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Show SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1929 AMERICAN FORK CITIZEN f ? - September 2S, 28 arid 27, Are Dates; Im prorennents Planned ; Contests , For Fair Slated. . , ' ... ' - W j; The Utah county fair will be held September 25, 28 and 27, according 'to i decisldnf reached at a - recent meeting of the county fair, board. : Plans for a bigger and better fair were discussed. It was decided that many Improvement to the fair grounds will be made preparatory to the 1S2 fair, among which will be the construction .of-aaother-anit-to the- livestock ban. - . ; Many trees hare been planted and Improvement! to buildings bare been made.- ; 'J- '.Art 'Student of Utah county, high schools or any amateur artists of the county, are Invited to enter t eonlest being conduct ett by the fair board for a cover design, for the. 1921 ' county fair premium list, according to announcement an-nouncement of C Li Waralck, maa- agei. -S .t1 ,z -r, The first Klae offered for the best design." Is' 15; f second, 'U, and CJrd $2. . Fourth and Cf& prises will con 1st of a season pass to the lair, i It Is the 'desire of the fair manage- meat to reproduce on the cover of the preoiitnv list a suitable sketch of Utah county's resources, Industries, or something- that will carry' the fair Idea over through this medium. All sketches' must be In the hands of Secretary X. a Hinckley, at Prow Chamber of Commerce oCcea, oa or before Jnly tOA'--7 Mr. and Mrs. OrvWe Child . and small son, enjoyed an outing at Fish Lake this week. Mrs. John . Dickersoa and. Mrs. Lawrence McCanUlass visited Sunday and. Monday In Islem, Nevada, .with relatives.,, , , - .. ,. - - - - Mrs. Arnold Peterson of Price, is visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chrlstenaen, indefinitely. Mrs. C. I Jensen tad daughter of Kingston, spent the week at the John Jacklm home. .-.... . Mr." and Mrs.' George 7.' River of 8alt Lake City, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Meredith. ..... f:rgc:i.P!ls;L03g-.: . . S!:,o Of Trci! v Dr, and Mrs. a 0. Richard mad a business trip to Salt. Lake City Tuesday. - . Mr. and; Krs. Bay D. Nlcholes and Mrs. Joseph Klctole 'spent Saturday la the eapltol city on combined busi ness and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steele were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Inger- soll Tuesday evening at.the Ingersoll summer ,, home la Vlvlaa. 'Park, Provo eaaV V'. : -y&Cji 7 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wright of Mur ray, were Sunday visitors at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. B B. Steele. ? Mrs. F. A. Herlod of Salt Lake City, waa a guest at the homo of her sister andhusbaakl, Mr. and Mrs. Boy Steels Sunday. , . j Mr. aad Mrs. waiter strange en Joyed "a fishing trip.; ta Strawberry during the week-end. .., ,; v ... Mr and Mrs. Guy. KcKlaley Snyd er and three ctlMrea and Mr. and Mr, fit R-Wina: ol.alt.Taka City, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. & P. Evan, j: Mrs. MlnX Ehatter. . . itriv tCX Grant' and Miss Littll EhafUr were among those from this city who saw 'Coquette- at the Paramount Theatre la-Provo Tuesday evening-.-,- Mr. and Mrs. Glenl X Taylor and family and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Anderson Ander-son and family, are leaving this even ing for Provo canyon, where they will enjoy a week's vacation trip. t Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, TfJIngleton and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Singleton attended at-tended "Coquette" at the Paramount Theatre" In Provo Thursday evening. Mrs. Morris . Davies visited ' with her sister, Mrs. Andy Trane, la Lehl Tveeday. , ' Mrs. John T. Murdock aad baby daughter, Loclle, of - Beater, left Thursday tor their home.'V after v short, visit t with f Mrs. , Murdoch's father, John Beck, and other relatives.,; rela-tives.,; f ..'i ,' Mrs.; Metvin Anderson and son, "Mowrd7 returned homie Sunday, after aft-er visiting the previous ten days with Mr. Anderson, who la employed la Cedar Cuty and Brycea Canyon. 'Mrs. Leo King and children, Mar garet and Buddy of Wells, Nevada, were guests at the Dell Singleton home over the week-end. Mlsi Rebei Southerland of Eureka, Is a guest at the home of her brother and" wife, M. and Mrs. Albert Southerland, South-erland, for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. W; D. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chipman attended attend-ed a dinner1 given fa Salt Lake City Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lloyd In honor of 8. D. Chlpman, the occasion being" his birthday. - 1 ' ' : Harold Beck, who has beenxwlth the U. S. Marines for the past three years, is enjoying a thirty days fur-- fur-- lough here with- hi - father, -- John Beck. Harold Is at present stationed at Mare Island In San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs.' Hans Chrlsiensea, Mr.( and Mrs: John Beck and Mr. John T. Murdoch.' the latter wh6 Is bere from Beaver, were dfnner guests In Salt Lake City Sunday evening at the home otMr. ind Mrs. Ray Ked-Kington. Ked-Kington. ''' ' : Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mendenhall and family are enjoyln a two weeks visit with friends arid relatives la Sprlngrille, Vernal and point south. Mr; Mendenhall Is enjoying his vacation vaca-tion from the J. C. Penney Co. David Ingersoll and his gTandson, Homer Ingersoll, arrived home Monday Mon-day from Spokane, . Washington, . where they have spent the past three weeks visiting Mr. Ingersoll's daught er and husband, Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Countryman, "'v- Mr. and Mrs. Islle Burgess end - family spent Monday and , Tuesday visiting Mrs. Jennie Cunningham and rvenrouta-to their .... aomo la California from Idaho, where they havebeen Burgess was formerly Miss Edith Mc Bride, Mrs. Cunningham's niece. Mrs. Ada Baker and family In company with Mr. and Mrs, William Patterson and children of Salt Lake City,' returned home Saturday evening even-ing from a three day fishing trip at Strawberry lake:-:;::. .;;.;," -t ; 3 V WW . "I traveled thousands of milea sxl spent many a day la hospitals trylss to regain my health, but Earjon Cil more for me taa all the travells?', treatments as'd 1 cief'clnes cemtlasX Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Mower and Mr. arid Mrs. Dell Singleton motored -to Provo last Friday . evening, where they attended "The Rainbow Man" at the : Paramount Theatre. V-'-tt-- Mr: anld Mrs. Dell Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. Kate Robinson ;- left Friday morning for a several weeks trip through the northwest, which includes in-cludes Washington, Oregosi, Canada and'BriUsh Columbia. 1 f - The local "Alpha", 4-H Club ; was represented by the following 'girls at the Wg outing of all the Utah Co. 4-H clubs held Wednesday afternoon at : Kellys' Grove In . Spanish. , Fork canyon: Alice Jacklin, fidlth Jack-lin, Jack-lin, Dorothy Grant, Helen Parker, Mildred Green, Ruth Glddlngs, Helen Young, Merlin Gardner ' and ' Iris Garff, ther latter' being . aa ' Invited guest Outdoor games, -program, and atunta were the day's diversions. 11 AS . . Mrs.. Lillian K. Browa entertained at dinner Thursday evening la compliment; com-pliment; to Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Dunkley and son, tflmmle, and r Mrs. r Henry Bork, who are here from . Maywood, California, visiting relatives.. - Covers were laid for twelve gueet. The Ladles ,. Literary . Association were entertained Thursday afternoon at Geneva resort by J Mrs. Byron Crooketon and Mrs. Martin Nielsen. Early in the evening the ladles were Joined by their husbands who enjoyed enjoy-ed with them the delicious luncheon prepared and served by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Merrill are proud parents of a ' winsome '. baby daughter born ! Friday - morning at their home In San Francisco, - Call-fornbLThane Call-fornbLThane w baby's grandmother, Mrs. Grace Coates, and daughter, Marlam,-are leaving this morning to visit, indefinitely .with the happy family. : ; ' ' : Mrs. T. A. Greenwood and Mrs. W. R. Greenwood entertained last Friday Fri-day evening at a miscellaneous shower show-er la compliment to -Mr. David I Bryant of Salt Lake City, formerly Miss - Thelma - Haggard, whose marriage mar-riage took place la late June. Music and games were the entertaining features, fea-tures, followed by a- dainty luncll There were thirty present The young bride received many lovely gifts for her future housekeeping venture? J ESI C A. ITAK3 "I . ewaed a . largo dress shop In New York City for 29 years, bat after two t nervous breakdowns, I had to giro up my business and make a bard fight for my health. 1 bad such Uttls atranxtfc. . thai-l aiMat -half mv-tlme la bed' 1 kidneys seema to be out of order, and cettlnx np alt through the night tor years,- pulled me down ta every way. Mr appetite failed, my color was aaHoV aad mv circulation sluggish. ' ConsUpatloa bad been one of mrLworst aamle for years, 4 lost weight rapMly. ' TTh auick and lasting benefit Bargon brought me, was remarkabla I have a aplsndld appetite bow, enjoy my;food7Md r.y "d:Uonli perfect 1 have gained tine pounaa. uie nerT-ousness nerT-ousness has left me, and my kfaeys sever bother me in the least That tired, listless feeling Is gone, and I am so strong and energetic I hardly know myself for the same person, -The way Sargoa 8oft Mass Pills endel. my- eonsUpatloa . without the least nausea or upsetting la wonderful. wonder-ful. My Uver is sttoulated, it seems like I can feel my blood circulating right to my finger tips, aad my color la healthy. Just a short time ago 1 was practically bed-ridden. Now I go to town shopping, and get about with the energy I had 25 pears ago. I is no wonder I think , this Is a nwvelott Jteatment anorantan sufferers to know about It" ;.. The above statement was mads re-cenUy re-cenUy by Mrs. a A. Evans, of 4444 Clayton St, Denver. - Sargoa may be obtained in American Ameri-can Fork from the Wm. .Thornton DrafCo-f-r-; .','.:..!. 0 .. ".'' Mrs. George Brunker and children, Georgia and Grant returned to their home in Preston,.Idaho, Sunday, aft, T a week's visit with Mr. and Mr & F. Grant Elliot J accompaaled her home, and will visit relatives in Idaho for the next three weeks.j Mr. and Mrs.Vrh ' Petersoa : and eon; Max accompaated. bfc Mr. Peterson's Peter-son's mother. Mrs., Mary E. Peterson of Provo, left - Friday morning for Lara Hot Sprtags, Idaho, where they will- attend the -Peterson famlly-re oaloa during the week-end. - Mr. and Mrs. Melvla Howes ; aad two, chOarea. Cleo aad ArdelL 'of Bakerslleld. . California, left last Thursday tor : Marysvale, a after a weeks visit here-with-Mrs.-Howe's mother, MrsMary Roblasoa. They expected to visit Mr. Howe's relatives rela-tives in southera Utah before returning return-ing home. r . Mrs. Li Dates, F-eporter. Misses Evelyn and Mae Whitby returned home Ciiirirr-tT-r a fir weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oral McGregor and Kr.-aal Urs. Ctsres Whitby la Callforaiaul i.,,- C; , j., : 'lf '., Ray Marsh left Saturdsy nfeht tor California wher he will till t5 a special course la. muflio tor tif t-at few months. . - Mr. and - Mrs.-Owea.Beclc. aad daughter of Seattle, sWaahlngtoa, are guests of Mr.TJeck's paienta, Mrr axsd Mrs. J. C. Beck. , ' - Mrs. .Willis Emlth .aad clildrea tf Salt Lake, were ftfesf th past wt of Mrs. Smith's father, Mr, D. X Hamnett . - .' - "'"'. son, j. , Young Mothers QUC , ' t 'i v I ' - . . gar, 100 Stewart Hulchlsoa of Murray, was a guest th forepart of the week of bis mother, Mrs Isaac Healey. , it f ''i:-i " " " f&r V-i-t !' : Mrs.,Wiilard Cleghora entertained the Happy. Dpxea Club ai Jier' bom Wednesday, siternoon. , "After, th usual us-ual activities a . dainty" ;luach' was served. . .. , , , Mr. and Mrs. Alma limnet and chtMrea were guests Sunday of Mrs. Hamnett sister, Mr"aad Mrs. Oner Hall of Magna. 2,Caii3 Corn Beet- 7 Swatters Hinges,; Mediuia S Dinner gaetfU Bunday 'of 12s C3 d Bates wer Thelma PeUrson of Alpine, and 'Adolphui and Fraa-cis Fraa-cis Pulley of Amarlcaa Fork. The Sunday fueTof MJa Amber Strong was Mr. Arnold Burnmghaa of Lake Tlew. " ----- "T:-v; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V'i..- Pwi received word of the arrlvai oa July 4th of a fin baby girl at this bom ;Poxk and BeaEa K IWI I Tuiia Pish . ' Wax Paper, 150 ft. DrcHJ To TotrCcar -- t Ixotsieu Ts Mac's Dairy th .on Tne eoasTer its I . 1 1 .... r , ' - 1& lSL.tJS N v r yiL ' Ink 1 . w.m ak. x m ..- v . v v.1 , ? "' - I ! i ' t : w mil --.f-M- iM, - - 1 i I i ' 7 " : t-T K 1 - yy. . A Of-k r y- :v,.'. :,.. . .-.v.-:.-... .- .-T- Sji W;wsW ! Mrwr.l' ...in a cigarette it's j ... ...... ,m j... ... r i m Tas-is UST AS A STEAK r.n ho emih mm.I... duappoindng or tender, crisp, done to a turn . . . ugHfcue can dc oat, Heavy, -over-sweet or sparkling with spicy aroma and delicate tobacco flavors. - Tp knowing smokers, Chesterfield makes the difference dear. A HinA nf f,- a. -r-rr . " ...ymtuiYuanq aatisfyingchsiaCTero-whicTisslena J5J&!fi?4 method, add a final touchv Ioadgarette it,8TASTE...InaChesterfieldit,i JASTE above everything lies V ' THEYSATBrt . : FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC toUceos, not only ELENDLD but CROSS-CLENDED O 1929, lioarrr & Myj TotACro Ca |