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Show rnUSSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1051 OREM-GENEVA TUfiEj SCERA CHATTER la these days of spiral ing gov' eminent cost, it ia refreshing to learn of the low costa of our local government. The mayor and City Council give generous ly of their time scarcely receiv ing compensation for their trav el expense. Were they paid pro portionate to some of our feder al employes, the cost would increase in-crease tenfold. As an expression of appreciation from the people of our community, they were guests at a theatre party Wed nesday evening. Those attending were: Mavor and Mrs. J. W, Gillman, Mr. and Mrs. frfilo Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Tom LEGAL ORDINANCE NO. 119 AN ORDINANCE OF OREM CITY A PPROPRIATING FUNDS AND MONIES FOR EXPENDITURE BY THE VARI-. VARI-. OUS DEPARTMENTS AND PURPOSES AND REQUIREMENTS REQUIRE-MENTS OF OREM CITY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR THE YEAR 1951. BE IT, AND IT IS HEREBY OR DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL COUN-CIL OF OREM, UTAH AS FOLLOWS: FOL-LOWS: Section 1. There is herehv appropriated funds and monies ior expenditure by the various departments and purposes and requirements of Orem City, a Municipal Corporation, for the year 1951 as follows: Revenues: Contingent Fund $42,459.94 Public Safety 15,958 64 Debt. Service 17.746.62 City Hall 1,805.33 Memorial Fund 2,106.66 Library Fund 2,106.66 Cemetery.!. 2,708.66 Parks 1 2.106.66 Roads and; Walks 21,066.66 Water Department...... 61,000 00 Sewer System 3nnnnn -' W"UU.UU Fire Department 8,426.64 Guarantee Fund 4.213.32 TOTAL , $185,503.79 Disbursements: ' Contingent Fund $42,4:9.04 Public Safety! 15,958.64 Debt Service. 17,746.62 c"y Hall 1,805.33 Parks. j, ,. 2,106.66 Cemetery 1 2,70666 Memorial Fund 2,106.66 Library Fund 2,lu6.66 Roads and Walks 21,068.66 Water Department 61,0o0.00 Sewer System 3,800.00 Fire Department . 8,426.64 Guarantee Fund.., 4,213!32 TOTAL i...$i8S.503!79 t Section 2. If any part of this ordinance shall be held invalid, such decision shall riot affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance. Section 3. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 4. In the Ipinion of the City Council of Orem City, a public emergency Exists in connection ' with the J matters herein contained.an d Jt is necessary nec-essary to the health, pece, safety safe-ty and general welfare ttf the inhabitants in-habitants of Orem City fhat this ordinance become effective immediately, im-mediately, i NOW, THEREFORE,! it is hereby ordained that thjs ordinance ordi-nance shall take effect ifruuedi-ately ifruuedi-ately upon its passage and publication. publi-cation. 1 Section 5. This ' ordinance ehall be published once n the Orem Geneva Times, a newspaper newspa-per of general circulation ln Orem Or-em City. Passed by the City Council of Orem City this 29th day of December, De-cember, A. D., 1950. T ATTEST: Orland E. yne . City Recorder APPROVED: ..J. w. Gillman Mayor COUNCILMEN Voting Ay nay Loveless i E. J. Simmons i Thos. A. Jacob Ralph W. Knight Philo T. Edwards ATTEST: ' I, ORLAND E. PYNE, duly chosen, aualifiprf nnH ing city recorder nf rvm .,.. Utah County, State of Utahi do hereby certifv that n - J UJ DUJU V 'ii icial I have the custody of 'the cuius ana proceedings of the City Council of said city; ind that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corrupt an ordinance passed by the City Council on the 29th day of Dec- emoer. A.D., 1950. entitled: aw ORDINANCE OF OREM C IT Y APPROPRIATING and MONIES FOR cAftLSSUii UKE BY THE VARI ur.r'AKTMENTS AND PURPOSES AND REQUIREMENTS REQUIRE-MENTS OF OREM CITY A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, the fact- Jacob, Mr. and Mrs- Ray Loveless, Love-less, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knight were out of town. Also as guests of the theatre were the following city employes: em-ployes: Mr. and Mrs. Orland Pyne, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Calder. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wentz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wickman, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Beckman, and Miss Glenna Johnson. When the name of Clifton Webb and Edmund Gwenn appear ap-pear on the same bill, folks can be assured of an outstanding picture. pic-ture. Tonight and Saturday will be teen FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE starring these two actors. The picture is an outstanding comedy. com-edy. In the story Clifton Webb returns to., earth., after.. Doing dead. He finds things in a mess and proceeds to straighten them out. Well, if you need a tonic of a good laugh, here's your chance. chan-ce. A high official from a neigh boring city attended the show at Scera Saturday night. As he left he said, "This is the only show house I can attend in comfort. com-fort. I am blessed with long legs and if I go elsewhere I am forced to pull my legs under my chin in order to sit down. That's one reason why we travel 40 mites to come here each week." Th show playing Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday is an outstanding drama called THE FURIES. It hht an excellent cast, Barbara Stanwyck. Walter Huston and Wendell Corey. If you like your pictures rough and rugged, and many do, ibis is a top production that is sure, to please. "BOMBA ON PANTHEW ISLAND" IS-LAND" will play Saturday at the children's matinee. This is the tlory of a little boy and his adventures in the jungle. In addition add-ition there will be three ear-toons ear-toons and the serial "Flying Discman from Mars." OREM GIRL WINS MODELING AWARD Miss Gay Turcsanski, former Lincoln high student who is spend'ng the winter at Kirk-wood, Kirk-wood, Missouri, with Mr. and Mrs- V. A. Brown, has won a scalarship to attend a modeling ichrol of her choice. The contest was national in scope, and was held at a prominent promin-ent hotel in St. Louis, Missouri last week. Gay is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Turcsanski of Orem. Carma Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Davis of Vineyard, has joined the WACS and left Jan. 4 for Texas where he will be stationed at a trailing traili-ng base. Garth Davis is home or a two months leave from the navy. He has been serving in the Korean waters. I Weeks Named Orem ! Stake Public 1 Relations Director i The appointment of Clyde E. Weeks Jr. as Orem stake direct or of public relations, a newly-created newly-created stake post, was announced announc-ed today by President Walter R. Holdaway. Mr. Weeks is well-" ! know locally as an active civic ' and church worker. He recent ly served as Orem Stake MIA speech director and at the present pres-ent time he is. superintendent of the Orem First ward YMMIA. He is also a member of the Orem City Library board. In announcing the appointment appoint-ment President Holdaway expressed ex-pressed his confidence that under un-der Mr. Weeks' direction inform- j ation regarding stake activities j would receive wider circulation than formerly. ; "We have a number of worthwhile worth-while activities in Orem stake which merit publicizing." Pres- REHEARSALS FOR MIA INTERSTAKE CHORUS SET Rehearsals for the MIA Inter-stake Inter-stake Chorus slated to furnish 45 minutes of music at the MIA session of Provo stake conference confer-ence on Sunday, January 21, will be held at 2:30 p.m. January Janu-ary 14 and at 7:30 p.m. January 19 in the Provo tabernacle, it wa announced today by Ellen Y-Allen, Y-Allen, chorus director. Young people of Orem stake, both married and single, are urged urg-ed to attend the rehearsals and participate in this program, according ac-cording to Mrs. Allen. ident Holdaway said. "We feel lhat this appointment is a step in the direction of accomplishing accomplish-ing this." Mr. Weeks said today that he would work with each organization organiz-ation and quorum in the stake in publicizing their coming events and achievements. BOYS ADVANCED AT COURT OF HONOR Donald Bascom was advanced to second class scout, and Gail Peterson was made a tenderfoot at the court of honor conducted conduct-ed at Vermont ward's MIA treet-ing treet-ing this week. Afton Alger, council officer, was in charge of the ceremony. Members of the troop committee present werej Lyle Mcuonaia. James noopes, and Frank Stratton. Mr. and Mrs. Pershing Howe and two children of Salt Lake City spent the weekend visiting with Mrs. Pershing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Trotter. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Djj ielson, Shirley and Dan Peterso, returned Sunday from a ten-da, trip through Old Mexico, Calij orsia, Nevada and Arizona. The attended the bull fights in Me, ico visited with Mr. and Mij Ray Gysen and other friends i Los Angeles, California ay spent some time in Rosevilfc California with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Foote of Logan, Utah were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs- T. Earl Foote. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crosby attended funeral services Monday Mon-day in Salt Lake City for Mrs. Ruby Madsen, Mrs. Crosby's aunt. Fri- Sal- Jan. 12-13 "B(RN TO BE BAD" Sun., Mon, Jan. 14 . 15 THE 3IINJVER STOKY" Matinee on Jkjnday 3 p.m. Tues., Wed. JinNl 17 "DARK. CITY" 1 I which merit publicizing." Pres-land achievements. 'aunt. x ' XXWWW jV'lgiy.V wtnumA-- ' M? mimr:. w II inSKTl M t l-.i--ft.l 'Ufc 1 fill I If IfIll fl II if Wp V i-ilLUHUW Z71 :-la)ar V f4 II MINI III I II K n tST A w M x 1 ' II l1 ii i w - - m When wa say "We buy by the trarnload and pass the savings on to you" wo are actually saying that wjth oach basket of grocorios purchased from your A. G. Storo you iAVt Tha bast part of all is that you aro not forfeiting quality for price-that's why overy basket is a bargain basket at your A. G. Sterol EVERYDAY SAVINGS TREET Red Label li 51c 21c 19c Armour's 12 oz. KARO SYRUP SPAGHETTI Porter' Lono. 1 4 oz. . . . WHEATHEARTS ST0728 . ... 27c LUMBERJACKSYRUPS5"2. 37c DOG-FOOD ,dNt , con 229c CORNED BEEF HASH 49r Armour's. 16 or '-C DEVILED HAM ,19c CAT FOOD fT.3 te29c L ARf.10Un I' 1 12 ox. Med. Can "o) 0) LKtfa chief Brand-ake$ a JU LlliU UWU U dendous $dad ...6 r ft?? -Wrt MlMjmjmms 1 73 J 1 Tavni CfllinAn C.nrfA .Pull Flavnr ?Zi GRAPEFRUIT M HAVEL 0 GAUGES California 3 LBS. DAnCniC Gordon Frosh, GERBER'S BABY FOOD Strained or Chopped 3 for . U Ubby's-Easyto , V- P fix. Quick for Ll)) U lunches .12 oz. U CINCH CAKE MIXES A REAL TIME-SAVER 17 oz. Fkg.39c mas SWANSON CHICKEN FRICASSEE Pierce's 46 oz. n P Can. Serve It Hot J D Lzi or Chilled m READY TO HEAT AND EAT YOUNG TENDER PARTS OF CHICKEN I IN REAL BUTTER GRAVY 16 ox 59' r AI Vitamins, Plus fniMAril Collo Pack, Clean and Crisp . . . Cello Pack, C A I A l Ce" Pack' JALAU Dish Ready LCImUiJJ Winter Colds Washington Fancy Red DELICIOUS APPLES CALAVOSX... LB. PKG. 2J$ PKG. LB. 2 LBS EACH 10? 121 PITEEZER VIENNA SAUSAGE HEALTH BREAD 2 CANS UKULELE PINEAPPLE STARKIST TUNA CHUNK STL YE SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 c 46 oz. Can 2Q 32 rAKPW5SSS.....6.IS3' sirloimsteaii n05c TAMALESj:82fcrl9c PORK LOIN CENTER CUT END CUT 3 LB. AVE. CHOPS ...65c R0ASTS. 55c SILVER KING SALMON 6M PARK'S IGE CREAM $1.35 GaHon 6ftH Vz Gallon ?-CH Quart Tjmnl(p JUUIJUU ci EfififjiifTfTO "Tl rrnrrn aUliillll lull! iun ifll ItAK 1951. IN WITNESS wwvmri.i? have set my hand and affixed me corporate seal of said city L mis atn day ol December, A 1950. ..D., OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK ORLANn V. PVwr City Recorder of Orem City FROM 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. |