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Show x' , f- -.1 ,t . .. - .i, . ...,v ... . airmen MP geneva SfaKe fie Plant Operation Repair and maintenance work at the Geneva plant is going ohpadand it is hopeW the plite tjjlUJ will ue in upcxaiiuii wiimii $30 days, and the open hearth ffurnaces within 60 days. Dr. Walter Matnesius, ueneva president presi-dent has said, the company hopes'.to begin-' production as soon as it can consistently do so"; land some sources are confident con-fident this period of prepara tion may be shortened if the! work is pusnea. .' Assurance came fr in a letter written by William A. Ross, San Francisco, president of Colum-bia" Colum-bia" Steel Company? ' to Walter K. Granger, congressman from Utah at Cedar City, gating "I waftt you to know that Columbia' Colum-bia' intends to continue to operates oper-ates with one basic thought in mindhow best we can work 110(1 OFFICERS INSTALLED AT CANYON PARTY s James Norton was installed as new president of theLiom club Thursday evening at Vivia . Park, with Henry Falkner, cast president, officiating at the, ex - ercises. J. W. Gillman, retiring president was in charge of the igay affair. ' Edgar Booth and E- H. John-ion John-ion are" the new vice presidents, .Ceeman Bennett, Lion Tamer and B. M. Jolley, tailtwlster. A fine program and refreshments refresh-ments were enjoyelby,the large crowd present. w m DlSIlOp S COUnSelOrS. Are Hosts At Canyon Party "OnWedneaday .,.,, evening the -Bishep'stounselors-of- therrten 'wards of Sharon stake were host to Sharon- Stake presidency, presi-dency, high council, patriarchs, seminary faculty, bishops and ward clerks at an outing at Aspen Grove in Provo Canyon. The group began to assemble ' at 6 o'clock and enjoyed horseshoe horse-shoe pitching and ball games until un-til all arrived, when picnic lunches were served and program pro-gram rendered. The committee in charge of the gay affair were Glen Vernon, Ver-non, chairman, Ray Gammon, Wm. C. Collings, Lowell Var-ley Var-ley and M. Morbeth Snow. Unoccupied Home Destroyed By Fire Fire completely destroyed the three room frame home of Rulon Brereton in Edgemont, Wednesday Wednes-day about noon, with a loss of approximately $3000 to the building and contents, according to Provo fire department, who responded to the call. . Mr. and Mrs. Brereton and baby havp hon livincf in tho I late Jane A. Brereton home I with their brother, Kenneth, ance the death of Mrs. Brereton and had moved some of their furnishings -with them, but a new stove, radio, carpets, wed-i nng presents and other Items' were still 4 n home on thp nrw Observing smoke coming irom the building, neighbors and members of the family med to put the fire out, but insufficient in-sufficient water supply handicapped handi-capped them and the fire department de-partment Was called TTnnn their arrival the buildinff was rpadvl 10 collamw snj v i tfforts to save the adioining homes anrt k,,.w! adJoming . and huiitf4iT0 inere is no insurance on the Dudin? or contents. Subdivision Given Approval By City Fathers A new residence district, con-smg con-smg of 22 brick homes in b edlum Price range: will tf Orem ho-nes in the J future if the plans of iflhaf Wolsey, sponser. mater- J1 Orem City c6uncil gave an. cm council gave at its weekly meeting South, . new Cllhliirieiu. .t 1 av 9i 1 " B sj11 Plat will be called "Wol- idLi division" and W'H be 681 'or a residence area. Return Plant To ady For and how best we can serve to benefit western agriculture and industry, "We of Columbia Steel have always been aware of the vast potentialities of the west's industrial in-dustrial future. With the acquisition ac-quisition of Geneva, we feel that, a tremendous step has been taken tak-en to assure this area's continued continu-ed economic development." Hospitalized After Coal Mine Accident Paul Madsen, 34, was brought to Utah Valley hospital Mon day from Carbon county coal mine, badly bruised and shocked from an accident at the mine. He was bringing a car out of the mine and the horse ran away dragging him for some distance. His condition is not considered serious. Mr. Madsen is the son of Nephi Madsen and his wife is Orea Madsen. TJLD FOLKS HAVE GALA DAY Over 107 old folks of Sharon stake were feted Thursday at the Girls home in Provo Can- 1 yh under the direction of James T. Blake, chairman, Jesse L. Smith, Carson Crandall, and Chas. H. Davies, general secre tary of the stake committee. The group began to assemble at 11 o'clock and at 12:30 a de licious hot dinner was served by the various ward committees, under the supervision of Mrs. Harry Zobell of Lake View, chairman. vein TTuiidina vi vmcyaiu was in charge of the program, Vern Williams of Vineyard which ' consisted . of a solo by Howard Anderson; reading, by Lorna Maycock and duet, Nadine and'Wilma Hales, accompanied bv Mrs. Norma Hales. Schmanski, 86 of Timpanogos ward for being the oldest man present; Julia C. Burr, 88, of Sharon ward, the eldest lady. Maren Jensen, Geneva ward; Chris Riding, Grand View; Amelia Latta, Geneva; W. F. Brandon, Grand View; Maud Reynolds, Vermont; Mary Aiken Timpanogos; Mrs. Ludwig Poul-sen, Poul-sen, Timpanogos; Ashted Taylor, Tay-lor, Grand view; Emma Strat-ton, Strat-ton, Timpaogos; G. N. Allen, Edgemont; Millie Evans, Timpanogos; Timp-anogos; Peter Zobell, Lake View and George Harris, Windsor,-in Windsor,-in various activities and stunts, with Mrs. Hales as accompanist for the musical numbers. The beautiful setting of the Girls' home and the scenery thrilled the aged people; Mr. and Mrs. Hassel of St. Louis, Missouri, Mis-souri, sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Amelia Latta, who are visiting here, stated they had never been more thrilled with beauty and the wonderful scenery scen-ery they saw that day. Also they appreciated the wonderful hospitality and good time shown theni. PAppnrinn Hnnors ttecepUOll n"rS Mr. and MrS. Darrell tfwe ws , . .... . , . Miss Clarice Mitchell, daugh Iter of -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Y Mitchell was united in marriage with Darrell. .R. Haws, son of Mr. and Mrs J. M. Haws, at a Drettv home wedding. Thursday evening, with Bishop Arch Pul-j ham of Vermont ward officiat-j ine. The bride wore a pretty white formal gown, with a dainty cornet veil of lace and rosettes she was attended by her sister. Helen and Wayne Williams was best man. The bride wore a pretty rose bud corsage, as well as her maid of honor and the mothers of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell tendered tender-ed a reception honoring the young couple Friday evening in the Timpanogos ward hall, with a large crowd in attendance. Misses Lila Mae McDonald and Evelyn Pulham were usherettes. ATolHo Ulfrham ang the solo "In j the Land of Wedding Bells", be- ! tween he dancing. I -r.IqVi .Tnhnson. sister of the groom and Beverly Williams were in cnarge oi me iMd.. lovelv and useful gifts. Bernice Kitchen. Marie Hone. Donna Parson, and Evelyn Newell assisted as-sisted in serving. The happy young couple will make their home in Orem. r OREM - Volume 14 Number 20 SGERA SWIMMING POOL HOURS The Scera ' Swimming Pool will be open daily except Sunday Sun-day from 2 to 8 p.m. Arrangements Arrange-ments can be made for groups pfj'twelve pr more to use the pool ia.the evening. If you are plan-,nihg plan-,nihg such a party, please call 078JI or make arrangements with Miss Bevery Beck at the stand. Starting next week there will be a series of free swimming classes, Tuesday for the boys and Wednesday for grls at twelve noon. These classes will b for children under twelve. They will fee taught by Lorin Millett. Parents who are interested to have, their boys and girls learn to swim, please report at this time for registration. Mr. Millett Mil-lett advises that the kiddies not eat any lunch until after they have been swimming. Further announcements will be s.ven next week for classes for the older boys and girls. Fred Bushnell who has been in charge of the pool, resigned in order to take other employment. employ-ment. We regret very much losing Fred as he was doing an excellent job. We are most happy to report that Mr. Stanley Biggs has been employed as operator op-erator of the pool to take his place. Stanley has been a swimming swim-ming enthusiast all his life. He has completed requirements for an Instructor's Certificate. During Dur-ing the two years in the navy, tie took advantage of every opportunity oppor-tunity for aquatic sports. He is therefore well qualified to teach swimming. The pool will be open July 4th from 1 to 8 p.m. SOFTBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE CHANGED "V f tli t from the senior boys Softball leaeue. it has become necessanr to reschedulef this league for the balance of the summer re creation program, according to kaip Tjus scneauie xor imure reference: June 28 - Vermont vs Windsor July 3 Timp. vs Lakeview July 4 Geneva vs Windsor July 5 - Pleasant View - bye Week of July 8 to 12 Monday Vermont vs. Timp. Tuesday LakeView vs PI. View Wednesday Vineyard - bye Thursday Geneva vs Vermont Friday Timp. vs Windsor Week of July 15 to 19 Monday, Vineyard vs PI. View Tuesday LakeView - bye Wednesday Geneva vs Timp. Thursday Vineyard vs LakeView Friday Windsor bye Week of July 22 to 26 Monday PI. View vs Vermont Tuesday Geneva vs LakeView Wednesday Vineyard vs Timp Thursday Windsor vs PI. View Friday Vermont bye Week of July 29 to Aug. 2 Monday Geneva vs PI. View Tuesday Vineyard vs Windsor Wed. Vermont vs LakeView Thursday Timp. bye Friday Windsor vs LakeView Aug. 5 Vineyard vs Vermont Aug. 6. Timp. vs PI. View Augur 7 Geneva bye Men's Team Schedules For the week of July 4th. games which have been post poned for various causes will be played. Friday rv-ming Pleas- ant View will met', the Vineyard Vine-yard B team. Monday. July 1. Grand View vs Vermont. Wednesday. July 3. Timpanogos vs Geneva Thursday July 4 Vineyard A vs Vermont A Standing of teams in Men's league: W L Windsor 3 0 Vineyard A 2 0 Vermont 2 0 Sharon 2 1 Timpanogos 2 1 Javcees 1 1 Vineyard B 1.2 EdL'omonf 1 2 Geneva 0 2 Pleasant View 0 2 Grand View 0 3 The Sharon Stake LDS Girls' organization leaders met Thursday Thurs-day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Anita Varley in their monthly planning meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer S. Htinn and son, Joe. of Salt Lake ritv will snend the weekend I here and attend the wedding re-1 ception of Mr and Mrs. Ferron 1 Jones. HPS TEL Orem 'tO: - r 4-ina SPIRIT OF 76 t. In, keeping with the'."Spirit of 76" Orem will cele-' cele-' brate the 4th of J uly Jh fine style. B. M.J olley is gen-errchiirman gen-errchiirman of arran5einQnts,Vwith Orem Legion, Post ' Nq. 72fi'Scera and the Summer Efecreation committee and o$ier. organizations- cOoperatirig ' n the program announced an-nounced below. u " .J,"," Jesse Cordner will jbe inrchirge of the daylight cannon .salute, and tnfe dayUAt '76 serenade will be given by William M. Vernon jSpnjpany. PATRIOTJC PR0GRVMT 9 A.M. "The following fine-pror,ifn.1 will be given at the Band Music, Lincoln high tion of E. B. Terry, Posting of Colors, American w invocation, j. ciayton watts. Community Singing, "Alric Ladies' Trio, "Freedom Ring1rftmorah Gordon, Gene- .vieve Ford, Eltzabeth, illations. AddreS,of Welcome, M?yor Jj!. VJ Gillman. Vocal Solo, !My America" IljJri Bunnell Weeks, dration, Legionaire George Ballil ' Vocal Solo, "Flag Without-a ptiin", Elvis B. Terry. Community Singing, "Stat Spangled Banner." SPORTS FEATURED rtN AFTERNOON A girls' soft ball game 'will take place at 2 p. m., Vermont Ver-mont vs Timpanogos. Continuous pictpre shows ; at? Scera from 3 p.mfl on through the evening. U ' At 4 p.m. al) sorts graces for the kiddies. J(-4 $teiims L it Pony race& and Jeep .handicap race at 5 p.m. Senior Scout ball game at 6 ;30 p.m., Geneva vs Windsor. ; ' 'wintniinlJafloli tod contests at.th Scera fwipv- The afternoon events WilbJW In charge of Ivan Farnworth, Lorin Millett, Luzell Bobbins and Mrs. Orland Pyne, and they annonuce prizes will be given in the various events. Roller skating all afternoon and evening, at Timp Roller Rink. At 8 p.m., in the lighted ball park, a ball game has been arranged between Vineyard A team and Vermont team by Fred Fielding and Parjell Peterson, which promises to be a thriller. All sorts of good things will be for sale at the six concession stands which will be directed by various organizations or-ganizations of the community with Harry Butler, chairman. chair-man. Decorations will be under the direction of Ray Loveless, who is also publicity chairman of the day. SHARON STAKE CONFERENCE' JULY 6 AND 7 AT SCERA President Henry D. Taylor announces the quarterly conference con-ference will be held Saturday evening, July 6 and Sunday, July 7, for all members of Sharon Shar-on stake. Visitors will be members of the general authorities of the LDS chaurch from Salt Lake City. The detailed program will be announced in next week': issue Vvge Teacher Weds Pr-vo Dentist . , . ,i announcement of inwrest i ".n marriage of Mrs. Evelyn I igh' daughter of Mrs. Au t,a ;ta McBride and Dr. E. Alm; Paxman. which was an event of Thursday evening at the McBride Mc-Bride home, with Bishop Frank T. Gardner officiating Mrs. Paxman is well knowr, in the community. having taught at Page school for several years. Dr. Paxman is a prominent pro-minent dentist of Provo. A wedding dinner was served in their honor the same evening in Salt Lake Citv bv Dr. Pax-1 man's daughter and son-in-law. j Mr and Mrs. W. C. Lamoreaux. j Dr and Mrs Paxman le't j Saturday for an extensive trip i throughout the eastern states I Lord God of hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget lest we forget: Kipling. GETTER OF j-? Celebrate July Srii! Grand chp61 pand, under the direc- Region, Post No. 72. I: ARE YOU A GARLESS CAMPER? Headlines in the June 6, 1946, ROOSEVELT (Utah) STANDARD STAND-ARD read "BLAZE SWEEPS UINTAH CANYON RECREATIONAL RECREA-TIONAL AREA: CARELESS CAMPERS HELD RESPONSIBLE". RESPONS-IBLE". It can happen in Utah, reports J. Whitney Floyd, Chief Forester-Firewarden for the State Board of Forestery and Fire Control, and it can happen even more easily now than during dur-ing the first week of June. . Thousands, of people of our state use our canyons for recreation recre-ation picnic areas with expensive expen-sive improvements, campsites made convenient for motorists, fishing streams planted with legal-size fish all of these have cost the taxpayer money, d the t can Ws money's worth of recreation and relaxation only if he can use these areas. He cannot use them I if we allow them to be destroy- ed by fire, states Mr. Floyd. j Sheriff Theron S Hall. Utah j county firewarden cautions all inoiorisis, picnicKers. niKers. and j fishermen who take to the high-! ways, the mountains, and the streams for their Fourth of July fun. to be very cautious with their campfires. matches, and cigarettes. Let's leave these areas nice enough to came back lo nex vear- requests Sheriff Hall. The Danish flag, with a large , with J Clayton Watts, of the white cross on a red field, is stake presidency in charge. Mr. the oldest unchanged national j Boulter will assist Alvin Row-flag Row-flag in existence, and dates from ! 'ey. who has served as ward about 1218. I 'erk for some time. THE WEST Thursday, June 27, 1946 Style LINCOLN ATHLETES TO MEET IN SPECIAL MEETING All Lincoln high school boys interested in athletics are urged to be present at a meeting, Friday, Fri-day, June 28, at 7 p.m. in Coach Dixon's room- The purpose of the gathering is to formulate plans for the new Athletic Club, get sizes for new football equipment equip-ment and to get acquainted with Coach Mel Briggs, new basketball basket-ball mentor for next year. GEORGE ASHBY NEW DISTRICT MANAGER iTXshby George Ashby of Pleasant View has just been appointed District Manager for the Lincoln Lin-coln National Life insurance Company of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Indi-ana. . He has been associated with this company for the past five years, and has made a very splendid record. Mr. Ashby is married and has four children. He has been con nected with the schools o the state of Utah tor a number of years, having taught school at Delta high school, Richfield high school and Lincoln high schooL He has also served as superintendent superin-tendent of Sharon Stake YMMIA for several years. In appointing Mr. Ashby, the company feels confident that his agency will be among the com pany s leaders. He will serve as District .Manager in Utah county, and all his friends will be glad to learn of this promotion and appointment. Mr. Ashby is well thought of by his associates and friends, and. he will be in a position posi-tion to serve his clients and policyholders in an excellent manner. Mr. Ashby is a graduate of Brigham Young university, and while he attended school, was an excellent track man. SUNDAY SERVICES FAST DAY services will be Iield in all wards of the stake at 11:30 a. m or immediately following Sunday school, owing io quar terly conference coming on Saturday Sat-urday and Sunday, Julv 6 and 7th There will be no evening meetings in the stake or wards, except as noted. Lake View Ward Members of the L. L. Bunnell family will present the entire ,)rourarn al 7:30 p. m. ' JULY is an appropriate time io observe forest week .... It miuht stimulate some interest this year in the selection of better bet-ter political timber. ! NEW WARD CLERK I Kendall W. Boulter was sus-, sus-, lained as assistant ward clerk in I Sharon ward Sunday evening y SOFTBALL RESULTS (Includes games of Wednesday. June 26) ' Junior Cirls Windsor over Grand View, S2- 3. Vineyard over Pleasant View, default. Sharon over Geneva, default. Windsor over Edgemont, 36-6. Edgemont over Pleasant View, default. JuniorBoy Geneva over Sharon, 32-9. Timp A over Timp B, 2ff-9. Pleasant View over Lake View, 21-5. . y Geneva over Timp B, 41-8. ' Vermont over Vineyard, default. Geneva over Lake View, 20-4- ; Senior Girls Windsor over Grand View, 21-6.1 Pleasant View over Edgemont. default. Vermont over Grand View, 31-0. Geneva over Sharon, 13-12. Pleasant View over Vineyard, 15-5. No scheduled games next week. League resumes play on July 8 (watch next week's paper for schedule). Vermont and Timp Senior girls to play a league exhibition game on July 4th at Orem park. TEAM STANDINGS Junior Boyi W Team L 0 0 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 L 0 0 1 t 1 1 2 4 4 L 0 o l l 2 2 2 3 4 Pet. 1.000 1.000 .750 .750 .666 .250 .000 .000 .000 .000 Pet. 1000 1.000 .666 .666 666 .500 .333 .000 000 Geneva Vermont Timp A Sharon Windsor Pleasant View Vineyard Grand View Lake View Timp B Senior Girls W Team Timp Pleasant Windsor 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 View Vermont Geneva Sharon Vineyard Grand View Edgemont Junior Girls W Team Windsor HOG !000 Sharon Edgemont i.ooo .750 ..666 .500 .333 .333 350 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 Vineyard Grand View Geneva Pleasant View Timp Vermont .000 BalLTeamsfofe Junior Boys 6f Stake A notice is being' given -all boys of Sharon stake between the ages of 9 and 13, that ball teams will be organized in each ward in connection with the stake summer recreation program, pro-gram, if enough boys will come out and participate. The par ents cooperation is urged in this matter. t The schedule is as follows: Monday. July Lake View ward chapel at 1:30 p. m. Grand View ward chapel at 2:45 p. nv ... Sharon ward chapel at 4:00 p. m. Vineyard ward chapel at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, July 8 Pleasant View ward chapel at 2:15 p. m. Edgemont ward chapel at 3:30 p. m. Geneva ward chapel at 4:45 p. m. Wednesday. July 10 Timpanogos ward chapel at 2:15 p. m. Vermont ward chapel at 3:30 p. m. Windsor ward chapel at 4:45 p. m. HOME AGAIN PFC. CLIFFORD K. REESE. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Reese of Lake View has received his discharge from army service at the Fort Douglas separation center. He served 14 months overseas with the 3rd Infantry regiment in the European theater. the-ater. TSGT. WILLARD H. BRAD-SHAW. BRAD-SHAW. son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rradshaw of Vermont ward, has also received his discharge. He served 21 months overseas with the 4 1st Armoured division in the European theater. Reception Follows Honeymoon In Northwest A reception is being tendered Mr. and Mrs. Ferron Jones (Ruth Hutchison) Friday evening even-ing in Pleasant View ward hall, by Mrs. Preal Jones. The young couple have returned re-turned from a wedding trip into in-to Canada and the northwest, folH" ing their marriage in the Idnho Falls temple on June 12. LEGION POST 72 HOLDS-ELECTION AT SUMMER -PICNIC. J.jW i .It Hansen was' elected' Legion,. Post No; .72, at, a well I attended Meeting ot the legion, 1 auxiliary,- mothers and sisters.- neia ai Vivian rarit,; Monaay evening, wnere a aeucious cnicit-. en rtinnp wait in1wpr1'.hv; th ... . ,80 ' couples present, Milton Bellows, was named first Vice-. ; Commander r 'David Park, sec- ond, vice-commander; Gerald !' Buckley, adjutant; Lowell Bige low. Flnnnfi fiffiepii-Wnirrio Peterson, Sergeant-at-arrhs; Har-y Har-y Butler, service officer; Glen Burr, chaplin; !' Leo " Ci uroad head, historian; Lyle McDonald,'.,.' Liaison officer;' and Harry But". ler, Ray Loveless, 3L'-Ev Burr' . and S. Wilkins for post executive' committee. - l t-F"?; ' The election was livelyt with many candidates nominated fori the various positions, and ! the of-, ficers elected did so by very small majority - p. i Outstanding among , the many-'-activities where the legion serw " es the community aref Child; welfare- in this, respect the Le ' glon aims to insure any child of a World War I or. II veteran in need of care and protection, that protection. The pledge is. A' square deal for every child". ? Americanism' is of vital Im-Dortance: Im-Dortance: . - here the . Legion' works in close cooperation with the committee on Un-American acuvmes ana me itutnii. cu li 111 . J 11 , VS.. 1 reau ot investigation, wnere mere is a neea, classes are con ducted for those wishing citizen-' ship. ' , 5 - The Legion is proud of its Junior baseball activity. In 1926 this program was set up in an effort to assist in the field of Juvenile delinquency. Since that time the program has grown to be one of the largest movements In America.' It is recognized as the greatest laboratory for : character building today. This ': year the Legion is sponsoring, over 30,000 "Junior baseball teams at a cost of over 1500.000. Orem Post is sponsoring a team this year which will cost about $100.00. , w . ' V FRIENDS MEET AT ! DELIGHTFUL PARTY Mrs. Erna Holdaway entertained enter-tained Thursday evening at her home for a group of former . schoochums, " Flowers were rooms, Where Jhe ladies enjoyed s reminiscing and tasty refreshments. refresh-ments. Those present were Mrs, Madge Taylor, Mrs Eileen Peay, Mrs. Leona Bellows, Mrs. Geral-dine Geral-dine Park, Mrs. .Nadine Harding, Hard-ing, Mrs. Ruth, 'Burraston, Mr Beth Blgler, Mrs. Eva Bishop,. Mrs. Ellen McKay and Mrs. Arbs Duncan. '' f Lbu Jean Robbing Weds Rex Schoney i, Iji Salt take Temple The marriage of Miss Loii Jean Kobbini and Rex Schoney was an event of Tuesday evening eve-ning in the Salt Lake temple, where the young cbuple were accompanied by the bride's par ents, Mr .and Mrs. Luzell Hob-bins Hob-bins and her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Cordner. The Robbins are tendering a reception for their daughter and son-in-law Friday evening at Timpanogos ward hall, where John E. Lewis will act as master of ceremonies. Cherries Needed for Welfare Canning Bishop C. Wilford Larsen announces an-nounces the Seventy quorum of the ward will be in charge of securing cherries for welfare canning for Geneva ward, during dur-ing the next week. They will contact those having cherries for donations of the fruit, which will be canned at the American Fork LDS church cannery on Wednesday, July 3rd. . Will Meet Husband At San Francisco Mrs. Dick Hawkins (Elizabeth Gordon) left Tuesday for San Francisco, where she will meet her husband. Ensign Richard E. Hawkins, who has arrived from Hawaii, where he has been stationed sta-tioned since last December. He will receive his discharge from Navy service on the coast and they will return to Edgemont, to make their home. Ensign Hawkins is the son of Mr .and Mrs. Ray Hawkins and entered the navy service nearly four years ago. Mrs. Jones is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. M. Hutchinson of Chipley. Florida. The newly weds plan to make their home in Pleasant View. 1 |