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Show ?s OREM-GENEVA TIMES Thursday, January 30, 1947 One of the biggest and most interesting in-teresting services of the Utah State Agricultural Extension Service, the Farm, Home Show Will be presented to Utah County farmers and housemakers. The .show is being presented all over the state and is receiving enthusiastic response. It will be shown Feb. 5 in the Spanish Fork Armory and on Feb. 6 at Pleasant Grove First Ward Hall. The entire show covers air.w; t every ;I;a;;e of farm life and homemaking, from how to mend a dress to the most up to date method of milking a cow. We recommend that the people of Utah County take advantage of this opportunity given them to learn first hand how to solve the many problems involved. Utah County Commissioners ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR Expert- Watch .and Jewelry Repair New and Used Watches -fiuns Jewelry LOANS ON VALUABLES Owned and Operated hy an Ex-Serviceman PROVO LOAN AND JEWELRY GO. Phone 573 51 North Univ. Ave. Modern offices throughout the west PLAYER'S GOILD TO PRESENT "WINGLESS VICTORY" Of .special interest to theatregoers theatre-goers of Utah county is the announcement an-nouncement that "The Wingless Victory", Maxwell Anderson's famous poetic drama, has been selected as the initial production produc-tion of the recently organized Players' Guild- Word concerning concern-ing the choice comes from Arta Ballif , chairman of the group. The drama, first of six or more works which are to be produced during the year by the local semi-professional group, will be presented on the stage f the Provo hiuh school, -February 6, 7, and 8. FIVE EAGLE SCOUTS RECEIVE AWARDS A feature of the Priesthood conference Sunday was the ' pecial court of honor under the direction of Arnold Burning-ham, Burning-ham, district scout chairman of ; hnron stake. Five men received coveted Eagle awards from Oscar A. Kirkham, former chief executive execu-tive of the LDS church scouting program and Boyd Davis, chairman chair-man of the camping and activities activi-ties committee of the Utah National Na-tional Parks council. Lorin Mil-lvt, Mil-lvt, Harold Nielsen and Jesse A say were given the awards by Mr. Kirkham and Kay Baker and Duane Davis by Mr. Davis. Wives and mothers of the five Eagle scouts received the small Eagle bad.!"1. Service awar'-V wore -;!so pre-'c:l pre-'c:l by Mr. Davis to Ray G-.-nmon, 15 year veteran; John IT Nicol for 10 -years and Clar-'; Clar-'; :e Brtico. Eliss for five year fcrvice. II For Delicious, Home Cooked Foods, Patronize n e-. mm oin the RICHARD'S TWIN PINES CAFE MARCH OF DIMES ruAlj - j n$Wmm$im m mm mmm ORES! ! geneva steel flan ! ! whizes HEGREA I ION ASS'N r-. C.. i: . ami -William ' .'o!U'.. uinon ii.!;: the ; boar i Herbert ..j..,. i liairman of the sup: .v,y.ory uimniiUeo:. L. G. Mt-lY.ilaintv Mt-lY.ilaintv kcc'i etarv; nd J. Vai- , lie first ult a of method is a ;ns.:.ve transition from one o ;:noth; r in an course. Colleridge. Me-hori not less requisite in 161 West Center Street Provo, Utah THE Bfi AD OF QUALITY I 1 1 GRAY REALTY COMPANY Phone 370 196 West Center Provo, Utah See Us Before You UY URN ORROW B W. ' F. ' Sessions, oruuiary conversation man m chairman of the credit committee; commit-tee; F. S. Dain, secretary; and John K. Lee. writing, provided a man would talk to make himself under stood. Addison. . ST 4 wri m m asm w w MORGAN LIME AND CINDER BLOCK CO. Lime - Putty Stucco Cinder Blocks Plaster and Cement of All Kinds 450 E. 6th So. Provo, Utah The recent reorganization of the Geneva Recreation Association, Associa-tion, or G.Ii.A. at the Geneva Steel Company is resulting in many recreational activities and practical benefits - .to employee members, according 'to Clyde E. Weeks, publicly director of the organization. -The O.K. A. which functioned during the wartime operation of the Geneva plant and lay dormant during the . hutdown period has been reorganized re-organized to assist in ths development de-velopment of recreational f-ieiM-ties for salaried and hourly-pa.1'1-employees. The organization vhich hand'od health and aci't-rient aci't-rient insurance for employee ?' Geneva during its previous ox i stance will again assume ilia', responsibility. The Vincynrt' ward chape! which was sold -fo Geneva for a construction office building during dur-ing the war has been t'J'T-d over to the recreation assocki lion for conversion to a recrea tion center for iti employee Pro gram. i The center is being equipped ' with billiard tables and tables for table tennis. The building j also houses a large ballroom for dancing, in which an r--i"at'rr dance was heir! las 'v,, inaugurating in-augurating the recreational pro-pram pro-pram at the cf'-. Both men and worne;:'.- bowling bowl-ing leagues have been orga iid for employees, and there are "ow twelve men's teams and six women's teams partieip.-it" ig i toe leagues. Formerly or" of Utah's :it-standing :it-standing choral groups Ihf Oer-rva Chop's ' bcin ganized and is again scheduled to tour the state for concert u.i-gagements. u.i-gagements. The G.R A.'s charter has been accepted by the Federal Credit Union, and the association is sponsoring a credit union at the Geneva plant. An organizational organiza-tional meeting was held Monday night In the G.R.A. ballroom with the following officers elected: elect-ed: Claud F. Hawkins, president of the board of directors; A. P. Hoolscher, vice president; J. Benson Egn, treasurer: A. G. Freestone, dcrk: Kla::ie Chris, topherson. publicity; and Tom DEMONSTRATING . . . Olsen Manure Loaders For All Makes of Tractors Sat., Feb. , Z p.m. T n C vs C- 4t ltllJ sf;- PATTEN & EKINS WAREHOUSE Canyon Road Provo The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing a a time. Cevil. Method facilitates every kind rf business, and by making it asy makes it agreeable, and :i 1 ,-t successful. C. Simmons. Be .methodical if you would succeed in business, or in anything. any-thing. Have a work for every moment, and mina ihe moment's work. W. Mathews. Joy is an elation of spirit of a spirit which trusts in the goodness and truth of its own possessione. Seneca- Great joy, especially after a sul len change of circumstances, is apt to be silent, and dwells rather in the heart than on the tongue. Fielding. I! PROSPECTIVE ii CUELDERS II Consider seriously the heating plant for your n,ew home! MOTORS ;New and Rebuilt Guaranteed Immediate Fords Chevrolets Dodge Plymouth Studebaker Installation Credit Allowance on Old Motor We have the finest motor .rebuilding equipment; rre'ey can buy. j Our .rtiichinestH arid mechanics an; highly killed and can do the job to please you. SEE HALL MOTOR SERVICE For QUALITY AVI) SERVICE Located on Top of Dugway Phone 021-R3 Orem, Utah I RADIANT HEAT No streaks on the walls No drafts or cold spots More economical The future method of heating P. L. LARSEN CONTRACTOR 335 West Center Provo EDGEMONT Pies, pies and then some more pies were in evidence at the pie supper, following the fine program pro-gram Monday evening honoring honor-ing Mrs. Margaret Pulsipher, who leaves Monday for the LDS mission home in Salt Lake City before leaving for the California Californ-ia mission. Orvil B. Davis conducted the program, which included songs led by Mrs. Wm. D. Lee; invocation, invoca-tion, Wm. F. Wlscombe and original poem by Mr. Wiscombe. Short talks by former Bishops Robert L. Elliott, Wilford R. Stubbs, and Mrs. - Pulsipher. Irene Hansen and Mrs. Junius Gordon sang solos, accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. Ethel Taylor. Penrod Glazier played two accordion ac-cordion solos. Sharp C. Gillespie Gillesp-ie offered the benediction. All ladies and girls of the ward brought pies, which were auctioned to the highest bidder, with William C. Faulkner as auctioneer. The buyer would then share the pie with the lady that brought it, which included all present, from 6 to 60 years. Another feature of the evening eve-ning was a beautiful cake, made and donated by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Allen, which went to Miss Dora Davis, who was voted queen of the evening with more than 2500 votes. The votes were sold for a penny a vote. Miss Carol Johnson ran a close second to Miss Davis, who is also leaving soon for a mission. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Glazier have returned from a two weeks vacation in Arizona and Cali fornia, where they visited their daughter Virginia and family at Las Vegas and their son Or- land and family at Los Angeles. They accompanied another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Glazier of Heber City on the trip. The three act comedy "A Case of Springtime" was pre sented by Pleasant View ward M.I.A. in Edgemont ward Tuesday Tues-day evening, before a large audience. Mrs. Arlo M. Anderson and baby daughter returned to the family home today, following the babe's birth at Utah Valley hospital last Saturday. The Junior Sunday schol class enjoyed a fine skating party at Utah Lake, under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Laura Turnbridge. Supt. Clarence Cluff and Junius Gordon assisted assist-ed with transportation. The entire en-tire group went to the Ralph Meldrum home after skating and enjoyed refreshments. COMPLIMENTS of BERG MORTUARY PROVO UTAH iniiiiiiimiiiililMiiiimiiTiMNiiiiiiiimimii MITCHELL SHEET METAL WORKS HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Stokers Stainless Steel and Galvanized Iron Works li 1700 So. State, Orem :! fi Phone 075-J3 |