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Show SATURDAY SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1928 Radically JTTVn 1 Goats l4 -t ! -A i 1 1 a , -1 5? 1 ; I Don 't let your feed problems worry you. We are in the feed business and can help you with every feed question that comes up. Everything For Chickens and Livestock .-ft PRICES ALWAYS LOWER AND QUALITY TIIE BEST. American Fork Locals Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen and Mri J. L. Duskier, local memben of the Buke Board Relief Society, attended the teachers, contention of that or sanitation held Tuesdaj at Cedar Port Watch for the big Third Ward Night at the Cameo Theatre. Next Saturday, June 23rd. adr. Stephen Rawllnga and Miss Evelyn Sparka of Bingham Canyon, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker and baby daughter Clea of Salt Lake City, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Baker. Mrs.Syble Seegul of Salt Lake. City, visited the week-end in this city with suss neva aecK. wno is Home for a week's vacation before going to Salt Lake to attend the summer session of the University of Utah's Law School. Word was received last Wednesday June 6th, by Mrs. Clara Miller of the arrival f a winsome baby daughter Dick Adams, small son of Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Adams, underwent an operation for the removal of his ton. slls at the Provo hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Adams accompanied her son, and reports him to be Improving very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Ashby and family of Lemlngton, visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K I Ashby, enroute to their home from Salt Lake City, where they have been attending June conference. Mrs. Delbert Chlpman reported that all of the M. I. A. board members and the local M. I. A. officers were in at tendance for the June conference sessions ses-sions held in Salt Lake City Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Misses Dessie Beck and Myrtle Wild in company with Stanford Wild motored to Salt Lake - City Sunday evening, where they attended the Pantages theatre ... and visited with friends. i! '. . .-: : I a 3 - B Spring: Coats;7-f : :p: ; ooino at' " . .. ; Ml A . - fl I 14 v. f 1 i i . . 11 111 . 'T'J I . .ML. -V ) Krr m u . t SJ II i Mm I H I t. OUR ENTIRE STOCK Mr. and Mrs. Jmes H. Dunkley left last Thursday morning for thetr to Mr, and Mrs Ceorw T. nnm-.n . noma ,n 1X19 Angeles. California, Salt Lake Cltv. All rnnr.r. .,J after vlsItlnK Pst several weeks i with relatives in Salt Ike City, and with Mr. Dunkley's mother, Mrs. ; Hannah Dunkley and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. ATlamson of this city. RAIN COATS Misses' and Women's Colors Red, Blue and Green Special $5.95 Don 't miss the WINCHESTER CHALLENGE SALE in ' Hardware Department Most remarkable values ever offered RARE BUYS BIG VALUES Sizes for Misses, Women and Larger Women Select from such values as $12.85 Coats going at. $14.85 Coats going at. $16.50 Coats going at $24.85 Coats going at. $32.50 Coats going at. $10.90 . $11.00 .$16.57 ..$21.67 Offering most Remarkable Values ladies Clippers ' lligh, Medium and Low Heels for the price of a half ' sole and heel $1.95 Special RAYON BED SPREAD Size 81 x 108 Colors Rose, Gold, Blue and Orchid. Bargain $3.29 7 TOWELS Truly a Remarkable Towel Bargain. . Take time tojook at these 25c New Styles and Patterns in LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Fast Color 95c dhii uiiy. aii concerned are doing very nicely. Mrs. Romwell Is at the L.D.S. hospital. Before her marriage. Mrs. Romwell was Miss Sadie Miller of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Klmhall of Alfred Dunkley left last Friday for ! ? Moab, who have been visiting for the Salt Lake City and Ogden. where hejJ; past week at the home of Mrs. Kim ball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I Ashby, left the first of the week for Logan, where Mr. Kimball- will attend summer, school. The course he will study will be "Coaching", given under Coach "Pop" Warner of Leland 8tan ford University. ' visited with relatives several davs. enroute to his home in San Francisco. He has been enjoying a short Vacation Vaca-tion in Utah for the past several weeks. SPECIAL Men's SILK HOSE Fancy" patterns 3 Pairs for $1 11 J V AIM'S THE STORE OP QUALITY SPECIAL Men's Broad -cloth Shirts Fancy New Pittm 2..-!i Values $1.19 Mr. ana Mrs. uon Ivy of Overton. I Angeles, California, motored to Salt Nevada, arrived the first of the week, Lake City Tuesday, where they spent .nil A n V V . mm V Salt Lake City Saturday, where they spent the day visiting friends. They Bishop and Mrs. Joseph H. Storrs ' were also among those who attended and daughter Betha, accompanied by the Primary Jubilee and pageant held their guest, Mrs. Glen Stewart of Los ! that day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devev and Mrs. Vern Hnllndrnkp Vr T?n children Helen and John motored to I Okey and Mrs. LaDocia Wagstaff were among the local people who attended the Primary Jubilee held in Salt Lake City Saturday. and are at the home of Mrs. Ivy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. U Ashby. Mr. Ivy left Monday for the mission home la Salt Lake City; preparatory to leaving for the Southern States, where he will labor as a missionary for the L.D.S. church. Mrs. Ivy will remain with her parents for the summer, sum-mer, after which she will return to Overton and teach In the high school for the school season. the day combining business and pleas ure. Miss Violet Preston has accepted a position with the local Dixon-Taylor-Russell company. She commenced her new activities Saturday of last week. Miss Preston will All the vacancy vac-ancy left by Miss Florence Logsdon, a bride of this week. Among the members of the First Ward "Primary "'organization, who attended at-tended the Primary Jubilee held in Salt Lake City Friday and Saturday were: President Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Lucy Bush, Mrs. June Wright, Mrs. Mary Humphries, Mrs. Ray Ellison, Mrs. Louise Howes, Mrs. Nina Wand- lass and Mrs. Sadie Meredith. Cleae-Up Prices Following our big June Sale we have a number of items we desire dean up and to do so EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES are being made. Note The Few Items Below to OUR ENTIRE LINE OF - SUMMER WASH GOODS CLOSING OUT AT 20 Percent Off American Fork Babies Show Best In Tests With one-third of the total number of babies examined being normal- and only twenty seven defects being nojed, American Fork showed to the best advantage in the baby conference held by the Utah County Health unit during the past week, according .to Mrs. Evaline Reed, county unit nurse. A total of sixty five babieB were examined during the week at three centers. Pleasant Grove... American Fork and Provo. Nine babies were normal, while 136 defects were noted. Corrections since the last conference: held in Provo, showed seventeen hav- ing been made. j The co-operation of mothers ' and workers throughout the county is reported re-ported as excellent by Dr. Ernest P. Oldham, unit doctor. Announcement NOTICE TOWEL SPECIAL Extra Large Bath Towel Special 75c Pair Large Size Hand Towel Special .. ..... 59c Pair Special Guest Towel 30c Pair ART GOODS After Sale Clean-up Entire Lot 25 Reduction Regular $1.00 Grade FANCY RUBBER TEA APRONS Only 75c i The People's Store' Notice is .hereby given that the Board of Education of the Alpine Bchool district will adopt it's 1928-29 school budget at their special meeting to be held June 2Cth. 1928, at 5:00 P. M. in the offices of the Alpine School District, American Fork, Utah. J. F. Walton, Clerk. o- NOTICE Klu Klux Klan leaders will explain in detail why they cannot support Al Smith for President. Ithas been reported re-ported that bets are made in Wall St. with odds of 8 to 1 that he will be nominated and Klan leaders are going to bend every effort possible to defeat de-feat him at polls. The meeting will be held at the American Fork City Park on !iain street at .8:30 o'clock p. m.. Saturday evening, June 15. U will be an open air meeting and every one is urged to attend. The park will be well light ed and crosses burned. Crowds of Klansmen from Bin- ham, Magna and other Salt Lake County points will be present as well as from Lehl and Provo. I S. Stewart Vould you pledge to support an institution m an effort to lower the costs of the last services ser-vices we render our loved ones and still maintain the present HIGH QUALITY OP MATERIAL AND SERVICES t You can now purchase a SERVICE CERTIFICATE voththeAXDERSON BROS. MORTUARY CO. at a nominal fee of TEN DOLLARS-$10.00 DOLLARS-$10.00 which entitles the holder and ALL " his or her near and dear ones-to a complete burial sen-ice at COST plus 10 per cent. We have been serving American Fork, Alpine and surrounding communities for more than thirty years and those that we have served Know the Iiih qualitv of poods and service we Rive. THAT SAME HIGH STANDARD kHALL CONTINUE TO BE OU IMPOLICY IM-POLICY TO ALL. By purchasing a ANDERSON DROS. MORTUARY CO. service certificate you can reefeve funeral burial service! nL,m8aVln? that cannot be duplicated. Not .only will credit be extended to certificate holders but your certificate is transferable. clnLPM ,nf0'Vor a rvlce certificate when you can pur-th. pur-th. aZT ,r 1,,'"l, ,rom eH established institution . S I" ' , a",k the publlc t0 buy their equipment and set or mo??-. bU8inpH8 and '"tltlet you to the same saving!;' Holders of other Service Certificates will be tfTen samS" consideration. " Anderson Bros. Mortuary Co. I PHONE 106 " - American Pork. Utah |