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Show "x 29. 194! Ray E. Hanks Co. Realtors of Action Real Eslato Buys in Utah County SECURITY FOR TOMORROW Grade A Dairy Farm in Lin-don. Lin-don. New modern 4-room pumice block home. Silo. Ce ment floors on all out buildings. build-ings. 13.75 acres of choice land in barley, oats, corn and pasture. 7 head fine dairy cows team of horses six head of young stock. Security for only $21,000. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ENJOY LIFE On 2 acres of productive land Apples, Peaches, Raspber ries. 5-room basement home near grade school. You will enjoy living when you become the owner. $5000. Terms. OWNER LEAVES HOME MUST BE SOLD 4-room frame dwelling. You ' will like the floor plan. Full basement. Priced to sell. $6900. Terms. RAY E, HANKS GO. 265 West Center Provo Telephone 3642 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS Sale - Rent - Service Underwood and Sunstrand Adding Add-ing machines. Millet Office Machines 913 South Lincoln Ave. Chris-teele Chris-teele Acres, Orem, Utah. Portable typewriters now available avail-able in two models: Universal and Champion, '' c A 26 FOR SALE One Circulating Oil heater with fan and 100 gallon tank. N. State Street, Orem. Phone 0665-R3. J29 A piano you'll be proud to own-styled own-styled by Winter & Company with traditional beauty... constructed witb today's modern techniques for lasting musical enjoyment. See, hear, play our new collection of winter & Company Pianos. They're richer in lone, much lighter, thanks to the revo'rtionary Alumatone .ate. Style 38-Elegant richr.es t of design in Fancy Butt Walnut 0 Qrem-Qeneva Society Newlywed Couple Honored at Wedding- Reception' Ina e-"h -Y 13 HO$)RED AT MEETING SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Park will be honored at a wedding reception tonight, Thursday in Charleston. Mrs. Park is the for mer Barbaraa Dale Pratt, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Pratt of Deer Creek Dam. "Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Park of Orem. The young couple were mar ried on July 14 in the Logan LDS Temple. They have been honeymooning in Yellowstone National Park. They plan to make their home in, Orem. Holiday Gathering At Laudie Home The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lucius Laudie was the scene of a holiday gathering on Saturday Satur-day evening. Family members enjoyed an out-door picnic sup per and visiting during the evening. ev-ening. Those present were Mr. aand Mrs. John Laudie and son of Manila; Mrs. H. W. Jacobs, Ann Alene Jacobs, Calvin Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Kav Jacobs anri daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jacobs and family of Pleasant Grove: Mr. and Mrs Ronald Price and family oi A- mercian Fork: Dr and Mrs. John R. Halliday and family of rrovo and the host and hostes. The good man imnartc tnnw. ingly and unknowingly good ness; but the evil man also exhales ex-hales conscinnslv nA j " " uiauir sciously his evil nature hence. Krt .... l uc idiaui oi your company. Mary Baker Eddy Seven out of 12 original and native Orem pioneers, members of the Camp Orem Daughters of. Utah Pioneers, were honored Sunday night at the Sharon ward Sacrament meeting. The occasion was the 101st anniversary anniver-sary of the coming of the pioneers pio-neers to Utah. Those honored included Agnes Nielson, Julia C. Burr, Martha Rudy, Elnore Bishop, Clara A. Sidwell, Maude Reynolds and Agnes Pace. The meeting was under the direction of Lucille Anderson, D.U.P. vice captain, who gave the opening remarks. Martha Rudy, mother of 17 and the only original pioneer, told of her early experiences here. Julia C. Burr, 90 years of age and mother of 13 children also told of her early life. Marian Bradshaw read a his tory of her great-uncle includ ing the incident of the plague of the crickets. Agnes Pace, a nat ive pioneer and mother of 12 children, 10 of which are still living, liv-ing, told of her experiences. She related that she joined the first Primary organization established in the LDS church. Maude Reynolds, a mother of 13, told of her early days and of experiences with the Indians here. Vera Bishop spoke of her mother, Elnore Bishop, telling tell-ing of incidents in her early life Clara G. Sidwell was the last speaker. She also relaated incidents in-cidents of early life in Utah. Agnes Nelson was present at the meeting but did not speak. Hreinson Newlyweds Honored at Reception Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hreinson were married on Monday at the fieasant urove Third ward by Bishop Niel G. Fugal. The bride is the former Marilyn King, daughter of Thomas King of Pleasant Grove and Mr. Hreinson Hrein-son is the son of Mrsf. RhnHa Hreinson of Orem. The ceremony was performed before a bank of- flowers and lighted candles, in the presence of about 50 friends and relatives. The bride wore a white satin gown, entrain, and a veil of net and lace, falling from a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bouquet bou-quet of orchids. Alta May Wood, sister of the bride was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Blanche Hreinson, Louise Bezzant. Bar bara West, Dolly , McCandless and Geneil Ward. Weldon Mar-rott Mar-rott was best man. Two little flower girls. Ann Beers and Jac queline Noble were dressed in yellow formals and carried pretty nosegays. A program was presented during the reception which fol lowed the wedding ceremony. with Ed Danklef as master of ceremonies. Robert West's orchestra or-chestra furnished music for dancing. A beautiful wedding cake centered cen-tered the lace-covered refreshment refresh-ment table, where Mrs. Milton Adamson was assisted in serving by Bonnie and Betty Jones, Karen Kar-en Earl, Janice and Connie Newman and Mary Jean Walker.1 Mrs. Duane McCandless was in charge of the gift room. The newlyweds will be at home in the Harry Wadley apartments apart-ments after a honeymoon trip. The game of chess originated more than 5000 years ago in Hindustan. 8 I U DOOKS OPEN 7:00 1st SHOW 7:30 ( & 4 i' h Oft v - Ml!' VL, II THURS., FRI., SAT. JULY 29 - 30 - 31 Tfi'uaaWaW hi'ii.-L"' Jeanette' MacDonald Jose Iturbi ! Jane Powell A beautiful and enjoyable musical filmed in Technicolor! There is a romantic story with plenty of humor and a most interesting story. It is one of the finest roles Miss MacDonald has played in her film career. Jane Powell's singing is superb! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H ri m 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 ( I ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I I 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 ! I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I S.S.S. FUN CLUB Saturday at 1:30 p.m. 1 LITTLE MEN The Louisa May Alcott story featuring Jack Oakie 1 1 and 1 Chapter 3 "SUPERMAN" - Cartoons Tlltl I 111 ri 1 1 1 (till tllltl 1 1 tMIIII 111 I Kt 1 1 1 tl I ! IMI I t M M l 1 1 1 JhI 1 1 M III! I ri II IMI I l,t I t I tlliril 1 1 M Itlil litlllll M II I Itll I MON., TUES., WED. AUGUST 2-3-4 1 1 -j Myrna Loy - Cary Grant -Melvyn Douglas After buying an old house, a man and his wife find it uninhabitable, so they lear 11 down and start building their dream home. Complications, including mortgaging, high costs, hamper their progress. Delightful comedy! CLAUDE'S OFFERS 1941 BUICK SEDAN WITH A '46 MOTOR New Interior, New Finish. Guaranteed 39 Chev. Sedan 38 Chev. Sedan 37 Ford Sedan 41 Chrysler Sedan 25 OTHER GOOD 39 Plymouth Coach 47 Ford Dump Truck 41 Stude. 4-door Sedan 48 Chev. 4-door Sedan VALUES AT CBatisclo'c Doctt Cairo Phone 2938 Murdock Reunion The James Murdock family will meet at Warm River Resort Re-sort near Ashton, Idaho on August Aug-ust 13, 14, and 15 for their 27th annual reunion. The committee in charge includes in-cludes Elroy Murdock of Genola; Osar Hunter of Salt Lake City; Annie Rasband, Heber City; and Ruby Hoper Anabelle and Bishop Bis-hop Thomas H. Murdock of Ashton, Ash-ton, Idaho. F I ! Mw"' 11 I- E L V v ; Vv: 1 ' 1 III 1 : 5 nihil i , I I ' ! f - J - . ! ; . VJf '"W- 1 Crisp white cotton pique is styled by Ted Shore for sophisticated sophis-ticated afternoon or evening wear. The cover-up jacket over a dress makes a smart cocktain costume. For the hours after sunset sun-set the nude-shoulder dress goes dancing. From Frank Starr. Hat by Chanda. BERRY PICKERS ENJOY CANYON PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rowley entertained their berry pickers at a canyon party in North Fork of Provo Canyon. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by Anna Jean Jones, Shirleen Hiatt, Mary Ann Hillman and Jane Coon, of Payson, Clarice Jolley, Darlene Jacobsen, Floyd and Jean Mangumf Jay Shelton, Jerry Hansen, LaJean, Dohna and Julia Nelson, Thea and Dee Jepperson, Nadine Craig, Ann Rowley, Mr. and Mrs. Rowley and children. A foursome that's handsome and then somel WHITE SHIRTS ARROW Here's a quartet of America'! favorite white shirts! They're all Arrowsl Which means: They're shaped-to-your-shape . . . SANFORIZED (fabric shrinkage less than 1) . . . have anchored buttons that won't pop off . . . and boast perfect-setting Arrow collars. ARROW DART With th collar that nevtr wiffif $3.65 ARROW DALE Non-will collar, xtra-fln broadcloth. broad-cloth. $4.50 Cotton seersucker, always, a leader lead-er for summer wear, has a stronger popularity than ever. Its finer quality has encouraged high style designers to give it a more artful silhouette. .This suit by Mary Stevens in brown and white fc a town or country favorite. The spirit of a person's life is ever shedding some power, just as a flower is steadily be stowing frabrance upon the air. Thomas Starr' King V. si i iris! VNm If! Box Office opens at 7:30 p.m. Show Starts JULY 30-31 FRIDAY AND SATlUn DOUBLE FEATURE AI iwriiil'jaii!' iifjj iur I If IK - i I 1 1 a MARIA PALMER JOHN ABBOT! , tiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiinuiiiiM AUGUST 1 - 3 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY PIRATES OF PARDEN CARTOON V iiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliiilllilllilllllllillllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrl AUGUST 4 -5 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY GALLANT BESS THE STORY OF A NOBLE HORSE II I' ' "' ' . " I I " Ji ISlilliilTO . j! fe;-! vmJ INLAID LINOLEUM j Do your floors take a beating? ARROW "PAR Widtspreod col hr, broadcloth. With regular or French cuffs. $3.65 ARROW FENWAY Button-down col-lar.Oxford col-lar.Oxford cloth. $3.95 Come in and see them. You'll want on (and rnoyk alll) PROVO'S FINEST STORE FOR MEN Think of itl Thousands of footsteps they can wear right through inferior materials. Yes, your floors do take a beating. Only fine, genuine inlaid linoleum like Nairn can stay handsome under this treatment. Tough, durable Nairn Linoleum comes in colors as lovely as artist-designers can make them. Patterns are coororreafec to blend perfectly with your other furnishings. Come in now bring your room measurements you'll be amazed to learn how inexpensive it is to cover yow fk1 , with the gleaming beauty of Nairn Inlaid Linoleunw VflLLEV WW State Street and Canyon Road OREM company FOR ARROW SHIRTS |