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Show ? 3 '1 i; i I I 1 1 i! 'J. i i. 1.3 s i : f ! i t ! " 1 1 OREM-GENEVA TIMES Thursday, April 11. H48 Orem Literary Club Entertains Women's Club The Scera lounge was the scene of a gay affair Thursday afternoon when Orem Literary club entertained at open session, ses-sion, with Orem Women's club as special guests. Greeting the sixty guests were Mrs. Dean Far, president ox we Literary group, juts, oiepnco Attent ion -Fruit Growers For Hirip and Aphis Control on Pears, Cherries and Prunes, use NEW riOTTE . For Sale by . PATTEN & EKlNS Prove R. D. P Phone 1744-W ALTA JOHNSON and MAXINE WRIGHT i Invite You to THE LITE BEAUTY SHOP ' For PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY CARE And PERSONALIZED HAIR STYLING FEATURING: THE DERMETICS PROGRAM Of Skin and Beauty Care ELITE BEAUTY SHOP - Phone 095R4 . No. 1 Chilsioele Acres "If Your Hair Isn't Seeomiag To You You Should Be Coming To Us" Clyde E. Weeks, Prop. mm M 11 i Women's Sport Dresses- Famous Rose 0 Dale Brand Sizes 33 to 52 , .Priced at ... $4-50 .". to ',' $8.30 1 ? ; Men's & Boys? SPORT SOX - All Rayon and. . Rayon and Cotton 3 9 1 Ladies Spun . . Kayon PRINT APRONS , ., Strap Back m- $1.49 Uttle Boys' HATS & CAPS Priced from 492 - $1.49 Special Lot of MEN'S BEAUTIFUL NECKTIES Season's Latest $1,00 . ' Mens & Roys ;White T Shirts , A real value , $1.10 Ladies & Misses ' HATS Priced from $l49-$3.90 Child's DRESSES Lovely Pastels and Prints Sizes 1 to 12 Men's Fine Dress HATS Famous Merrimack & Waterbuck Wool Felt $2.50 IF 11 368 W. Center St. PROVO Novakovich, president ot the Orem Women's club, Mrs. John D. Park, Mrs. Thomas Coroner, secretary and Mrs. James C, Stratton, president-elect 01 the Orem Literary club. Mrs- park welcomed the guests and Mrs. J. Erval Chris- tensen gave "woman's Prayer." Pray-er." Students of Lincoln high school presented the program, a debate on "Compulsory Military Training" being presented by Norma Wells and Jean Qegg, af- FOR SALE Wisconsin Air Cooled GAS ENGINES PATTEN EXINS Wisconsin Dealers R.D.F. ProTO -Pho. 1744-W OR. GRANT E. BLAKE Announces the Opening of Permanent Offices For Practice of Veterinary Medicine 559 East Third South Provo. Utah Phone 2215-NW GOAL Lamp or Stoker Slack Prompt Delivery Harold Hansen Phone Pioto 068J5 Pleasant Grove 2273 FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phone 940R, prof & W. Williams, 808 E. 8 Sortttt. Prove. I buy, sell, rent, and teach. AUTO REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING FOWLER REPAIR SHOP 1-2 Block West of Texaco Station, In Orem In Kitchen Court COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE RALPH'S RADIO ANO APPLIANCE S3 No. Ualv. Ave. Phone 111 The Home et Guaranteed Service garter SAW SHOP Machine Saw Filing Also Welding R. F. D. 2, Box 671, Orem j on New Geneva Road .1 Phone 0GJ1 j ttuH!KW!imaummn!t.'iuinRm u KAMERA KINKS ANDKWESTS TODAY'S KWESTi Why can't . I take sharp close-ups Witn my box camera? A box camera lens Is made to focus et a fixed distance, usually about fifteen feet Because of the small aper ture or tne lens, the depth ot sharp focus is extended to included distances up to about eignt xeet. unless your box camera is provided with, en adjustment for focusing, you should not attempt to take pictures nearer than about eight feet. if you have i Photo-Kwest send it on e post card to: OREM PHOTO SHOP Mountain View Subdivision RFD Hi.' 1, Box 241 Orem, UTAH w , , firmatlve end John Allen and Kay Davis, negative. A trio, composed of Carol Stubbs, Kathryn Christensen and Marie Rohbock sang end Kent Beagley, Helen Meldrum, Duane Davis and Kent Sooth favored with saxophone quartet numbers. num-bers. Mrs. Harold Calder was program chairman. Tasty re freshments were served. EDGEMONT The David H. Jonea family reunion was held Friday evening at the Aaron Allred home at Lehi. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry Jones, Miss Beth Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Gillespie and children chil-dren and Mr. and Mrs- William Hull and family. There will be no meetinei held . in the ward Sunday, as quarterly conference will be held at Scera auditorium. Mrs. Norman Smith has been removed to her mother's hame at Lehi from Utah Valley hospital, hos-pital, where she has been suffering suf-fering from bronchial pneumonia. Mrs. Bernice Faulkner will be hostess to Edgemont Literary club Friday at her home. Mrs. Louise Trptter will review "No Man Knows My History", by Fawn M. Brodv and discussion will follow. All members are invited to be present Orem Ladies To Attend Convention At Lehi' Th followinc members of Orem Women's club will attend thu district convention of feder ated clubs, which is to be field at Lehi on Saturday. Mrs. Stephen Novakovich, president; Mrs. William A. Cox. secretary who will attend the drama de partment; Mrs. Leeman Bennett, membership chairman; Mrs. L. S. Maycock, vice president, who will attend the literary session; Mrs. Henry Falkner, treasurer, Mrs. Rav Gilllean. public rela tions chairman; Mrs. Lee Brooks program chairman; Mrs. Kicn-ard Kicn-ard Brewer, art owector; Mrs. Thomas Yeaeer. corresponding secretary, will attend the youth conservation section. Mrs. J. Erval Christensen. dis trict president of the federated clubs will preside at the con vention. On Saturday afternoon, April 20, the entire membership of Orem Women's club will attend the Arts Tea at Springville- The hours of the tea will be from three until six o'clock. mrrfirm r vj-id u uua PHONE DDT Insect Spray Pump Gun Powder Powder and Liquid Lawn Sprinklers Whirling Good Value ' $1.49 Each FISHING LICENSES BUS DEPOT West & Cent PHONE ISO Mefai Tool Boxes Gov't Issue $1.25 Baby Bottles Warmers & Sterilizers Electric $6.95 Wall Paper Cleaner Large Size 39 OrvWe Www sWa tOO ft, )wM tfji sjStUigSB)( Sjsjsj tMdtef ' 1 Bssssm be. xsMsiaae suhm Start yew mw lawa early a spriaa er faHlii rfy tpring te that It oowx etUMMMd ImI f m mar Mat; lit'aariy fall fcefart aaawy tVWMCs Jff ftulKMii fcMMp tfort XMvatliHl and mi ap Wm lift imv irfl fPMl rufabta afr gradlMf, Nave at Jsfl4 f04sP ttb 9 fOpJJa ; aJl m aandy ee toe kyy,mtn la Car ' 4tm Maatar feat Moaa. Mi 9 MaaW Plant Fm at rae ,f few own p 100 aauara fact, Oaw OartlMi Hattar te a the MM Of poana. w ao mare iaaa mnt square fact Altar eewiaOf rake lightly, IfcM rolt. Water wit e ftae pray. Water daHy Until rat Is Haiaiiiaf' Ikav. taa kuuma - 'taaVaaat ;heWji 9vawhs -Rwwo'ys i. CAStat T NCW LAWN . . . Ite. aowa.aUppteea wkamvae tnay H teafl. At atlMr Vtmtm thay Miaka a flaa aMtok and rich humua for tke reota. laapaot fraquaiitly and ra mava wwada wkaa thay flrat appaar. Daan tet waaSa gt a atart an you. Watar aaapiy dartng long dry aaVita. - Uaa "Soil loakar"; Nght Mrtariae aa aatabliahaS lawna la Mat advla abte, aa It tanda te turn raote ' mrm mm aarraea. jnw aMaaoraaa aaa aaa half tmmt t. Z. bah TH IwtlHiM ditltlWMa tM I VEGETABLE PACKET SEEDS thaa ataaa. Maw aorta and aootli; aad aut mowfag, aast and mt far hart rwwtta. RaM mmmi aaoh Win j i,n, oW Wtevha 250 Superfine Grass Seed blend contains 20 fancy red top, 10 certified Seaside bent, 60 Kentucky Blue Grass. One pwmd wiB seed 300 to 350 sq. ft. of lawn . . . nearly twice as much coverage as with ordinary seed mixtures. 1 Pound L70c 5 lbs. Park Grass Seed $2.95 A fast-maturing blend of t white clover, okawing feaeue, 90 red top, Se Kentucky bteo graa. Owe pound cover 200 to 250 oq. ft. 5 lbs. Kentucky Blue Grass Seed $395 Stew maturing hardy KantMoky blue Waoomnwnded fee raseedlag. One flraea aaed blende woN wHk your lawa. Found eovers 800 aa. ft 1 Pound .71 79c S U. DOMESTIC rye etAss srro FmC MMrilt0 StMi If thoct lWd ftwwt pet fiMvdtl MMtftlfya Ofton MMl wMe Bermuda raas for wmtar lawna, One pawed eovara tfie sej. ft. 92z 2.93 2 LB. KMT A5S SR9 rroduose) the fhiaat voteet-llfce tawa . reeowmended for ooaetel araaa. FwWtoa with aekf plant food. One pound eovora 100 asytt. l ib. $1.59 5 lbs. Green Carpet Grass Seed $2.69 Past-growing . . . thick grass in 6 weeks. 20 red top, 40 domestio rye, 40 Kentucky blue grata Pns pound eovers MO to 150 aq. ft 1 lb. White Clover Grass Seed $1.59 A nurse grass of abort germination to be used is mixtures with bluo grass. Frc'celion : - -!ow grew tag grasses. One pound crcra 300 sq. ft One-half Pound - 85c WEE DO N E Kills weeds without work. Spray on and forget it. Get rid of dandelion, dan-delion, plaintain, white clover, morning glory, chick weed, white top and many others. $1.00 Per Bottle Covets 1000 Sq. feet 3 UBm-tomy W gr atnj kms. 5eeafcfc toil wttfc sfeef reJw. SpoIe bare tpoh deet Matter Pteef Food evenly at rate of low Ibev per 100 q. ft. Sow seed tWcUy osi Iar tpott. Owe powd pet J00 squat feet oei taf-e). taf-e). Rale, rofl, d water. Water deify wtiit redyfoe. Remove clippings. , K k- Erary Had oaaranteed to - m n erwr. Al are ef e haw eaoe, - fW ead baVw 6fct..;42c JZTTJT? te.e;.79c Of. eaar M WJMMMS ,-' ' ..T, toe amy pwcW 16 for 9SC FLOWER PACKET SEEDS Garde Master seeds eontam lrMtolinofeWds, come from a aw crop, are dated, germinatton tested end weed free. Choose from more than (20 different varleHes. 3for.,.( 6 fcr.; 12fcr... 23c 42c 79c 16 for ,98c C) 1 SHL-J1 US |