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Show I. fs Omi-GENEVA TIMES Mount A' Lake Now Has More Than 262 Members Although the goal of 300 members was not reached ' during the membership drive just concluded, President Stratton and others making contributions on condition that goal be reached, were so happy over the large number of new members added (more than 262 now f enrolled) that they waived the conditions. f. On with the celebration was their decision. From 15 members to 262 members in 8 months time, was an achievement worth celebrating. And so the party went on as scheduled. That the more than 500 persons present had a good time from the beginning to the end was apparent by the fine community communi-ty spirit that prevailed. Many wanted it to be an annual affair. i Especially did. the gardenias and carnations Y Contributed by Rohbock Sons, Orem florists, to the . . ladies present, make a hit. It was a fine gesture, greatly appreciated, and all the association mem-y mem-y bers extend their thanks, to George,, his mother, brothers and sisters who make up this enterprising ': firm. A ; And manager J. Morris Bird, speaking for the Association Asso-ciation membership aside from President John B. Stratton Strat-ton and other members who made contributions, thanks Mr. Stratton and Other contributors for their generous gifts. The barbecued beef was just right it would almost melt in your mouth, and Dob Orton's orchestra was also greatly enjoyed. These were all contributed without cost to the association. J Thanks also go out to the captains and their teams who led the drive and to the committees who put on the big celebration. Appreciation and thanks are also extended to Tirapanogos Ward and Scera for the fine way in which the events were housed. Everything was perfect, even the weather man behaved himself. Arrange to Get Your Trees Bring in Your Repair Work j Trees are ready for delivery, arrange to get them. V- We have Porter Walton mountain grown seeds in stock, also insecticides and garden tools, order them f Our garage is in full operation in the Glen Fischer building. Expert mechanics will take care of your needs. ! SerHceStlpnNo.2 J - ' Russ Tucker is Mhdlinf a big volume of business at I theew Mount A! Lake station at lTth West and Center Streets, Provo. It is just over the viaduct Our I sign isn't up yet but will be sooii.4 i Womens Auxiliary Soon " , There Is alot of' interest being manifested . taT ; ; proposed .wometfa auxiliary, watcli for " announce' Not All Rosy v Yes, we have troubles, too - plenty of thenu Strikes, lack of help, scarcity of materials, etc., Bring gray hairs to the management But with loyal support of the membership mem-bership our. difficulties will all be overcome. never doubt it Mount At' "The; Farmer's ri Electric Vater Heaters , . JUST ARRIVED Immediate, Installation and Delivery ' , Sk .For Retails Phone 033-J3 '. YOUR WINKLER STOKER DEALER GENEVA: SUPPLY COMPANY A Complete Electric Service' v Orem, Utah New Slibe Shop OREM SHOE REPAIRING 1 A Open For Business Shoes Neatly Repaired While You Wait - , , - ' - . Located North State in Orem by Prestwich Lumber Company - j- . - LESTER RIDING. Prop. ' iLalio :Acon Purchasing Agent1 ,M' ' (PaiAdWrUsh 7 GO-WORKERS AT GAY PARTY A group of friends and form er co-workers in Sharon Stake Relief Society met Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Malicent Wells. A delightful time was enjoyed reminiscing and the following program was given: Songs led by Mrs. Jennie Jen-nie Farley, with Mrs- Melba Pyne at the piano; a tribute to the group by Mrs. Clara M. Taylor; Tay-lor; duet, Mrs. Lizzabell Davis and Mrs. Wells; comic reading, Mrs. Daisy Nelson and piano solos. Mrs. Pyne. A pot luck luncheon was served at small tables, St. Patrick's day decorations being used, with a clever game being played following lunch. A letter was read from Mrs. Sadie Shaw of Salt Lake City, who was unable to attend the party to those named and Eva G. Gillespie, Gil-lespie, Mary B. Stewart, Flora H Bigler, Stena Christensen of Pleasant Grove, Sarah C. Prestwich, Lydla P. Hogan, Merle S. Foote, May P. Davis, Katherine N. Zobell, Myrtle Christensen and Maud W. Partridge. Part-ridge. Rogerson - Nielsen Wedding Reception A delightful wedding recep tion was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. (Mary LaRae Roger-son) Roger-son) Nielsen Sa'turday evening, by the bride's father, John E. Rogerson in Sharon ward recreational rec-reational hall. The popular young couple were united in marriage in the Salt Lake Temple Friday, Mar. 8, with President J. Will Knight performing the ceremony. Tne father of Mrs. Nielsen and -Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nlelson o Kimball, Kim-ball, Idaho, parents of the groom accompanied them through the temple. The guests were greeted upon their arrival by th parents of the newlywds; Thomas Roger-son, Roger-son, brother of the bride acted as best man and Marie Williams was maid of honor, with Laura Grandall, Patricia Rogerson and Anna Dee Pyne as bridesmaids. brides-maids. The bride was lovely In a white satin gown, entrain. with finger tip veil of net and lace caught up with a head dress of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of red doses and the bridesmaids wore dainty corsages in corresponding correspond-ing shades on their dainty formal for-mal gowns in pastel shades. E. E. Twitchell acted as master mas-ter of ceremonies and toasted the young couple; Duets were given by Helen Carter and Elvira El-vira Ford and Genevieve Ford and Elizabeth Hawkins, accompanied accom-panied by Cumorah Gordon. Bishop Arch Pulham gave p toast to the bride. The balance of the evening was spent In: dancing and refreshments were served. Many lovely gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Nit-sen, Nit-sen, who will make their home at Kimball, Idaho. Mrs. Nielsen is a graduate of Lincoln high school and Sharon stake seminary and her husband hus-band has recently returned front 23 months spent overseas In army service. FERTILIZER Sulphate of Ammonia 20.6Niirogen Content $2.45 cwt. Delivered ia 500 lb. or larger lots Utah Valley Distributors ProTO. Utah Phone 1829-J (After p. m.) J!miiiKia:iKaK::t!:!n:u!n!t!::::ISa:!!::RKn;ujBK.t!!n ELITE BEAUT SHOP It's Time For Your Spring Permanent Jfow Personality Hair Styling No. 1 Christeele Acres Phone 093-R4 Orem ' KITCHEN CRAFT Heavy Aluminum Ware NOW . AVAILABLE Shown by Appointment Write or Phone 0G7R5 Provo R. D. 2. Box 28. Oram Utah RICHARD A.BREWER ED GEM OUT Mrs. Jane Brereton and Mrs. Dora Cluff were hostesses to Camp Edgemont, Daughters of Utah Pioneers Thursday afternoon at the Brereton home. Classleader Ossa Ferguson gave an interesting lesson and refreshments re-freshments were served by the Wiscombe spent the week end at Los Angeles, Cal. on business. He made the trip by plane and reports he enjoyed enjoy-ed it a great deal. Mrs. Hilda Conder will be hostess to Edgemont Lit era rv club Friday, Mar. 22, at her home at Olmsted. All members te urged to be present Last Call Made For Centennial's Seal Utahnjs who wish to submit their ideas for a "Centennial Seal" to be used officially throughout the state for the Utah Centennial celebration in 1947, must mail their sketches, their description of their ideas, and a color scheme before midnight, mid-night, March 16, Gus P. back-man, back-man, Director of the Centennial, announced this week. All entries must be mailed to the Seal Contest Editor, the Utah Centennial, Box 329, Salt Lake City 8, before midnight on March 16. Prizes of $350 in war bonds, Evergreens Decidous Shrubs Shade Trees , NEARLY FRUIT TREES NOW 7 X I AVAILALEB Golden Jubilee Peach Early Elberta Peach Early Hale Peach Satsuma Plums Santa Rosa Plums Duarte Plums Italian Prunes VILDWOOD HOLLOW FARM NURSERY Lakeview (North-West in FECIAL Mens Boys Fine Knit Fine Dress Hats Polo Shirts Merrimak & Waterbuck With Collars Special At f)C$ $50 We Now Have Oil Silk Aprons Plenty of Mens Assocrted Colors 4fl leather j , Work Gloves Junior Dresses v?To?q7 Spun Rayon Ladies sizes ? to is Front Aprons $3 60 Fine recale Tie Backs They are Here 9 Mens White Childs T Shirts Rayort Panties AU Sizes Good Quality Sizes 2 to 12 CbttoS Vests ftJM' Assorted Colors Fine White, Sizes 38 44 Elastic Tops m log Mens Heavy Dark Boys Gray Work Pants Q,at Sweaters (Scarce Article) Part Wooi 0nJy $246 $1.93 IFfctdw's 868 W. Center St. maturity value, are being offered offer-ed for the best suggestion A bond of $200 will be offered for the winner. $100 bond for second place and $50.00 for third place, all awards being made by the Utah Covered Wagon Wa-gon Days, which for years conducted the annual Pioneer Day celebration in Salt Lake City. The seal should be simple, impressive and dignified and adaptable for use by many business busi-ness firms on their stationary, on state stationary, on flags, banners, posters and other media of publicity. The alluvial soil at the mouth of the Mississippi river Is estimated esti-mated at not less than 700 to 1,000 feet deep. The Democratic party has furnished 12 of the Presidents of the United States. Practically all of the survivors surviv-ors of the once great tribe of Delaware Indians live in northeastern north-eastern Oklahoma- The popular son, "Dixie," was written by Dan Emmett, an early American minstrel, in the year 1860. The greatest length of South Wanted To Buy Old model truck or car, good or damaged. 191 North 11 West Provo, Ut. For Landscaping Provo) Phone 011-R1 PROVO America, from north to south, is about 4000 miles; from east to west its greatest width is about 3,500 miles. Uncle Sam Says This lad In the coal mines near Wilkes Barre, Fa., boys a Savings Bond every month because he is going to be married. "I've seen plenty of sickness and layoffs In my time." savs Joe. "I've $375.00 in War and Victory Bonds now. Ten j years from now ZS docks a montn coming in. Imagine what that will mean to Irma and me, and maybe a couple of kids, specially if these diggings should be shut np for a While." V.S.TrtanrjDtfartmtiit BURPEE PRESSURE COOKERS Your Kitchen Craft Dealer Richard A. Brewer Now Available. Get Yours Before Canning Time Rt. 2 Box 28 Oren. Ph. 067R5 GRAINS NORTHERN CROWN Cwt. Certified Federation Wheat $4.45 Federation Wheat, Rcld & Trtd 3.85 Barley, Trebi or Club Rcld & Trtd 3.75 Lb. Alfalfa Seed, Utah, Common or Grimm -47, Alfalfa Seed, Argentine .38 Certified Yellow Sweet SPANISH ONIQN SEED R4 Strain 3 lb. lots 5.85, Cwt. CPST0MSEED GRAIN Cleaning: & trateing .19 BUNKER FARMS Business House;. Daily, except ex-cept Sundays 8 a. m. to 6 p. m Phone Provo 0I6R-3 "Geneva Steel 2s Across From Us." SEED WITH ELECTRIC BROODING Electric Brooders the greatest time and abor savers on any poultry farm are vailabte again! "ectric Brooders, you know, control tern- :ramres automatically as well as accur- ately and substantially lower the mortality rate. Chicks feather out better and wean away from heat at an earlier stage. Best of all the cost of operation is low and work so easy that even a child or woman can care for many broods of chicks Profit A UTAH pOWBR LIGHT COMPANY MESSAGE The first person known to have sailed within the Antarctic circle, was Captain Cook, who reached the southernmost point reached by him on January Janu-ary 30, 1774. Exclusive of islands and colonies, the area o Spain is No effort or expense has been spared during our 76 grears of service in Provo to make our facilities' more, complete and our relations with bereaved be-reaved families increasingly helpful. A phone call to Berg in time of need brings our service within reach of any family in any circumstance. " CHARLES if?" nm m''''" " i A. l& St fit 4 i Eternal As Time! ORDER YOUR Bronze Marker or For delivery before Memorial Day. Beiautif ul designs and suitable sizes for every purpose. On Display At The BRONZE MEMORIAL CO. 325 West Center, Provo, Utah: Phone 2343 also Payson. Utah. Phone 299 Merrill Christiansen, Dealer fev Metier Thursday, March 14, 1945 about 100.000 hiium - utuea. According to American Bu,l ness this country's annual kT ting bill is well over 6 bfflfo. dollars. In 1939 the United States put chased 96 per cent of the ei tor bean production of Braz4 Kott.t 9hA- 'flMat & MCNPOE FATHER w - d,. t 6r ..- W 9t W sfc : .'UK i 10 r, & rt m |