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Show oRM-CEXEVA TIS THURSDAY, JUNS 2, 1841 , Mrs- Malinda Terry has reamed re-amed to her home in Enter-: Enter-: JgV and Mrs. I L. Terry i ber home. Bishop and Mrs. C Wilford !' "sen left Monday afternoon I 7. . business trip to southern 1 titah and Colorado. They will gone about a week. ! Mr. and Mrs. James Slade I yphyllis Woffinden) now living I Jn Draper, are the parents of a haby girl born Tuesday morn-' morn-' in Their other dau8hters, ! Si and Lynne, are visiting f t home of the grandparents, Mr- and Mrs. Frank Woffinden. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Weeks 8nd children have moved into i jyta Johnson's new home. Charles McKell, president of the Utah Conference of Social Soc-ial Work, was among those who attended the three day convention conven-tion at the New House hotel in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Turner from Independence, Missouri visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Taylor. Their son, Jay Turner, Tur-ner, is attending the BYU. Guests at the home of Mrs. Albert Payne are her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harris and their daughter, Mrs-Ken Mrs-Ken Murray of Alberta, Canada. Can-ada. They will be here for a week. ALFALFA WWEEVIL . Reports are coming to the office of, he Utah County Agent that Alfalfa Weevil damage is showing up in the fields of Utah County, said S. R. Boswell this week. i It is recommended that alfalfa hay be cut early or dusted or sprayed with calcium arsenate at the rate of 4 to 5 pounds of calcium arsenate per acre when the 10 percent concentration is used. The hay crop is unusually good this year and it is recommended recom-mended that efforts be made to save the quantity and quality Mr. Boswell said. A group of neighbors called call-ed to wish Chloe Finlayson a happy birthday. Her daughters, Carol and Colleen arranged the surprise. Cake and ice cream were served to ten guests. Whoever thought to we our country -cousin denim all dressed up to go places! Couldn't be smarter with petticoat ruffles, or stripey peasant skirts. Or if you want to be sensible let it give slacks that extra something! Wedge heel. Choice of dandy denim colon. They all wash. TWO-STRAP OXFORD 4.95 TH WASMAELE CASUAtS THE WASHABLE CASUALS r )LKA DOT 5ANDAL 3.95 Sets a summer costume dunning with sparkling dots in color on white. Your choice of several summer-time color combinations all washable. Arch-wedge heel and skid-proof soles. 9 ooierie 154 WIST CINTER STREET STUDENTS Are Ycu Milting A Monkey Out OfUO'lleil? WELL, HERE'S YOUitCIIAIXE! I'm in the usual position, po-sition, as. you . can see, to offer you a special three-months opportunity to try out a brand new portable port-able Typewriter without with-out any obligation to buy. $5X3 A K:sth Rental Fes Or you can apply the first 3 months rental to purchase price cm Down Payment Typewriter Co. T. K. CNell, Mfr. X65 West Center PHONE 82S Provo, Utah Orem Farmers Get Tips on Avoiding Accidents Orem farmers this week received re-ceived a warning from S- R. Boswell, Bos-well, Utah County Agent, that the approaching haying season will mark the beginning of a risinff accident neriod for farm people. According to Mr. Bos well, national Safety council records indicate that the accident accid-ent peak will come in July or August. "This annual pattern cart be changed," said Mr. Boswell, even ev-en though having is a busv seas on. Just a few extra precaut ions to insure safety during this period of the year is all that is necessary." Mr. Boswell outlined the following fol-lowing five-point plan to avoid farm accidents during the haying hay-ing season: (1) Check all equipment carefully care-fully before haying starts. Watch lor defective hitches, ropes, pul leys and other hay lifting equipment. equip-ment. See that hay racks, ladders lad-ders and loft floors are in good repair and hay chutes guarded to avoid falls. (2) Be sure you have the right equipment to do the Job safely. For example, the common method meth-od of lifting baled hay with hay forks is hazardous. This can be done much safer with hay slings. (3) When working, be on the alert and avoid getting itno naz-ardous naz-ardous positions. Always stop equipment for oiling, adjusting or unclogging. Keep safety guards in place. (4) The sharp, unguarded steel tines of pitchforks can be dangerous, so handle them accordingly. ac-cordingly. Never leave a pitchfork pitch-fork where someone may jump or fall on it (5) Remember that damp hay is one of the principal causes of barn fires. Make sure that hay is well cured before it is stored in a haymow, and check regularly regular-ly for several weeks for any sign of heating. Anna Taylor and children have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Taylor. Her husband, Hal Taylor, drove down from MsCannon, Idaho and spent the weekend with his parents. Mrs. Jennie Farley, Mrs. Martha Pyne and Mrs. lla Buam motored to Idaho last week. Mrs. Pyne visited with her brother, Walter Terry in Jerome, Idaho. Mrs. Farley visited vis-ited with her cousin, Mrs. Stoker Stok-er in Jerome, Idaho and Mrs. Baum visited with her brother. Mrs. Mineva Andeson, Hal Guymon and Terry Guymon spent the weekend at the Grant Guymon home: Going On A Picnic? Why not shop at the HyLow Stores in Orem for your outing supplies! Listed below are but a few of the many savings in store for you! Mr. Theron Whitehead, a member of Los Angeles Police force, visited over the weekend with his aunt and family, Mrs. Mildred Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Bench spent the Memorial Day week-end week-end in Manti. e Don Soren son's grandparents, grandpar-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson of Manti attended Don't graduation last week. e Mrs. Arrella DeLange, Ly-la Ly-la and Joyce spent Sunday ia Sunnyside with Mrs. DeLane's mother, Mrs. Hans Denison. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mel-drum Mel-drum and children left Saturday morning for a vacation trip. Doeskin Dinner Napkins Large Size 45 Y BOX Savaday Paper Plates 12? Box of 12 RITEFORKS Box of 12 SUNGLASSES Special RITESPOONS ONLY Qr BOX $1.00 Values ONLY II y Low STORES 718 NORTH STATE CllZU PHONE 0537 Jl Miss Joy Jolly, daughter of Senator and Mrs. B. M. Jolley spent the week-end in Spanish Fork with her sister, Virginia and family. Mr. and Mrs- Keith Chris-tensen, Chris-tensen, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Christensen of Richfield, Rich-field, were dinner guests at the home of Blanche Christensen Tuesday. Kenneth Jacobsen from Salt Lake City, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Olsen, of Colorado and children are visiting at the home of her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Pyne. Mr. and Mrs- W. H. Kofford spent Monday visiting relatives at Mt. Pleasant. They decorated graves of Mrs. Kof ford's father and mother while tnere. Mrs. Louise Huntszinger of Blithe, California will spend the summer here with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F-Marcel F-Marcel Young and family. Mr. and Mrs- James Beven of Oeden were weekend guests at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs- S. H. Blake. a Mr. and Mrs. Vern Thurber spent Monday visiting relatives and friends in Richfield. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farley, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Farley and Mrs. Johnson spent Sunday in Tark Citv. They visited with relatives and trienus rrd visited ihc crave of Mr Jonwu 2 SENSATIONAL SCOOPS now atKmSm SENSATION NO. 1 i r Mr and Mrs Tt-d Brown pnrt family motored ;o Salt L,ac City, buaADcrrv Kescrvoir anc, other points of interest on ..-.d day. For Perfect DRY CLEANING PHONE 0537 R2 Rely on our odorless service serv-ice every r ned cleaning done- We are equipped and staffed to do the best work for the lowest price. Your satisfaction U fully guaranlead- MODERN CLEANERS 8th North and State Street Orem EXCLUSIVE PROSPERIZE CLEANING Own Your Own Home In Orem UTAH'S FIF1H CITY 1 y$BMW5 WW 7 I .-, j - - , ,i . J, j n i j J r - ' i WHERE BIG STEEL MEETS FINE AGRICULTURE THIS AD SPONSORED BY OREM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE X-'-V v.'.;.' ' 290 ) Free translations of a gay Souu. American fashion . . . Fiesta blouses with elasticized necklines to bare or cover up. Snowy Sanforized tissue broadcloth with white eyelet ruming. Unconditionally washable. , Sizes 32 to 40, 12 to 20. SENSATION NO. 2 1 " I V" hi : fj .i-.-, ! ' "Smart Sd" " V iW'sj - y 'lliyiiJiWin. i ' IE all nun Sath Slip never-before low price Pore NYLON satin ... as smooth and soft as possible, yet so sturdy and durable. And, even at this low price; you have wide lace top and bottoml It's a real bargain scoop. Don't miss itl Rush in early tomorrowjor ycvf choice of pink and white in sizes 32 to 40. |