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Show 1 !i -., ,....,... 4 i ' 1 1 ; ' I !-f !-f 1 ! v, s -. t J f i ! i T i " i .. t A i 1 i rl 1 , 1 i FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1938 IF YOU'RE SWEET, YOU'RE SMART-SUGAR MAKES BRAINS Most of us don't have to be told that fish Isn't a brain food any more. In fact, most of us think that food hasn't much relation to actual gray matter. That Is most of us did! But now, however, science has come out In the open by saying that human thinking Is probably due to Bugar burning In the brain and setting set-ting up a chain of chemical and electrical vibrations In it. This statement was made recently recent-ly by Dr. Frederick A. Olbbs, Harvard Har-vard university scientist, who revealed re-vealed the discovery before the American Psychological society which met In Baltimore as part of the convention of the Federated Biological societies. According to Dr. Gibbe, it has been known that the brain generates gener-ates currents of electricity, some associated with thinking and others with other functions of the body. At a Harvard research laboratory, It was recently shown that these waves are the result of chemical oscillation, oscilla-tion, or vibrations, in the brain and that the '"energy supply In the case II 1 11 1 I f VI I) The Goodrich I 1 r Safety Silvertown I ilfffl with 4 V ilW&WW EXCLUSIVE GOLDEN PLY v Jjgf ' " ' jV'j BLOW OUT PROTECTION '' V tf (TfGREATEST PROTECTION 1 J vninir rum iiaix yris, ivuvc sygty AGAINST BOW SKIDS 0 AND Before you experience that pit-of-the-stomach feeling that comes when a skid zig-zags your car wildly over a wet, glassy road before a high-speed blow-out throws your car out of control -let us equip your car with a set of new Goodrich Safety Silvertowns. Outside it has the new Life-Saver Tread to give you a dry track on wet, slippery roads and stop you quicker, safer than you've ever stopped before; inside it still has the famous Golden Ply to provide you and your family with real protection against dangerous high-speed blow-outs. Next time you buy tires, remember this money-saving fact. Many tires cost more, but no other tire at any price can give you this two way ;,P!9!:.U9.0,.9f?.lRlL.fil4.. miJ33 ai3 LLwTouts. NO EXTRA COST! it n0 Goodrich LIFE-SAVER TREAD G01DEN PLY BlCE-Oi'T PROTECTION CHIPMAN MERC. CO. American Fork, Utah 1 . . - ' t . . . . . . ... . . rc-k.'.jr.:..-.;-urv 'Vi-r-. - 'T.'i, of brain oscillators apiiears to be derived from the oxidation 'or burning burn-ing of -sugar." The sugar burns in waves like mi alternating electric current From Intensive laboratory studies on the brain, it is deduced that the brain probably produces thought processes via electrical activity with indications that the whole brain is an aggregation of small chemical oscillators which can join to form larger oscillators. These oscillators act as tuning forks vibrating in harmony, according to the scientist. Here in the West we need never lack for a supply of brain energy, becau.se we have thousands of acres of land planted to sugar beets whence the purest granulated sugar is refined by factories located In this state and practically ! every other western state, for our consumption. con-sumption. So -all you sweet girls needn't necessarily be the dumb ones you're probably smarter than the rest that is, if you enjoy bon bons and French pastry like most of the fair sex. everc nHU BLOW - OUTS HOW NEW LIFE. SAVER TREAD DRIES WET ROADS stivU w i n it swrcv t lie Wrtlct rik.it 'inl trft. making mak-ing a 'Mrf " track fut the tuMkt to trip. . ii iieitowii THE Color Captures Spirit of Twain Film Classic Norman Taurog says that his engagement en-gagement to direct David O Selz-nick's Selz-nick's technicolor pnxluctlon. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," due to play at tiie Cameo Theatre Sunday. Sun-day. Monday and Tuesday. July 10. 1 11 and 12. realized one of his fondest ambitions to bring to the screen a cast of children in color. "Even since I saw 'A Star Is Born,' " said the rotund jovial megaphonist, holder of an Academy award for his direction of "Sklppy," "I have wanted to direct a cast of children in a picture suited to real izing the possibilities of the new developments de-velopments in technicolor, which allow al-low color to be kept in the proper place, a dramatic complement to story values without being ' obtrusive. obtru-sive. "I believe that Mark Twain's story has a fantasy element that can be fully captured only with the use of color. The boy's world of Tom Sawyer, Saw-yer, or any adolescent boy, has more than the delicate flavor of nostalgia which lias endeared it to millions of adults. The growing boy lives in a world peopled with figures, aiyi adventure, ad-venture, of his own imagination. "In his. own mind Tom Sawyer was never a bucolic schoolboy but a dashing Mississippi River pirate. uecky Thatcher was not the L'irl who sat across from him in school but a golden-haired princess needing need-ing the services of a stout-hearted knight. "It takes color to capture the clear eyes of youth, the peach-bloom quality qual-ity of young complexions, to suggest the imaginative psychology surrounding sur-rounding childhood. "To have photographed the flashing flash-ing blue eyes of Tommy Kelly, the 12 year old discovery from the Bronx who has the role of Tom Sawyer, in charcoal would have been a chromatic chro-matic tragedy. Then there's Ann Gillis in the part of Becky Thatcher. . ."Ann. has brilliant -red hair, tiger-green tiger-green eyes, and red freckles. Think what technicolor does for a child of this coloring! "In addition color permitted us to present one of the most gripping climaxes ever worked out in a color picture. OWEN DEAN ANNOUNCES THE OPENING Of His New Gravel Pit With the Latcs.t Methods of Screening, He Can Now Furnish Any Size Gravel or Sand in the Shortest Time. Before Contracting Your Gravel Job. Visit Owen's Pit. Get What You Want. PRICES REASONABLE Quick Service Any Amount Owen Dean American Fork 4-H Club News The 4-H girl with many irons in the fire has her chance to gain esteem es-teem for her talents and for club work In the National 4-H Girls' Rec ord Contest now being conducted for the sixteenth year. Oldest of national competitions for club girls, the contest has been ap proved by the state club leader and provides gold medals for girls having hav-ing the outstanding county record, trips to the 17th National Club Congress Con-gress for state victors, and $1,200 00 in college scholarships for sectional winners. This nationwide quest for girls with the best all-around record is being conducted by extension agents who will select state victors from county winners after November 1 Records are sought which show :rTttabte:admiaaehlS:.Iii' all of the home art.s and also in such activities as demonstrations, exhibits, and judging. The five scholarships are $4(X). $300. $.'80 and two of $150 enrh which are provided with all other awards by Montgomery Ward and arc to be announced during the , Chicago Club Congress by a commit- i tee of State and Federal Extension I Leaders Forty or more state vic- I tors annually make the Chicago trip and over or.e half of the nation's. eo.intie;.'iia:r.e gold medal winners. o I Preiulent Van Bur en m .(lower I 1'resUlert Van Uuitii :is i vvu: ' ower wlien lie hecame President 111,3 n.r. lliimrtli Hitiiti Vnn l!nri.n died In 1S10 ut the age of thirty sis Angellm Slngletou Van Huren, i daughter-in-law. was mistress of the White House during the Van IJuren administration. AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN IN Your telephone brings familiar voices of far-away members of your family or friends to you as clearly as though they were in the same room a pleas-ure pleas-ure for you and those you call. Junior Demos To Frolic At State Weed Supervisor Tours Utah County . Following .a..toiu:.oI Inspection of. more than 900 acres now under cultivation cul-tivation in Utah county's weed eradication project. George L. Hob-son Hob-son of Salt Lake City, state weed supervisor, said if Utah is to save agriculture, a well planned weed eradication program over a long period of time must be carried out. Mr. Hobson visited communities in both the north section under the supervision of Hyrum A. Anderson of I hi, .and the southern section under supervision of Bumell Hansen Han-sen of Spanish Fork in company with state and local agricultural officials. More than 400 W P A workmen are now employed in this project along with three tractor crews employed em-ployed by Utah county. Land In the north section of the county under un-der the program is in excellent condition. con-dition. Mr. Hobson stated. Besides the cultivation work by tractors, there is considerable acreage acre-age of preparatory work being done on canal and stream banks by hand. Soon these crews will be used for spraying the weeds with chemicals, which will be furnished I by the state board of agriculture. I On private lands, the cost of this chemical work will be charged half to the land owner and half to the state, he said. This first spray program pro-gram will be merely seed prevention work and the bulk of the chemical program will be done in August or September, according to S. R. Bos- QUEEN NOMINATION BLANK This nomination blank properly filled out and mailed to Poultry-Turkey Day Committee constitutes the official nomination of your choice for the Queen of the 1938 celebration and gives your nominee 5,000 votes. (Only one nomination blank will be credited cach girl named). r i r ah 7e CIGACIETTG of Quality 0SISQBi Marvels.. I H!cigarette tnat's I fnMirl ''s'lt on your jjlljocketboolt MILES The operator will be glad to tell you rates to any points. Of County Lake Resort Junior Democrats of Utah county and their partners will frolic at an outing at Saratoga resort tomorrow, with a full afternoon and evening of entertainment in store for them. The county officers of the Junior Democratic league are in charge of the affair. The day's events are expected, ex-pected, to draw virtually all of the 250 or more members, and their partners. Festivities will start at 4 p. m., when the north end and the south end of the county will be matched in a softball encounter. Other games and sports will be conducted for afternoon af-ternoon entertainment. Swimming and other resort attractions at-tractions will provide entertainment until time for the big dance in the evening. Those participating will provide their own picnic during the late afternoon period The dance is sponsored by the Junior Democrats, but will also be open to the public. Officers in charge are Dean Terry, chairman;,- Beth Hutchings, chairwoman; chair-woman; Darwin Ellett, vice chairman; chair-man; Klara Snyder, vice chairwoman; chairwo-man; Ruth Olsen. secretary, and Douglas Phillips, treasurer. Floyd Loveridge is on the executive board also assisting with the outing. An invitation has been extended to all north Utah county Junior Demo crats and their partners to join in the get together. well of Provo, county agent. The program as now carried on Includes two activities. The first, cultivation by power machines, wherever power can be used, and treatment with chemicals on land which is inaccessible for cultivation. cultiva-tion. My Choice for Queen v - New Recreation Schedules Given For Four Wards Good response to the city recreation recrea-tion program has made necessary a revised schedule to take care of the large number of children participating. partici-pating. The new schedule has been outlined as followed by the supervisors: super-visors: ' Mondays 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Handicraft in the Fourth ward; 4 to 6 p. m. handcraft in the Third ward, and from 6. to 7 p. m., softball at the high school. Tuesday 10 a. m. to 12 noon, handcraft In the First and Second wards; 2 to 4 p. m., play In the Third, 4 to 6 p. m., play in the Fourth ward and 4 to 7, softball. Wednesday 8 a. m. to 12 noon, dancing at the Harrington school, 1 to 4 p. m., dancing at Alpine and 6 to 8 p. m., softball. Thursday 2 to 4 p. m., play in the First ward, 4 to 6 play in the Second ward, and 4 to 7, softball. o . Gardner Returns From Long Trip Following a 6300-mile trip on which the party visited all points of Interest in connection with L. D. S. church history but two. E. Ray Gardner, American Fork L. D. S Seminary principal, and H. P. Jones; Pleasant Grove, returned home Sunday. Sun-day. The group who made the trip, all connected with seminaries or institutes insti-tutes at universities,, included Mr Gardnes, Mr. Jones, Seymour Spencer Spen-cer of Fillmore. Alvah Fitzgerald of Cedar City, Ward Moody of Delta, and Dr, Milton Hunter of Logan. As near as possible, the party followed fol-lowed the old Mormon trail" East', going along the Sweetwater. They visited all points of interest in connection con-nection with church history, except two. In the East, they spent one day each in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Wash-ington, D. C and Richmond, Virginia, Vir-ginia, and two days in New York City. They visited historic spots of Civil war and Revolutionary war periods, including Bunker Hill and Concord. They also called at four missionary homes and spent some time there. Bus Service To Saratoga Resort Announced Here Announcement of bus service from north Utah county cities to take dance-lovers to Saratoga resort was made this week by Clarence A. Grant and R. E. Shelley. The bus will leave Pleasant Grove at 8:40 p. m.; American Fork at 8:50 p. m., and Lehl at 9 p. m., on dance nights. Married Folks' dances are held at the resort on Mondays, with Carter's Orchestra furnishing the music. Regular dances are on Saturday nights. Junior Democrats of the county will hold their outing at the resort tomorrow. "s" ' sugar jjf beh sum Doesn't it malte your mouth wafer to that it will soon be strawberry season when may indulge your appetite for the luscious bern drenched with thick cream and sprinkled sparging beet sugar to give it that 'sf taste? It is one of Life's oys to bo able to reW this delectable dish! And this dish is a he producing one for you. It will give you enerJ and lest. Remember to use BEET SUGAR bougj from your nearest grocer because it is chemicif equal to other sugar and tastes exactly the " Sugar is a dietetic necessity and produces enerjf immediately in the body. It is a hcalihful bojf stimulant. So keep th.o family in good spirits W serving this delightful dish! Intermoimtain (j. Beet 5uqar Eampanies II rOfrroi ntui hil- Writer Given y tensive two-day Journalists in M and rnijy extension diviA istration fr day morning, jm "J the Education huC ley's Chateau. PVpnt f ., l Break fact 1 Chateau, with Mn. 3 Burt, president of nJj WANTi' FOR SALE U, fnscratur. First condition, cheap. TJ ia.yiui-uu.SSeU CO. For r"t-M inquire r. e. Booth, i TEAM oHmS John Adamson, Please, FOR SALE-LrtTij grazing lands, fire taJ jonnson. Licensed ; Broker, Abstracted or American Fork FOR SALE-TJniita green and Ivory cwl condition. Reuoci& Gamble Store. LOST Wallet, neiroJ lurn sooiai securirtor valuable papers to Ca Reward. Tony Perbut WILL TRADE-I i Home, lot and Brick & Located on Main sW Utah, for small farm, k Jehnson, American M Good Team For S&4 387 West, First NorttJ Raspberries For Stk. offerson, Lehi. Phone Raspberries For Sak Melllng Confectionery fi Raspberries For Sik Eunice Gray, Lebi FOR SALE Whippet dan. 4 new tires, M in good condition. Sees son, Lehl. -J LOST Pair of Vi Glasses, In Case-Ewe, to L. B. Brown, LeU, am cut, -4 |