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Show EM-GENEVA TIMES ORF Weekly Papers Praised by Kennecott Copper Editors and publishers of weekly newspapers in Utah were lauded recently in a state wide radio program broadcast over KSL, Salt Lake City and KSUB, Cedar City, under sponsorship spon-sorship of the Utah Copper Division Div-ision of Kennecott Copper Corp. The radio program entitled "This Business of Farming" devoted de-voted its commercial to praising prais-ing the activities of the weekly newspaper. The commercial follows: fol-lows: We hear a lot of the talk these days about freedom from want, freedom from fear and ther freedoms as outlined in the Constitution of the United States. One of the most import-an import-an freedoms we hear about is freedom of the press. All in all a newspaper is no better nor no worse than the American public wants it to be. If you like a newspaper, you buy it. Undoubtedly Un-doubtedly you are influenced by its writers and its advertisers. advertis-ers. If you don't like it, then you buy another newspaper. Perhaps the best read of all newspapers are the small town weeklies. Right here in Utah we have some 63 weekly newspapers news-papers devoted to the reporting report-ing of news in their areas. Here, a cross-section of America unfolds un-folds in the four to eight or more pages of newsprint which reaches its readers througn the mails the latter part of each week. In the weekly newspaper are told the joys of a new fam- Watch and Clock Repairs Certified Watchmaker Located in fifth house East of State Highway on First North in Orem Prompt, Dependable Service Reasonable Price tf Fri.. Sat. July 14 - 15 "Mark of the Gorilla" "Captain Carey. U. S. A" Sun., Mon, July 16 - 17 "Paid in Full" Matinee on Sunday 3 p.m. Tues., Wed. July 18-19 "Blossoms in the Dust" tTAH PCWCX t LIGHT CO, rJ V 7 j ) Aft I ; , . : "Faust" is Next Summer Festival Attraction Gounod's "Faust," next hit of the fourth annual University of Utah Summer Festival, will open op-en in Stadium Bowl Friday. Julv 14. at 8:45 p.m. Metropol itan Opera company officials rate it the most popular of all operas. Sung in English, "Faust" will be the second opera ever presented pres-ented on the mid-year program. It was billed following the success suc-cess of .'Carmen" in 1949, said Gail Plummer, manager of the Summer Festival. Gounod adapted only the Faust-Marguerite incidents from the long Faust legend. The first great Faust play in English was written by Christopher Marlow, a contemporary of ily arrival, the sorrow of the passing of a loved one, and the general recounting of the activities act-ivities of your neighbors and friends that the large newspapers newspa-pers do not print. Here in the weekly press are the advertisements advertise-ments of the garages, the shoe repairman, of the, general stores, the barber shop and the nationally nation-ally known products. Yes, everyone ev-eryone owes much to the weekly week-ly newspapers of America, and the 4300 members of the Utah Copper family takes pride in recognizing the merits of the editors and publishers of the Utah weekly newspapers, who have done much to make life better, richer and help keep all of us informed. i 'Jir mini li M U The IcUo Mutual Mu-tual Benefit Allocation Al-location Icidt in low colt life insurance for the individual Of Family Group. SAM I. LEVIN PHONE 557 84 E. 2nd South Homt Ownership - A TAX PAYING COMPANY - local Control SCERA CHATTER The entire staff is happy to welcome back Mrs. Hatch from her honeymoon. Mrs. Hatch, formerly Shirley Rowland, was a June bride. She has an enviable envi-able record as an outstanding usher the past three years. The patrons whom she greets so cordially cor-dially each week will be happy to know that she will continue, at least for the time, at tnis post. The motion picture critics agree that RIDING HIGH is one of Bingl Crosby's best productions. Only one other picture, GOING MY WAY has equalled its box-office record. re-cord. The picture plays to night and Saturday. Mr. Rollo from San Antonio, Texas, visited the theatre this week. He was amazed to see such a beautiful theatre with such fine appointments in a city the size of Orem. Hu greatest amazement was to know that our deluxe swimming pool was built without subsidy from the government agencies. He also commented on the excellence of the summer recreation program which he had visited during the day. "It is ventures of this kind, he said, that will save America from the encroachment of Communism. Com-munism. When the genius of a group of people can provide their own facilities as you have without taxing or bonding the government, then there is hope that our way of life can survive." sur-vive." Everybody likes to laugh with Red Skelton. This time Red Skelton drives a taxi-cab. You could never imagine the funny situations and predicaments predic-aments he gets into and how he gets out of these troublesome trouble-some places. The picture YELLOW YEL-LOW CAB MAN plays Monday, Mon-day, Tuesday and Wednesday. That good dog story which we had booked for two weeks ago, KAZAN, will sure be here this Saturday. It is a fine story, boys and girls, along with one of those popular Little Rascal comedies and cartoons. Remember Remem-ber the time 1:30. Shakespeare, and was followed by Goethe's German version, the inspiration behind Gounod's opera. The familiar story centers a-round a-round a philospher who makes a bargain with Satan to trade his soul in exchange for knowledge and love. Aided by Satan, who appears on earth as Mephistoph- eles, Faust seduces Marguerite, a simple country girl, and causes the death of her brother, Valen tine. He finally is dragged off Provoto hell by Mephistopheles after Yes, mister, it's really great to have all the hot water you want . . , whenever you want it. Whether it's midnight illness or for an afternoon bath, your hot wa:er is there, on tap. An electric water heater is safe for everyone in the family there's no fire or flame . . . and no blistering, boiling boil-ing water. It's economical, too only 10c a day for the average family. - - 4 " A ' '. - ' A " ! ij ' f I I P v ;; f rC '1 - ) i - i Li ft. n x i il VT-" "l 1 (r"t S JAPAN'S GRABLE . . . Shirley Yamaguchl, "Japan's Betty Crable," Is discharged from Santa Monica, Calif., hospital after undergoing minor surgery. She'll stay In the U.S. for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mohrke, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bigley and Coral and Larry Bigley retur- Gloria Washburn To Marry Arnold Meacham Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Washburn this week announced the engagement en-gagement of their daughter, ! Gloria Dawn, to Arnold Meach-' Meach-' am, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Meacham of Provo. July 20 has been set for the date of the weeding to be held at the Pioneer Pion-eer Memorial building in Provo. A graduate of Lincoln high school and Sharon seminary, Miss Washburn is a talented vocalist. vo-calist. She has studied music at the McCune School of Music in Salt Lake City. Mr. Meacham is a graduate of BY high school and has attended attend-ed the BYU. He is a veteran of three years in the U.S. Army air corps- Following their marriage the couple plan to reside in Los Angeles, An-geles, where Mr. Meacham is employed. Karma Swindle and daughter, daugh-ter, Barbara have moved to Farmington. Karma has bought a home there and has accepted a position doing extension work with the young people of that district. They have been living at the Raymond Partridge home since leaving Cedar City at the end of the school year. ned Friday from an extended 10-day trip through California Ann JPESKT LSOTSEll TO Progress at Mount A' Lake during the past year has been encouraging. Under the management of Ken Mortensen the volume of sales has increased, the facilities of the association have been improved and the organization is in its best financial condition in many years. During the year Mr. Mortensen was able to pay off several thousand dollars in debts which the association incurred incur-red several years ago. Mr. Mortensen leaves us this week to step up in the Co-op organization and to accept a position with the organization at Vernal. We appreciate the contribution which Ken has made here and the work he has accomplished. To fill the position as manager we have secured the services of Martin Johnson, a young Utah county businessman who has been associated with the group which built Morningside Heights. He comes highly recommended and is well trained in merchandising and business adminstration. An aggressive aggres-sive and practical businessman, Mr. Johnson accepted the position because he sees in Mt. A' Lake a challenge and an opportunity to build the kind of an organization we have hoped it could become. Already he has begun a program of enlargement and improvement. We feel certain that you will be pleased with his plans to make our Co-op take its place as one of the important merchandising centers of Utah Valley. Of course the real success of Mt A' Lake will continue to depend upon you and upon friends who are attracted by the values we are able to provide. We trust that you will promptly call in to get acquainted with Mr. Johnson and will continue to give the patronage -iind support which our Co-op needs to fully serve you and our community. Sincerely, George Rohbock, President Orem Kids Invited To Lovinger Day Orem youngsters are invited to join with children from all over the state to enjoy the annual ann-ual Lovinger Day which is set for Friday August 11 at Liberty Liber-ty Park, according to a letter received by the Orem Chamber of Commerce from Lee Lovinger. Lovin-ger. Festivities will begin at 12 noon. Mr. Lovinger has sponsored the outing for Salt Lake City children for a number of years and has this year extended the invitation to all children of the state. In his letter he states that everything will be free for the kiddies; peanuts, ice cream, rides and lunch. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of a number of contests. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ross and William Torrens vacationed at Bear Lake Tuesday and Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Loveless Love-less and son, Jesse, returned Friday from Logan where they have been living the past year while Ray completed his schooling. school-ing. They moved into Pugh's apartment on 400 South Street Marguerite's faith has saved her soul from torment. For the university production Norman Scott will sing the MOUNT A' LAKE MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING To the citizens of Orem City and all parties having any interest in-terest in any way in the zoning regulations of Orem City, not ice is hereby given tnat on me Slst dav Of July. A.D., 195 at the Orem City Hall at Ore City, Utah County, State of Utah, at the hour of 8:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held to consider the proposed amendments amend-ments of Zoning Ordinance Number 74 and Zoning Ordinance Ordin-ance Number 76, in the following follow-ing particulars. 1. To extend Commercial District Dis-trict No. 1 in the Commercial District No. 1 Area that is presently located on 8th North and 2nd East, Orem, Utah, in the following particulars: parti-culars: Extend said area by beginning at the Southwest corner of Commercial District No. 1 at a point on 2nd East and 8th North Street running thence West 235.6 feet; thence North 111.92 feet; thence South 72" 24' West 189.80 feet; thence South 17 36' East 179.18 feet to point of beginning. Every person present shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning said proposed a-mendments a-mendments and revision. This notice is given in compliance com-pliance with Title 15-8-92 and 15-8-93 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1943 and the Orem THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 NOTICE TO CONRACTORS Notice is hereby nom r;ti, n .. ' Tf J. . '-"'Purauon. it,: bounty. State nf iitu . f.A KiH i . ' U1i se; It .u 411 ue reCeived for. proposed construction nf 1 roximate'y 3400 lin ft n. having a width of 4 feet thickness of 4 inches L1? constructed along the south . of 800 South sleet lUte Utah, beginning at a point ,2 feet east of 400 East street continuing easterly to East street. V Sealed bids shall be recej at the City Recorder's offl. Orem City Hall, on or S the 13th day of August, l95o 'J 10:00 a.m. at which time fa shall be opened and public read for all those concerned j Plans and specifications ma! be obtained at the City Recori er's office at the Orem Ci'j Hall, Orem, Utah. The City Orem reserves the rieht 2 ject one or all or any part there or or an Dias. July 14 - Aug. 11 Citv Ordinance Nn. 71 4.1:., " i iuitl TT O O C.l . xi, oci, o, ouu-paragrapn (1 cy oraer 01 me city Counc -V . : L TTJ 1 01 urem v-uy, uian. J. W. GILLMAN Mayor of Orem fit,. 1 |