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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES OREM Doors open 7:00 Friday - Saturday April 25-26 It's A Wonderful Life James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore "An exceptionally entertaining human story about an average American in an average American town" Showman' Review. "A wonderful movie" Times Magazine. "Masterful Comedy and Sentiment" Life Magazine. Maga-zine. "You'll Love It" Louella Parsons. Saturday Matinee 1:50 April 26 S.S.S. FUN CLUB Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch A delightful story that the children will love to see! Starring Fay Bainier AND THREE CARTOONS IN COLOR Mon. - Tues. - Wed. April 28-29-30 FIRST RUN IN UTAH CO I NT V PL, k king o the Cowboys 0 ' Mir-. - ,t::..S i-l OTPWW PRODUCTION Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Bob Nolan and Sons of the Pioneers The first of the Roy Rogers series to be filmed in beautiful Colorl Good entertainment for the entire en-tire family, with plenty of comedy music and actio ac-tio nl AND AFFAIRS OF GERALDINE Jane Withers, Jamest Lytlon, Ray Wulburn An entertaining comedy drama with music! Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. :..1 IRHN PI1VMF Anno RftYTffi "Of s, Tyrone Power, One Tierney, Anne Baxter "An excDpS'onsl screen work which is a c-et:t 'h Am'Tican film industry. Seldom has a mo j earcfi.iiy-thi': n r-t ,lv;:i a lure ;Ai: z'..,: .; for r"i7?l rf tv character in eve.-' scene of a niouoa piciu. ; niuwi.ian's novi.w. Because of the length of this pU.u it will be neefsrry to z.url 11. e l'....v a 7C) rather, than 7:30. It will be to your advp..taae to see the px-ture px-ture from the beginning. The feature itself will start at 7:10 and 9:45., 4 UTAH First show 7:30 ' Smartest :..:e in tU Moviei 2. rt Eft, ::-'::;AV.:v:v:;:':'..:;:;.:;f:.'f- May 1-2-3 IYRHNF POWER - CIKE TIERNEY Chfton WEBB Herbert MARSHALL W. SOMIRSET MAUGHAM'S The Razors Edge . DARRYlTzANUCK 10MUND G0ULDING in 1 HAR Ik'OH I lEATatthe.. MAYFLOWER CAFE I Where Good Food Is Served I 'I You Are Always Welcome 1 50 N. Univv Ave I Three Thousand Younj? Athletes From Ttah, Idaho, Wyo-niinif Wyo-niinif Arizona and Nevada, Neva-da, .liii com erne on Brijr-ham Brijr-ham Youn University Xtnriium Friday and Sat-urd,av Sat-urd,av to parlitipate in the !!(h . nnu:jl IJVU Invita-Track Invita-Track and Field meet. M.'.v You All Have a Wonderful and Successful Suc-cessful Time! First Security liank of Utah Provo Branch AIN'T IT FUNNV WOW H' SIZE OF SOME FOLK VESTS DEPENDS ON HOW MUCH "fHEVVE GOT POCKET, C Wimm tUTVMI CO It doesn't lake a lot of money to get the best when you maxe BUNKERS your food headquarters, headquar-ters, because we sell only the best quality groceries at the lowest possible prices. Keep your family happy with nulrl lious. vitamin-filled foods. GOLDEN OIL LAYING MASH Is Tops ! For Protein 20 ol lirwicii OhqIiIvj Pi-ATCiin M- until uinuj a tuiviii for Production. Produc tion records are consistent y high in, the many fine flocks where it is fed. FOR PRICE $3,95 cwt. Truly a better buy on any market. BUNKER Geneva Steel is Across from Us. PHONE 016-R3 ALTERATIONS! I make men's suits, shirts and sxtra pants, also remodeling Build formal, dresses and ' childrens clothing. See or call M. r?i!vlr Mr. 9n4 Wt Provo. Phone 227S-R. 1 FCR SALE Good sturdy Tomato and Pepper plants. Also fine selection of flower p'ants READY NOW Roy Bradford, ', Evanish Fork, Utah FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accord ion, Qii trrs. PHone 40Tt. Prof S W. WiUikr-s, 308 E. S Sout:-Prov. Sout:-Prov. I bay, sell, rent, II AND TEACH. I- TIMPANOGOS Bishop and Mrs. Philo Edwards Ed-wards entertained the Timpan- ogos ward bishopric and ward s'lr-rk nnrt their wives following follow-ing a Bishop's meeting at their ;iome Monday evening. Refreshments Refresh-ments and a social evening were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wnffinden. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin FliKbco, Mr. and Mrs. Oiland Pyne and the host and hostess- The Timpanogos ward M. I. A. sepcial interest group held a fireside ehnt fit the home of H. S. Snyder in Christeele Acres Sunday evening after sacrament sacra-ment meeting. Special guests were Mrs. Kn ir. Pack, who gave the program, Mr. and Mrs-Moss Mrs-Moss and Mr. and Mrs. David Mann. Mr, Mann entertained with -.'accordian selections. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Pal-men Pal-men arc 1h" parent' of a new son born in the Utah Valley hospital Sunday. The; Primary cnildrcn of Timpanogos ward held a tree planting ceremony Thursday afternoon. A tree was planted :;s a living memorial to the Utah Pioneers. Y So the Tourist May Know One hundred thousand maps featuring the roads of the stale ainn" with historic! and scenic information, will be issued in the near future by the State Road Commission The map ; will be printed in four colors and will be distributed to: tourists tour-ists and others through..! service clubs, district road offices - -.and. the State Department of ; Pub- SNAPPY SERVICE CAFE ; M76N. Univ. Proved A Clean Place I ! To Eat j tiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiniiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! tinryr i PIC NIC POTATO CHIPS Are Always Fresh At Your Local Grocer licity and Industrial Development. Develop-ment. In the meantime, the State Publicity Department is getting out its own State map, designed to interest and attract tourists to the major scenic attractions of the state. This map also is in color and will be mailed to all sections of the country in answer to queries from out-of-state requests. . THOMAS JEFFERSON What was it that gave to him such profound importance in his day as it does now. Answer he was and is still the greatest great-est and most influencial exponent expon-ent of both liberalism and Americanism. Am-ericanism. Wood row Wilson said of him. The immortality of Thomas Jefferson Jef-ferson does not lie in any one of his achievements but in his attitude toward mankind and what was that attitude? First of all he was against slavery and worked for their freedom all his life. When the quoslioii of slavery came up for vote in his home state Virginia, he lost the fight by one vote. It was that negative vote that throw our country into civil was later on. He was one of the rnost learned learn-ed nen of hi- '.lire Hi?, head and his hand.; strove mightily, together and brought forth a fr -at personality,' a .stalwart- fig-t fig-t e. that mrnlded the statue of I'bf ny. justice and euality in he hearts of his own and sue-'Ofling fenerations.- - His ideas were born of the right-rai.sness right-rai.sness of his own soul. He set i'orth in the Declaration of .Independence" "the God giver rights of man. and the Christian ideals iroon '.which 'rue govern-.ments govern-.ments cm suceed. V How ardently he fought to establish the America of free pf-opl" for 'lie common man and his rightful place as peer among his follows Opposers would have it otherwise. A monarch and class privileges privil-eges drew the sword in word j and deed against his cause but, he met the challenge and held fast. Th' worn out resnme of the old world was not meant for Mi" r world Here a better way of life had iust been won by patriots blood- The suffer-ng suffer-ng of Valley Forire the surge f the love of freedom set "orth in the Star Spangled Ban nor as it waved in the mist and -moke of Fort Mc Henry were fresh in his memory. The grand arid lofty princi-oles princi-oles of this man Jefferson are being, torn asunder. Men fight aeainst each other rather than for each other. They clamor for money and more money. ::::::::::::!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::::' MGSER - HARTMANl COMPANY I Restaurant and Soda Fountain Equipment il ICE CREAM CABINETS II AND FREEZERS STEAM TABLES BOOTHS ij REACH-IN REFRIGERATORS : I COUNTERS BACK BAR MIXERS 55 Post Office Place Phone 5-1264 Salt Lake City, Utah The monster greed walks brazenly braz-enly in every corner of our fair land. One is reminded of Washing ton's vision, wherein he saw American laid waste by her own hand, There is a way of escape from this calamity if we will but take the right road and that is national repentance and a return the sure and glorious democracy advocated and practiced prac-ticed by Thomas Jefferson. Americas formost citizen and benefactor was born April 2, 1743 at Shad well, Virginia. Grace M. Candland, Timpanogos D. U. P. TIMP DUP Mrs. Winnie Graff entertained entertain-ed the Timpanogos DUP at her home last week. Mrs. Vaneese Woofinden gave the lesson and Mrs Graff read the pioneer history his-tory of her husband's mother. The ladies worked on a quilt and enjoyed refreshments during dur-ing the afternoon. For Good, Wholesome . . . EATS Patronize RICHARDS' TWIN PINES CAFE Opposite City Hal - Orem O. K. RUBBER WELDERS . 357 W. Center . I Provo Phone 104 j! I If You Need Your!! Tires Recanped or I New Tires come in !! land see us. Win I you out on all your i! iTire Needs! !! r REP. DAWSON GUEST ON NBC PROGRAM WASHINGTON, D. C. Rep. William A. Dawson (left), Utah Second District, recently played play-ed host to NBC's Bill Herson (center), on his weekly "Coffee with Congress" broadcast. With the Congressman is Mrs. Dawson Daw-son and their daughters, four-year-old Billie and Diane. The informal interview conducted by Herson, revealed that Dawson Daw-son is a lawyer, served five sessions ses-sions as State Senator, was a Bishop of the Murmon Church for eight years, and spen: two years in England as a missionary. mission-ary. He has been in Washington nearly four months and is a member of the House Public Lands Committee. V VaA- ' .1' Sets frcm $50 up. This set i;::l many others to choose from our fine stccV. Styles r.nd pries wiil suit eveiyone. W, E, MITCHELL JEWELRY GO. Phone 52 34 West Center PROVO COON'S FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE .150 No. Univ. PROVO We are still keeping in line with the request of reducing the price of Merchandise. Come in and take advantage ad-vantage of the bargains that we have in our store, and at prices you can't afford to miss! II !! A JOT? Yes . . . you and everyone else who comes in contact with tourists can affect Utah's tourist business! Consider this fact! Two million tourists travel through Utah each year. If each of them could be induced to stay just ONE EXTRA DAY, they would spend an EXTRA $30,000,000 in Utah! Amazing-, but true! Waitresses, service station attendants, clerks, hotel operators . . . you can influence tourists to stay by your courtesy, your explanation, of Utah's many tourist attractions. Remember, Remem-ber, a satisfied tourist today means a return trip to Utah next BRING THEM BACK Thursday, April 24, 1947 GALL 30 0 For Nationwide Moving Service! Apc-nts for Bekins, Allied Van Lines. Local and lon distance moving. Packing, moving, storage, crating, and shipping. We can move you to any city in the world. Utah's Finest Moving Service YELLOW CAB & TRANSFER CO. CALL 300 ANYTIME WELCOME TO PROVO HOTEL COBERTS A Good Place To Stay 1 1 year. IN '48 |