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Show FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 231932 AMERICAN FORK. CITIZEN Office? Alpine PublUhing Company Building Phone 86 THE AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN FRIDAY A PROGRESSIVE, INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION Entered in the Post Office at American Fork, Utah, as second ciaas matter. On Utah County Farms With Extension Agents AMERICAN FORK BOY HEA03 NAVAL GROUP UTAH COUNTY DAY SET AT STATE FAI Thurwday, October . ha been Hultx-ted rb Utah County day at the 64th t'lah Ktate Fair In Halt L.ke 'tty, October 1 to 8. All county rnrtldenlH urn urged to attend the annual feMtlvaJ on that day. Th county day was selected and Knnral plans completed at a inert-In inert-In of the State Fair Hoard this wwk. Two new features have 1) en ad- del thin year --championship nport j events In w hich the outsta ndlnfc . amateur wrestlers, iMixers, track and ' field stars In the lntermountaln re- ' glon will compete and a gigantic ' Utah; October 7 Piute, Uintah, Washington; October 8 Millard, Garfield, Iron. Han Juan. The Salt Lake County exhibits won major prizes last year, carrying carry-ing off approximately $3,000 In cash prizes. Weber and Utah counties were second with $2,000 In premiums. premi-ums. Davis was next with $1,500, followed by Wasatch with $1,300 and Itoxelder with $1,000. Other coun ties won cash premiums In the fol lowing order: Cache, Juab, San pete, Summit, Uintah, 1'lute, Mor gan. Tooele, Carbon, Washington, Rich. Sevier, Millard and Beaver. ' The flood of entries received to date indicates one of the largest exhibits ex-hibits in history", stated Ernest S. Holmes, Manager. "We are offer ing more than $30,000 in premiums, Reuben E. Wagataff of American Fork, a member of the next year's graduating class of the Naval Academy, was appointed company commander of the regiment of midshipmen mid-shipmen for the coming year, it was announced Sept. 17. The appointment is based on efficiency and naval aptitude, and will continue during the next ace-demlc ace-demlc year. Mr. Wagstaff left Saturday for Annapolis after spending a vacai- I m here. Jimmy Iur- TEMPLE EXCURSION P..yrs as t,u .r . THURSDAY ante, James c;iin, iu , nd Ikiuglass vum- There will be an endowment ex- story of tha curslon conducted from Alpine working stake to the Bait Lake temple next popularity .Thursday, September 29th. Rate 'BLONDIE OF THE FOLLIES" MARION DAVIES' FINEST Hoy Kcout Jamboree In which scouts irom uie tour nei o oi u.e and (hal anU)Unt ,;1h certainly atim- Will participate. !,,t, interest F.ntrte- from eMkl- The Horse Pulling Contest, Ken- L.. u ,. ,,h, n, Su-vU. nel show, Home Show, Pet Show, and all other popular features of years past will lie held again in addition to the variety of carnival attractions. Hpecla county days have been designated as follows: October 1 Weber, Summit, Morgan, Daggett; October 3 Salt Lake, Wayne, Tooele. Too-ele. Sevier, Kane; October 4 Oiche, Kmery, Juab, Klch; October 6 Hox-lder, Hox-lder, Curiam, Duchesne, Wasatch; October 6 Sanpete. Grand, Heaver, pouring In now. THE PEACH BORER When Minutes Count - - - Here are two Important wrvlces performed by the telephone as stated by two farm owners: "Last fall my house caught fire from an overheated over-heated flue. I telephoned the fire department In town and tlwir quick arrival ar-rival saved the barn and other buildings." "When our Utile girl was suddenly taken very ill we were able to telephone tele-phone the doctor Immediately Im-mediately instead of making a hurried trip to town. We firmly believe the time saved meant the saving of a life." For everyday uses the telephone Is equally valuable in trips and time saved and Its cost Is but a few cents a day. The Mountain State Telephone & Telegraph Co. The peach tree borer doee a great deal of damage In this county each year There are a great many trees which should be treated for the Insect In-sect within the next few weeks. The moth has deposited her eggs and most of them have hatched and the little borrers are in the trees the fore part of September. Pariidichlorobenzine, a white rry-Htalllne rry-Htalllne material, hag been found most satisfactory for peach borer control. This can be used with safety on healthy peach trees four years of age and older. It should not be used on trees from 1 to 3 years old, as it may Injure them. The smaller trees If they are Infested, In-fested, can be controled by worming, worm-ing, that Is, by picking the worms out with some small tool, but para-dichlorobenzlne para-dichlorobenzlne should be used on the qlder trees, because In some cases more damage Is done by the careless workers than Is done by the Insect. For peach trees, four to five years old, use three-fourths of an ounce of the chemical per tree. For six years of age and older, of average size, use one ounce per tree. Doses of one and one-half ounces should be used on very old trees. If the trunks are unusually large. "Hlondle of the Follies," the latest Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer release at the Cameo Theatre, Sunday, Monday Mon-day and Tuesday, September 25, 26 and 27, Is another example of what this producing: firm can do In the way of combining; excellent atory with superb acting- and direction. Marlon Da vies and Robert Montgomery Mont-gomery prore their competence to head a cast which Includes such Sidney Tohr brill. The picture tells the nalr of girls who graduate to and luxury in the Broadway show world. It Is the story of their departure de-parture from the poverty of their tenement environment, their sojourn so-journ In luxury, and their return home. But In the telling of that story Frances Marlon, who composed com-posed It, and Anita IxKs, who wrote the dialogue have Imparted strong drama and moments of high humor. The picture abounds in fine enter-1 tainment. -o Only One Way There li only one way to get readj for Immortality. "nl that u to lore this life n! live It ai bravely and faithfully, and cheerfully cheer-fully we cm Van Dyke. o Life and Honor Life every mnn holds dear; but the brave man holds honor far more precious-dear that) life. Shakespeare. will prevul! on the Own train leav ing here at 8:12 a m. and 4:11 p. m. good for return on any regular returning re-turning train that same day. The stake Genealogical committee urge all who can to participate In the excursion. o Aird Hospital Located At 192 South lit East, in Provo, Is a Modern Hospital Which Ii Comfortable And Home-Like An Atmosphere Where One Gets Well Quickly. Dismissal "Dad tells us to 'sl.ed.nMle' when he wants us out of his way, but he can't tell us the origin of this out landlsh word." It comes from the Saxon word "acedan," applied to milk overflowing tue pall "to pour out" popularized Into "run away." London Tlt-Blts. Peach of aa Ideal If the first peach blossom you se la the spring Is a deep, rich pink It signifies prosperity for job. The Alrd Hospital at Provo, Is an Institution that la of great aid to the sick and Is aiding many to speedily recover from what, with out the ministering- aid of this Insti tution might prove to be a long and serious Illness. The Aird Hospital specializes In the care of non-contagious diseases and surgical cases and In order to be able to give their patients the best of attention they have install ed modern equipment Trained nurses are In attendance at all times. The environment is pleasant. The moms are comfortable and cheerful and all the comforts and conven iences that the patient will desire are supplied. Patients are here given the most! attentive care and are soon inspir ed with id.-as of hope and renewed refer It to all of ,iur r.-aders. vigor. The cheerfulness of the place makes thli an Ideal spot to regain re-gain strength and health. Nourishing and appetising food, so necessary for rebuilding the health and strength of a sick person. Is found her. It is attractively served, serv-ed, and Its purity and wholeeome-nesa wholeeome-nesa la assured by the watchful care of trained dieticians. The attendants are very courteous and will be pieastd at any time to answer any calls over the phone as to ratee and locations In the hospital. hospi-tal. There Is no question but that If on Is sick and wants to recover rapidly, going to mi. h an institution institu-tion as this Is no mistake. It is with pleasure that we detail In this review the advantages of The Alrd Hospital and n wish to adv. The Texas Co. Whose Office and Plant Is Located at 7th South and University Avenue, in Provo, Is Headquaters for Texaco Fire Chief Gas and a Full Line of Texaco Petroleum Products, The Texas Co. Service Stations are popular stopping places for local lo-cal motorists and tourists from all of the states as they offer a convenient con-venient service. The usf of the motor vehicle has brought the oil business to a high The men employed by The Texas Co. understand the characteristics of high ciii.s.x motor lubricants and the method of obtaining the most profitable satisfaction through their use. They are authorities on the tiar. state of efficiency. This company j ti, ,,iar km,i of oIi you neHl f(ir , has become recognized In these lines luto, trU( k of tractor that you ar(. as on, of the leading- dealers in thisU3inK Kvwv pftr of a amJ section and their business everPV.ry tnl,.k neM. ,he k,n(, of in-reading on account of their ex-jn , ,,. 8t ttllllhttloli Th(, cellent service, fair prices and the j hl,.r -.mng system, the speed of the uuality of the products thev handle , ... - ' -iiKine hum many other items are taken mio consideration and you G mm 1X1 LkJ aim ravOitJiED tmOTItaifi slum!. I. Im f,,,e using any engine see that you have the advice of an expert ex-pert on the kind of oil needed for correct lubricatlon. Texaco products will greatly prolong pro-long the life of your car, and Texaco Texa-co Fire Chief gas, which was devel-oped devel-oped expressly for the use of fir. departments, is available to the public at no extra cost Be sure and hmr Kd Wynn's radio programs evenj Tu-sday evening from 6:30 to 7 'n p m We w ish to compliment The Texas Co , upoM the progress! veness of their dealings and their popularity with the people of this community WANT ADS Iron rirmri Sums coel- (hr nfe. drpcoJjMc (iu-1. '! hou$an-i ol v;-iiacd v;-iiacd vse;i trum coast lo n.iit. Enjoy rh brenrias ot automatic home bearing plus genuine gen-uine savings in voor fuel bills. That is what you and rout family can do when an Iron Fireman Automatic Coal Burner replaces obsolete naad-Bring or the burning of costly automatic fuels in voar home. Iron Firesnaa gives you these savings and betterments: (1 ) Cuts fuel costs; (2 ) Provides steady, efficient heat; (3 ) Eliminates the smoke nuisance; (4 ) Saves labor. We will gladly surrey your heating plant and render a report on the savings you may reaionibly expect. Iron Fireman ii quickly installed and can he purchael on co rrnicut monthly payrucots. Call us lodjy. y "! Kent -Furnished or unfur-nished unfur-nished modern apartment. 80 No 1st u,.,.: Stella Smith. 9-23-tf Will trnl., two milk goats for milk ...w Inquire Morgan -I-wis, ' -v' 'Mi I; American Fork. 9 ;.t-2tp IK. JAMES O. MEEK8 Mr "Al.MER GRADUATE "MIROPIf ACTOR American Fork, Utah OFFICE 1 -lames M. Grant Home I)n. L. W. Jones VETERINARIAN GRADUATE T.lephon, 174. J L.hi, Utah M PLUMBING & HEATING Telephone 23 Lehi- LOTT STATE STREET, LEHI the NOTICE TO CREDITORS I --s T A 'l K OF HOBKIIT J. COB-"'I COB-"'I V AM, CAROLINE COHULKY ''ceasis! ' will present claims with the undersigned at the Kiy T. Klsmore- In Ameri- utah, on or before "f November. 1932 UOVKI.KS.M 'nitrlx of the Ktt ' fobhley and (-,,-, ' censed. I I.S MdUK r Ailrnmisti a i r I 'atlun Septeinlier 1 fi VOI,, ;, Hi. .- I "I'll ,. i; ' i I.. din. i:i:t: CoBsfitational Amendnect KELATINa TO HUNiriPAL CORPORATIONS t. f artlrf. XI .1 tatiM f tiw State I'M nlatisa sirla rTfs"" . m- h r.l b Ik lrliiMr Ma lute ( DUk. tw-UVri. f l tfc k.r mUrU4 im nek rf !' IV ' mln( Is fsrsr ttMtt KCTION I. 8Wtlo lanM That It la i -n.pn.ed to aoMad wction S of Artlcl XI of th conaUtotM f th Stt of UUh, to Uiat ih wlU rmi aa follow: ggCTION I. MsnlrfsaJ wntUma mnmltd k; tmrtl law W lwtatra to cwrporaltJ ritlra ar tawna aiar fraaaa aa adopt rharttr siasMr racrw efcartef U a labwitud te abctora rawUa ta k dbtrlKateJ lt rtrr t fft anHk, rvUrr ml Bute sMUlaMnte wra eaav f.rrW aswa tttim. Corpoimtkwa f o " akripal Dnrpa ahsU aot ba eraated bf apaclal Uwa. Tae laa-latBP br fni Im akaU eswU far tfca laaaraaratlae, rrasiaatiaai aaS daaaifVatksi ct dtiaa towna la pipporttofi to popotatlon. waJck hwa mai ba alterri. aaaedad er rapwalad. Aar inenrpo rated rtt r tow saarfrasM as4 adopt a charter (er Ha ewa ganwraaBaat hi tha folknrttia taaaari Tha leaialatir anthorito ot the ettf saar. hr two-Uiirda rote of Ha waabara. aad spoe oatitloa of ouallfWd aWttera to tha nambcr of fifterA par oast mt all rotes sat at tha srat preceding aiaetloa for tha. fflca of tha aaaror, ahall forthwith pro-rid pro-rid br ordinanco for tha aubmiaaloa to the eUetora of tha aoaatioa: "Shall a oaraaala. sloa ba ehoaaa to fraata a eharterr The edinanoa ahall raquira that the quaatioat ba anbaattted to tha cteatora at tha naxt roaular moBlclpal akwtloa. Tha ballot aoa-toinint aoa-toinint iwh quaation ahall akw eoetora lha aaaMa of eandidatea for awiiibara of tha propoacd eoramiaaioa, bat wttbout parto daaianation. Bach eandidatea ahall ba aom-tnated aom-tnated ta tha aama mannrr aa raqvira by Isar for nomination of city offleara. If a Majority of tha alertora rotlnc en tha fnaation of chooains a eonuBiaaioa ahall rote In tha affh-matlra, than tha fUtoaa eandidatea raecWlnt a saajority af tha rotes eaat at aoch alartlon, ahall aunatltute tha charter eommlaaion, and ahall proeaad to frame a charter. Any eharter to framrd ahall ba iubmlt-tad iubmlt-tad to the qualified ekctora of the city at an election to be held at a time to ba determined by the charter eommiaelon, which ahaJI he not leee than alxty dare suh-aaaoent suh-aaaoent to ita completion and dltribotloo aaaona tha elector and not nor than oa roar from aoch date. Alternative prort-alona prort-alona aaay alao be aubmitted to ba rotrd pon arparately. The eomniaaion ahall nuke proriaiona for the diatribution of eepiea of the propoaed chart' and of any alternatir prorlaiona to the qualified olea-tora olea-tora of the city, not Iraa than autty daya before be-fore the election at which H ia roted opoa. Bach propoaed eharter and aoch alternatir prorialona aa are approved by a majority of the electors roting thereon, shall become an ersmnie law of aoch city at such time aa Buy ba fixed therein, and shall aaperaede any raieting charter and all lawa afferttno the ortanixaUoa and aoTcmment of auch airy which are now In conflict therewith. Within thirty dara after Ita arproral a ropy mf aoch rharter aa adopted, certified by the saayor and city recorder and authenticated by the aeej of such city, shall be made In duplicate and deposited, one In the office of-fice of the secretary of State and the other in the office of the city recorder, and thereafter all courts shall take judicial otic of aoch eharter. Amendments to any such charter Buy be framed and submitted by a charter eosn-laalon eosn-laalon in the same man oer aa provided for making ef charters, or may bo proposed pro-posed by the legislative authority of tha eity opoa two-thirde rote thereof, or by petition of qualified electors to a amber am-ber equal to fifteen per cent of the total rotes east for mayor on the next prrcocV Inf election, and any auch amendment amy be submitted at the next rearamr ma-nicipal ma-nicipal election, and having been approved by the majority of the electors voting thereon, there-on, ahall become part of the charter at the time fixed In auch amendment and ahall b certified and filed aa provided ta cm-mi cm-mi charters. Each city forming ita charter under this section shall hare, and ia hereby granted, the authority to exerciae all powers relating to municipal affairs, and to adopt and enforce en-force within ita limits, local police, sanitary and aimilar regulations not in conflict with the general law. and no enumeration mt powers In this constitution or any law ahall be deemed to limit or restrict the general grant of authority hereby conferred confer-red : but this grant of authority shall not Include the power to regulate publia utilities, util-ities, not municipally owned, if any aoch regulation of public utilities u provided for by general law, nor ba deemed te limit or restrict tho power of the legislature la mat. tors relating to State affairs, to an act general lawa applicable alike to all cities of the BUte. The power to be conferred upon the cities by this section ahall Include tha following t (a) To levy, assess and collect taxes aad borrow sooner, within the limits prescribed by general law. and to levy and collect ape Jal assessments for benefits conferred. (b) To furnish all local publia services to purchase, hire, eonatroet, own. s a late la-te ia or operate, or leaae, publia atHitiea local In extent and use : to acquire by ena-demnaflon. ena-demnaflon. or otherwise, within or with-ot with-ot the corporate limits, property ainas aary for any such purposes, subject to r strietions imposed by general law for tho protection of other oommunittea; and to grant local public utility franchiaaa aad within Its powers regulate tha exercise thereof. ' eMxe Kx-aj public improvements od to acquire by condemnation, or otherwise, other-wise, property within Its corporate limits necessary for auch improvements j and alao to acquire an excess over than (that) needed need-ed for any such improvement and to sell or Jeeae such excess property with restrict lone, la ordrr to protect and preserve the improvement im-provement (d) To issue and sell bonds on the ae-urity ae-urity of any such axeeaa property, or af any public utility owned by tha eity, or ef the revenues thereof, or both. Including, to tha case of public utility, franchise etaU ln tne terme upon which, la eaa of loro-elosure, loro-elosure, the purchaser may operate each utility. SECTION I. r.t, Bcr,Ury H Ru& The secretary of State is hereby directed to wait the propoaed amendment to tha lectore af the State at tha Mat aeaeral asection hi the manner provided by law SECTION a Te Take Effect. K adopted by the s lectors of this State, thai 1 wet .hall take effect aa January let, J -M- w'm"S. Secretary f Stele at the State of Utah. d. Wrehy ..rtirrtaaZt ta foregoing is fall, trua aad aartwat ey of the Conatltutlonal Aaaeadment ate. . tana by the regular sees to a af the Issmla-toaof Issmla-toaof 1H1 as the same appears of reeeed aa cay office. Ia witness whereof. I hare hereon to eat ay band and affixed the Urea Seal af ay "las L" OI Ula.lt. IM ft djBW aaf tw. 1930. I A SAFETY Record Dnmithe igyean, thi.whu. ' there hu not been one passenger KU reaaon of careles- operation, faulty proper maintenance Our motto igi "Safety First, Last and ft' SALT LAKE & UTAH RAHi1 (Orem Line) Alpine News Mrs. L. Batas, Reporter In honor of the 7th birthday of Mrs. Mary E. Okay, forty-eight of her deacendenta gathered at her home Sunday, September 10th. Her brother, F. C. Clark, 12, and wife and her slater, Mrs. Sarah A. Mo- DanltJ, 7, were also present Mrs Okey's deecendenta number six children, thirty-tlx grandchildren, twenty-six great-graiidchlldren. On Monday, which was really her birth day, Mrs. Okey and her daughter. Mrs. Adelaide' Devey, spent the day working In the Salt Lake temple. Ray Whitby, 12 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Whitby, had the misfortune to break hie arm a wi--k ago while cranking hi car. Tin-arm Tin-arm la reported doing nicely. Mrs. Eldred Farna worth of Kansas Kan-sas City, formerly Mlas Cleone Marsh, and Mr. Ray Marsh who Is employed at Hollywood, California . are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Marsh. 1U "y- ir-old MnoJkr J fVt attentiombil Miss Alice Clark, who is employed employ-ed In Salt Lake spent Sunday with her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Charles Clark. Miss Mary Bates, who la employed In American Fork canyon spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr and Mra. Leonard Bates. Thr wm ha J UI genoalorictl "take next MoikbjJ hr 2th, In corottV ' A union ruerUyii Hall, aii tk i Uiuse at are reqatstslt; Lost 20 Lk In Justl I Mrs. Ma Vitnii writes; "I'm oruy a : weighed 170 lbs. J box of your KjuksS weeks ago. I not aj also have mo(es more I've nerer bald ment." Kat fulks should ail xoonfu of Knuckej Kla.is of hot wtierk before breakfu'.-l, harm leas war to net thousands ofmenul For your heaJUi'iat get Knischen it f. Drug Co. or nj cost for a bottle Is but a trifle tnl with ri'aults-ontbi st e e thttl Becretary of State. J (Saai) I 'or S.ilc I U-mi K.il.'Ttii I'ciictii-s, '' l'iiKhi-1. I mile North Cnnl l"l"l. Ami Ki.i-U I". f. IVctul. a :a-iti See the Intermountai( a - 'W "Olympics 1 1 .h.iHs!! Y1 IF you like action. ' ' ' thj lSfl enjoy the alhlrti.: contest, at State Fair. Tin- ou-ta n.l.W ? wrestlers, box(r, t-a n' t the Intermountain reu'in vmu our own "Olympic" Ganics. unt to nil" lne " :.,r Pet VhnnH Show. Horje -- test or any of the other b.ir. PP fifJ. test or any nival features. untlf f" I. ..,-,niifiii-unn(r, ' vurr, iivcniw-n, K ir the PS art exhibits! Join the crow ag. in ',,r lit to am mm mm arT 7-kki iefwi.A -yjm all. in ( i tol r 7. I 'i!t |