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Show II ve on nd It", to )g Faro 3for55C ic at w cnt SI2 Holistic n T :hests 1X14 Vg :op 'fit nREM-GENEVA TIMES THURSDAY. JULY 8, 1948 PLEASANT VIEW rdnaM. Hansen - 2028-M FISH BEWARE! i lire urr.ar naioeu Sir. ana ,agA Roise, laario iv fle t0."Jf 'thrv visited with V" d Mrs Harold K. Nielsen, f-'-nd Mrs. Paul Foote, Mr. Mrd Mrs Dean Phillips and El-8 El-8 roote all former residents tl returned by plane with and Mrs. Hansen. Mr and Mrs. Rulon Lowry, she," Duane and Lowell Low-left Low-left Thursday evening for ry. .... r-n-.fia where thev Cardston, wiH visit witn uw a narents. Mrs. "i""; -nain there indefinitely, due to tl,e illness 01 ian.. r- T'Hna Doe spent the . ., : Colt T.akf. Citv. weeKena m - r. ho . - - - Itfo. T)altir fa art Petty of rrice. a. cnj Ufc... ruinatt. 1 Jj --Yit -iTiff JiW Mr. and Mrs. ivuu ipst Mrs. Bertha as ineu , vacation-in vacation-in Boise, CHICAGO Attracting almost as much attention as the above charmer at recent sports shows, was the Stubcaster rod the glamour gal holds. New and novel Stubcaster has already made enemies of thousands thous-ands of fish and friends of thousands thous-ands of fishermen! Appropriately named, Stubcaster is only 21 inches long, yet, due to its patented coil spring has the "live" action of a full length 5-foot casting rod. Stubcaster Stub-caster breaks down to only 14 inches so it fits any tackle box Waltco Products company here an the makers. ant of Mrs. Perry. Mice Vireinia Meidrum nas returned home after ine for two weeks Idaho. Mr and Mrs. John Houston are spending the week in Tridell, Utah, visiting with relatives. The Houston? are Duncung a new home in me waiu, uum m Stan Roberts nome. Members of me Aaronic I priesthood helped witn tne 1 cherry picking at the welfare farm on Wednesday ana inurs-day inurs-day evening. A leadership meeting was held on Tuesday evening at the ; ward chapel. The infant daughter of Mr. 'i tnd Mrs. Eldon Perry was given j the name of Jean at Sacrament i meeting on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted bimmons I (LaPreal Jones) of Spanish Fork, Mrs. Dorothy Powell of Urem and Mr. Richards of Logan were among the visitors at Sunday School on Sunday. Bishop and Mrs. R. Bliss All- red attended funeral services in Salt Lake City for their neice's infant twin daughters. On a recent visit of U. S. Among the newcomers to the i Navy ships' to Copenhagen, Den- isrd are Mr. and Mrs. Roger mark, 103,223 curious Danes D. Allred. vent aboard them during public Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilker- visiting hours. ATTENTION son have been visiting at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. Mrs. Heber Tippetts. Mr. Wilk-erson Wilk-erson is from Lovell, Wyoming. He and his bride, the former Billie Buchanan of Wichita, Kansas Kan-sas were married on Wednesday in the Logan Temple. They left for Lovell and will return in the fall when Mr. Wilkerson will attend the BYU. After being employed in Salt Lake City for the past year, Miss Gladys Tippetts has returned' return-ed' to Pleasant View to make her home. Holiday guests at the Ivan Perry home were Jay Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell of American Am-erican Fork. GENEVA WARD Beth Moon 0581-R1 Mr. and Mrs. A. II . Christen-son, Christen-son, Kathryn Christenson and Colrrn Keeler have returned from a month's vacation trip. They toured Bryce, Zions and Grand Canyons, Mesa Verde National Park and Carlsbad Caverns. They spent four days in Oklahoma City, visited with friends and relatives in Washington Wash-ington D. C. and attended the National Republican conventioin in Philadelphia, to which Mr. Christenson was a delegate. Ronald Trent Lunceford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lunceford Lunce-ford was blesed and named at Sacrament meeting on Sunday by Frampton Collins. Kathy Lee Gappmayer, tiny daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Gappmayer was blessed by her father. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hinkins brought tiny Kathrine Ann Hinkins from Sunnydale to be blessed by her grandfather, Ben Black. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steele, DaNec Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Que Steele spent the holiday weekend in Blanding. GenaVee Steele returned with them after spending several weeks with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Ted) Brown and family took a trip! to Bryce Canyon last week. They also visited at the home of Mr, Brown's sister, Mrs. Earl Jolley at Tropic. Frampton Collins, Leland Gappmayer and Bob Olsen took the Deacons of the ward on a swimming party to Saratoga on Saturday night. The Deacons who went were Roy Shepherd, Henry Brown, Emery Patten, Kent Rowley, Leland Davis, Sherle Rowley, Carl Rowley, Merlin Rowley, Tommy Moon, Evan Crosby, Leland DeLange Kay Adams, Rex Adams, Donald Dixon, Richard Gappmayer, Myles Judd, Kenneth Workman and Ronald Hatch. Larry Collins Coll-ins also acompanied the group. Mr. and Mrs. David Eager left Monday for Eager, Arizona to attend a family reunion on July 7. They were accompanied by Joane and Mary Eager and Mrs. Rosalia Payne of Provo. Farrell Thackery and two children are visiting with Mrs. Elizabeth Hassell. Bud Patten has returned to the destroyer U.S.S. Tucker at San Pedro, California. He plans to get his release and be home in about two months. The Alfred Skinner family met at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City last Sunday for a family reunion. To avoid deterioraation while in storage, many parts for Navy planes are now being bought and distributed sealed in "tin cans". FOR SALE Buildings for sale; three, four and five rooms with bath. Also one 50x20 barracks with double floor. Call 0760-R3 or see Mr' or Mrs. Vere Westwood. C July 22 FOR A BETTER HAIRCUT IN LESS TIME See WICK SWAIN FOR SALE Amonium Sulphate, mixed fertilizers, fer-tilizers, High Nitrogen fertilizer, fertiliz-er, Insecticides for crops and livestock. Weed control chem icals. GENEVA FOOD and J iixr it 1 , puuiie Pleasant Grove 3133. Located on Geneva road, lVz miles south of Pleasant Grove. tf Jk?) S I STOCKMEN and FARMERS i If you want more money for your dead or useless horses, j cows, hogs or sheep; and for hides, pelts and wool, call UTAH HIDE AND TALLOW CO. QUICK SERVICE Geo. W. Price PHONE COLLECT LEHI 216 W Lehi, Utah r For the Best in Fine Monuments, see H. KIRKWOOD, representative U. S. MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. Of Utah I let us loan you one of our catalogues, the largest I printed, to select your memorial. jWesiern Representative H. Kirkwood Box 32, Rt. 1 Orem, Utah V z IFFS FAINTING PAPERING DECORATING CONTRACTING PRE-WAR PRICES 855 North State- Orem 2 Doors North of Park's KELSCH'S COMPLETE SHOE FOOT SERVICE , 156 West Center Rf Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIE Provo, Utah Finance . Your new or used car thru a low cost Loan lt easy and convenient low Bank Ratet tav you money and you establish valuable Bank Credit. First Security Bank COCoA National Association SHARPENED SAWS FILED SCISSORS SHARPENED WELDING OCTETS REPAIRS NEW GENEVA HIGHWAY 1 :1 Spoon' 1 T Untversity Dt won vt""-' mm irs-: mm S.MuTif'by Jerome Kern-Books . ly i.- n..i.i Mammerwein 11 the Novel by Edna ferber net Bated on TTT MS tnd WW 14-27 STADIUM SHOW BOAT - July 14 IS 16 17 Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 51 22 23 24 17 j Thu. Fri. Sat. Tire. "'mummer night's dream - July 19 (Mon.), 20 (Tue.), 26 (Moti.fr ' Reserved Seats: ' 7 One Show. $3.60 for Both Shows; ," 0n W Jorted. Sh .vi , VE WNEY - SEE BOTH GREAT SHOWS " Section SI M - General Admission 7Se 11 M Mn j. . ' uooa Mats! :-: Z ; ad, i, Univ.,,;.. -n. ..... urv HoM. ! I hU- i'V.Vi 1 City. Enclose eelf-addressed, stamped , , M I " ..it A' . SEEM TO BE UlSSfei I ANY BOTTOMy.'.- . seiT-aaaresse Spttify DATES WANTED. WHERE IN BRITISH CONTROLLED TERRITORY 15 THE FAMOUS NATUSVX PITCH LAKE 5 ' IT PROVIDE ' '.' T f-OR. MANY Of T. VOR-LD'S HIGHWAYS ANSWER l 53iQN H"StUa8 CWOtNi'dJ. B. L. TIPPETS Phone 0662-R1 OSCAR II. ANDERSON i'hono 087-R2 Where in Orem can you find the famous headquarters for Real Estate, Insurance, and Bonding? Why, Orem Real Estate Es-tate .of course. It provides experienced, ex-perienced, efficent service for prospective Orem residents and long-time Orem residents, J 1 Mm HURRY! Folks: "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED!" Here are the Active J7orfiers: In alphabetical .Order Mrs. Loreen Bliss -- Timpanogos Ward Mrs. Harold Baker -- Geneva Ward Mrs. Dezzie Lamb - Hillcrest Ward Mr. Leonard Madsen -- Vineyard Ward Mrs. Delta Newell - Sharon Ward Mrs. Blanche Nielson - Windsor Ward Mrs. Eldon S. Perry Pleasant View Ward Mrs. Ethel Pyne - Vermont Ward FIRST PRIZE -- NEW 4-DOOR CHEVROLET OR $1700 IN CASH I IIIUIIIJIii.m.,,JlljmU.i.U. .). !W.W 'Hl'.Wm"'" " '','"''? '.'"I II) .IIIH.W ...II I I. ) I . Si.:; -y- ' " - 'hit V'- --VJAV S2er-. ' L"t .1 - j'yxcr-L y?- . u ' j. --TmTminrriiiii 111 n .... . , fc. 4 ; ' ;A t-J - yKvfs-' -si t" ' 't ' ' " ' ' K ? . " ' - - i"'" -7 & .,1 izh. .Z . " ,--,f..- - 'innliirraiin minn sssmsssmms dmeexeas'THMirrum - '" ' Purchased from P. E. Ashton Co., Provo ALL HEARTS ARE SET ON WINNING THE CAR AND THE $500 FOR THEIR WARD HELP YOUR FAVORITE! phone |