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Show County Farm Bureau To Hold Outing The Annual Utah County Farm Bureau Outing will be held August Aug-ust 13, 1970, 11:30 a.m. at Kelly's Grove, Hobblecreek Canyon, Springville. A delicious meal has been planned for those who attend and there will be games for the children. After the luncheon, the Talk Meet will be conducted by the Young Farmers and Ranchers Ranch-ers Committee. The reservation fee is $.50 per couple or $1.00 per family. Contact your local president for reservations by August 10, or the Farm Bureau Office, 45West 300 N., Provo, 375-3920. V WW. i - . t A Rohbock's Sons Floral 1042 So. State Orem, Utah A NOTEWORTHY SAFETY RECORD was set while drilling the 4. 1-mile -long Water Hollow Tunnel. Workers logged 200,000 hours in 370 days without a lost-time accident. Safety Record At Water Hollow Tunnel A significant accident prevention preven-tion record has been achieved by the contractors at Water Hollow Hol-low Tunnel. More than 370 days including 200,000 man hours of work have elapsed since the last lost-time accident. This is an important milestone in the history his-tory of tunneling and reflects conscientious cooperation from top supervision to front line worker. The safety record has been established over the past year by construction workers working in three shifts, five days per week. An average of 140 men were employed em-ployed each day with about 25 men working inside the tunnel on each shift. These men have all been complimented for their cooperation co-operation in attaining this outstanding out-standing safety record on such a hazardous project. ENROLLMENT UP IN BUSINESS COLLEGE The youth of today are not disenchanted with business as a career, according to applications and enrollments intheUniversity of Utah College of Business. In fact," says Dr. Joseph Peery, director of the graduate program in the College of Business, Bus-iness, "students are filing applications ap-plications at unprecedented rates to pursue graduate study in business bus-iness administration." More than 2,300 students have inquired about enrollment in the Master of Business Administration Administra-tion program so far this year, Dr. Peery reports. 'While many were just shopping, and many were advised not to apply because be-cause of weak undergraduate records, over 850 firm applications applica-tions for admission to the MBA program nave been received." Only one in three will be admitted ad-mitted to the program this fall because of limitations of staff and facilities. Little Mary Sunshine At Lagoon Little Mary Sunshine," the musical comedy hit that spoofs old-time operettas with a gentle, loving hand is being presented at the Lagoon Opera House by the University of Utah Theatre Players. Play-ers. With a libretto, music and lyrics lyr-ics all by one man, Rick Besoyan, Little Mary was praised for its satiric but affectionate evocation of the musical comedies of forty or fifty years ago. The male chorus inevitably knelt in adoration adora-tion of the girlishly sweet heroine, when good was all good and bad all bad, without any of today's exasperating in-betweens. In the foreground of this regimented regi-mented chorus is Cherry Edwards Ed-wards as the sweet and pure Little Mary, bravely cheerful though the mortgage is overdue, H.E.D. Redford (Capt. Waring-ton), Waring-ton), brave captain of the Rangers Rang-ers who will marry Mary if he but returns safely from a dangerous danger-ous and secret mission, Jim Takos (Brown Bear) as a good fatherly Indian. John Buffington (Yellow Feather) as a very bad and quite unbrotherly Indian. Little Mary's maid, named Nancy Twinkle, is played by Ann Rowe and Mary Jane Palm lends vocalisms and nostalgia to the role of a retired opera-singer with the humorous name oi Madame Von Liebedich. . i wni?, At kT Orem-Geneva Times Thursday, August 6, 1970 Noted Actress To Star In Local Drama Julia Meade, noted actress and television personality, will star in a performance of 'Wait Until Dark," a popular mystery drama, Aug. 12-15 at Brigham Young University. Uni-versity. Dr. Charles Whitman of the BYU Speech and Dramatic Arts Department will direct the play, which will begin each night at 8 p.m. in the PardoeDramaThe-ater PardoeDramaThe-ater of the Harris Fine Arts Center. Miss Meade has enjoyed the undisputed un-disputed position as television's top saleswoman. Spokeswoman for Kodak, Ford, and American Gas Association on the Ed Sullivan Sul-livan show from 1953 to 1962, she was in the unique position of being seen by more people each week than any performer who stars on his own show. MAN ON A TIGER on an Elephant - The most astonishing animal performance in circus history . . .Germany's fantastic Gunther Gebel-Williams is a star of the super-spectacular 1970 Edition of Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Eailey Circus. The Greatest Show On Earth comes to Salt Lake City s Salt Palace for nine thrilling performances beginning Thursday afternoon, August 20, through Sunday evening, August 23. Circus Returns Workshop Set To Utah For Mexican A VJ' W( ? .wdfiliia I i ULI ojJ cL I IA i Vportable compact washer J f tuesupertwinr f ""If I . . - I ii a run e tad -J Jut fl I . wv ;imk I TOP , Mja i'k , D giw I nJ ortuiML i . - i J W'M I niiimniMn rpdiiirfd I nated cover adds beautv v .lEgWla,;. I 1 1 1 1 and can be used separately f i'SQL S J b-U I as a serwina or utility tray. AV- CLOTHES - u "'oS- TONGS 0 'Qt Army Telephone Operators Needed "Number, please?" No sweet-voiced soprono this, but a young man in today's Army working a switchboard like one of Bell's own. Because of the increasing sophistication of modern Army communications networks, men skilled in the installation, operation opera-tion and maintenance of local and common battery switchboards switch-boards are needed. Following the mandatory eight weeks of basic training, those enlisting for this course will spend another eight weeks at the US Army Southeastern Signal Sig-nal School at Fort Gordon,' Ga. Classes will include: Introduction Introduc-tion to communications; basic orientation for switchboard op- erators; the installation and operation Of various switchr boards and Manual Telephone Central Office Sets; and an etad-of-course proficiency test and critique. While the young men manning the switchboards may not be as comely as their civilian counterparts, counter-parts, their job is every bit as vital and important to this country's coun-try's security. For further information on this and other fields open to young men and women in todays modern mod-ern Army, see Sgt. Eugene R. Moore at 1st W. 1st N., Provo. He'll be glad to help you. ; The all new 1970 edition of the Ringling Bi others and Barnum & Bailey Circus will open at Salt Lake's Salt Palace on August 20-23 20-23 following an outstandingly successful suc-cessful engagement last year in the same location. The 1970 edition will feature a score of internationally famous circus stars appearing in America Amer-ica for the first time. The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, constantly striving striv-ing for the right to maintain its billing as the 'Greatest Show On Earth is a unique presentation presenta-tion with all of the exciting glamour and thrills of traditional circus acts blended into a series of fast paced production numbers. The super spectacular show carries over 200 performers and .300 trained animals in a huge city on wheels consisting of 25 special oversize , railroad , cars. E very ' facility necessary for maintaining" maintain-ing" this community including a doctor, , wardrobe, personnel, a veterinarian for the animals, a ; self-contained electrical power plant and countless personal touches for recreation and a homelike atmosphere are part of the rolling village. Last year the Ringling Brothers Broth-ers and Barnum & Bailey Circus engagement was scheduled after the opening of school. This year's pre-school opening will allow many families to attend who were not able to do so last year. Educators Administrators of the schools operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico are participating in the first workshop to be conducted entirely in a foreign language on the Brigham Young University campus. Some 24 administrators representing rep-resenting the 38 church-operated schools in Mexico are engaged in a four-week idea-gathering project in education. The workshop entitled Opera-cion Opera-cion NuevoHorizontes (Operation Ne w Horizons) is devoted mostly most-ly to classroom instruction, as well as some field trips. Subjects Sub-jects to be treated include innovations in-novations in education, reality therapy, the use and preparation of audio-visual instructional materials, ma-terials, instructional methods and other education topics. Educational updating is the major goal of the administrator's workshop which will last until August 21. . Workshop director, Dr. Russell Bishop of the BYU College Col-lege of Education, said that most of the administrators are comparatively com-paratively young and are very capable leaders. Since many of the Mexican school officials brought their families to Utah for the workshop, work-shop, there are approximately 90 Mexican natives housed on campus in four buildings of Heritage Her-itage Halls. AGITATOR WASHING ACTION A durable polypropylene poly-propylene agitator With four high vanes produces a two-way washing action for cleaner clothes. 4 CONVENIENT SETTINGS INCLUDING DURABLE PRESS Dial can be set for Delicate, Normal, and Heavy Soil and Durable Press. Bell rings and washing action stops automatically at end of. selected se-lected washing time. Choose from one to fifteen minutes of washing time. IDEAL FOR: Apartments Homes Mobile Homes Dormitories Boats Vacation Homes anil Cottages RINSING AND SPIN DRYING Both rinsing and spin drying can bo done in the rpin tub. While one load U spin drying, dry-ing, a second load of wash can be started. Permits easy handling of your clothes. Pi events wet hands. Tongs included with every Supertwin washer. WATER AND SUDS SAVER Each machine is equipped with a water and suds saver feature. Provides economical economi-cal use and reuse of water. Also see the "Silver Lining" Automatic Washers & Dryers. m SPEED QUEEN. Quality and Dependability Since 19Q8 A Diviiion of McGraw-Ediion Company, Ripon, Wion!n 54971 1698 SOUTH STATE, OREM State Fair To Upgrade Fine A new system will be used this year at the Utah State Fair to upgrade the Fine Arts Entries En-tries displayed before the public. pub-lic. All entries will be 'juried or initially judged before going on display. The show is open to all artists art-ists in the state who work in oils, watercolor, graphic arts and sculpture. Due to the large number of entries and limited space available, the jury will select those works to be hung and will determine the award winners. Prize money and premiums for the winners total $1465. It was felt that the vast num- ber of entries in former years had made the displays in the Fine , Arts Building at the Fairgrounds somewhat congested. By limit-1 limit-1 ing the number of works on dis play, and not placing a ceiling on the number of entries the public could fully take advantage of the best artwork produced by 1 Utahns. Entry is open to all artists of Utah who are residents, resident res-ident students or native born Utahns living outside the state. Judges for the division are Valoy Eaton, Salt Lake City; . Harold Woolston, Pleasant Grove; and Ronald L. Bergen, Ogden. All works of art are to be delivered to the Fine Arts Building Build-ing on Sept. 4, between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., or Sept. 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show will be held in cooperation with the Utah State Institute of Fine Arts. A reception for all artists entered in the show will be held Sept. 10 at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Building at the State Fairgrounds. .t Brow) CHARLIE BROWN-9:10 Only RUNWILD-7:30& 10:45 MATINEE SAT. 2:00 The'Veanuts' Gang in their SFirst cMovie! riWkllMW(MMllfeMh uc4 'Boy Named Charlie 'Brown" A LIE MfNOCtSM - BILL MfLENHZ PRODUCTION -.U Wit WW MMkCHAfllE$H SCHULZ fteM LEE MENDELSON and BILL MtlENOU w,. WO WcKUEN VINCE GUAKALOI am- JOHN SCOTT IROTTER TECHNICOLOR A NATIONAL GENERAL MCTIMES RELEASE A CINEMA CENTER KUS PRESENTATION Plus 2nd I ,5M Wonderful ;: I FamUv I & V iffk Feature ,01,, ..IRVING ALLEN PRODUCTION JOHN MILLS MARK LESTER-Phnip Smcni lay by DAVID ROOK (rum hi novel Tlw Whnr ( ..It 1'ro.lmvJ by JOHN DANK MBS SKY Kxctulivt ftmliuvr ANDKKW DON ALLY Ditjilcd by RICHARD C. SARAHAN g Technicolor J Social Security No. Must Be On Application A spokesman for the Division of Fish and Game cautioned hunters hunt-ers applying for big game permits to remember to include their Social Security number on their application form. The proclamation procla-mation this year requires that the Social Security number of the applicant must appear on all applications ap-plications for big game permits. Application dates for moose, buffalo, and desert bighorn are August 3-13, 1970. Applications filled out incorrectly or received at the Salt Lake office of the Division of Fish and Game later than 12 midnight of the last day stated will be invalid and rejected. re-jected. READ THE WANT ADS "We had 'The Graduate'... here's the post-graduate! Elliott Gould is superb!" V 1 -mmtm nut. cm Mt ELLIOTT CANDICE GOULD -BERGEN GEJVUSr R LAYS IT ON THE LINE Weekdays-7:30, 9:45 Sat Sun. -From 1:00 PM NAIlONAl GtNtKAl 5 Lriuiu theatre 1230 N at 2nd W 374 5525 Leevancieef warren uaces Kerwin Mathews co-starring MarietteHartley Marie Gomez Armando Silvestre John Davis Cnandler and Forrest TUcker as Mountain Phil the mercenary" 4th and Last VJeek Cont. daily from 2:00 PM Productions 1 Slamitg 0II STCFt.ll Hll S MORSE POWERS SIIVERS 1 Vi. TECHNICOLOR jjf 2ND Big Disney Hit Swiss Family Robinson r .M.inr.tmcrs Now I rfUfi i" ' JJ l,ont. Uaiiv X wjirarnraiD msarn ftBLlflKE EDWARDS proooctoi sruiia I .... I ' J0 " Hurry Hn.i , ,T , I 4 " DARlilNG LilL J i V TECHNICOLOR" PANAVISION" A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 5 .A, i U ADMTTf D -QiialAMli)c. q |