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Show BATTJBDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 192a, auemcan roBK cnmir SATURDAY, SEPTEMB ALPINE NOTES Dempsey Knoyvs and Now Shows ; Weight of Championship Grown By. Mrs. Jos. Little number -of young married pso. a Am. aeiMtsFAal fflF pie from ner w one mor i - - - 4u4B asBrirn nsBiuran aw aprlngs close for the summer. Five Yean of Title Toting and Rich Living are Factors Fac-tors Favoring Firpo GIANT-KILLER TODAY EE 8. 1923. - iff : 1 1 ' ' - ' dev. - : in rA . Mrs. Rosebell Andrews spent Sat in American Fork with her mother. Mr. Jo Marsh and family spent Sunday in Lehl with his wit and bal y who are ther with her mother. e ' Sunday evening an extraordinary Written specially for The Alpine Publishing Co. By ROBERT FULLER Thfu Autoc&ster Serlvce SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y. SEPT. 4 When the hour arrives that Jack Dempsey la no longer heavyweight champion of th world, down In hie Heart of heart he will know WHY.' He likely will offer no alibi,, but in stead will concede all honor to the new champion though later, in quiring sports reporters will quote him and tell gfjnany reasons for bis defeat Perhaps none of them will be correct ' ,. '." Fiv ' rears of championship and Dempsey Is a different rlngman to, day. ' The - weight of a championship crown Is much heavier than even Jack himself will admit. But, to a certain terteTan' sport " writer who ' has been constantly assigned to DemDser's camp." from the days at Toledo before The Giant Killer won ' the crown from-Wniard,, up to and Including the present training siege her for firpo, It Is noticeable that Jack's shoulders are stooped a bit wider the toad' of his honor. ''In plain words, th Dempsey confidence con-fidence today lacks that (rareness which mad him Invincible In the dan when he' had everything' to win and nothing much to lose. Ha. man mid now make the mere thought Of giving no th king's seat an occasion for doubUng thoughts. ? Dempsys Concern At Shelby, Mont, when he was pre. paring tor Tom Glbblns, Dempsey nrver' mlsseed an opportunity to ash-close friends in the newspaper game about what was going on In th: Gibbons' campf Dempsey knows a every- follower of the- boxing same knows, that the difference la ability between a, champion and a persistent challenger la. never very great Let a good challenger catch a champion ob, air' 6fr day- tuft a title (a liable to change, hands. Maybe the scrap at Shelby was aa rofT flay for Dempsey. -' Than again maybe' It waa that little lack of confidence In Dempsey plus something els (which w are going to tell you about) and. which resulted result-ed in the upset to formand a moral victory for Tom Olbblns, who was still there at the 'end of th fifteen-round fifteen-round fight with the great Dempsey. Those who freely opined that Dempsey could have won over Gib. bona with ease should have aeen Dempsey at Salt Lake City a days after the Shelby fight M the authority for this article. waa the owner of a pretty a of black eyes (Gibbon's gift) anyone would car to see. few did He pair as And Dempsey was glad that Jt was all . But all this 1s beside th point Dempsey beat Gibbons, maybe not Impressively, but beat him; and ha will, of eourso, enter th ring AT REALART TODAY "Woir, the reuovne, German pollc dog who participated la the world war and who served enthusiastically enthu-siastically under the German, Eng. Hah. ' French and American flags, will arrived In American Fork today. For Gas - Oils Tires - Tubes Accessories Etc. Go to the- ' TIMPANOGOS Service Station FAMOUS DOG "IIP j asanas " frs,t J li ' ) Ji ' 1 Vv'4 ., j THB CHAMPION TODAY a strong favorite to beat Louis Firpo at New York on September 14. " " Th Toll f Wealth Th difference between the Dempsey Demp-sey of today and the Dempsey ot five years ago la MONET. 'Today, Dempsey Is a wealthy man. For the last five years he has been living on thiTfat of tha land, enjoying lux. urlea and comforts Vhlch wer en-tlrely en-tlrely outsid hd Ideas of posslbllL ties flv years ago. Then, too, there is the "toll of Idleness" which few are strong enough to resist It Is aoubtrui it Dempsey - has been a sever enough taakmaker tor himself to envade paying physically for It Soma critics say Dempsey Is ',wlde open" tor the first man who comes along with a real right-Land sock. Firpo has it His right hand wallop la really' his only fighting as. set It hag been enough, coupled with his great bulk, the fact that he hasyoulh's endurance and likes to fight Tom Gibbons smacked Dempsey with hi right Even old BUI Bren- nan kept laying a right up against Dempsey's Jaw before taking the K. O. All remember little George Carpen tier's right smash in the sec With him is Jer Evans, who man- aged "Wolf tor th American ex. pedlUejiaJT-.fQrc.ee and who brought him to America following the war. At the Realart thetr tnv dog wtnunfitbrabl conditions. On the llgb- appear tonight and also at the mat- Ine this afternoon. At the theatre performances he win do a specialty act in which he will demonstrate the Intelligence that has made him famous th world jover. After being captured from the Germans by an aviator, "Wolf served ser-ved heroically under the French flag and was wounded while being a courier, earring Important messages mes-sages along th front lines. For this he was decorated with the Croix de Guerre for "heroic and meltorious service rendered under fire when wounded." Rate of Seeding Winter Wheat The time of seeding winter wheat on th dry-lands 1s almoat here again end while we are suffering from an overproduction of this cereal there lire certain sections In our state, which are adapted to no other crop. .The highest yields possible are there- tore necessary If -the bare cost of, production Is to be secured. Results secured st the Kenhl 8ub. f. 1 - ' I station .as given by Supt. Asrn F. Pracken. Indicate that six pecks per sera on ordinary c'ay rmm soil hve ' given-higher yields than smaller Thirty Acres, for a second Flrpo's ffallepmg Bight Now this person Firpo is liable to' sTlck around a while with Dempsey H is big and he thinks .he can win. And he will keep walloping away with that right Who knows what will happen! ' - Dempsey ot course will go after the big challenger. Just like he did Wlllard at Toledo, from th first gong in the first round. Wlllard sat down at least ten minutes In that opening stanta, but was there In the second round with a long right up-percut up-percut which rocked Dempsey and shook him to the heels. Dempsey was arm. weary and winded from punching. He couldnt have taken another such smack Just then. Well, supposing now that Flrpo's endurance and fighting heart are a wee mit more than Wlllard's was on that day, and the physical Dempsey softened considerable by five yea re ot all that wealth carries with it? We will all know more about It when we look at the newspapers the morning of September 15. j amounts WMle there Is no danger In the heavier seedings of seven and eight pecks there is no advantage 'unless the sowing Is done under tor types ot soil the sowing of a bus. het or less might be advisable. Never Noticed Before Judge: "Arena you ashamed to be seen In this court room a man or your seeming anility to appre ciate the better things?" rasoner: wow mat you ask mo Judge, I believe thts. blooming place does need a Httle paint and fixing up." FROM THE FACTORY TODACwfin J ond round at Boyle's It had Dempsey dlssy Imfi meeting was held in in house, Dr. Lund nd Pres. Morris gave very Interesting talks. miss Helen Whitby gave a reading, Mrs. Rachel Devey a violin' solo and Mrs. Tfcor.a niann a vocai BOH. m - . frit a m i j meeting house was filled to Its capa city. see Mr. and Mrs. Barnes M. Grant were hera Sunday evening to attend the meeting. A large number of Relief Society ftn attended the social given In American Fork tabernacle Tuesday. Brother Morris and two sons, Brother Lund and two sons, John Moyle, Sterling Devey, Bishop, Vance and Bert Marsh formed the company who climbed to Lake Harding and Lone Peak, north of Alpine Monday, returning Tuesday evening. All re. port havlg had ' a very good trip, Tuesday night they had a large camp fire which could he seen all over the country. ' Mr. Warren B. Smith spent Mon- day her with his daughter, Mrs. Clyd Strong. ;. see Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holm an of Plea. sant Grove wer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith Sunday. e Jos. Moyle who Is working In Park City, spent Sunday here with his family. Th Young Mothers Club met at the horn ot Mrs. Velma Devey Thurs day. see Miss Doris Forbes la horn again after visiting in Provo for a week with her slater, Mra. Tom Allen. e Mr. Aron UtU and Jos. Little -were la 8alt Lake Friday on business. Mr. Jo Marsh motored ta Provo Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Bramble ot Salt Lake were her Monday visiting relatives. Mr. C U Wfrn'ck'of Manila was In Alpine Tuesday on business. Miss Lenore Groo Is horn after spending the past three weeks at Saratoga with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mra. Horace Gellett Mr. Marsh and Milton Groo have been hunting up American Fork can. yon the first of th week. Mr. Chas. N. Holman ot Manila spent Monday andTuesday her visiting vis-iting his sister, Mrs. Clarinda LHttle. Rena the three year old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Devey, cam near drowning Saturday evening In a hole that was full ot mud and water, the little child fell In the hole head first and th mother-hearing an un. usual sound, made by the child trying to call went to th door Just to-se the child's feet above the. mud. The child was unconscious and" her lungs were full of mud and water, but tha parents brought her too after consid." ersble work. . Misses Kate, Beatrice ( Hazel and El ma Monson and brothers Wlllard and Verdon spent the week end with their aunt, Mrs. Clarinda Little. Miss Alice Whitby who works In the Marsh store, Is spending her va-J cation In Salt Lake with relatives and friends and the people miss her cherry smile as they enter the stor. . a . ... . . . ana win t gua to see her back. sk m Miss Marva and Little Vane wer American Fork visitors Tuesday. e e The thrashers are making good headway in Atlne thla week, they keep the men busy filling the bins and women filling the tables, this week win finish most ot the grain. The Daughters of the Pioneers met Thursday at Mrs. D. C. Strong, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Oscsr Carlson of Salt Lak ar here visiting , at the home of Mrs Carlson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. , Mr. Wm. Healey of Murray spent Insist on getting a few days hero and friends. visiting relatives , Mrs. Belva Strong entertained the Stake officers of tha Primary Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. Mr. Ralph Strong, Dewey Ben. rett-Vernal Bates, Van Alma Vanes LeMar Moyle, Leon Wllkins and Wen-dal Wen-dal Moyl went hunting Monday, re. turning Wednesday. Mrs. Mark Strong and family bar moved to Park City, where Mr. Strong has employment. Mr. Frank Bateman and Clyde Strong hav gone to Bearer to find employment ' . . Miss lone Marsh has been visiting in Lehl a few days with her mother. -Miss DeUla Moyl) of Sell Lak is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Moylo. Miss Rhoda Johnson of Provo Is visiting at th horn ot her grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Nash. Mr. Theral Marsh and Austin Moyle are horn again after being away all summer working for the railroad. Miss Doris Forbes spent Monday and Tuesday in American Fork, the guest ot Miss Merle Crookston. By A. L, Devey and Mrs. Claud Zabriki Mr. and T most everybody 30x3z mearV-. usco NATURALLY USCO'S could hardly have delivered de-livered such money! worth tire after tirewithout making a clean sweep. v Ifg been a pretty perform ance every rime no two opinions about that Andnotwocpinlonsalout what tire to get again after a man hag once used USCO United StstesTlres ere fefifj Tires WhtntobuyUSUKS TixfcftUtk PittS & Hatch Mntnr Cn. - - thetmnloaftfi cMlrdea of Provo spent th forepart of th week at th home ot Mr. ant Mrs. D J. Hamnett 'Mr. and Mra. ftay Elliott of Provo were Sunday guests of Mrs. F. 1 Clark. -". :'; - Mr. and Mrs. David Bateman sal family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Bats, man and children of Lehl and Kr. and Mrs. Edward Burgess and son Ross spent Monday In American Fork Canyon. Mrs. Mary Ann Bell returned U her home la Salt Lak after spending the past week visiting at the horn of Mrs. Isaac Healey and Mrs. EQU LTorry. ' -;. j . Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hamnett aai Mr. and Mrs. Claud Zabriskle ant children of Provo motored to Salt Lak Monday to spend th day. -' v . The many friends ot Mr. F. C Clark will be pleased to learn he Is at homo after being confined to th American Ameri-can Fork hospital tor th past tlx week with a broken leg. Miss Less! Devey had as her guests' Sunday, Mr. Lloyd Miner of American' Fork. Miss, Opal Bramble and Kirk Giles ot Salt Lake City. Mamer i "What kind of eyes 00 you Ilk in man? Do you like brown, blue, block or gray eyes. Bade: don't car what colof eyes they bave.-so long as they hart "greenbacks.'' 3 'I If . . - - w A. Vl I " . w :: 7- . 'It A |