllister of j St. George were here visiting during the week-end ,at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. A. D. McAllister. They left Monday to visit in Salt ( Lake j City. Their son, Mark, remained here for a longer visit. liA, 0B LABOR DAY r . HO u.o C" San Lob Obispo 13.44 Los Angeles 9J&S Boise, Idaho 6JK San Francisco.... 13.15 Tacoma, Wash. ISM tit r. ' av,enKtr,! 1 QEn3BCliHM?9u YOUR announces State off KXe g 1 t r att Hart tsM lapartaat aatM m year cakwUr. Tkii-i,. MtscatiM at a WMIm fetiagaisfc. for its hah facilities aaa high raak aaMg Aaerkia itrlt SCHOOL YEAR 1941. 194 Sept 24 .... English and Psychological Sept. 25 Esdneeriirf Eitranc Sept 25-26 Freshman Registration and Soecial Sept 29 . . . Sod honor and UnoM- nitric;. - rr -! m W 30 Regular Class Wort WHITE FOn CATALOG . ADDRESS THt Prinn UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Sililtkitl ktwJ In LOOK! LOOK!! Large Delicious Jelly Rolls Two for .. Glazed Donuts, dozen Loaf Cakes, each ; Parkerhouse Rolls, dozen Pan Rolls, dozen Fruit Bars, 2 dozen Home Made Bread 3 for i GRIFFIN BAKERY 1 ,208,511,14 A Year For Be . . . and many toss away tha K earned allure bv rJrudaefY it Yes, cosmetics Jo make wo more alluring but equally portant are the hours they at home. Those modern woart who assitrn household tasla Electric servants, amain Ing and alluring, as Electricity docs the work fa1 easier and better than by old-fashioned methods. cheaper, too, for Electricity IS Cheap! Pause for r mrtmnn VTM T 1 ..11 ...I. nf:lIZC Ol ixjKJ taxing iuii " bargain Cheap Electricity? I 1 Cool, cl.an. d.p.Ad-abl.. d.p.Ad-abl.. Automatic El.c-tric El.c-tric Cooking costs th av.rago family aaj K.50 a month. Cook ioo4 a last as food will cook. Hoi wol at a turn Mi In n ami, hour. 11 lul any day oi th. y.ai colli aT.raa. only O . mon wbra k.al.d .lrtrv caliy. b0'' II... OOIT family u'", iVci-rn r buy tuawc appu I 1 ... uMia nciKB 1 g IKUm iw- f 1 1 la km Nit pchu pi nil fwfc tat 1 rlth :tyi j . J Gearp ll. I BlJ.l J I 'B1U c 11 pin. Bel( 1 |