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Show SATURDAY, NOVEMTgn SATURDAYTSoVEMBEB 26, 1927 AMERICAN FORIC CITIZEN 26. Lower Feed Prices Our latest shipment of feeds make the follow-lowing follow-lowing low prices possible: WHY THIS IS THE SIQR $1,95 . 2.00 2.00 . 2.40 100 Pounds Whole Corn. 00 Poutuls Cracked Corn.. 100 Pounds Ground Corn .1 100 Pounds Mash .. HUNDREDS TO SELECT FROU BLUE BLAZE COAL Fit , and Staisf action Guaranteed gg-mmatsassssaam All Prices as low as New Styles and " ' Colors .$7.75 $20. Lump. 00 All Prices of Feed and Coal at Mill. CM i i . y . ..,., j i . OVERCOAT 1M HO iUct fetalMi Mail American Fork Locals Mrs. C. M. Beck returned home the last part of the week from Salt Lake, whore she had been visiting friends and relatives during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Wryde have bought the home formerly owned by Lee Walker. Tbey moved Into their tiew quarters this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hyruni Davis of Bingham Canyon, and Mrs. ,9eal Snow of 8811 Luke City, spenTThanks. giving day at The home of their fatlu er, John H. Davis. E. J. Wilds and eon Lnard, made a business visit to Salt Lake City on Friday. Mrs. F. T. Norrli. a,nJ fa ully were guests Ht the home of Mr t M. H. Spencer on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Dill Jones of Provo, were Sunday visitors at the home of MYh. Jones aunt, Mrs. G. A. Zabris-kie. Zabris-kie. Mr. and Mrs. Allen -Shelley. Ctt King, and Harold Comer of Lebl, were guests on Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Io T. Shelley. KEEP a lookout for the dates an. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kirk of Fait nounclng the Klevver Kiddles Act at j Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cameo Theatre. adv. Drown and family of ' Bingham, j wore guests on Tbanksgtrlng Day at Miss Virginia Browli arrived home. the home of Mrs. Lillian Brown. Turaday from Salt J-inke City, where j she has been visiting for the past! Miss Cleo Bates entertained last several weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Smith. Mr., and Mrs. Smith ac companies her home, and spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Lill. Ian K. Brown and family. Mrs. C. A- Plerson entertained" at dinner on Thanksgiving day for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doll of Lehi, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strange of thiB city, Mr. Plerson,. who Is employed in Spring City, was also . horn for the holiday. . Tuesday evening for the Gleaner Girls of the Second ward. The Moclal. was In the form of candy pull and weenie roast. A Jolly time (r reported. or Fit is one of the things we are expert in. vvu nave moaeis i every figure and guarantee that you Jl.be satisned. TmrTltlSrKWTnorFinoroiiaiiy - iiiubcuiiuc overcoats than the ones here by nan tocnanuer a .Marx. Bi ,n i i iii nil v n i I'lii'i "ffj' For the man who wants the best suit money can buy there's nothing finer than a " HART SCHAFNER & MARX HAND MADE SUIT - Young men about town like the double breasted' 3 coat. Shoulders are broad, i ' lines are trim at the waist - . J- and hips. Only a half doze- or so tailors in great cities can clothes like They have s' needle work. Prices Are Very Low 3 Luxrious Lining. Copyright 11T Hart Scbaff uer Mars The Klevver Kiddles are coming to the Cameo. Watch for the dates. Lucian Crandall arrived home last Wednesday from Chinook, Montana, where he has been tht past six weeks working at the new " sugar factory. He is at the home of his sister and j Thanksgiving Day. broUier.In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Luther i Glddlngs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil BoAXina of Salt lake City, Miss Thelmi Shelley, lr-en lr-en Stokes of Bingham Canyon; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webb of Lehi, Ho. ward Peterson of Ihi; and Mr. tnd Mrs. Ray Shelley and family of this city, were dinner cueist of Mr. acd Mrs. John Berg aid family on BUY NOW While Buyings Good At Prices You'll Like and Remember. THE STORE OF QUALITY SALE LADIES' COATS SPECIAL PRICES Every Coat In The House On Sale. BVCB3 SAVE You Can't Help But Save When You Buy at the Prices We Are Quoting. C ..CHIPMAN-S.A jT'Tri' MT-'i riiiiii wmiMMil iiitlii iriiWii JTiiuii ' il i m mm rrrnmi Misses Mildred Dunkley and Mona Hlndley spent Thanksgiving Day in Salt Ikei City, visiting friends. A delicious Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Emma Foster. Beeides the members of the Immediate family, covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Doan, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crosby and son Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Young, t Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Larson and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilds had as guests at their home for Thanks, giving dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Raynor Goates of Ogden, Mrs. Emily K. Adamson, Charles Kelly, Miss Leona Kelly, and Miss Dezia Beck of this city. Mrs. Goates remained at the Tli out-of.town visitors who at. tended the funeral of Mrs. Eliza Goalen McNeill Wednesday afternoon! Wilds' home for a two weeks visit were: Mrs. Rose Goalen, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Hlcken, Mrs. C. L, Mar. croft, Mrs. W. 0. Snyder, Miss Leone Walton, Mrs. A. P. Poalton, Wilford Gpalen, Mr., and Mrs. Stanley Goalen, Martha Goalen. John McNeil, Mary Duncan, Mrs. Arnold family of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs.: Yates, Mrs. Ernest Shaetef, Mrs. Leon Whipple of Oglen, and Mr. artdj Agnes Boley, all of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Foster Nloholes. and family cf and Mr. and M- Vera McNeill ot this city.. Idaho. Watch for the Klevver Kiddks at Cameo. Big Vaudeville.. adv. Miss Eleanor Kelly, who is attend, ing School at the Brigham Young f nivorslty at Provo. and Mrs. P. M. Kelly of St. Anthony, Idaho, were guests on Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. N..Chrlten-sen. main: If ' " l L mMfl wan car- r.; Lovers of Music You don't know what you are missing by not having a nice Crosley Bandbox Band-box Electric Radio. Wonderful music is in the AIR waiting for you to catch it. OUR RADIOS ARE MEDIUM PRICED. Don't forget to get a chance on the beautiful radio we are giving away Christmas Eve. (Keep abreast with the times.) American Fork Co-op. Inst. : I. : I 5 1 9 5 9 a. 9 2 9 ; 9 9 I 9 i: 9 9 S "The People's Store" "Organixed 1868M Thanksgiving Day was enjoyed by i Variety Program Featured Mrs. J. P. Werner and son Harold.! t t Tnn 4. Of-High School ajid.Mrs. S. P. Kitchen In Provo at the home of Mrs. W. D. Davis. - Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Zabriskle, Mr. ""uv "Bca " aDBUJluiCUl, and Mrs. Marley Zabrieskie and u,uc,cul "- family. Miss Olive Zabriskle, an-l VnmMe Art department of the High Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Davis, spent j Sch001 exPlicltly believes in this sort Thanksgiving Day in Sandy at ho of thlng' Wednf8day morning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merril Hand. Mrs. J. P. Werner, and son Harold. Mrs. E. B. Rucker, and Mrs. S. F. Kitchen motored to Provo Wednesday, and . spent the day visiting with Mrs. Ruel Davis. They were guests at dinner that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hlndley en. tertained at dinner on Thanksgiving Day for the members of the Immediate family, and also Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Culbertson and family of Provo, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hindlc and family of this city. Card Of Thanks Wo are most sincerely grateful to the many-friends acd relatives who assisted us In any way during our recent bereavement. For the regular weekly devotional exemses, they wero in charge of the program. They certainly did justice to it, and gave such a wide variety of readings, that not a single person tired of this rholly verbal program, with the inception in-ception of two or three musical num. bers to fit in with their varied assortment. as-sortment. The numbers were given in the following listment: violin duet, Sarah Chlpman and Ann Clayson; "My Makeup", Virginia Eggertson; "Little Brown Baby", Bernice Barratt; "Columbus", Naomi Halliday; vocal solo "I Golamlrinaf Muriel Hunter f "Romance of a Busy Broker", Lucile Harmon; "rmHuh", Lucile McAllas, ter; piano solo, "Vqnetian Love Song", Fay Parker; "In The Morning", Lorraine Boley; "Ma And The Auto", weiiie .McAllister; Rivals". Erma Logsdon; "In The Pantry", "Aan Clayson; a one act nlav. "At The J ber 2; Social Service Meeting Tuesday, November The regular monthly Social s rice meeting will be held Tuesdajl the Alpine stake tabernacle, TuesJ November 29th, commencing pronl ly at 2 p. m. Mrs. Mary Cooper of Pleasi Grove has arranged to give a Jectii In addition, Mrs. Walter Devey, will give a reading, and Mrs. J. Firmage will sing a sold. Everyone Is Invited to be In tendance. JUDGE TANNERS DECISION A me car8, MVivlc- t ,,-,..11 t., honnHfnt- ftnm! -"KWiil -c;!jrKian.. .r.nrr TOOK. cept our heart ft Thanks and nn. . , .vow, Huriim.T was very spien'iidlv preclation. Homer Vhicont anil daughter -r' Sisters and brothers of the " deceased. ! Riven, and met with continuous tip. . piause irom the students. Miss Dona i Durdant, clircctop;6f5thia.. department, ; should be commended for the results uer une training. Highest Prices Paid for VEAL, POULTRY and EGGS Correct Candling Guaranteed. Telephone 115 FULTON MARKET Miss Mona Hindley was a bus!, ness visitor in Provo on Wednesday. Gudmundsen-Davies Marria.fr 0 Miss Marie Gudmundsen, attractive aaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gud-tnundBen Gud-tnundBen of thi8 city, and Maurice Davies of Provo, were united in marriage mar-riage Tuesday in Salt Lake City. Miss Gudmundsen is well Vnon fn this community, having made a hoat vi mentis during her High School days and since. She is well liked and admired by cveryont. Mr. Davies la also well known in the city where he lives, and by his co-workers in the firm by which he is employed, being a promising and and advancing employee em-ployee of the J. C. Penney store In Provo. The young married couple are r celving shower, 0f congratulation! end best wishes for the future They wIU make their home in Provo for the present. " Tit: "Chlronractlc is" a 'delin:tesoleii' for healing the sick, rirnt;nizd the law s of Utah, and its i.ra-tK fone: must ha Jlconnnd to nr:i Lu an law It stands on an equal motinj he medical science." This Is -In narL the di-cUion Judge Tanner on Monda.v. NovemH 21st in dismissing the ta.c aPin: Dr. A. B. Kesler, Salt Lake ClM praetor. . Chlronractlc was recognized by ' Deonle of this state In 1923 M the SUtf Legislature to license Chlropracoj and In 1923 a-State Board of Chim oreated- practic examiners wa.: TitH Chlronractorahaving compneo A 11 4 f i a vaiiilMmdntB nf the la1 the State of Utah and the rulei.ol W ... - ..fintl uepartment or reginii""-registered reginii""-registered jnd licensed to treat man ailments without tli u,e ' drugs or medicines or opera surgery. "Chiropractic IsTlie Better, wav To iieaju. DR. JAMES M. . l.M uiiiropra--, m 1 ? fttei Chi r jjari W JJ I Th I1 Vp tl ma iji 1 Se'. utlu UDOI Ml A fork rto nu 1U01 nil OKI iei ie A i t ate last Bed A itto the fror nit IS I ft. con Uo pi CU PB1 a i In; All ett offi Amerilcan Fork . , --r |