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Show THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1953 OEEM-GENEVA TIMES OREM-GENEVA TIMES Published Every Thursday at Orem, Utah HAROLD B. SUMNER, PUBLISHER . Hollis Scott Editor, Advertising ja Entered as second class matter November 19, ftffrft the postoffice at Orem, Utah,; under the act of Marcfl 3, H97. Member: Utah State Press Association ' National Editorial Association Subscripticn Rates: One year, in advance $3 00 GO SLOW ON FLUORIDATION! A prominent druggist in Alabama has come up with a new idea in the controversial matter of fluoridating culinary water wa-ter for health purposes. Hia plan calls for the fluoridation of water in our public schools as a means of treating tooth decay. This inference feeems to indicate that flourides may have an adverse effect upon adults. The druggist states that fluoridation gives desired results re-sults in preventing tooth decay in children from ages four to 16 according to many surveys. But he also claims that where water has been treated with fluorides, strong evid-points evid-points to some unhealthy reactions ; that it causes bone structure struc-ture to become brittle and in some cases has an effect on kidneys. kid-neys. The plan suggested by the pharmacist is to install water fountains in our elementary schools in which the water has been properly treated with fluorides, under the direction of the Board of Health. In this way, he discloses it will be administered ad-ministered to a specific age group, and adults will not be affected. Now we are wondering in light of new knowledge released re-leased sometime ago by a congressional committee whether water should be fluoridated for any age group. -The Delaney Congressional Committee, who have been investigating in-vestigating chemicals in food, recommend a go slow policy on fluoridation. Unfortunately Public Health Service's studies have -not aswered all of the questions, which will be neces-Bary neces-Bary before artificial fluoridation of municipal water sur plies can be considered safe even for all children, not to mention adults and oldsters with their impairments. Endorsement of the fluoridation program by the American Amer-ican Public Health Association, and the National Research Council has tended to obscure the fact that the program is vigorously opposed both by leading research dentist and by biochemists and nutritionists of high standing. Many reputable scientists, who oppose fluoridation, feel that the program is premature and insist that the precise ef fects of fluorine in drinking long term laboratory and clinical studies. We also ponder the merit of the following excerpt published pub-lished in the July 7, 1951, issue of 'Chemical Week. 'Only one per cent of the nation's water is now treated;' thus the market potential has fluoride chemical makers goggle-eyed. Any apathy or opposition on the part of the public is made up for by the U. S. Public Heaalth Service's zeal in drumming up the program. Standing to benefit from the boom are chemkal companies and equipment firms If adds up to a nice piece of business on all sides." Our local admonition is . , . Let's go slow in Orem on this one. . , THESE he stayei at one might . "I hit town late and went right to tho hotel There was no clerk at the desk, but thero was a sign that said: 'Gone to bod. Booms 93. Take a key. Pay whoa yon leave. Sleep WalL' Upstairs, tho room wsl real dean, the bed eoaf ortaMe, and I slept like a log. Came down ia the Inarming still m dark. So I left three dollars at tho desk awl went a. Cam yea bmaglne folks that ii is water cannot be determined by' things you should consider Many people today form a preference for a reputable funeral director in advance of need. Our membership in National Selected Morticians, an international association of funeral directors of high ideals, ethical practices and business integrity, is your assurance of . prompt, reliable service 24 hours a day complete, modern establishment prices plainly marked and within range of all quality merchandise well-trained, experienced personnel financial responsibility moral character Funerals as low as f lot have always been a part of our service. JfssOsr rsftW MkM VorlMsM BERG MORTUARY 1J5 BAST CENTER PROVO An Honest Night's Sleep From where Z ait, running hotal oa tho honor system shows ' a real trust in people. And people always appreciate being trusted. Letting your neighbor follow hia personal preference la a kind of trust too trusting la hia good judgment I like a temperate glass of beer occasionally, yoa may prefer buttermilk, but lefi hops neither of us "registers" a eomplaint against tho other. , This 'N That Expression and statements ua. in this column are in no war those of the management manage-ment of this newspaper. By ETHYL N. HAIR Hi Folks, I dire psychoanalyze my doc tor: I think it has ever been done before and it is risky j any more than an office call to business but why not? I have j most doctors. He explained that paid out large sums of money to he couldn't possibly treat me ef-be ef-be told I am chuck full of emo- j fficlently unless- he knew more ticnal complexes ...my illness is about me. That took all forenoon all in my mind. Part of the time j while my mother roamed around the doctor is right and then the little college city enjoying ngain I have known hir-. '.o be herself. My history or genealogy mistaken. I have never known anytning to effect the mind and health like a load of debts and a series of reverses. There's nothing that ef-the ef-the mind and body like trying to do something and failing completely com-pletely I am remembering the fight I put up against the curse of alcholism that was invading my home. The poor environment that ' My divorce. Reason: Alcholsm was creating havoc in my home. and out growth of a child mar-It mar-It made me ill. This unhealthy , ge. Then the trip through the condlton together with diseased clinic- Bl0ol ets every test tonsils from childhood and nine known to science. The little col-absessed col-absessed teeth paraside infec- ored 8,rl wlo was a lab tech-tion tech-tion anema made me ill. Awfully ! n"ion told me that I had a blood sick... sick unto death. I now shudder. All the talks on psychol- ogy did not seem to do away with the pain 'til I got rid of nine in - fected teeth and had the em - bedded infected tonsils removed then I had a Naturepath cleanse j my body and rebuild it-bone, mind and tissue did I finally make the recovery that I should have had had it all been in my!" " cancer or i. a poor weak mind. The other day I sent a sick ftiend to my doctor; my friend has a serious leg injury (he laughingly said he thought he might have a bone sDavln. m- volved) for he had been several kinds of a horse in his time. My doctor gave him a look see and a good talk on psycholgy a shot of penicillin. No thorough! examination. Nothing at all. Noth-! ing about a wasserman test or did my friend have his temper- ature taken or say "Ah" from the doctor. My friend is a railroad- tr'Ps back I would need treat-er treat-er he came back and said I like ment for a lonS time a general your doctor he is a nice chap perhaps a little on the $ import- ance In a conservative way." Did he over charge you? I asked concerned. I knew my doctor nev- er over charged. "Nope- he did'nt over charge. I got my money's worth, Everybody needs a good psychoanalyzing and a discussion on psycho once in a while. But that doctor is pretty mixed up 'permission to go to work. He told take a look See" he held out his 'me to drink plenty of grape juice swollen leg and red rings, were and outlined my diet He prom-circling prom-circling it. "It pains lik every- jisd me that if I would stay there thing? I ask." Awful he grimiced. j fr two years and do as he he said My friend is now under a very (rest) 12 to 14 hours daily I would good bone specialist, and his con- Set well. I came home in five dition is most serious. . . Last winter when I was in Arizona Ari-zona with the idea that the climate cli-mate would cure the sinus trouble FRL - I WS.RNCR BROS." SIEVE CCwUAI RAYMOND MASSK'DICK 9m ft KM m t Open 1:00 ' SAT. MATINEE Starts 1:30 MA AND PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN Comedies Cartoon Serial , Mon - Tues. - Wed. THE mum. i r mm ROCKI.DDSO:iEA.-r:ji;i that I was suffering from- I visited the Tempe Clinic which had been told to me that it was a reasonable place with two of the finest doctors that could be had mind you all I wanted was a prescription for penicillin, .what did I get? I got the works tho' I protested that I wouldn't afford a trip through a clinic. Or. Clark informed me that the price of a thorough check wouldnt cost me was taken on forms that simplified simpli-fied the going. My grandparents on both sides, what did they die from and how long lived all my aunts uncles and my own family fam-ily of brothers, and sisters and parents now my very own children chil-dren and lastly myself. My childhood child-hood diseases. Had I had normal births, I was proud of that fact. Stream like hers one that needed j red b!oo1 bulders all the time or there would always be infection 1 lurking. 1 had the Wasserman and !sot my foodhandlers permii. My teeth were X-rayed so that when 1 went lnto the doctor he had a chart to dlreet him Dr. Clark Save me an examination so thorough that he would have Then I went to lunch and came Dack to the clinic for the final report. Sinus infection. Anemia. (Terribly rundown. Too many white corpulsles. (I didn't know fat people could get so run down) Infected teeth again and lastly a Pieee f infected tonsil that had S back- An verv simple compared to what I felt. As I was ein live in Wickenburg for a while Dr- clark suggested that ne send my case nistory over to Dr- Henry whom he had great respect for and save me the long building up. All that with a shot of penicillin and one of vitamins a s C0SI me lne Srana total or ?u. "I nave the tatement before me to prove it. At Wickenburg I contacted that virus flu-pneumonia by that time I got in touch with Dr. Hen? 'ry I was a sick gal. After treat- ing me for 10 days he gave me weeks and told my doctor rhat had happened. My doctor added to my chart EMOTIONAL. Since then I have had a return of flu SAT. OH' liTNT 0N?AE WESSON 'M.H McLERIE InuNOKiBBtt GREAT EVERGLADES j: DIAII VJIS! gtuuewoBJ THE AMERICAN WA Y Shrewd and more virus pneumonia. It is still emotional. I wish desperately that every doctor of any importance would master Dr. R. A. Richardson's book entitled Healthy Eyes Without With-out Glasses and Health Without Drugs. Dr. Richardson speaks of the body, its ills with the same respect as he speaks of the emotions. emo-tions. He takes a person as a whole unit. He deals in common sense terms that the laymen can understand. He tells you about deep breathing for health and relaxation re-laxation he deals in colon cleanliness, clean-liness, right foor for body building. build-ing. He speaks highly of the modern mod-ern art of surgery. And some of the quackery, highest paid profession pro-fession in the world tne medical science. He had great respect for the mind and the emotions as a factor in keepng well. Dr. Peterson Pe-terson lauds the Mormons for a religion that teaches the art of staaying healthy mentally and physically. He thinks we have ssomething to offer our members that no other religion has attempted at-tempted to do for their members. mem-bers. I wish my doctor would see me as a woman of body parts and passions that of a normal woman; wo-man; not an emotional misfit. So often he is right and again there are times he is a little wrong. I want to be thought of and treated as a normal person subject sub-ject to all the bugs and bugaboos buga-boos that civilization Is heir to. I dont want to be a sick brain every time my temperature Just soars. I want to know what to eat as Enter Stokes Studio's ANNUAL BEAUTIFUL Baby Contest -Now! BRING THIS STOKES STUDIO Beautiful Baby Contest Entry Baby's Name ; Baby's Birthday .... Sex ,. . ... . - . ... t Parent's Name ...... ,(. .............. . Address Phone No. Order Price $ ... Paid I ................. BaL $.... ...f Contest closes July Sl 1953 Shopper well as what to think. In fact I wan the whole works when I am ill. I foot the bill. When I am well I can sail on my own. I want, to know what is ail ing my body as well as my mind, I haven't time to be ill. I love life. I enjoy life. I love fun and it is no fun to be sick I can tell you. I don't want a doctor to take a look see and say your goiter must come out or you'll j never be well again. And when I ' am ill I don't want to be looked at and have my doctor say "It is all in your mind Lady." I have great respect for psychitryj and all the arts the healings of i themind and body ... but there are times I think so many people are educated the wrong way I When I have a serious accident1 I want to be treated for shock j for injuries. I don't want to be dismissed 'till I am well. I don't want to be poohed poohed when I am bruised and bleeding. I must have my ego and emotions emo-tions restored with confidenc ana with self respect. I don't want to be babied or sympathized with I don't want pity. I refuse to indulge in-dulge in sself pity. I want to be treated as an adult with average aver-age intelligence I have no quarrel quar-rel with the medical profession or a doctor but with a condition; too, many doctors rush you in and out of their office with lightning light-ning speed they are not thorough as many readers have testified to me many times and I dont want to lay a bed with a ice pack on my poor sick mind when I when I would much rather be $250.00 in Valuable Prizes Rules of the Contest Any child from one day to five years old Is eligible to enter. Only one prise Is to be awarded to any child. Parent or guardian most fill oat of- fleal entry blank for each child entered. Proofs most be picked up and retained promptly. All . entries mast be made not later than July SI, 1151. . Prises will be awarded aad names of winners : published In local newspapers. Decisions of the .: (' Judges shall be final. ENTRY BLANK TO STOKES STUDIO out working at a Job I love and in the evenings go dancing and romancing. Now I know what is wrong with my Doctor. To him I'm old hat I'm old shoe. He takes me for granted. As I have stated in the first paragraph of this column, I DARE PSYCHOANALYZE MY DOCTOR. Confidently; my doctor is pretty wonderful. Anyone who would sfick by me when I am sick or well is just pretty wonderful. FRIDAY, JULY 17 Red Skelton THE CLOWN Plus APACHE WAR SMOKE Sat. Thru Wed. July 18 - 22 NEVER LET ME GO STARRING CLARK GABLE AND" SKY FULL OF MOON CARTER'S SAW SERVICE 3M West 4th North Across from Silver Star V Dull 'Era I'll Sharpen Slws and Lawiunowers by machine. bf -.'j at .a :s nr i m C -V . yfi&i You'll treasure this picture-packed tribute trib-ute to Utah, untamed un-tamed land of gentle people, where nature na-ture has carved a wonderl and, and painted it with a runaway brush! w10 PAGES! COLORFUL PHOTOS Here's a captivating close-up of your beautiful Utah vividly vi-vidly described by native son Samuel W. Taylor vividly portrayed in some of the most exciting photographs you've ever seen! Here are the state's natural wonders, its breathtaking plains ,its mountains and richly rich-ly colored canyons. Here are stimulating Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo towns and villages vil-lages you know and love places you've always longed to visit! And here are Utah's wonderful won-derful people its students and storekeepers, its housewives and history makers, its Indians and industrialists! Yes, the beautiful August Holiday presents to Its millions mil-lions of readers a word-and-picture panorama of the state where startling scenic beauty harmonizes happily with the sincere, simple, soul - deep beauty of its people! Here, indeed, in-deed, Is all the charm and color of your Utah! e , Be sure to read this great Holiday salute. Look for the gorgeous cover photo of Bryce Canyon, and get your copy of the August Holiday today! Toall read about the rainbow cliffs. . . the Bingham copper mines. .. .Great Salt Lake, . . . . Dead Horse Point. . Blandlng Monument Canyon ...... Ogden .... the Needles .... Landscape Arch. the Goblet of Venus. . the Goosenecks.... Zion Park ..' Bryce Canyon. . the Great Organ. Or-gan. . . Chimney Rock ... the Wayne Wonderland. . ; Checkerboard Check-erboard Mesa... the Valley of the Goblins . . . the Rainbow Trail ...Uintah Basin.. Salt Lake City ... steak - .eating squaws In permanents . . Dinosaur Di-nosaur Monument. . . Cathedral Cathe-dral Valley ... . . the Uinta Mountains the Wasatch Oasis ...... Strawberry Reservoir Reser-voir Provo.... Brighara Young University. the Saints Conference ... the uranium ur-anium .mines.,., , Horseshoe Canyon- ....and many other places of Interest to everyone. NOW AT YOUR NEWSSTAND . cumis o1butmw UDAY pUPX CsijrsaH IfsX PmW Sisin Bnmn a |