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Show SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1929 AMERICAN PORK CITIZEN 5I22AY,AUGr 1 late loseoii Herd Ocoi!) Clowlnc tributes vera .: paid Sun day, July 28, to lbs memory of ths late' Joseph Wllford Booth of Alpine who i performed raliant enrlce tor IT yean In the Armenian mission of the U D. 8. church, and whose sudden death occurred at " Aleppo, . Armenia, December 6, 1928. President Heber J. Grant vat the principal speaker at the memoriar services, which were held In the Utah Stake Tabernacle Sunday afternoon. More than 1,000 people, friends and relatives of President Presi-dent Booth were In attendance, many of them from this city and Alpine. The the High Priests quorum of the Utah Stake,' with President John Johnson In charte. ' u' ' .' -The other speakers; besides Pres. Grant were Elders Stewart A- Wrfeht and Ralph V. Calsaolnt of Salt Lake, who labored la the .Europe mission at the time of President Booth's death In Armenia. y-M-i-'J V'; Bishop A. U Booth of Proto read 4 biographical sketch outlining the lm portaiit ' etenU In the career of his departed brother, -"-" ' Expressions ot ratret 1 wer jead from Miss iUnd May Bahcock, and Elder Richard JL Lyman,, friends of President Boom,, wno .were unaoie w be In attendance at the memorial services, i..;'';":::. The InTocation was ocered by Pres- -Ident T. N, Taylor of . the Vtaa Stake and President Stephen I- CUpman pronounced the benediction. . ' Musical numbers were rendered by Metta Ritchie, Betty Madsen, Helen Webster, Uona Van Wagoner Ladle Merrill. WUm Boyle, Virginia WU1- . stead. Ina Webb, Murray K. Roberts and Utah SUke ' chorister, Gerrit de Jong, d,X-:- s- UtESi fen, 70, Says ."I am 79 years old, the mother ot twelre children, and hare CO grand children and thirteen great-grand children U-living. I am going to tell them and all my friends .,wnat YOU'LL LIKE OUR EEPAlit WORK-- The clean cut manner in which we handle the repairing re-pairing of your shoes," the finished workmanship and the excellent qualtly of the materals we use, will make . you more than pleased with work intrusted in-trusted to us. t round cf it ante&lovlaa days- A cast ot more tiaa tea thou i people was -aaspwyid Ark." aid Warner Bros, allotted a IS acre "tract .to construct the settings. on which to carry ttrouga, ie tre mendous project "Noah's .'Ark-; Is said to be truly gigantic in its proportions, pro-portions, ' and to possess a 'story of Intense Interest Tb moTinr and hum story ot "Noah's Ark" was written by Darryl Francis Zannck, and In It be has out lined all the human emotions, incUtl Curtis, famed at home and abroad, as the director of great spectacles, was tn harre of oroductlon. The work covered period ot more than three, years and the cost was over two noil-lion noil-lion Hollars- " - ' ' ' The cast need only be named ' tor the patrons of the theatre to understand under-stand It exceptional quality." iKv lores Costello is the star with George O'Brien and with them, axe Noah Berry, Louise menda, Golan Will iams, Paul McAllister, Nigel d Broiler, Broil-er, Andre Randolf, Armand Kalis, Myrna Loy. WllUam V. Mong, : Malcolm Mal-colm Walte, Noble Johnson and Joe Bonomo. ' Augnat . on Talta AHERIOA1T FORK SHOE REPAIR CO. Sargoti has done for me. I hare oarer seen such a wonderful medicine In all my Mfe. -; : , "Bereral years ago It seemed like my nerves went all to pieces. Any noise or excitment would put me right on edge and some nights . would sleep only for a short while and then lay awake for hours and bours. I had terrible dizzy spells and became so weak and run down 1 could scarcely get about the house. - "Finally I started the Sargon treat ment and now-my friends all tell me how much better I look. Of course, 1 tell them all Sargon did lt. My food all tastes good to me now, I never hare gas pains and cramping spells like I used to. I sleep like a healthy chlM and get up la the mornings feel ling rested and refreshed. . The Sargon Pills hare done more for. me , than all . the other laxatives I've ever taken put together. I, will always praise these wonderful medl cines." -'. " Mrs. Joha Cowbell, 269 Brooklyn Are., Salt Lake City, Utah. 7 Sargon may be obtained. In Ameri can Fork from the Wa. Thornton Drug Co. ' adv. Noah's Ark Screens Greatest Sensation Comes To Provd Paramount "Noah's Ark," the long heralded Warner Bros.;. Tltaphone talking picture, pic-ture, comes to the Paramount theatre beginning - Sunday, August 4,: for limited engagement While the tltfe would suggest that "Noah's Ark" a tale Jrom the Bible, it is, la' tact, story ot modern life with a ' back , Mrs, M. K." Bishop and Mrs. Ella Bertie spent ..Wednesday in Lehl, the guests ot Mrs. Sarah Stewart ' PROVO ; -: -J -r"2-- WESTE R N ELECTRIC" PARAMOUNT : "SSSS0 . Now Playing 100 ALL-TALKING George Bancroft in THUNDERBOLT" - His Greatest Dramatic Hit ; v 3 BW DAYS STAETINO SUNDAY, AUGUST 4th sn 3 r 0k SECKEAII " TheSpcctackofttttOges W2?.!?O0L0KF$ GEO:tt0fbT.Di Coinmtaiitj tl-Jch Ne The Worship servk ot the Com- ia fVhnvtll Will OUU1UW . v mum clock Sunday evening, The Pastor will Sunday School will ba W:00 t Monday, afternoon, July it, forty-two forty-two members and friends of the church went to Oeneva for their ana-gal ana-gal picnic. ' Swimming, ra e . competitive and other sports were among the diversions enjoyed, followed by ih ntoTed icnio style- Everyone reported a to time. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sutherland bad ss their guests 8unday, . Mlrs. Jack Presbrer, Roscoe Sutherland of Eu reka, and Miss Roma Boyle of Pay- son, . Regular Fast Day Exercises Bunaay in ah warua Regular Fast Vvf exerdsea wUl be held in all the wards of Alplaa Stake "T 3 at 1 r f " row) t ttolf t 1 fettenila. Ercl at all ward,. :Tr:: u'ir nvx One Quaft Ice Gr cm for each IIUTUAL CREAI.IEIIT ICE CRUlu PAOZEfikiidOAN Help its Collect Our Packers. Mutual Gteamery Co. . Anericca Perk " '.-" ' - ..... ' : . . " ' il iiifitu'iiima - "'.V , - - 1 r 1 1 . , ' r' ' :h ':: i ronj?---" -v:-v.; vf" rizlsS 1:Z li ill - ' - M , - -- J, ' 1 V . ?tr er ...-.ya.- . . ri iinouncmq -1 Two Mew Models CHEVROLET- SIS of the ' "' s SUNDAY Continuous 12:30 till 11:30 WEEK-DAY SHOWS 2 and 47:15 and :1 MATINEE PRICES: EVENING PRICES: Adults 40o Children 15c .. . Jkdulta BOo Children 28o WED. and THTJB. AH.Talklng '.'THE LAST OF "MRS CHENEY" with Norma ..Shearer. FBI. and SAT. " 100 Talking "THE STUDIO MURDER MYSTERY' ? Freh the -Popular Photoplay , , Maoaxlnt 8erlal. Broadening the appeal of a line of cars which has already won over 950,000 buyers since January 1st, Chevrolet presents two distinguished dis-tinguished new enclosed models of thejievrolct Six-Ithc Jmpcrial Sedan and the Sport Coupe. With beautiful new Bodies by Fisher available in a variety striking color combinations and with numerous nu-merous advanced convenience fca-tures-these new models provide, in abundant measure, those elements ele-ments of distinction ordinarily associated with more expensive automobiles. ; ........ . When you examine the new Imperial" Im-perial" Sedan and Sport Coupe, you will be Impressed by their individuality and completeness. But you cannot fully realize what an achievement they represent . until r you get behind the "wheel and drivel For hcreawf iuU tJhe-qualkiea tJhe-qualkiea of six-cylinder smooth ness, power and acceleration which Chevrolet alone provides , in the price range of the four combined com-bined with economy ofbetter than twenty miles to the gallon of J.. gasolineL. ------ Come In today. Learn for ytmrseif the new standards of quality and luxury that Chevrolet has made available in six-cylinder cars--at prices within the reach of all! The Roadsr.l52S; Th. Phse.on. $52 ; Th. Coup.. W, h, Coch,39S;Tbe SportCotipe,$4S Scd.n,S575;Th Imperial Sdan,$69?;TbeSedinDclirf.S595:TheUthtDeU.ttCh.ssU.$400 TU lTo 0,t$U, ThejVjTooCawssis with C.b.$6$0 All prices Lo.fctscto. Flint. Mick COMPARE the delivered price well as the list price io considering automobile rxluc Cbcvrofct'l ddivereJ pr.cej include ooly reasonable charges f6t delivery and financing Martin Nielsen Auto Co. i TELEPHONE 93 AMERICAN FORK ASIX IN TH S PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR Jlj |