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Show 1 AMERICAN rORK CITIZEN SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1929 Mrs. C. U Wri-t . were gue8U of g -; Sunday. u a ? Mrs. Ethel Drysdale and children werePayson visitors Sunday. wlttl-WI? "f"T" r." FotiMeaMld Richard and his sis-t sis-t J wTboth very fond" of James -Little "Orpbant-Annle and Yay Out toOW Aunt UaryV word for Om day Richard w Joking through the book of poems again. He S quite thoughtful for moment, mo-ment, then be said: 1 - beyond Kirlt weU. why do people JaU him Jamci Wblptbem Riley 21 , ' Alma Kirk, who la employed t Paltair on the Giant Racer during the summer, spent'unday.at..-hom " Arthur's KombJ Tall The table wulch U now called "The Round Table of King Arthur- la to to be seen in the Great hail at Win-Chester. Win-Chester. England, part of the old cas-tie cas-tie there. At the west end of this hall above the remains of the royal dnli hongs this fable, 17 feet Ja diameter. diam-eter. It U known to have existed In the Thirteenth century and U posel-bly posel-bly older, and was repainted In the reign of Uenry VHL Of course there Is no way of tracing any connection of King Arthur and his knights with this table. This table U divided off Into places for the king and 24 of his knights. According to one version of the King Arthur legends; there were 13 seats around the table, while according ac-cording to another there were 80 seats, and the total number of knights of King Arthur wag 10. : Miss Flora Fowlke was a Provo visitor SaturdaTwZ-"- - Mr- nl Mrs. o. E. Wt Lake City, ,r, J Mr. and Mr,, jt- , . Real Dm , One drug .tor, 0 K never carried anything w has remained in the sam. if c more than fifty yearT . Money f0, Pns. The pension butq special or sepnrat, taxW iC: secure morn., fP pmloi psld from' miner,itTz treasury of the lU' Ur from whr.,.. u""'i James D. Thorns made a bualneea trip to Salt Lake County Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johnson made a home Friday from a week's 7trip Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Robertson were Salt' Lak visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wadley. Lucille Lu-cille and Leah, Wadley spent Wednesday Wednes-day in Salt Lake. Mrs. "M. H. Lundy of Boise, Idaho, visited Wednesday . evening . with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jense and family. Hugh Nebeker. of California, visit- ted last week with relative here. . . '. , ' , , 'May Wadley made a business trip to Provo Thursday in the Interest of the D. T. R. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beszant of Ventura, California, were vfeltlng relatives here last week. Little Miss Mary Jacobs returned home ' Monday; from a several days visit with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Jacobs, at Heber- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baxter of gprlngvllle, TUlted Sunday with Mr. -Baxter's - mother, Mrs. . Cornelius , James A, Kelly of Delta, visited wtth hls sister. Mr. Cornelius Baxter, Bax-ter, on Wednesday. . President and Mrs." W. W.' Warnlck and daughter, Effle Mary, attended a temple session at .Salt. Lake City Baxter. ; ' "'V-'' : ' ' . Mr. and Mrs, Chris Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kemp attended the Utah-Juab Co. Firemen's ' Tour Mr. and . Mrs. Clyde Burns return' ed Wednesday - to "their- home ,in with his ramuy. Santa Marie, California after a ten nament at Provo Tuesday. '. Wednesday.'. ,..'., :,r-,J days vlsit-with- relatives here.- -Pleasant Grove Locals r V 1 . Miss Marie Carlson returned home the first of the week from American ..Fork, where, she. ia:i been employed the past Are weeks.'",; : ' The hoy scouts of the Manila ward and their scout master, Vllace ' RaJ mall enjoyed an outing at Saratoga Springs Tuesday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wadley, Ike "Wadley and Amelia Burnham enjoy ed a trip to Deer Creek In Americas Fork canyon Thursday. - Mr. 'and Mrs. C. J Warnlck and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Warnlck enjoy ed the Poultry Day banquet Wednes day evening at American Fork. -Bishop Lr Mr AtwoodrMerrfll War nick and Mrs. Nettle Warnlck attend ed the funeral of Hector Evans a' Castle Dale -Tuesday. - " Mrs, Fern Edwards and children visited Wednesday and Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Grate Chlpman, of American Fortev V'i. - r ' . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meecham and son, Paul, ' oft" Sprlngvillei rlstted Wednesday at the W. W. Warnick home. Helen and Lee . Warnick ao companled them home for a few days visit.- --.;:-v----4r The Trail Builders of the Manila ward met Thursday-evening atTh home of Mrs. Nettle Warnick to -paxr-WffifTSrineTFTefltran4 enjoy ,a social hour. t , 1L V,-Swenson and ' family" were the guests of his sister, Mrs. E.,'D. Sandgreen,' of Provo Sunday at din. ner. After dinner .Mrs. Sandgreen Joined the Swenson family In visiting Mrs. Swenson who la convellesslng at the Alrd Hospital from a recent Mr and'Mrs. Merrill ;N. Warnlck celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary anni-versary Tuesday evening. Members t the family called during the even Ing. Visiting and a radio program were enjoyed. Light refreshments were served. ... , ' Mr. ami Mrs. George Hamilton and children, Margaret and George, Jr., spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Mer-rill Warnick. Mr.' and Mrs. Lynn Miller and baby of Ray, Arizona, are visiting with their parent, Mr. and Mrs. George Harris. Mrs. Ray Kirk and family of Mag na, are visiting this week with Mrs Kirk's parents, Mr. and Mrsr Ajtonzo Hooley. Mrs. James D. Thome and son. Cyril, were he guests of Mr. and Mrs. H I Madsen of Salt Lake City Sunday. ; Miss Jane Walker, who recently returned rom a inisslojj Xo lhe"north eastern states, will be the orinclnal speaker ftt 4he Llndon ward Bunday yeWfCi--" : - Piano At A Sacrifice We have in the vicinity of Pleae- ant-Crove -oneof "our 6bC "pianos Rather than return this piano to Salt Lake City, we --will sell at a sacrifice or wuTrent it to a" responsible party, Please give full references In first letter, GLEN BROS. ROBERTS PIANO CO., 161 Soiith Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah . . 6-29-2t 'Mr .and Mm. Archie Boren and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frampton returned home- Friday from a week's " trip through Yellowstone Park. .s.Lt-...,. . .r- r- 1 ; ... i .... ,' ' s -- -'I , . nF Mrs. Florence Harvy . Tyler of Fresno, California, la spending; her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Jlrs. J. L. Harvey, and other relatives. rela-tives. Mr. Tyler will Join her here the coming week and -they will visit a few days before returning home. Edith - and Llsadore Brown of Canada, Ora Hanks of Salt Lake, an 1 Fanny Nellsenr AHCe and Leone Paul of Magna, visited, Tuesday with Mrs. Martha Adams. They all motored to - American - Fork - canyon and enjoyed breakfast A. trip to the Cave was ; made, after which dinner was enjoyed enjoy-ed at the Cave camp. - --- Miss Maxine Clark, who has been visiting for the past month with her brother, J. O. Clark, and family,' left Sunday for San Francisco to visit Indefinitely with her brothers, Elliot and Wayne. Mr. and Mrs.J. 0. Clark and Miss Evelyn Adams ac companied her as far as Salt Lake City, ." ;:: 7'; '-': Dr. Brakcen of Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Clark and' Mrs.' James Hallsey. -of American- Fork,' made ' a trip by auto through Heber Canyon Sunday. , " Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bullock of Ventura. California, are spending a two weeks vacation with - .Mr. Bul-lockslwla Bul-lockslwla slater, Mm.-Aaron Walker and family. Mrs. Rulon Dixon is at the Crane Maternity hospital in Provo, with a winsome baby daughter born Saturday Satur-day morning,; All concerned are do ing. nicely, ; . t ' Mr. and Mrs. J. R. HalHday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Shoell and Mr. and Mrs. .James A. Dickerson attended the I'nion Pacific Old Timers convention con-vention at Salt Lake City. The following members of the Timpanogcs Sitake Sundar School Board visited , Sunday Schools in Salt Lake City Sunday: Clifford L Wright, r James D. Thome, Jamos Cullimore, Eldon Brinley, Elizabeth Newman, Viola West, Mrs. Erma Swenson and Helen Swenson. . . . MAJilLA SEWS -; At the Manila ward Conjoint fhs gram Sunday night. Attorney Isaac Prockbank of Provo will . be the spaker.""TUs" subject "will be Vhy I Neetf The Church". "There will also al-so be muslcarnumbers. , .. ' . "This will be a missionary farewell for Miss Effle Warnick, daughter of President Wtfford Warnick of the Tirapanogos Stake. She 'leaved early In July for the Western State i "mis sion.- ' '': . " LOOKING-DOWN - ON THE'TOPS OF THE ROCKIES . i ' "i . .. . - t ' 'I ' : ",. ''-" : 5w WATER AND MOUNTAINS' MAKE THIS A WONDERFUL VIEW -Say it With F Lowers, The Judge . i ' ' i Jkr weM fOp I a n of love J J 'SSSZJA ," V A .Ri'.-iU1-.. .VVBBA.I I p i .ttvv i inn nrxii f r 7-1 i H ' , ' ". 1 V M til II WimmmWVl.-- i . 3;;.-$ ianmr i. . , ',,,v.''- YOU SHOULD FKL ALL SWELLED UP SHEWASLAVIW yifO infcn t iiilmiviw ( TOT HIT ME il It J'CrystalL -By M.B. 1 CERTAINLY 00E1 FEEL 5WtLlED U? ticnt? nr.. n au ir j -rwncKcucrwvvtHJ AM Mi V M |