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Show o Thursday, February 6, 1947 OREM-GENEVA TIMES "IT WAS FUN" P, V. REUNION We went to the Pleasant Vk-w : ward reunion Thursday night, and it was fun. I haven't laughed laugh-ed so iiard in a "Coon's Age"-Oh, Age"-Oh, I know there will probably bc a little mention made that (hi - affair was successfully held. But I would like to add a few -words to what might be said. We lived in PI jsmu View fo-many fo-many years, v- war e ! cur little girl to p'or.d n ".mall st hool so we selected r'age. because be-cause we wauU d a bit o( nor-sonal nor-sonal teaching and intprest in her life. She is a motner now. and we are grandparents, say, how did I go back that far? Oil, I know. I wanted you to know why we really enjoyed the ward reunion. We have lived out of the ward more than two years now, we tliouwht our house was too big. or transportation wasn't close eough or something. Anyway we found ourselves feeling like strangers until we opened the door of our church. Then the handshake and friendly smile of the b'sN'ir made us feel welcome. wel-come. V; w re at once back home aiin. We chatted for a few minutes then went downstairs down-stairs to the lunch prepared for us. Meeting friends and greeting greet-ing them on our way. Have you ever watched the mothers of the ward at work in the Relief Society kitchen? It w;-s as efficient as an assembly l'ne. and my heart filled with pr Je to know these mothers to serve this large up f people would receive g only a ihank you, or in a v be some criticism by a thoughtless -mo. I know every woman there was tired, every back ached, and feet were swollen from many, many steps taken in service for us. But each mother smiled a greeting and went on with the appointed task. I looked at their eyes and I was proud, be- j cause I knew that each looked I well to the care of her household house-hold and as long as we have good mothers, we will have good homes. I don't want to preach, I just want to say thanks. We enjoyed good food nicely served among friends. Could a king have more? Then to the program, that community singing was something, some-thing, the leader really conducted- Talent of every sort was displayed, we enjoyed good music, original songs. And the dramatic skit was one we will chuckle about for sometime Which did you laugh hardest at. the tie episode, or the sudden turn of events for the man with the cough? I feel sure the worthy visitors was not ciissa-pointed ciissa-pointed in us when he sees Zion is growing, in love, understanding, understand-ing, and good will, so fully displayed dis-played in the evening entertainment. entertain-ment. The dancing was enjoyed by manv, and as I listened to the laughter and friendliness I think I am safe in saying a good time was had by all. So many people enjoyed themselves, the old, the young, the in-betweens and even the babies sleeping on the benches, while their parents danced. It was fun, did I say that before? Well it was and lhanks. Ila Gadd. Sharon Stake Young Men Now Eagle Scouts . fw- I f Centennial Queen at I 'Fireside Chat' ! More than 40 young people of Windsor ward met Sunday evening eve-ning following church services at the home of Bishop and Mrs. , LeGrand Jarman. ' Miss Caleen Robinson. Utah Centennial queen was a special ; guest and answered questions of' Ihose present. Robert Jepperson sang three solos, accompanied by Mrs. Donna Ostler. Mrs. Anita ' Varley gave a reading. Tasty refreshments were served. m 0 0 w0 as ITS, 1 ' COON Furniture and Rug Sale For February JUST ARRIVED Carload New Furniture at Low Prices RUGS 9x12 100 All Wool Face Axminster mm Rug and 40-oz. Pad. Sale Price 7"0" 9x15 All Wool Axminster Qf Pt Rug with pad 90 9x12 Felt Base Rugs u n. 1st. quality - COCOA DOOR MATS RUBBER DOOR MATS DOORMATS "1.98 2.98 3.96 2.39 . 2.98 CHROME CHAIRS Asstd. Colors. Reg. 8.95. Sale Price 100 only at this price 749 METAL BED Complete with Coil Spring and 60-lb. felted mattress. Reg 62.50 Sale price 52.50 Now is the time to prepare for Spring Cleaning Look at these Cleaning Values 6 Foot Stepladders Metal Const. Reg. 6.98 SALE PRICE We have a good assortment of Household Cleaners Clean-ers - Polishes - including Rug Cleaner - Cedar Mops - Clothes Dryers - Clothes Baskets. 98 We also have a good supply of Coleman Oil Water Heaters and Electric Water Heaters. 30 to 45 gal. capacity. Make deposit now and install later if you wish. Breakfast Sets 5 Pc. Extension Chrome Breakfast Set Alcohol and acid proof - water proof - heat resistant. re-sistant. Braced leg. Stainless A af steel trim. Reg. 79.50 NOW 5 Pc. Extension Breakfast Set 14" leaf, oak top with chrome lags. Regular 74.50 SALE PRICE 0AJ3 STUDIO COUCHES Double coil construction, heavy velour cover. Assorted colors 1 Ofl Cfh Regular 149.50. SALE PRICE Specially Priced Two Piece Living Room Suite Double coil construction, velour cover, hardwood hard-wood frame Ct Reg. 179.50. SALE PRICE We Have a Good Assortment of "Love Seats" and two piece Sectional Sets. Kidney & Charles of London Sets in Mohair find Velour covers. PRICED f A, amTa T to FROM GARBAGE CANS: 30 it:t sturdy double duty galvanized garbage ..cans. 7.93 Extra Special!! Just Arrived!! BE WISE PUT ONE AWAY FOR SPRING 1 8 in. and 24 in. LAWN MOWER Ball- Bearing - Rubber Tired - Self Sharpening - A small deposit will hold yours till Spring. 150 North University Provo, Utah Who bathes in worldly joys, swims in a world of fears. Phineas Fletcher. Reading from left to right, the five Eagle Scouts are as follows: Jesse Asay. Duane Davis, Kay Baker, Harold Nielsen, Lorin Millet. The coveted Seoul awards were received at a special court of honor held in connociion with Sharon stake cenfer ence. Sunday, January 26, with Occar A. Kirkham and Boyd Davis making the presentations. Arnold Burningha.i, district dis-trict Scoui chairman was in charge. Gmsts Attend Sunday Service Guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Chester Graff Sunday were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Graff and nephews, Dar-re'I Dar-re'I and Bernard Hafen, of Salt Lake Cily. Mr. and Mrs. Max Huff of Spriiifivillc. Miss Caroline Caro-line Stuckie of St. George, who is attending the BYU, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Graff, home on furlough from ElPaso, Texas, Doral and Montell Graff. Announcement of the call to serve as an LDS missionary by Doral Graff was made and the entire party attended the Sunday Sun-day evening service at Scera when the play-pageant, "My Task" written by Mr. Graff was presented. Rohbock-Jenson Nuptials at Evanston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rohbock (Verna Jenson) were married riinav, January HI. at Evans- ii. Wyoming. The brdo is 'he ('auhter of . W. Je-.vitn of Parson. Utah. She attended school at Pnyson :i id graduated from high scnool r Tempe. Arizona. During the past year she has made her home v illi her aunt and uncle, Mr. iiid Mr. A. L. Molt, at Orem. Mr. Rolibock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rohbock ana at-'ondod at-'ondod Lincoln high school. He enlisted in the U. S. Army In May, 1941, in the air force, lie '.vas stationed at the air base in Salt Lake City, in East Georgia, Kansas. Bushnell Army hospital it Hrigliam City and Spokane, Washington. His overseas as signment was spent in the Aleutian Aleu-tian Islands and Alaska, where he spent four years, receiving his discharge as a staff Sergeant in November, 1945. A wedding reeep'ion is being tendered Mr. and Mrs. Rohbock Sa'urday evening, Feb. 8 in the Timpanogos ward hall. The popular young couple will make their home in Orem. Adtiertuement From where I sit ... Ii Joe Marsh Lem's Dogs vs Triad's Chickens Running a newspaper, you Ret to know a lot abont human nature. Thad Phipps was in the other day, all burned up. Wanted me to run an item on how Lem Martin's dog had raided his chickens again, and ought to be put away by law. I told him! "Lem was in on Saturday. Said you shouldn't be allowed to keep those chickens so close to bis house and in a residential resi-dential sone, at that." Thad shuts up right pronto then. And that very evening I see Um making his peace with Lem at Andy Botkin's Garden Tavern over a friendly glass of beer. From where I sit, anyone can find something in his neighbor to complain about. (Some folks may even disagree with Thad's right to enjoy that glass of beer with Lem t) But where would we be if every body tried to have law passed against everything they disagreed with? We wouldn't have many neighbors left! Copyright, 1947, Vnltoi Statu Brcwvi Foundation Be sure to hear the new Electric Hour THE "HOUR OF CHARM" ALL-GIRL ORCHESTRA under the direction of PHIL SPITAUIY EVERY SUNDAY 2:30 P. M. - KSL Brought to you by UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO Mrs. Williams Feted On 92nd Birthday Mrs. Alfred Williams . was honored on her 92nd birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths Nuttall in Lake View. Mrs. Williams, who is still In perfect health and very active, received many cards, flowers and other gifts from her many friends and relatives. A hot dinner was served early in the evening to Mr. and Mrs-Sterling Mrs-Sterling Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hopkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Slaymaker, Mrs. Mary Strong, Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Cleo Ream, Chris Jepperson, Gad Williams, Lawrence Straw-berg, Straw-berg, Verl Nuttall, Miss Donna Bean and Miss Marilyn Nuttall. DUPONT NYLONS Full Fashion Guaranteed First Quality All Nylon Leg and Foot Fine Mercerized Cotton Top. Color Skydawn Sizes 8', to lOVi 3 PAIRS $4.25 Insured Postpaid Send check or money order to: Carolina Hosiery Co. FOREST CITY. NORTH CAR. Be faithful over home relations; rela-tions; they lead to higher joys: obey the Golden Rule for human life, and it will spare you much bitterness. Mary Baker Eddy. ALTERATIONS! I make men's suits, shirts and extra pants, also remodeling. Build formals, dresses and childrens clothing. Sea or call Mrs. Cuyler, 447 No. 2nd West. Provo. Phone 2276-R. v FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordiona, Gal-tars. Gal-tars. Phone 940K, Prof S. W. Williams, 308 E. 3 South. Prove. J buy, sell, rent, AND TEACH. AVON REPRESENTATIVES wanted, part or full time for Orem and other Southern Utah Areas. Write Mfrs. Mabel Kinney, Supervisor, 469 West Center. Provo, Utah. St. LOANS and REAL ESTATE SEE FRED E. RAY INSURANCE Office: 79 South, Secend West DR. E. MANSFIELD Chiropractor and Naturopathic Physician 75 E. Center Street PROVO, UTAH Phone 1093 Res. Phone 1711 tVf HARDEST PART ABOUT MOST JOBS IS 1H' THlNKlN ABOUT GETTlN STARTED. I.-. "at MAX M. NICHOLES VETERINARIAN Phone 039J3 TAILORING Ladies' and Gentlemen's FINE TAILORING Both SUITS and COATS at $25 up REPAIRING ALTERING REMODELING See MITCHELL 491 South 2nd West Prove All farmers know that their job is bigger now than ever before . . . that's why they insist in-sist upon upon quality BUNK ERS feeds for flocks and herds. Starting with the right feeds assures you of successful raising. Come to) BUNKERS for quality seeds, also. ; , DAIRY FEED ! $3.14 Now Packed in 100 lbs. With Rolled Grain BUNKERS PHONE 016-R3 LIST YOUR For Prompt Sale BILL BAKER 558 So. State Street, Orem Bldg. Loans General Insurance Phones: Bus. 2255-J Res. 2232 1 Entered as second-class matter November 19. 1937 at the office at Orem, Utah, under the Act of March 8. 1879. Published Every Thursday By Utah Valley Publishing Company, Provo, Uiah post New Shoe Shop OREM SHOE REPAIRING Open For Business Shoes Neatly Repaired While You Wait Located North State in Orem by Prestwich Lumber Company LESTER RIDING, Prop. UtahGrow FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES EVERGREENS AND FLOWERING SHRUBS I ORDER NOW AT mm 'V |