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Show t 4- 1 r v :v; ,..J Tf $ 'IV . ! ri-4 - r . t' i! SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1931 AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN SATURDAY' Poultrymen to Celebrate Opening of New Ass'n. Plant A gigantic celebration, the largest larg-est ever attempted by the Utah Poultry Producer Cooperative association, as-sociation, will mark the formal opening, March 26. of the new $250,000 central office building, cold Storage plant, feed mill, YK and poultry plant now completed In BaltXake. Kvwry poult ryman In Utah and southern Idaho, whether a member of the association or not, la Invited and urged to attend the festival. It was announced recently by Clyde C. Kdmonda, general manager. All are assured a full day of education, fun and entertainment. A parade through the heart of town, an Inspection of the huge plant In full operation, a short mass meeting and a dance will feature the merry making. Not only are poultrymen urged to be present, but the public is cordially Invited to Join in the celebration. It is expected expect-ed thousands will participate. The plant will begin operating about one week before the celebration cele-bration day. getting In full swing for the visitors' inspection. Completed Com-pleted It is one of the largest, best equipped and most modem all-round all-round poultry establishments in America. The parade, opening the celebration, celebrat-ion, will form at 10:45 A. M., Wednesday, Wed-nesday, Mar. 25, on Nrth Temple street. Promptly at 11 o'clock It will proceed down Main street, past semble. Dancing will begin at p. m. and continue as long as the crowd desires. Chronic Stomach Trouble Yielded "Hargon deserves all the credit for the wonderful Improvement I've made In the past year", declared Mrs. W. H. Young. 134 W. North Temple St., Bait Lake City. "A( "Yf"" f ,lku ,, n- Highland News Mrs. Wa J. Greenland, Reporter. Miss Elvle Myers and Mr. Mad-sen Mad-sen of Provo, were guests of Mrs. Darr U Myers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kay L. Alston were In the capltol city on Saturday- combining com-bining business with pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Frank and family, who have been residing at the plant In American Fork canyon for the past seven months, expects to move to Provo this - week to make their home. Mr. Frank Is employed em-ployed by the Utah Power & Light Co. and has recently received ' a promotion which makes It necessary for him to move. They have made a number of friends while they have resided here who wish them cue-cesa cue-cesa in their new location. Mr. Lamar Clark , of Klmberly. Nevada, and Miss Oolda Grantham ef American Fork, were visitors on Friday at the home of Mr. William Loverldge. Mrs. W. H. Yeuno the Brigham Young monument to times I was in misery from In-Fifth In-Fifth South, where walking con- digestion and gas on my stomach, tingents will drop out or board cars, I was also troubled with constlp-and constlp-and then continue to the plant on at Ion, and my whole system was Quayle avenue and West Temple, i weak and badly rundown. 8 argon Headed by a large band, seven and Sargon Pills brought the first sections, Interspersed by smaller ' relief I ever had. I can eat any-bands, any-bands, colors and floats, will make 'thing I want now without fear of an me up the parade. The officers and Indigestion. The Pills were directors of the association will ideal laxative, and regulated ride In cars behind the first band, , perfectly without sickness or naus-f naus-f olio wed by a section of railroad lea, I'll be glad to tall anyone per- fflolsvls, with each company haul Ing Utah egg being represented by at least on auto load. The Oentral Office force, and branch manager and warehouse employes will compose the next two sections, followed by cars from the 40 different local units In the t&te association. A fleet of the association's trucks, likely decorated for the occasion, will bring up the rear. The several bands distributed distribut-ed throughout the length of the parade will be furnished by local associations. Upon arrival at the warehouse, about 1 p. m the visitors will be divided into groups to Inspect the plant, each accompanied by a guide to explain the various operations and facilities. Each party will end its tour at the association's commodious commo-dious garage where refreshments will be- served. Inspector tours will continue until un-til C p. m. and at T o'clock poultry-men, poultry-men, visitors and officials will as- sontlly about Bargon." Sold by Wm. Thornton Drug Co. In American Fork; and Lehi Drug Co. In Lehi. o Flying Secretary , Pl niPrUUJPS KBI-22SI KlOUR David Smtoa IngaUs, Assistant Secretary of the Navy in charge of aviation, who u an expert flyer bin cli JACK HOLT'8 PORTRAYAL IN -THE LAST PARADE" 8HOWS RARE VERSATILITY ' Versatility should be an actor's greatest asset, but unfortunately, In this age of dramatic specialization specializat-ion It sometimes Is not. When a thesplan establishes himself popularly pop-ularly In roles of a certain type, the public expects that he will keep 'on playing the same sort of part. The result Is that when he does attempt an Impersonation outside his usual routine, there is considerable consid-erable speculation as to Just how ;aceptable he will be. Jack Holt, one of the popular atari In tha aoeman wiirM will nUv i " ' the role of a wisecracking gangxter In "The Last Parade." the Colum- jia picture which com.es to the Cameo Theatre on Sunday. Monday, ! Tuesday, Mar. 22 23 24?" As knows. Holt estahliHhed a reputation reputat-ion for mlea rif the reuAt-vmt rilir. JUST a tasteless dose of Phillips mried tTe. Milk of Magnesia in water. That It Is therefore a decided innova-Man innova-Man alkali efTechve yet harmlew It tlon for thla 8tar to tran.form him-has him-has teen the standard antacid for , . i) years. One spoonful will neutralize M ,nt0 B fiu,t talk,n' lniPu""v-nt lniPu""v-nt once many times its volume in acid. narJbo,le1 racketeer. Hut reports Jt' thcrijjht way, the quick, pleasant from Hollywood have it that he has and efficient way to kill all the been .extremely successful in creut-excess creut-excess arid. The stomach becomes Ing a character different from those sweet, the pain departs. You are he has portrayed In the past, happy .gam in f.ve minutes. I)mlnent . Mn Uttt film Fmni"v tt , n CTU me,tho roles are "Submarine," "Flight." r.mploy the best wav vet evolved in ll theSeara of seaXrS U th "V1 "DlrlK,bl' I'hillifw Milk of Maaneaia. B sure ,wnl h w111 released soon. to get the genuine. ; Tom Moore supports Holt In "Milk of Magnesia" has been the "T,,e L,ult """""le." &nd Contance IJ. S. Ktfisttrvd Trade Mark of the Cummlnga will supply the feminine Charles l. riullm Chemical Com- Interest. Other well known screen ivmy i nd lis predecessor Charles H. performers are In the cat. I liillips since 1875. - v . . . .. , u ,v,v lutf, gnt,,,, djrtd the prod STOMACH Mr. and Mrs. George Willes and two children, Ralph and Fred, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ted Chrlstensen and son. Don, of C'opperton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win J. Greenland and Mr. William Ioverldge on Sunday. The Relief Society held a very pleasant social March 17, In honor of the eighty-ninth Relief Society anniversary. An interesting program pro-gram was rendered after which the committee served ice cream and cakes to a large number of guests. The program was as follows: Song Relief Society Chorus. Invocation Mrs. Fern Kirk. Solo Mrs. Jane Roundy "Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Reading of Minutes for First Relief Re-lief Society Meeting In Church by Secretary, Mrs. Cressle A. Greenland. Green-land. The three act play, "Saint Peter and The Relief Society" was then presented wHb the following numbers num-bers between the acts: Reading Mrs, Klliabeth Roundy Piano Solo Mrs. Velma Jerling. Reading Mrs. Annie Smith. Song Relief 8oclety Chorus. "My Wild Irish Rose." After third act Mrs. Louisa Wight offered the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith were viHltors at the home of Mrs. Smith's son. Mr. William Hopklnson and family at Salt Lake City on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartshorn and children of Lehi. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Roundy on Sunday. 1 A number of small friends of Master Earl Crane enjoyed a birthday party at his home here In honor of his eighth birthday. The little fellow had the misfortune of breaking both arms Just above the wrists while playing on the slides on the school grounds In Lehi, about one week ago. He is getting along nicely and has certainly been a most patient sufferer. A number of "M" Men and Glean-er Glean-er Girls arranged to have a chicken supper after the M. I. A. meeting on Tuesday night. The two boys who were appointed to bring chickens did their part but some of the other young men who wanted to have some real fun decided to give the boys a merry chase. The plot was discovered, however, and the young men decided to hide the chickens s i the plans for the supper would not be spoiled. Therefore one of the youeg men decided to take his chicken to Mr. Reuben Lewis' until they were ready for It. When he went to get it however, Mr. Lewis' dog decided to keep him from his prize and before Mr. Lewis could find out what was happening the boys htvd decided, (a he, ,sf tofjid Whh'fhe' one remaining chicken.. They were a little disappointed but all relished the good Joke nnd reported re-ported an enjoyable time. Tuesday ninht was ward honor nltrht anil many of those who have reached A standard In activities lecelved service pins. Krle production Just a Moment Dear Reader Many are not acquainted with the fact that you have an unusual un-usual Chiropractor at your service. I have the means of detecting conditions long before they become evident by ordinary methods. This is the secret of my success. I fulfill every promise where 1 get whole hearted co-op!, eratlon. Regardless of your financial condition you are welcome to my service, provided: you treat me fairly and appreciate my friendly service. Think It over rlnht now. Delay onlv prolongs and aggravates your case. Kl-ht now is 1.,-st Dr. E. E. Meyer, D. C. 42 N. 1st EAST AMERICAN FORK Hours 10-12 A. M. 2 8 P. M. Phons 2 Thoughtful It was a verj lonu plny. nnd nearly inl.Inljrln when the curtain whs rung up on the fourth net. dlscloainr. an actor sin Inn at a tshle. Somehow his ap' ears nee, instead of oct-7tsionlnn oppli' .ise, created an unilei curre'it of sympathy. sympa-thy. One of die members of the audience ventured to expiess ttie sentiments f the house. 'l hope we're not keeping you up. sir," he suggested, kindly. -Tit Cits. DynamiL of Personality Cell it personalia force. Mt i trt I Thai you will The leaders lneer field have It- this ability to tnrtit ence others It enn v h In-mcn dons magnl l) cut power. And If .m he a dangerous one American Msgnxlne Common Domsttir Fur The four oiilslai.illng domestic commercial furs are nni-knit opossum, opos-sum, skunk and nicco..n There are nhoiit 1'.'ni tur f.,r, the I'niliil St,-ii,-s ,iinl Ala-l a iun rtlii'Ht I ..( In l ';ii,:n,i It,. ,;, jorin of those arc raising silu r or blue foxes. fKI Ik 'i 141 (B8W1 PERSONAL 1 1 FINANCE COe If o. P. SKAGGS iuiidino IICOND MOOI TC EAIT CENTER ITe I fHONE. PROVO 210 PROVO UTAH Under Stats Supervision Tige'' Habitat There are n Users In Africa except ex-cept In captivity Tigers are na-ris na-ris onlv to emtern and southern AUt and the adjacent Islands. (Typist Contest Provo. Utah, March 17 Preparations Prepa-rations are oomplete for the annual stale typewriting and shorthand contest which will be held In College Hall at Brigbam Young university. Friday, March 27. according to H. V. Hoyt, dean of the College or Commerce, who will have charge of the contest More than a score of high schools have made responses and are ex-nected ex-nected to have teams entered In the various events, the winners of wnicn will receive loving cups offered by the Utah Power and Light company and by the Mountain States Telephone Tele-phone and Telegraph company, scholarships, pennants, and medals, awarded by the university. The events, which will begin at 9:10, a. m. will include novice, sec ond year, and am a our lypewrltlng contests; accuracy t.ts. and first and second year sh. r,h md contests. Miss Beth Beal. one of the out-' standing typists produced In Utah, will give some demonstrations of speed and accuracy, according to Dean Hoyt. o r Certified T omtfar. ropefriiioa and offidan!? Think II. Over Let there be man; windows to your life, that all the glory of the anlverse may peanary iu UlCUUIf L culture. Wet a. r?' ;oet6lMtoiedtheyJS thooiuVoneiwhQh,T5C t certified tomato ied. mT. i of lhMi OoiS. We offer: , ' " - MARGIOBE undoubted. . ' recent iotroductioos; ixnilar tp the Globe but W i ductive, smooth tod red. A perfect ctnning tomj?' BONNY BEST early, smooth, red, productive. GREATER BALTIMORE a heivy fruiter, eoi.! productive. ' These varieties are sold in Woe cardboard, sealed pacia ' pounds, sealed with the seal ef the State of Peoiuylvaaivfl i We are growers of all varieties of seeds. . 1 Insist oa roar Canner supplying you with Landreth't toosto D. LANDRETH SEED CO. ESTABLISHED 1714 147 YIAM M BtrtiKEH Br.ltaiu Appracutcd So hiulily was the bslsuiu shrub esteemed by the ancjeuts that It was borne as a special trophy la the triumphal procession at Rome which celebrated the conquest f Earopaan Seisstisii' A British officii of t' ays that Afrlcw W linked the mosqults4 when European inW thought the dlsejagW' gases from swampy w 08111". I ' " .... """-I 1'T COffda Ot SBB vrTaC- deft- pa8. , a ts m 11 ttv"0' pc1 i ie.i" w , -ielB Z0 . . sn w - ft: 5- .a 1 !;re aft coW The placing of these marvelous servants in your home is surprisingly easy. AO of them, any one of them, may be purchased from us on very liberal terms. Our combination one-meter rate for their operation is a real source of economy. For genuine household comfort, adopt these up-to-the-minute methods. We will be glad to into this very interesting subject with you. Phone us. EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICB H |