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Show Orem-Gensva Times . CLINGER SISTERS A benefit program to send the dinger Sisters to a Barbershop Quartet competition in Kansas City will be held June 14 at 8 : 15 p.m. at Orem high school auditorium. The well-known group shown above are Melody, 15 ; Peggy, 13 ; Patsy, 11, and Debra, 9 dinger Sisters To Be Honored At Benefit Program The local Sweet Adelines chapter and the Utah Valleyaires Valley-aires of the Utah Valley Chapter Chap-ter of SPEBSQSA are co-sponsoring co-sponsoring a Barbershop program pro-gram at the Orem High School auditorium June 14th at 8:19 Poy Only 52,40 h, wi U. S. Rock Wool Sales Co. 1698 So. State, Orem Ph. AC 5-3420 MOVING Storage Pianot Packing Furniture ALL STATES MOVING & ! STORAGE Phone FK S-lfll Agent - Mayflower . prove World-wide Uovinj I J , (wdri Crdt tar Stti mt I -w umm4 0 Um I Sim SPORT SHIRTS MANS PAJAMAS Wash and wear cottons Full cut, extra roomy short cr long sleeves. sanforized. $1.66 to $3.99 49 TIES - Dark or light shades, GIFT SETS priced from Hankies, wallets, shave 59c to $1.50 each 'qq only HOSE ' Rayons, cottons long or "LEE" RIDERS short tops. ' For men, 13 oz. Den- 55c pair taF"nfaraQ Others 79e to $1.00 pr. yo.VO HANKIES HATS White and colered bord- Straw, felt or cloth er. priced from 10c to 49c each J 49c to $4.00 -i n r! n n ru-unr-i -r-iii J M - , Get your Gold Strike Stamps and enter the "Sweepstakes" Contest Store No. 3 FLETCHER'S S6S West Center Thursday, June 7, 1962 I , p.m. The purpose of the Dro- gram is to raise money to help send the Cllnger sisters quar tet and parents to Kansas City to attend the annual In ternational Barbershop competition com-petition June 22nd and 23rd. Outside quartets performing on the program will be The Flames of Bountiful; The Osmond Brothers of Ogden; and the New Tonichords from Salt Lake City. Local groups participating will be the Provo Chapter of Sweet Adelines, Inc., and the Utah Valleyaires, the local mens Barbershop chorus. Several Sev-eral local quartets will also perform along with the dinger ding-er sisters who are Melody, Peggy, Patricia, and Debra. John Carl Hancuff from Salt Lake City will be the M.C. Directors' Di-rectors' of the choruses are Jack Owen and Fred Webb. Farnsworth Feted At Kiwanis Meeting "We came to Orem by choice ... We love Orem, we're going to stay here." This was part of the response of O. V. Farnsworth when Orem Kiwanis Club honored him and thanked him for his service ser-vice as City Manager in Orem. Testimonials praising the retiring re-tiring City Manager were delivered de-livered by Mayor Milton Jameson and by former Mayors May-ors V. Emil Hansen and Mel Wallace. Postmaster C lyde Weeks was' director of the test monial program. Mrs. Farnsworth Farns-worth attended the luncheon with her husband, and testimonials test-imonials of appreciation were aLo extended to her. In response to the testimoni als and expressions of apprec iation, Mr. Farnsworth said "The thing I'd like to see more than anything Is !the continuation of the successful growth of thhis city . . . We're going to grow and we're going to be one of the finest cities In this country. We're going to grow and we're going to be prosperous in direct proportion to our efforts In Christian living." Tn other business, the Kiw anis Club presented a larbel pin to Russ Horam is recognition of 7 years of perfect attend-dance, attend-dance, and a pin to Eldon Bitter Bit-ter in recognition of 6 years of perfect attendance. Prere, TJta Susan Hales Susan Hales To Wed In August Mrs. Chrissle J. Hales. 1611 Sandhill Rd.. Orem is announ cing the engagement of her daughter, Susan LaVada, to Maurice Grover Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover A. Thomas, of Glenwood, Alberta, Canada-. Miss Hales Is also the daughter of the late Caleb (Calle) D. Hales. Friends, City Officials Honor Retiring City Manager, Wife Declaring Orem city The best place in the world to live", O. V. Farnsworth thanked thank-ed all those who honored him and his wife Friday night at a testimonial held in the beauti ful new Orem first-24th ward chapel. Mr. Farnsworth, who is re tiring from the position of Orem's city manager, was orally or-ally and materially commended commend-ed for his years of dedicated services to his favorite town. Former Mayor Emil Hansen presented a book of remem-berances remem-berances to him which was signed by all former councilman council-man who have worked with Mr. Farnsworth. At the same time, a beautiful boquet of flowers was given to Mrs. Farnsworth, who responded with grateful thanks. Ephraim Twitchell spoke in behalf of Orem city employees, and supplied sup-plied a picture of the group for the remembrance book. There were many friends who took part In the proceedings, proceed-ings, among those were Le-Grande Le-Grande Jarman, acting as master of ceremonies, and G. I ... i A" 1 MARRIED RECENTLY Ursula Ringger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Ringger of Orem, was marriied May 25 in Salt Lake Temple to Sidney Morris Russell, son of Mrs. Sidney Russell and the late Sidney Russell. A reception was held in the Orem Fourth Ward the evening of May 26. Miss Ringg' is now, a freshman at Brigham Young University Uni-versity after having graduated from Orem High school. The couple will make a home in Provo. WmB "Let me tell you about the best place in town to go for paint and wallpapers!" "No need, darling I, too, am not slow in knowing where to go for paint, it's Nelson Paint Co. Check Nelson's Low, Low Prices NELSON PAINT CO. 784 South State, Orem Ph. AC 5-1182 YOCR LOCAL DUPONT LUCTTE DEALER The couple plan an August wedding. The date has not been set. Susan is a graduate of Orem high school where she was a member of the Pep club and of the Acappellar choir. She has attended Utah Starte University Univer-sity for the past two years. 'The groom is a graduate of Glenwood high school and has been attending Utah State University also. He will graduate grad-uate in June. Milton Jameson, who, In giving giv-ing praise to Mr. Farnsworth, referred to him as a man who went "the second mile" In his work. As the evening hour grew late, and the mood more relaxed, re-laxed, talk turned to the past-progress past-progress and disappointments, present-projects fulfilled, satisfaction sat-isfaction and dissatisfaction, and future hopes and dreams of a future for Orem guided by the christian way of life. Ruth Peterson presented a large size drawing, of Mr. Farnsworth, Texas hat and all, and laughingly remarked, as she did so, that here is another man who will now join the "Hall of Blame." She also told of the earlier details of Mr, Farnsworths career. Although there was music and dancing (Clinger sisters Hansen children, and Moroni Jensen, accompalned by Melba Shumway) and a reading by Bernlce Cox, the feeling of nostalgia was evident. The folks of Orem have a habit of liking to keep tried and true Senior Breakfast Climaxes Events After Graduation More than 300 happy, hungry hun-gry and slightly sleepy people were served a delicious breakfast break-fast as the climax to the events following the Orem high school graduation, The breakfast followed the senior class dance and the showing of the movie, "Friendly "Fri-endly Persuasion." A short entertainment en-tertainment program was given. UndeY the chairmanship of Oda Rasmussen, PTA president, presi-dent, the breakfast was prepared pre-pared and served by mothers and officers of the PTA. The menu included ham and eggs, hash-browned potatoes, hot rolls, jelly, jam, milk and fruit juices. Open House Will Honor Newlyweds An open-house reception honoring newly married Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Taylor (Dar-la (Dar-la Wheatley) will be June 9 at the home of the grooms parents, 493 Emery Ave., Orem The reception will be held, following the wedding ceremonies, cere-monies, from 7 until 9 p.m. Saturday evening. Friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. friends among them, and these same folks will be glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth Farns-worth plan to spend 8 long time in the city they have grown to love. As Mr. Farnsworth quipped, "We've decided to stay forever, for-ever, so we bought our cemetery ceme-tery lots the other day." Mel Wallace added his remarks re-marks to those of the group when he said, "Mr. Farnsworth Is a bigger man today than when he first came to us as City Manarger.' A tribute was also paid to deceased Mayor . Luzell Rob-J bins. Rosalie Rosalie Johnson, daughter of Mr. amd Mrs. Clarence R. Johnson, Orem, has chosen to be married on the anniversary of her parents marriage, June 22. She will marry Anthon Leon Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Smith, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Rosalie is a graduate of Orem high school, where she i U I chevron) hyS- p 1 I Now SAVE IO on floor products Chevron Floor Products are on sale! Here's a chance to buy top-quality products and save money. Standard Floor Hardener seals and hardens softwood floors, truck beds . . . keeps concrete from dusting. Chevron Waxglo self-polishing wax gives new beauty to your floors, seals wood so that the beauty lasts. Remember tht sale ends July 31st Order your full supply now and save 10 off For any Standard Oil product, call H. V. 'Hod' Shepherd Phone FR 3-8620 7th So. Univ. Donna SUMMER SCHOOL OFFERS COURSES IN READING Brigham Young University Summer School will offer four workshops on reading and books. Reading Better and Faster will be offered throughout the summer; Reading Stimulation Technique Workshop has been scheduled June 11-15; Reading Workshop will be conducted June 19-29; and a one-day institute in-stitute on Books for Children will be conducted June 28. THAT YOUNG LOOK-- Crocheted daisies surround the scoop neckline of this pretty blouse, the latest needlework nee-dlework pattern to arrive at the Times. For your free Instructions, In-structions, send this clipping with a stamped, self-address ed envelope to the Orem-Gen- eva Times. P. C. 1273. ' Johnson was active in several organi zations, including Sapere Aude and the A Cappella Choir. The groom has attended Ricks college for two years and has fulfilled an LDS mis sion to Austrialia. 'ASter a honeymoon in Seattle, Wash., the couple plan to continue their educa tion here. MM I the regular price. Ave - Provo J Barnes Orem Maid to Wed In Manti Temple Miss Donna Barnes, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El-roy El-roy A. Barnes, 186 West 12th North, Orem will be married to Dale J. Spendlove, son of Mr. amd Mrs. LaMar J. Spendlove, Spend-love, also of Orem. The couple plan to be married in the Manti Temple, July 26th. Miss Barnes Is a recent graduate of Orem high where she was a member of the Tigerettes, and A Cappella. The groom Is also a graduate of Orem high school and has fulfilled a mission to Southern California. The couple plan to make a home in Salt Lake City, following fol-lowing a honeymoon, where Mr. Spendlove will study at an Electronfcs school. t Home I ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDROOM This custom styled brick home Is loaded with personality. per-sonality. It includes a full finished basement with attached at-tached garage. Ideally suited for the full enjoyment of a large family. Exceptionally large kitchen, living room carpeted and all drapes to remain. Excellent terms with low down payment to qualified buyer. Priced well below appraisal at $14,500. TRIED and TRUE This lovely home will be sure to please someone who appreciates something a little bit better. It has three carpeted bedrooms, an extra large carpeted living room with fireplace and a real neat kitchen with ceramic cer-amic tile counter top. A choice landscaped lot with double carport and storage. This is a terrific buy for only $14,900. DONT PUT OFF LOOKING At this spacious beauty. A custom built 3 bedroom rambler with over 1400 square feet. Extra large living liv-ing room with large sliding glass doors to patio with outside fireplace. The attractive living room is luxuriously lux-uriously carpeted and also has a beautful custom styled fireplace. Home is arranged with central hall to all areas of home. Has utility room plus enclosed garage. It's all brick and nicely located. Just reduced to only $15,900. Trade possible. 17 ACRES 17 acres of land In West Orem. Ideal pasture for some beef or horses. Priced at less than going price, only $1200 per acre. If you need a place for your horses and can't use this much, get two or three others to join you. Give us a call and let us help you work it out. $400 DOWN No closing costs, take over new FHA loan. The $79 monthly payment includes taxes and insurance. 2 bedrooms up with 1 bedroom and recreation room in full basement. Enclosed garage with patio. Ideal Southwest Orem location Only $400 down. Owner will consider car, etc, for part down payment. Call quick if you want a lot of home for the money. s REAL INSURANCE LOANS 148 South State, Orem - Ph. AC 5-2900 "A Home of Your Ows Is as Near as Your Phone" Del Roy ZobelL FR 4-0432; Linl Falrbanka, AC 5-0945; Gordon Swapp. FK S-S363; Leo Ferre AO 5SO0O; Pearl Blgler, Payson, 463-3001; Harry Belhley, American Fork, SK 0-3721. COTTON KNITS Brightest high-fashion star this season are in cotton knits and you can knit them yourself your-self with free instructions. Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Orem-Gen-eva Times with this clipping for your copy. Check parttern desired: PK 1349 MSn's cotton shirt, 38-44. PK 8975 Brother and sister suits, sizes 1, 2 and 3. PK 1654 Woman's lace blouse, sizes 12-18 (limited number available). Aluminum Storm Doors $35.00 COMPLXTX Wood Screen Doors $10.00 and up 2 PUcount on Bills Paid by iota of month Shop and Sara at tht Sign of tha Phone FK 3-1063 1480 N. Statt, Provo it 1 ESTATE |