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Show - Colorado River Rui.Dff Forecast Is Revealed The April through July runoff run-off from tha Colorado River water shed above Lake Powell is expected to reach eight million mil-lion acre-feet, or 97 percent of the longtime average, the Bureau of Reclamation announced. The forecast is based on the water content on April 1 of 64 snow courses within the watershed area. It presumes normal precipitation for the remainder re-mainder of the runoff season. Lake Powell will range between be-tween elevation 3,G!1 and 3,GG9 above mean sea level. Lake Powell should be above 3.GCG feet throughout the summer months and then drop slowly (luring the fall and winter. The Like elevation prior to the spring runoff in 1975 should be about 3,G57 feet. The waters of Lake Powell are expected to reach a depth of 15 feet in the channel beneath be-neath Rainbow Bridge bj the end of summer 1074. l(W Jk m ajjl mm Sisters Donate $1,000 Each To Library Two Provo women, Tiielma Lggertsen Weight and Algie Eggertsen Ballif, have been named as life members of the Friends of the Library organization organi-zation at Brigham Young University. Uni-versity. The two sisters recently donated $1,000 each to the library li-brary in memory of their parents, par-ents, Lars Echart and Annie Nielson L'ggertsen. Donald K. Nelson, director of libraries, said the donations, coupled with donations of two other Eggertsen sisters, Anna Marie Decker and list her Peterson, and oilier members of the family, now total $9,000. Mrs. Ballif is the wife of George S. Ballif and Mrs. Weight is the wife of the late Dr. Jesse J. Weight. Both women attended secondary secon-dary schools and college in Provo. Mrs. Weight also studied at the University of Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Utah. Mrs. Ballif did graduate work at the University Uni-versity of California and Harvard Har-vard University. , Orem-Geneva Times April 18, 1974 i - Y ) ii athletics and was rated No. lin the State of Utah in the pole vaulting event, the article said. Elder Gourley has a unique calling in that he has been called as a Spanish speaking elder and underwent intensive language training at BYU before be-fore going to Colorado. According Ac-cording to a member there the elders have had several inquiries inquir-ies about the gospel through the publicity from the newspaper article. tit ., - If. 7 '11 it H Lets Go... tf I t- ' a I I To Hawaii N'fiiiinttfri. L THSSK WOME N WILL BE participating in the Orem North Stake Relief Society's Trom 13 to 50 in Pen, Brush, and Song," to be held April 18-19 in the 7-17-43 Ward Chapel. Relief Society Will Special Program ?;:) 8 Days-Three Islands Wm?$imf&.. Includes Jet Air Fare from Salt Lake Hotels UOCCT 4 From 13 to 50 in Pen, Bruch and Song" will be presented by the Orem Utah North Stake Relief Re-lief Society on April 18-19 at 8 p.m. in the 7-17-43 Ward Chapel Cha-pel at 1090 North 400 East. The theme will be developed by an historical narration and various var-ious musical selections by the Stake Relief Society chorus and guest artists will depict the cultural cul-tural development of America's cultural arts beginning with the early colonization to our present day. Peggy C. Lambert will be con- F rom left to right are Mrs. SusanSorenson, soloist; Mrs. Kathy Arbizu, accompanist; and Mrs. Barbara Buchanan, soloist. of the Stake will be displayed. PrGS Gnt The ljublic is invited to attend. There will be no charge. Hews Article Helps Orem Missionary An article which ran in a newspaper in Brighton, Colo., explained the activities of four young elders of the LDS Church who are serving in the area, including Elder Bruce Gourley of Orem, Elder Gourley has been in Brighton nearly three months and is also over halfway half-way through his mission. Before. going on his mission he was very active in high school ducting- the 50 voice chorus with Barbara Turner and Mary Kaye Harper accompanying. Tracy Jorgenson will narrate the script written by Mary Ann P. Chai. Among the special artists performing per-forming will be Scott Seamons, Kathryn Arbizu, and Susan Sor-enson. Sor-enson. A Cultural Art Exhibit will be held in the adjacent hall before be-fore and after the concert and many of the various forms of art and literature of the women 1 I Grand Transfers Inter Island Fares Aloha! Welcome to Warm, Sunny Days . . . For Further Information Call... TOUR WEST TRAVEL 270 South State - Orem Ph. 225-7600 Departs Salt Lake June 2, 1974 and returns June 9. tmmwA StORI HOURS: spniriGviLLi 8 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. EVERY DAY pnovo - onm 8 A.M. TILL 1 1 P.M. EVERY DAY SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TIL 10 P.M. AiiiniSAN Fonn 8 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. EVERY DAY SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. DEL MONTE TUNA v S EGGS large' ltC GRADE D0Z CARNATION INSTANT DRY MUX Cm FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI 15'A-OZ. can CANS PILLSBURY'S CAKE MIX layer nvrc VADIPTY KERR ' ,,4 j FRUIT JARS ' DOZ CRISCO OIL 24-OZ. BOTTLE fAOMRS. FILBERT'S w MARGARINE l-LB. PKG. m .MEADOW GOLD rtSft" ABUTTER l-LB. Parchment . Cream of Mushroom CAN CAS CAMPBELL'S MUSHROOM SOUP 5 89 4 ALL DETERGENT e1 89 HOME LAUNDRY HUNGRY JACK PANCAKE MIX 4-LB. BAG fSO3! LAC.HOY lJ CHOW M E I N i;len t'U 43'2-oi. Bi-pack Can BEEF CHICKEN PORK SHRIMP SOY SAUCE Bottle 43c SWIFT'NING hM4 SHORTENING 3 LB $1129 CAN y 1 L 1 CABBAGE I t ,.Att HAWAIIAN f- PINEAPPLES It jumbo Tlfo fyfo FRESH NEW 4f BEET GREENS . 2 bun. 19c PILLSBURY'S ,w BISCUITS V'"" SWEET MILK OR BUTTERMILK 10 BISCUIT TUBE 7 fljKt FOR HUNGRY JACK INSTANT POTATOES 24 SERVINGS l-LB. PKG. PILLSBURY'S cnnrc ruvui FI 22-OZ. PKG. PILLSBURY'S ANGEL CAKE MIX PKG. LEAN, MEATY FAMILY PAK Liu ilU UOt BONELESS GREENLAND BREADED TURBOT FILLETS lb. 79c FISH STICKS . lb. 78c FISH SQUARES lb. 78c BAR S FRANKS 12-OZ. PKG. (?) BREADED BONELESS POT ROAST (J to ROUND BONE POT ROAST CHOICE lb. $1.29 SPARE RIBS SOUP BONES lb. 29c CHUCK QUALITY LEAN GROUND BEEF S5' Vc PORK SAUSAGE 5 FAMIIV H!l I -u II U I PACK lb. FAMILY PACK FRESH SIDE PORK BY THE PIECE lb. 89c SS lb. 98c BAR S SLICED BACON lb. $1.19 BANQUET PI LAMBERCHT p- PPPPFRnm PI77A 65c LAMBERCHT CHEESE PIZZA 49c RUSSET SHRcDutu HAH RROWNS pkg. WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE i ,GaPE d 6-OZ. CANS ( c BUMBLE BEE 8-oz. Can OYSTERS . . 49c M.J. 8. 42-oz. Pkg. WHITE RICE $1.39 SWEET I 0 o-oi. Bottle SWEETENER 79c HEART OF UTAH 46-oi. C TOMATO JUICE . 39c SWIFT'S VIENNA 5-oi. Can SAUSAGE 3 cans 89c DREAM WHIP 8-oi. Pkg. TOPPING . . 89c N.B.C. SALTINE WAFERS 2-LB. BOX 79c PERFORM FABRIC SOFTENER ?rN 65c CHIFFON 200 Count FACIAL TISSUE 3 for 89c APPLE TANG Quart Jar MEADOW GOLD YOGURT 00 O 4 $1 CARTONS rut iwJ SALAD DRESSING 79c MEADOW GOLD it COTTAGE CHEESE .LB. HQS CARTON . n i c EACH PPFftP loat 4VC HAMBURGER AND iQ HOT Pnr- Rl1 doL 4V SWEET R 0 L ;- FOR tPBlNGVILLE AND OREM, GILLETTE TRAC II RAZOR $2.95 VALUE 19 $2 i $1.99 VALUE GILLETTE TRAC II BLADES 9 BLADES 1 39 HEAD AND SHOULDERS LOTION SHAMPOO SUPER SIZE ll-OZ. BOTTLE 52.45 $f45 Value 1 HEAD AND SHOULDERS SHAMPOO CIIDCO i r- 7-oz. tube Vaue SCOPE MOUTH WASH 18-OZ. $1.29 BOTTLE yalue JERGEN'S LOTION 20-OZ. BOTTLE $2.19 Value k I 1 V IfSiAj DETERGENT u KING SIZE LIQUID YEL 22-OZ. BOTTLE G CANS AJAX EANSER 21-OZ. CAN AJAX ;,;,,,, ALL-PURPOSE S -sf r A N F R 28-OZ. BOTTLE GIANT SIZE y i CLAIROL ! FINAL NET ) HAIR SPRAY F! ! l2-0L B0TTLE $179 $2.95 Value rri GILLETTE Hibm uUAnU M DEODORANT 7-OZ. CAN $1.44 Value $1.07 Value GILLETTE FOAMY SHAYE CREAM ll-OZ. CAN 59 GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD POWDER DRY DFOnORAWT D-UL. M POWDER $1.60 Value |