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Show Thursday, August H, 1949 OREM-GENEVA TIMES GRAND VIEW Mrs. CaWin Cordner 048-J4 Babies blessed in Sacrament m-eting last Sunday were the daughter of Mr- and Mrs- Leslie Dunn, who was named Annette Mary; the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wright, who was named of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo now Roberts, who was named Mar-jorie Mar-jorie Anita. The young people of the ward enjoyed a Fireside Chat on Sunday Sun-day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Dean. Francis Cockett was the guest speaker and talked about Hawaii. Refreshments Re-freshments were served. Mrs. Edna Maycock under-went under-went a major operation last week in Walla Walla, Washing, ton. She is reported to be doin very well. Uncle Sara Says Michael David; and the aaugnver mi IF I """3 II 'J jA ';. I I , !.' raw ; 1 0 7:- 4 If 7 0 Hemember when? It wai just two year ago when these bewiskered gentlemen carried the standards of Orem in the Centennial beard growing contest: Bottom row. left to right. Bill Cox. Orland E. Pyne. Jess Nuttall and Marcell Young: middel row: Fred Gourdin. Mr. Cox, Lorin E. Millett and Reed Nuttall: back row: Stanley Farley, Robert Elliott. Gilbert Morgan and Arnold Burningham. . Alpine District to Baild $20,000 Garage A new bus storage garage and repair shop for the Alpine School district costing an estimated esti-mated $20,000 is scheduled for completion in 90 days, according to Frank B Woffinden. superintendent superin-tendent of buildings in the district- The structure, to be built at American Fork, will be 108 by 56 feet and will have concrete con-crete floors. Alpine Employes Hold Outing The nou-teaching employees of the Alpine School district land their partners enjoyed an The contract for the foundat ion and concrete has been let to Jared Kellar and the balance of the building will be erected by 'the U. S. Rock Wool Sales Co. 'of Orem. can Fork canyon last .Saturday-More .Saturday-More than 70 persons participated participat-ed in the entertainment. Supper was prepared and ser-t ved by Mr. and Mrs- Glen Trane, Mr, and Mrs. R- B. Worlton and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee- The committee in charge of games and the floor show included includ-ed Frank Woffinden, Mary Cam-enish Cam-enish and Margaret Johnson. A prize for learning the name of everyone present at the outing was given to Lillie Beck. Mr. NO STOOL PIGEON . . . This bird, picked Bp in a weakened condition near Chicago's lake shore, keeps mum as Police Sgt Ed Culleenly of Town Hall district dis-trict fives him the third degree. . Mr. and Mrs- Stening Sorensen and daughter, Wilma returned Tuesday from a visit in Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs. During their trip they visited with their daughter wnd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mitchjll. 9 Mrs. Mary C. Cluff returned re-turned Monday following a two weeks visit in Boise, Idaho. and Mrs. Archie Robbins were awarded prizes for having their Daoers blank. Hyrum Wilkinson was the gentleman wearing the most jewelry so he was given a tie pin to add to his collection. J .v ... ir I V La That old saw about opportunity must be revised. The new version is Opportunity Knocks but Once a Week. Every payday you have the opportunity to do something about those things you want in the future. All it takes is a little slice of that paycheck invested regularly in U. S. Savings Bonds. There are two ways to make that future secure the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or, if self-employed, the Bond-a-Month Plan where you bank. In ten years, every $3 invested brings back $1. U.S. Treasury DepMrtmtnt Mr. and Mrs- Orrel De- Lange and Mr. and Mrs. Julian Hansen have returned from a vacation in the Northwest and Canada. They visited the Cards-ton Cards-ton Temple, Gjlacier National Park and other places of interest. k 'aJ'' j i BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER givei you complete, dependobls .'ocol news. You need to know H that it going on where you live. But you live olio in , WORLD, where momentous events re in the making events which con mean so much to you, to your job, your home, your futur. fm constructive reports ond inrerpro. rations of national ond interno-'ional interno-'ional news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCf MONITOR daily. Enjoy the benefits of being best informed locally, nationally internationally with your local paper and The Christian Scienes Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News," And use this coupon today for e special in- a -Iroductory subscription. $ 1 runi The Christian Science Monitor fine, Norway St., Boston IS, Mass., U.S.A. Please send me an Introductory subscription to The Christian Science Monitor 2 Issues. I enclose $1. "Okay, Buddy Where's the fire? Icttyi (one) (sterol v-vU- r gmsfo at? mime mmd BfcwiTj r- PAY ONLY wSM i J-L---.. lif x . 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