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Show otfEM-GENgVA TIMES THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1943 OremQeneva Society Ina Smith. Editor Phone 0684 Jl Dean Newlyweds Honored atReception A wedding reception in the Windsor hall honored Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dean. The bride i the former Yvonne "Bonnie" jacobsen, daughter of Mr. and llrs W. L. Jacobsen. Her husband hus-band is the son of Mr. and Mrs-C Mrs-C W. Dean of Reno, Nevada- The couple were married in the Manti LDS Temple on the anniversary of the wedding day of the bride's grandparents. Greeting reception guests with the bride and groom and their oarents were Robert Harrison, best man: Mrs. Bettie Harrison, matron of honor; and Gayle Cutler Cut-ler Pat and Sharetne Hurley, Elma Kaye Workman, Phyllis Cook, Earlene Foote and Norma Cook- bridesmaids. The lovely bride wore a gown of white satin, fashioned with a sweetheart neckline and a shirred shir-red waistline. Her sheer net veil was trimmed with lace and fell GARDEN CLUB FLOAT WINS PRIZE The float made by members of the Orem Garden Club and entered in the Provo July 4th parade was awarded the first prize in the civic division of the parade. Tht float was also taken tak-en to Springville for the parade on Monday evening. from a crown of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of orchids. . The bride's attendants wore pastel formals and carried bouquets bou-quets of colorful daisies. Mrs-Jacobsen Mrs-Jacobsen wore aqua blue and the groom's mother wore a rose colored col-ored gown. Both mothers wore corsages of carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith greeted the guests at the door. Gifts were arranged and refreshments refresh-ments served by members of tht Orem Varieties club. The three-tiered three-tiered wedding cake was decor ated with pink rosebuds and white doves. The newlyeds will make their home in Orem. r C 5 V YOU CAN BUILD YOUR NEW HOME AT LOWER COST WITH CONCRETE MASONRY FROM CENTRAL UTAH BLOCK COMPANY BEAUTY EASY FINANCING PERMANENCE SAFETY They're all yours when you build with concrete 1 or lava blocks. .You can build an attractive, spacious home, at considerable saving in cost, with BUILDING BLOCKS FROM CENTRAL UTAH BLOCK CO. Phone 1924 M for immediate service, or drop in at 720 South University Ave. for suggestions. OREM-GENEVA PHOTO CENTER , Telephone Building ANNOUNCES rates reduced on, film finishing from 60 cents per roll to 50cents per roll. Also, a 5 x 7 enlargement free with each roll during month of July. ' WE GIVE 48 HOUR SERVICE ON YOUR ROLL FILM. SPECIAL: 3Vi x 414 Press Camera, with flash gun and four double film holders $50 tckw vN YY V- 1 v 1 -A' Orem Garden Club Marks Anniversary With Canyon Tour Members of the Orem Garden Club celebrated the anniversary of the organization of tht club with a tour of the Timpanogos Loop, The group met at the Orem City park and went from there to visit Aspen Grove and Stewart Stew-art Falls. Ernest Reimschissel gave an interesting discussion of the flowers trees and shrubs in the canyon, giving their common com-mon names and their scientific names. He also ponted out various var-ious fungus growths. The tour was climaxed by a picnic lunch at Aspen Grove. Club members shared a beautiful beauti-ful birthday cake which was decorated with a basket of yellow yel-low flowers. PRIMARY CHILDREN HEAR TALK BY MISSIONARY The second year Zion's Boys and Girls of the Timpanogos ward Primary enjoyed a talk by Mrs. Lena Andreason on Tuesday. Tues-day. Mrs. Andreason has filled a mission in Denmark and talked on the customs and the people of that county. The class has been studying the Scandinavian countries during the past year. Mrs. LaDean Keeler is the class leader. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sorenson art pictured folowino their BUS riage at the Community Church in Springville. The bride is the former Norma Jean Storey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Storey of Springville. Mr. Sorensen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mads Sorensen of Orem. The ceremony was performed by Reverend McCabe of Salt Lake City and was followed by a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents. OREM WOMEN'S CLUB PLANS CANYON PARTY Members of the Orem Women's Wom-en's club will entertain their husbands at their annual summer sum-mer Canyon Party on Tuesday, July 12. The group will meet at the Orem canyon park. Mrs. Hugh Vern Wentz is chairman of arrangements for the affair. CARD OF THANKS To all of those who extended to us their aid and expressions of sympathy during our bereavement bereave-ment at the loss of Tim, we wish to extend our sincere thanks. Rohbock and Beagley families THURSDAY FIRE ALARM TRIAL RUN The fire alarm at 11 am. Thursday was a trial run, according ac-cording to Fire Chief Scott Thompson. No fire was reported. Orem Rifle Club To Ready Range At Canyon Park Renovation of the Orem Rifle Club firing range at the Orem city canyon park will get under way Sunday at 8 a m. when members of the club will gather with "shovels and ambition," according to Fred Fielding, president pres-ident of the club. The firing program for the summer will also be discussed and arranged during the work project. Mr. Fielding urges all members of the club and others interested in firing on the range to turn out Sunday. The range provides 100. 200 and 300 yard shooting. A canyon supper was enjoyed en-joyed at Canyon Glen on Saturday Satur-day by Mr. and Mrs. Max Edwards, Ed-wards, Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Wll berg, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Weeks Jr., Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kofford and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Clif-ton Pyne. The supper was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pyne who recently returned to Orem after a nine-months stay in Caifornia- Bshop and Mrs. Leeman B Bennett and family spent Monday Mon-day in Meadow, Utah with Mr. Bennett's parents. One brother came from New York to attend the reunion. Nearly 1,000,000 housing units un-its were turned out in 1948. The effects of old age appear earlier in the very hot regions. rt KLoBiJU ljJJ m I I ivm rtmtntW A Z MAS. ' Durable, long-lasting finish i Lara bottls tteraga ihilf 4 " .rOSl Handy meat drawer totii U' C Automatic Interior light J V Large frozen food contpai Low operating cost i on. Sales & Sendee 3rd South and University Ave, Provo . PHONE 135 Next to Utah Power, Oren PHONE 0767 Rl rnn i f 1 1 ! ' " A - : ; - J, k Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Dean (Yvonne "Bonnie" Jacobsen). who were married recently at the Manll LDS Temple. The couple are making their home in Or, in. Sunday Services OREM STAKE Stake Priesthood leadershio meeting will be held at 2 p m. in the Scera auditorium. OAK HILLS WARD Speakers at meeting will be Mr. and Mrs- Ivan Young. JoAnn Stewart will represent the LDS girls organization. Special music mu-sic will be furnished by Mrs. Edth, Stein. TIMPANOGOS WARD The program for meeting on Sunday evening has been arrang ed by Don Edwards and De- Lance Squire, veterans. Speak ers will represent the various branches of the United States armed forces. Special tribute will be paid to the boys who are still in the service- Musical numbers will be presented. SHARON WARD A welcome home testimonial for Russell Hansen will be held Sunday at 6 p m. Elder Hansen has recently returned from a two-year mission in the Western States. Speakers will be Elder Hansen and his bride, the former Ra-mona Ra-mona Rainwater. Special music is planned for the meeting. Rent Control Office Moves The area rent control offlc has been moved from 48 North University avenue to Room 1 of the Farmers and Merchants Bank building, it was announced announc-ed this week by Fred E. Ray, area rent control director. Mr. Ray explained that the new office is headquarters for the area comprising Utah, Uintah Uin-tah and Duchesne Counties and the Price area of Carbon county. coun-ty. The office will remain opeiu after rent decontrol becomes effective ef-fective in Provo and VernaL 1 w '-"jo . . then take my tip and buy your supplies at CONSOLIDATED. "One, stop" does it at our store ... we have everything! Preserving Kettla I B I 1 8 Blue brilliant tnameled kttlU I 1 2 qt. capacity. Heavy wira bail I with wooden handle. Pouring lip and tippinf handle. f 69 yi U it: snr;Bai: "'.""" 111 r 11 1 1 k t pi l TTLE V Vacuum Jug 1 gallon capacity, ca-pacity, glazed pottery inner liner. Keeps foods hot or cold up to 24 hours. ITTfrlT !. i V i . I J hJk iiij Presfiure Cookers For Canning For canning the modern, fast way use this pressure cooker. Inner rack holds cans or glass jars. Accurate gauge to regulate pressure. $20 70 Includes Intruciion.Book. Cold Pack Canner Seven-quart capacity canner. can-ner. Has double tinned non-rusting liftout rack Kettle is triple-coated porcelain por-celain over heavy steel. Reg. $2.50 Value. jJJ gg Our price TIN AND ENAMELED CANS FOR CANNING No. 2Vi Plain-1.75 No. 2 Plain' 1.39 No. 2Enam., 1.45 No. 2Vfc Enam. 1.85 A eitellenl aappar at a low rice. Caps all " elxee af kttfct ep to a ejiurt. 85 ij $479 r)!' Rl f $198 FCCD Ice Cream Freezer 4 qt. Double Action 10.25 CANNINtt J 13c J AH 53c 4 Mil 'i 0: 1 hA if w i id, 1 - Li J Li J fjU A LL ' '-i 255 West Ccntsr Provo, Utah Phone 2070 I i |