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Show OEEJI-GENEVA TIMES mm f m m Aluminum Roofing Arrives f . Good newa this week is the announcement by Man- ager J. Morris Bird that the first car of aluminum roof-? roof-? ing has arrived. It was supposed to have been here last December but fitrikes In the East delayed it. The first shipment is in corrugated pattern and will be stored at h the Mount A Lake garage building where members ; may get it. The price will be fully competitive with corrugated iron roofing and the aluminum roofing is : far superior. It will not rust and it doesn't need paint- f Get Your Seeds Now I f Porter Walton's famous mountain grown seeds in i packages and bulk are in stock at the Mount A' Lake I farm supply building connected, with the garage. Be w sure to let the Association know your needs, it can sup-I sup-I ply quantity or smaller lots. Also hand tools for work-it work-it ing lawns and flowers are available. , Cement, Lumber, Etc. ; A considerable supply of cement is also on hand, f The first twelve tons were sold immediately after de-. de-. v livery. . There is no news yet on the car of lumber ordered - some time back. Priority regulations by the govern-V govern-V i ment has made it very difficult to. get a stock "of lumber. , -v.. Farm hardware will soon be in stock. Arrange- - ments have been made and it will be available as soon .as factories can make shipments. a,l. Taking Orders for Appliances Mount A' Lake members should keep in mind that the'Association is taking orders for all kinds of electrical electri-cal appliances. After many delays, we hope that a - fair supply will soon be rolling In. We sold out our supply of electrical hot water heat. ers but we Bhould have more soon. "Refrigerators will , 'soon be available. - The Co-op line Is made by experts for the people who use them. They are not made to make money but to give serviced They will be the best on the market ' and fully competitive with anything manufactured to- ' ' Third Mechanic Employed . " Business at the garage Is going beyond expecta tions. It became necessary this week to employ a third mechanic. Wayne Carter, who has had eighteen years experience in well known garages In Provo and with a large contractor, is now a part of the force at Mount A Lake. Mr. Carter has a reputation as an expert me . chanic. ' , .J, B , , , . The way business is going now it looks like a fourth mechanic will be needed in a short time! Members who have had overhauls and repair work done report that the services of the mechanics have been of a high order. Meanwhile both No. 1 and No. 2 service stations are doing a booming business. Kuss Tucker reports daily increasing business at the No. 2 station" at 17th West and Center Street in Provo. Lorin Millett; "manager of the No. 1 station, also reports business is growing daily at this station Motssafc ...XaExo Ags'ei "The Farmer's Purchasing Apent.' - ECLENZEN ; Wallpaper f Cleaner V 3 Packages, enough to Clean the . tftL& Largest Boom, Only ............... rr This easy ta use wallpaper and calcimine cleaner quickly removes all dirt, smoke and grime without streaking. Leaves your walls clean and fresh .... just like new 1; " " :- .;'H;.:ft,.-. v.. . .t . .. .... . .' . For a Cleaner, Lovelier Home, Use , TWIN SAILOR PRODUCTS ,: Twin Sailor Polishes, Waxes and Cleans Paints Varnishes Wallpaper Across from Sccra ' Thone 0103J4 STOPS .. . Have cur expert workmen 'reset your ' ' faucetts and taps. We have just the right . kind Of tools and materials to stop all the wasted waterbe it either hot or cold. .We also carry G E Mazda and Fluorescent Globes Orem Appliance ORRELL DeLANGE, Manager Across from Sccra r ; - X Phone 0103J4 REASAIIT VIEW the Belief society will hold heir Theology meeting next Tuesday at 2 p. m.. The teachers' teach-ers' topic lesson will also be given- The funeral of Mrs. Pauline Bean, mother of Horace Bean, who died March 17 was held In Manavue ward chapel last Wed nesday. She came here from Switzerland when she was four years old. She was a faithful LDS worker. Was the first president of the YJUMXA. in the original First wara 01 rtovo. Mrs. Bean was 88 years old when she passed away. The singers and speakers paid high tribute to her sterling qualities of character. Many beautiful flowers covered the rostrum- ' Among those attending the fun-eral fun-eral from Pleasant View were: A. B. Liechty, Mrs. Edna Han sen, Mrs. Diantha Ekins and Mrs. Alta Allred. Among the many friends and relatives that came to the funeral funer-al held Tuesday at the Pleasant View chapel for Colleen Ekins were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ekins, Mr- and Mrs. W. Ekins and Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins from Hinckley. Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Edwards of Charles ton: Mr. and Mrs- J. Redd of Montlcello, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Snyder, American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jamison, Lehi; Mrs-Don Mrs-Don C. James, Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baum and son Alvin, Duchesne; Mr. andMrs-Elva andMrs-Elva Baum, Spanish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Heber Ivins, Salt Lake and Bill Davis, her fiance came all the way from Charleston, So-Carolina. So-Carolina. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Ercanbrack and Mrs. Alta Walker attended the funeral of Mr. Ercanbrack's nephew, Byron Ercanbrack who was drowned in Alamode, Nev., last week. Mrs. B. W. Pace of St. George, with Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Elliott, El-liott, Mr and Mrs. D. Dalley and Arthur Brian of Loa, Utah, paid a short visit to Mr- and Mrs. Tracy Colvln, enroute to their homes, last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Nielsen spent Monday afternoon at the Price hospital, visiting their daughter who had a new mtby, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunn and daughter Francis visited Sunday Sun-day with Mrs. Hunn'a sister. Mrs- Jane Jarvis of Spanish Fork, who kept open house celebrating cele-brating her 88th birthday. A fireside chat was held at the home of Geo, Muhlesteln, for the Beehive girls and scout boys last Sunday evening, . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nielsen of St- Anthony, Idaho and Lloyd Baum of Ashton, Idaho, visited with the Newell Baum family last week. Mrs. Zora Holman of Taber, Canada, visited with her sister Mrs. W. E. Andrews, last weekend. week-end. Keith Miller, substituting Sun day school teacher for Kay Perry who is away, treated the Sunday school class to a picture show last Friday evening. Local Birth Rate " .r Among Highest in United States TTtah'a birth rat a avers ffmt 2fl 0 hfrtha nor Ifinft nnntilaHnn in 1945, according to the Bureau of the Census, and was the 4th highest in the nation- In Provo the birth rate was 34.6 per 1000 population. The death rate in Utah (1945) was 8.1 deaths ner 1000 twrnula. tion, the lowest in the United states. The average deaths for the entire U- S. was 10.6. In Provo the death rate was 6.67 per 1000 population. The carnation is native of southwestern Europe- It has own cumvaiea xor more tna? 2.000 years. The art of carnet maklna mm be traced to Turkey, to Persia ana to tne East Indies. The first American carpet was made by WilUam Sprague in 1791. The word "Caucus" was first used in the United States to designate certain gatherings of popular leaders. The origin of tne game of checkers is buried in antiquity. It is an ancient game with the Chinese and was clayed in England as early as 1566. Tn 1840 Chicaeo was an Insto. nlficant tradinn post of 4,449 "habitants. Between 840 and 850 Ha pomilatlon Increased 57.!t per cent. Farmer of the United States wend more than 200 million dollar a year for fertiliser Ctanfimhis, who lived 550-478 h C was a i Chinese teavher E' name was Kuna. fter Coowr. 1791-1883. eon- tructed the locomotive in The first settlement made In he rtae -of Delaware- was by me umct n 165', - "SPilEKDW" SAYS COUNTY AGENT The few warm days of spring have made fruit growers begin to think of an orchard spray program for this year. Here are a few notes from field observations observa-tions made Monday and Tuesday, Tues-day, March 25 and 28, by Clar ence D- Ashton, assistant coun ty agent. Brown mites began hatching in many orchards Monday. By Tuesday as many as 25 per cent of the eggs were hatched. Black cherry aphlda and other aphid eggs have not started hatching yet Peach tree twig borer have begun to show signs of lite in the crotches where they spen the winter. No sign of pear thrips have been found to date. This pest winters in the soil from which it will emerge soon, now, and begin to feed on the newly open ing buds of many of our fruits- Cherries, pears, and apples have been attacked worse in this area. Bud and blister mites nave wintered over well and are numerous in many orchards. These mites will begin work on the newly opening buds. Three types of dormant spray will be used this spring. They are: I. 4 gal. dormant oil to make 100 gal- spray. This spray should be applied just as the buds break and show an eighth ! to quarter of an inch of green above the brown bul scales. It Will control brown mites and San Jose Scale and is a good spray where only these insects are to be controlled. If 34 to I pint of nicotine sulphate per 100 gallon is added to this oil spray, aphids wul be controlled. 2. Lime sulphur at the rate of 8, 10, or 12 gallons to make 100 gal. spray, depending on insects to be controlled. The 8 gallon mixture will con- trol orchard mites of all kinds which can be controlled with dormant sprays- The 10 gallon mixture will control the mites and San Jose Scale. The 12 gallon mixture should be used for peach spray if leaf spot or peach blight has been troublesome. This spray will controll all the other pests that can be controlled with lime sulphur. 3. D.D.T. Spray at the rate of 1 per cent actual D.D.T. ner 100 gallon spray This spray is to be used as a delayed dormant spray for control of thrips- Be sure you use spray materials ma-terials according to the direc tion of the manufacturer. If spreaders or stickers are recommended, recom-mended, use them. Another thing you should be cautious Evergreens Decidous Shrubs Shade Trees EARLY FRUIT TREES NOW AVAILABLE , Rose Bushes Peonies Flowering Trees Shade Trees Dahlia Bulbs Evergreens Let us figure with yon on your FAMILY ORCHARD An kinds of fruit trees available NOW! WILDWOOD HOLLOW FARM NURSERY Lakeview (North-West in Provo) Phone 011-R1 VERN L. MERROTT Announces the Opening of the Orem Photo Shop Mail me your films for quality developing, printing and enlarging. Enclose 35c With any eight exposure rolL I'll send you a print of each negative and a 4x5 inch FREE ENLARGEMENT R.F.D.l,Bos241 (rout Cnterei as et nd-clais matter November 19, 1937 at tke iRcf. t Orem, Utah, under Cie Act ef March 8. 187Sk tr, , , " Published every Thursday about is the mixing of spray materials ma-terials or using spreaders or stickers of one brand with spray material of another brand. As a rule cheiqical companies prepare pre-pare their sprays and spreaders for -special use with each other, and they should not be mixed with other chemicals. ON-THE-JOB VETS TRAINING PROGRAM Veterans of the Provo United States Employment Service office of-fice area are making good use of On-the-job Training Program, and according to W. L. Milden-hall, Milden-hall, Manager of the Provo Office, Of-fice, there are 354 different training plans inaugurated in this area using 425 veterans for 250 different employers. Mr. Mildenhall also stated that while this is a fine start, the possibilities of making a program cover all employers who can profitably train a veteran vet-eran is far from the saturation point, and that this area should; be able to train from 1500 to 2000 men. The demand of veterans for training is constantly becoming greater, and the facilities in this area for vocational school train ing are inadequate to handle the enormous load that Is required- Today the school Is underfinanc ed and understaffed to such an extent that only aoout one-naif of the training equipment Is be ing used, and hundreds of veter ans are denied training due to the lack of qualified instructors and finance to carry on to the full capacity of the school. Disabled veterans as . a rule require a great amount of special spec-ial training before they are able to go into the open labor market and compete with normal work ers. This training should be readily available and of the highest quality without any waiting for room or equipment used in training. A disabled veteran must be carefully selected se-lected in order that he will not be assigned to work that his physical condition cannot stand. The selective placement program pro-gram for the physically disabled has a major roll in the case of disabled war veterans, and this service must be handled by qualified counselors, interviewers interview-ers or placement officers in order ord-er that no harm will result to the veteran and that the employer employ-er will receive the best possible worker. There are pprximately 2500 veterans registered in the Provo office. They are the cream of the crop and have qualifications to fill nearly every type of job opening. The irrigation pioneers of this country were the Inidians of the Southwest. Ld UaUHU W I S3 Golden Jubilee Peach Early Elberta Peach Early Hale Peach Satsuma Plums Santa Rosa Plums Duarte Plums Italian Prunes Orem, Utah :i post ) For PHONE 048-J2 b3Ti-I-J Baby Pablum, large size 39c Johnson's Baby Oil . . 39c, 89c Rattles 25c up Dextrimaltose, 1 lb. 63c FREE Baby Scale Loan Service 3-R00M HOME FOR SALE Semi-modern cottage, newly new-ly painted, inside and out, lot 60x90, some fruit trees on the place, located In the heart of Orem, No. 1 Kitchen Court, for immediate occupancy. See James Nelson, 1032 W. Center, Provo. Phone 515-J. ;;ur RED CROSS r.-jsrecrry on! 0. WANTED - RABBITS 3 to S lbs. 24c per lb. Vernon H. Younger, 1008 E. Center St. Phone 1751. Provo. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OP THE STATE OP UTAH IN AND. FOR UTAH COUNTY. JOSEPH R. DENNIS, Plaintiff, vs. DELLA MAE DENNIS, Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served within the County in which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the de mand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of saiu coun. This action is brought to re cover a judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant. I. E. BROCKBANK, Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O. Address, 211 Knight Bldg. Provo City, Utah. Published March 22, 29, April S, 12, 19, 1946. COMPLETE RADIO SERVICE RALPH'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE 63 N. Univ. Ave- Phone 61f Tk Home f Guaranteed Service GOAL Lamp or Stoker Slack Prompt Delivery ic Harold Hansen 'Phone ProTO C68J5 Pleasant ; Grove 2273 1 Food Supplies CHECK THESE PRICES FDR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accordions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phone 940R, Prof S. W. Wfiiiams, 808 E. 3 Soulfe. Prove. I bay, sell, rent, and teach. FOR RENT OR LEASE 7 acres of good farm land with excellent water right, located in Orem. Phone 882 J2. " Simmons Lumber and Hardware Co. i (You Trading Center) HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES PAINTS, WALLPAPER ROOFING MATERIAL FLAMEWARE GLASSWARE HARDWARE OVENWARE GLASS And A COMPLETE HARDWARE LINE Phone 048-R2 OREM "MwMM.M;;.:;::::::;:a::::::;:K PROVO LOAN & JEWELRY CO. LOANS ON Watches, Guns, Jewelry, Etc WE SELL New and Used Watches. Guns, Cameras, etc. 51 No. Univ. Ave. PROVO PHONE 573 if THRU THE SALT LAKE- irrAiiwiii ru Tfy VI ATI VMLLC7 Phone 04SJ2 BJLH Orem, Thursday, March 28, 1945 PROVO 3rd West & Center PHONE 150 Lactogerie 1.99 Evenflo Bottles 25c Complete .in "i i i , Meads Olenine Percornogheum . 50c, 2.69 Lederle Vi Delta Emulsion 16 oz. 1.69 AUTO REPAIRING ACETYLENE WELDING FOWLER REPAIR SHOP 1-2 Block West of Texaco Station, in Orem In Kitchen Court 1 BUSES LAy - SOUTH Hun" 7:33 AM 9:03 AM 10:13A 12:28P 12:52 PM 3:sa ii 5:43 PM 6:43 Pj SIS 8:37 AM 11:57 AM 1:32 PM 2:02 PM 3:22 PM 3:40 PM 4:57 PM . 5:57 PM 6:47 PM 7:47 PM 9:51 PM . 11:47 PM Utah.' M |