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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES Thursday, September 26, ! I I OSCAR CARLSON'S 1 r : I 1 I i SPORTING H H 1 GOODS 3 ii E I j TENMS RACQUETS 1 SOFT BALLS ii 1 GOLF EQUIPMENT j 1 ij I OUTDOOR CLOTHING 112 No. Univ. Ave. f ii I g ii 8 ia::a!aJK!a!Kai!iiia;:::!:iii!:::!a::!:K:::!:K::i".::: Dodge - Plymouth Cars - Trucks Sales & Service NAYLOR AUTO CO. 70 E, 1st North PROVO, UTAH Phone 478 EDGEMONT A swimming party at Luke's Hot Pots in Midway, was enjoy-ed enjoy-ed as the opening social of Mutual Mu-tual Tuesday evening. Sympathy is extended Mrs. Isaac Boyce, in the death of her sister, Mrs. Vesta Eggertson Ah-lander, Ah-lander, who died Sunday eve- Best in DRUG GOODS Best in DRUG STORE SERVICE HEDQUIST DRUGS (2 STORES) Phones 8 22 Provo, Utah s:::ni:::i)iuinm:iiianiiiimnm:;t:n:u::i:n;iin:!niil WISE SHOPPERS BUY AT GRANITE FURNITURE 84 North University Art. Provo, Utah PHONE 194 SPEAR LUMBER COMPANY PHONE 34 See Us For Asphalt Roofing 19S W. 3rd South PROVO THE . . . UTAH VALLEY GLASS & PAINT CO. Takes this opportunity io welcome to Provo and Utah County the many new as well as returning students that are to attend the BYU. May your stay be one of real pleasure, coupled with a high scholastic achievement. 57 N. Univ. Ave. PROVO B. Y. U. STUDENTS May your return to college this year be a happy reunion re-union with our gallant citi-zenry, citi-zenry, coupled with your successful achievement In the field of higher learning. BERG MORTUARY PROVO ning at the home of her brother ,E. A. Eggertson, in Provo, while visiting here from Los Angeles Mrs. Ahlander came to attend the open house, which was given giv-en for their aged mother, Mrs. Arta C. Eggertson on Sunday. Following the party, where more than one hundred relatives and friends called, Mrs. Ahlander was stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage. Beagley-Rohbock Nuptials Announced Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Beagley announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel to John Rohbock, son of Mrs. Arrtone Rohbock. Wedding plans are for early December in the Salt Lake temple. Miss Beagley is a graduate of Provo high school and the LDS seminary. Mr. Rohbock is a graduate of Lincoln high school, where he ,was an all state rootball full back and tackle. He has been awarded a scholarship to the BYU and will attend the university uni-versity this season. Mr. Roh-bock Roh-bock was also a member of the Merchant Marines for three years. A reception will compliment the popular young couple fol-j lowing their marriage in the Timpanogos ward hall. They will make their home in Orem. VINEYARD A "Bride's Day" will be featured fea-tured at the opening social for Vineyard ward Relief Society, to be held Tuesday, October 1, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mable Bunker, with President Delia Stone in charge. Every woman of the ward, both young and old, are urged to be present, as it is also to be a membership party. Mrs. Mable Bunker, retiring president, Mrs. Helen Allen, Social Science class leader and Mrs. Mary Y. Miner, Theology classleader, also retiring, will be honored. Mrs. Malicent Wells will review re-view the "Life of Eliza R. Snow" and special musical numbers will be given and refreshments served. serv-ed. The opening social of the Mutual Mu-tual was held Tuesday evening at the church, with singing, contests, con-tests, games and refreshments being enjoyed. Regular class-work class-work will begin Tuesday evening. SHARON The Relief society was reorganized reor-ganized Sunday evening, as follows: fol-lows: Mrs. Roseltha Vernon, president; Mrs. Sadie Elder, 1st counselor; Mrs, Mary Watts, 2nd counselor; Mrs. Erma Josie, secretary; sec-retary; Mrs. Beth Baker, chorister choris-ter and Mrs. Leah Rowley, or ganist- Mrs. Fern Laudie was released as president. , Short talks were given by all these ladies. Mrs. Pearl Jepperson was also released as counselor to Mrs. Laudie. Mrs. Vernon was her other counselor. A piano solo was rendered by Mrs. Marie Collings and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rowley sang a duet, nrrnmnanied bv Mrs. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Wolf- Inez Beauty Salon New Location B&H Pharmacy Building OREM Phone 048-J2 Expert Hair Cutting and Shcng Hair Styling Manicuring PERMANENTS Facials IV FOR SALE For limited time onlv. kindl ing and scrap lumber, $1.00 per load (any size). GENEVA SALVAGE YARD Enter West Gate 8t. BUY Berlou Guaranlecd Moth-spray Moth-spray today and protect your fine clothes, furnituk-e and rugs for 5-years. Berlou Guar-1 J antees to prevent moth dam age, or will pay for the dam-1 a sc. B&H PH ARM ACT I INEZ BOULTER, Operator f gram of Salt Lake City, who left Monday for a mission to jthe Tongan Islands were present "and spoke briefly. Mr. and Mrs, C. Lucius Laudie entertained at famuy mnner c.,niav hnnorine Mr. and Mrs- ! Rudolph Wolfgram of Salt Lake City, who are leaving for the LDS mission in tne longan islands. is-lands. Covers were laid for the hnnnr iniocts. Mrs. Kate Jacob - uuuv o land family of Pleasant Grove; j Dr. and Mrs. John namaay ana 'family of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Riding Th. noon was spent in'socbf5 Mr. and Mrs- Jofc (Lenore Kofford) are W ents of a fine bag PCt Sunday at Utah VaUew . Mrs. William H. Z Utah Valley hospital, ".'" will undergo a major 2 The opening social ward Relief society willV!06 next Tuesday, Oct i J. m. in the ward hall. AbZ? will be given honoring ?? going officers. ls out LOANS and REAL ESTATE i SEE FRED E. RAY INSURANCE Office: 79 South, Second West B. Y, U, STUDENTS! Welcome Back To School! When it'8 time for relaxation relaxa-tion from your arduous studies, . then come to the RECREATION BOWLING ALLEYS i 35 N. Univ. Ave. PROVO WARD'S AUTO BODY & PAINT SHOP Auto Painting Body and Fender Repairing Expert Workmanship AH Work Guaranteed 225 W. 2 North Phone 2193 PROVO, UTAH ::i!i:::;ii:i::i!ii!ii:iiiamiti;:u::i;::u::mi:;Bi:.'n:;m:-' CALL 300 FOR NATIONWIDE MOVING SERVICE! Agents for Bekins. Allied Van Lines. Local and long distance moving. Packing, moving, storage, crating and shipping. We can move you to any city in the world. Utah's Finest Moving Service YELLOW CAB & TRANSFER CO. CALL 300 ANYTIME iii:iii::!:i:!;i:;:i!:ti;ii:i:::t::i:::i:si::u:ii::!::::n:tm:::s:l 88:itui::::;::ii:i::i:!u:::::ti:!:su;:iu::Ri::i::::::; SUTTON'S A GOOD PLACE TO. EAT PROVO UTAH R. C. FLETCHER NEWS AGENCY Read More Magazines Maximum Entertainment Minimum Cost 406 No. 4 West Phone 664-J Provo, Utah CENTER DRIVE-IN j; Utah County's Newest & Smartest DRIVE-IN I RESTAURANT 1 :: ii :l :i :: i i ii ' H 'ji Corner 1st West & Center PROVO J Car Service Fountain Ij BLANKETS from $7.50 Fix up an extra room for that student. Desk Lamps, etc. For 76 years families of Utah County have shown their high regard for Berg Mortuary by their continued preference prefer-ence for Berg services. We appreciate the confidence placd in us and constantly con-stantly endeavor to justify it with finer services and facilities. a r- m r Heavy Constructed Chrome Chairs 0ccasi(Wial Chairs Heavy leather grained dura- ble plastic covered back and w,lh Pn9 construction seat in red or black. ,eatSl $8.95 from $14.95 YOU CAN DO BETTER at IKIIIBEE9 Home Furnishings OREM Across from Scera PHONE 0103-R4 ALL WORK GUARANTEED For One Year Expert Watch and Jewelry Repair New And Used Watches Guns Jewelry LOANS ON VALUABLES Owned and Operated by an Ex-Serviceman PROVO LOAN AND JEWELRY CO, Phone 573 51 North Univ. Ave. ALTERATIONS! j X make men's suits, shirts and i extra pants, also remodeling. Build formals, dresses and childrens clothing. See or call Mrs. Cuyler. 447 No. 2nd West. Provo. Phone 2276-R. Conference Visitors Welcome at EARL'S CAFE The place where beer and tobacco are Not Sold South of Underpass MID VALE, UTAH Thonc Midvale 358 FOR SALE OB RENT Pianos, Accordions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phone 940R, Prof S. W. WiMiams, 308 E. 3 South. Provo. I buy, sell, rant, AND TEACH. RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancover, Washington. Pd. Adv. NUE-OVO Laboratir-ies. KELSGH'S COMPLETE SHOE FOOT SERVICE 156 West Center Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIE Provo, Utah We Represent . . f - . 4 h ' ' . I ; - :'; :.T- 0 Utah Home Fire Insurance Company Fireman's Fund Insurance & Indemnity In-demnity Company American Agencies, Inc. AND THE EldredgeMont-gomery EldredgeMont-gomery Company CHECK YOUR INSURANCE AND MAKE SURE YOUR INVESTMENT IN-VESTMENT IS COVERED. Orem Glass & Paint Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Across from Scera Phone 0103J4 Simons m vilr J OREM REAL ESTATE INS, AGENCY O. H. ANDERSON, Broker MATERIALS f $k u$ for , III f i ' ; 7! I "HI B IS New Shoe Shop OREM SHOE REPAIRING Open For Business Shoes Neatly Repaired While You Wait Located North State in Orem by Prestwich Lumber Company LESTER RIDING. Prop. SPECIALS! WEED BURNERS (Clean your ditches now) Oil Burning Chick Brooders . . . (A good buy while available) JACKSON HAY FORKS . . (A hard-to-get item) COW STANCHIONS, Metai . . (Chain anchors, wood lined) BARN and COOP SCOUPS . SLIP SCRAPERS .. 20.50 22.50 35.00 . 3.85 . 2.25 19.80 COAL HEATERS 25.00 up i |