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Show Us APPARENTLY only a minor por fi w of football followers, ad ti, old Fatls ana ou":r" """" 5 rt what a football .chedul. "Sample, playing Army Ir (test days "eans yu h?en'X ' close. Playing Navj means you are likely like-ly to be beaten. Not always. But nearl) always. That is si 4 of today. Army and . t.m. YtnA iVim tw.r best teams in 194! and they will hav the two best teamr in 1946. But so far as an) I GnaUandRlcc national ranking tt goes we've drawn a , lock of complaints, especially from the Midwest, about the quality ol many wuthern schedules. "I recaD some years back," one Midwesterner writes, "when Bob Neyland at Tennessee took no chancel of defeat. Neyland was s peat coach and be had great teams. But he rarely played over three bard games a year, with many soft ipoti planted in between. Ia mj opinion this has been trot tt Alabama this season. Everyone bom Frank Thomas Is an excep-ttomOy excep-ttomOy good coach and that Ala-suit Ala-suit is one of the best teams Is the country. Bat there was no way tt prore (his by playing only three hard games L.S.U., Tennessee and Georgia. I wonld like to have seen Alabama tested by Army, Navy, In diana, Pennsylvania, "Oklahoma A. and It or Michigan. That's why I doal think Alabama should have bees rated over Navy and Indiana r Oklahoma A. and M. After ali i aatiooal ranking gets you nowhere while Bowl game gets yea from i$30,M to $100,000.M 1 Alabama will tell you the Crinv Twn Tide could get no stronger out- side ichedule. This is true. But J many of their opponents, east and f west, will also tell you they are not I Interested in southern teams that , have to many football scholarships, The Bowl Coniple4 1 1 hive the feeling that1 the powl complex has set southern ' footbaU back In a schedule way. For ex-I ex-I ample two of my favorite southern ,teami are Clemson and Auburn, Most elevens go back 40 or 45 yean Once they begin winning, jthey ire too often dropped' from wuuern schedules. The reason tough." Tennessee dromied Auburti after a close 7-0 margin in m mat almost kept Tennessee out oi an Orange Bowl meetine with Ok. jlahoma. Georgia Tech, I under- stand,-has droDDed Clemsnn btHat Penaon'i late mop-up. The South Qemson and Auburn all worst of it, and yet, traditionally they belong high up. N I Tot various Bowl. Where to stay. But they have built two anned, hostile camps. The Including the Big Ten plus " Dame, have no Bowl aspira- 0M. Neither h. , T t ,1,,. , J ucaguc, m Army and Navy. o leaves Bowl uisinn ratf. the Southwest, the South ' two stray eastern or -oiuhb reams, such as Boston Col-tee Col-tee and Boi r,,. wusn scneauie and take a inane . r,.., 'Arm. . 7. ueeo wuiing to race W ind Navy. Duke was unbeat- or these two gamesi Geor- SPSS a- tu-jtwmniamms m&a Serve a Breakfast That Spells a Cheery Morning (See Recipe Below) Bright Beginning Do you serve the kind of breakfast break-fast that demands to be eaten, or are you content to let the family slip away with just a sip of fruit juice and a swallow of hot colTce? Surveys show that people spend an average of 12 minutes eating breakfast. Five minutes more time to eat a good breakfast can give added energy for the day's work, and about a third of the day's share in calories and lutrients. Few women spend the time in planning breakfast that they give to Dther meals. The only way to serve a good breakfast is, of course, to plan it in advance. It should be appetizing and interesting, with foods prepared carefully and served appetizingly. There should be contrast con-trast in the texture, flavor and color jf foods to avoid monotony. Breakfast, too, can have the glamour that other meals possess. Bright cheerful dishes and linens iispel early morning gloom. Flowers Flow-ers and other pretty centerpieces make an attractive setting. The oreakfast table should be set away from kitchen odors and confusion, and the setting should be as cheery as possible. Above all, be cheerful, yourself! Use Variety in Fruits. Fruits-in-season offer a good way of introducing variety to the breakfast. break-fast. There will be berries, juicy and bright-colored, fruit juices, and then, of course, the fruit itself. aalves of grapefruit, sliced oranges, luscious pears, peaches, etc. Incidentally, right now there are winter pears which are plentiful. Anjou pears which run from green to creamy-yellow creamy-yellow in skin color are ' juicy ' or, I fitll.flatmrori I u niny W0SS. reacu me peon m I wnthe South the teams willing h e 1 ' season w Ola -u . . . . 8 about this time and are available until April. The Nelis, which is a russet-skinned, cm a 11 and extra-sweet pear, starts trickling to the market now ard will be available until May. Bosc pears which are russet-skinned, with a long tapering neck, and Cornice pears which are similar to the Anjou are still available, but are passing Serve Cereals. Cereals help add carbohydrate oi energy to the diet, and th-.y are available in a variety of ways. You mieht like a nice hot bowl of cooked nidd.ti..:::rB.,a lecB nrm,i , -rrai start r MiiucMi wnMniaa in ta.A i lWanek.i.... -. ! ,the day. and then a -Mcmrtth Its own rrm nbi. .strikes the lancy. i,. JESi may be wise to comb-ne the S,.iT';e ' 'romTt own fereal with some fruit ,., hn p.c- jT "W season. Popular Breakfast Breads. C HtSlde of Due and Georgia Toast is our nalion:l1 l,,T'k,i Played a schedule ! lan' test with a WeltaL mclud Michigan, N,lminols- Nebraska! jPur Mllnesota. Pittsburgh S turaed 0 too ttoi!.v0otbaD coches and ffi.'?8" ?.t"- to permit Lynn Chambers' Breakfast Idea Orange-Grapefruit Juice Oatmeal with Cream and Sugar Poached Eggs on Toast Cranberry Marmalade Beverage fu J 5icm vjcui- Naw M been wUUn8 to meet etLNtre Dame' a,way i 5ers,- Duke and K5,!dGeoriaTh. Alabama I " "o games. IU Ako Takes Risks un it may Is t!:at i be allowed to reach the doldrum stage. Different types of may be used, and of course, there are numerous nu-merous spreads to entice weary breakfast appetites. Picture the pleasure of the family when they see golden slices of toast with a dish of cranberry or orange marmalade marma-lade that can be spread thick while the toast is hot. Or, cranberry preserves, pre-serves, made from fresh berries, are particularly appealing to morning morn-ing appetites because of their tart, bright flavor. If you plan breakfasts carefully, then . you will find time to spare for baking some of those delicious quick breads that make such a de lightful feast of this first meal of the day. Here are several bright beginnings: Honey Butter Roll-Dps. (Makes lri) Z cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons shortening to cup milk 1 tablespoon melted butter 2 tablespoons boney Vt teaspoon cinnamon Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Cut or rub in shortening. Add milk and stir to form a soft dough. Turr on a lightly floured board and knead Vz minute. Divide dough into two equal portions. Roll each portion por-tion into a circular shape about V inch thick. Brush with melted butter and honey. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Cut into pie-shaped pieces. Roll, beginning be-ginning at wide end. Bake in a hoi (450-t,.egree) oven 10 to 12 minutes Date-Orange Muffins. (Makes I dozen) H cup sifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon sugar H teaspoon salt 1 cup dates, cut fine Grated rind of 1 large orange 1 cups whole wheat flour cup molasses 1 egg, beaten I cup milk cup shortening, melted Sift together white flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add dates and orange rind; mix well. Add flour. Combine molasses, egg, milk and melted shortening and add tel dry ingredients mixing only until the dry ingredients are moistened. Dc, not beat until smooth. Spoon bat-: tor int') well-sreased muffin tins. News mum By-PAULlALLON 1 Released by Weitern Newipaoor Union. jlRITISH LOAN ACT DECEIVES ATTENTION WASHINGTON. The defense of he British loan deal is that there tre only three things which can be lone with the British: (a) Prop them up. (b) Let them fall. (c) Let the Russians take them. On this basis the project was sold o the reluctant and discouraged :ongress and will increasingly be old. This is the argument which von congressional approvaL In Its details, the arrange inent is Indefensible. A careful care-ful reading of the agreements will show that upon practically every agreed point, the British have contrived an escape clause or phrase In short, an out. In the matter of Interest pay-nents, pay-nents, for example, these will be vaived unless British trade aver-iges aver-iges more than 1936-38 for five preceding pre-ceding years. Again, the British are o try to do something about the ster-ing ster-ing discrimination pool against the lollar, but will only "make every mdeavor" to do so. They agree to 'relax." not stop. FEW BENEFITS FOB IMERICAN PEOPLE Again, they agree to discuss a lew de luxe super Bretton Woods irrangement to create a world rading and monetary system; they igree to work with us for this "in- emational trade organization" at a vorld conference next year, but .here nothing definite is provided be-rond be-rond the "discussion" stage. Again they promise to pay per haps 750 million dollars In settle ment of "lend-lease" (how ironl- f la"d cal those two words sound now) but only SO millions Is to be cash within five years, and we will not take this money, but will use It to build educational or other institutions In the British empire. em-pire. V There Is hardly a line In the agreement which Is not hedged thus with a legal escape for nonfulfillment. For this, we are to throw 3 bil- 'ions more after the 25 billions ol Mend-lease" we are cancelling off :hus giving them title to remaining planes, guns, trucks I ASX MS r I I ANOTHER f I A General Quiz B The Questions 1. On what lake did Perry win a naval victory over the British? 2. Where is 90 degrees north latitude? lat-itude? 3. What metal is used as an alloy al-loy in sterling silver? 4. What is another name for the south wind? 5. Beneath the chapel of what university does the body of Robert E. Lee rest? 6. Which sport attracts the greatest American attendance? 7. What was the nationality of Goliath? 8. Albinoism in animals results from the lack of what? 9. How far does Sweden extend within the Arctic Circle? 10. What is the name of the song whose air was appropriated for "The Star Spangled Banner" T The Antwert 1. Lake Erie. 2. At the North Pole. 3. Copper. 4. Auster. 5. Washington and Lee university. univer-sity. 6. Basketball (90 million yearly). 7. He was a Philistine. 8. Pigment. 9. Two hundred miles. 10. "To Anacreon in Heaven." Woolly Panda From Tibet Difficult Creature to Keep Fortunate indeed is the zoo keeper keep-er who is able to add to his collection collec-tion the great, or short-tailed, pandaone pan-daone of the world's rarest animals. ani-mals. Even in their native land of Tibet, pandas are extremely scarce, and prior to the year 1869, when explorers ex-plorers first saw a shy specimen, these peculiar little bear-like creatures crea-tures were unknown outside the limited boundaries of their native So delicately attuned is the panda to its Tibetan surroundings that it is difficult to keep in captivity, cap-tivity, and only a few of the animals ani-mals are on display in zoological parks. There are but four in the United States; one in New York, one in Brookfield (111.) zoo, and two in St. Louis. Extreme Creatures Bearded vultures live in the Himalayas at an altitude of 24,000 feet where the air pressure is 5.1 typewriter! pounds per square inch, while rat- and what not, without trying to get tail fishes live at a depth of 20,000 he materials back for scrap or use. feet where the water pressure is (Army claims we already have 8,900 pounds per square inch, or more than we can sell or )se in sur- 1,648 times greater. plus property, but they are thinking it peace, not yet restored.) The best objective world finance authorities tell me the British care fully carved their excuses in ad- trance, because they cannot expect repay this "loan" any more thar they could pay our war advances. given away under the disguised Hardwood floors are rennished booby-trap phrase "lend-lease." in various ways depending upon They have no raw materials or how thorough a job is necessary their island except coal. They can- For a complete job, all the old not produce without raw materials, materials are removed with strong and they cannot pay for the ma- alkali solution, and the wood is SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS Side Button Princess Is Smart A Smoothly Tailored Ensemble is - Graceful Princes. SOFT flowered material makes as lovely a daytime frock as you'll see in this slim, graceful princess style with pretty square neckline and scalloped side closing edged in bold ric rac. Smart, too, in lightweight wool or gabardine. Pattern No. 8907 eomes In sizes It, M, 16. 18 and- 20. Size 14, short sleeves, takes 3V yards of 89-inch material; Ilk yards trimming . Slip and Pantie SMOOTHLY tailored slip and pantie set that fits like a glove. You can have ribbon straps or built-up shoulders 'on the slip you'll like the dainty lace trim too. The pantie is easy to make with elastic back and waistline darts. Why not make a dark slip, for a change, to wear under sheer or dark dresses? Pattern No. 8891 Is designed for sizes 12. 14. 16. 18, 20; 40 and 42. Size 14, slip, requires 2', yards of 35 or 39-inch material mate-rial for built-up shoulders; 2 yards for ribDon straps; pantie, its yards; lis yards lace. M it:;::; '''J II t: Mn n.H ifai terials except by production. BRITISH FUTURE DOES NOT JUSTIFY LOAN finished as if new, with stain to equalize color, or bleach if neces sary to remove discoloration. This With their prospects they would is followed by a filler, varnish and have difficulty getting anyone to say wax- A good painter will refinish their amortization plan for this noors so ,that they wiii 100K luce "loan" is sound. They can wir new. a respite against fate with out money, but their 55-year future doei not justify the deal financially. But what could we do? The Byrnes people are already asking ask-ing the senators in private. The senators are saying we could have taken title to the equipment equip-ment we have given them and used It for storage against the future or scrap; we could have taken payment in materials of which our own stockpiles re low; we could have acquired territories needed for raw materials, ma-terials, and for civilian and military mil-itary world air bases. In short, we could have reachec An ordinary double book strap is excellent to nave with you when you are traveling. Should you annex an-nex a package too bulky for your suitcase, wrap it in suitable wrapping wrap-ping over a cardboard base, bind it with a book strap and carry it by the handle. Should you want to make your own roller shades to match the fabric used in the decorative scheme of a room, better stick to glazed chintz, heavy sateen, percale per-cale or other material of similar weight and weave. You've resolved to stretch the Illlillg limn I""- fair anri Bnnj hnsinec,, cftlo f,mi!v clMno cl h Imonino fr,r hnn 90 mm. " " J ""IT'J "J "-!-", i40!l-dcgree oven ut 'rtoui fu", T, W Permlt . wl' taken in thi .m. 1.. - an m-l. !4 W," wstseason fill-ins toTT ""toportant contri-BthsR,MUona,r"lWn. contri-BthsR,MUona,r"lWn. Is b game t"uld hot be J3l Khedules tp Insure S WchT "Py In the fcSLn contrinuted too WtoU! Ave much of its " KnrZy.01 to t ched-"4c&k ched-"4c&k Aftern' Duk V not tt reNorthai,8 ta to South. M to ir,? W&wnt will nev- Lynn Says: You'll want these handy hints for housekeeping: To keep iron frying pans in good condition, give them a soda bath occasionally. occasion-ally. Mix two tablespoons of soda with two quarts of hot soapy water. Place the frying pans in this and boil gently for a few minutes. min-utes. Rinse well and wash in more soapy water. Cotton flannel cloths are excellent excel-lent for polishing silverware. Keep old flannel cloths on hand and wash them often in hot soapy water. Slow drying at a moderate temperature is best for woolens. Never expose them to excessive heat, direct sun rays or freezing freez-ing temperatures. Place a teaspoon of salt in water wa-ter in which eggs are boiled. This aids in keeping the shell from breaking. ment "in kind, and closed th up with your darning and then Krifib, nn thie onHlncn nmnirti, ..4 ..hit- fttnrita nl, ,nrtir,,rv ilqpninn D'-n't forget that eggs add nour- (he produc, of our toi, into Britaji: disappears. Next time a light ishmcnt and interest to breakfasl (hese as, 3() years W(, cou,d hay( burng 0(jt see .f and may be pre- irenched a final settlement. mnkp a nprfpM snhctitntn ,V'b I As it is. we have left the books eFi- : . u . . -. ..... open, 10 iurins.il more money wner aew a sirip OI SOIt WaSnaDie IaD- this "loan" is gone and cannot tx ric a leftover length of dress repaid money which really repre goods, for example, or even a strip sents the sweat of our workmen, be of soft sheeting over the top of the cause our treasury has no "money" blanket or comforter, remove and except as it drains that source. ; wash when soiled, and replace. Wp pnillri hav nHeolv nnnsfM a on top of golden brown toast. ourselves with territory, stockpile! If yon want to make your letters And if it s variety you re eeKin and power for the new barter woHc absoIuteiy sure-Seal, glue them then try these special pe&n fiUco trade (which is coming as surely shut with colorless nail polish. as borrowed international money it These can't even be steamed open never repaid). We could have wor by unscrupulous persons, the peace with this deal. A tew of the bravest administra , Ition congressmen said God lovei 'everyone and the British loan agree j ment is a good one, immediately Peel and core pears. Leave whole, aiier u was announcea. Sprinkle with lemon juice and place The suspicious or knowing con a heaping teaspoonful of brown sug gressmen roundly denounced it. J ar in each pear. Crumble sausages But the bulk ducked and ran whei . and fry until brown. Drain off fat. gaw nt,wsmen comlng t0 gee. Pack cooked, drained sausage intc Cljmment These detected a higt! pears, filling generously. Arrange aroma unpiipuarlt about pears upright in baking dish, add who,e aRajr waflej if) flrg, puf water ana Dane in a ritK., ,f the newg from tng gta,e depart degree) oven for 30 minutes or un t di(, nQt know much (, til pears are tender. itg vaKt unfathomable ramifications Released to Western Nfwspaper Union pared in any number of ways. You'll like sausage-flecked omelet, ome-let, bacon-rlecked waffle, creamy scrambled eggs with ham, and poached eggs ridinij with sausage for a breakfast treat: Sausage Pears. ((Serves 6) 6 pears Juice of 1 lemon - Brown sugar y, pound bulk sausage cup water There's no need for you to remove re-move the spread from your bed at night. Fold the top half down over the lower half, bring the upper corner on either side down to the center, making a triangle, then lift the point over the foot. The part of the spread tucked in at the foot need not be disturbed. Stiff brashes and brooms will last longer if wetted now and then. This prevents fibers or broomstraw from becoming too brittle and consequently con-sequently breaking off. Cutting knives are best kept by themselves in a wooden rack in the kitchen drawer. If allowed to rub against other knives or utensils, uten-sils, they dull quickly. Clean gilded picture frames by rubbing with a soft cloth dipped in milk or egg white. They'll look like new. To tighten cane seats and prevent pre-vent sagging, sponge the surface with salt water occasionally. Duo to an unusually large demand ind current conditions, slightly mora time Is required In filling orders for a low of the most popular patter numbers. SEWING CIRCLB PATTERN DEPT. lot Mlisioa st, Ua Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents la coins tor each pattern desired. Pattern No. Name- Address- To Get Metier Cough Syr up, Mix It at Home SoEasy 1 No Cooking. Real Saving. To set quick relief from coughs duo to colds, you should make aura by mixing' your own cough syrup at home. It's no trouble at all, and you know It'a pure and good. It needs no cooking; and It's so easy to make that a child could do tt. From your druggist get 1 ounces) of Plnex. Pour this Into a pint tot. tie, and add enough plant syrup to fill up the pint To make syrup, stir two cups of granulated sugar and on cup of water a few momenta, until dissolved. dis-solved. Or you can use corn syrup or liquid boney, If desired. The full pint thus made should last a family a long time, and rives you about four tunes at much cough medicine (or your money. It never spoils, and children love Its pleasant taste. And for quick results, you've never seen its superior. It seems to take bold Instantly, loosening the phlegm, soothing the Irritated membranes and helping to clear the air passages, Plnex Is a special compound of proven Ingredients, in concentrated form, well known for quick action on throat and bronchial irritations, Just try it, and if not pleased, your money will be refunded. Adv. A Safe, Sound Investment-Buy Investment-Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! ITIIHADOR I -Mobi lift Wtrtk Ihleg" Steads ol DR. K. schiffmanks TliiTtsnili if ASTHMADOS. Is d. stTs DOM rick, SKosnt Cms kelp satin ttw Sgoaf sf bronchial ssrhim, tid is relieving immrni knuhint ASTHMADOR powder more comenient tor some Me snr) far (fait drea, ASTHMADOR oguenet tnd pipe mn nut far socket M suns Sold by draggia SMiylim under our mooqr-btck giminm. EXTRA FRESH BREAD! t?" - J'y'A Fresh active yeast goes right to work! No lost action no extra steps. Helps give sweeter, tastier bread flavor light, smooth texture perfect freshness! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-always use Fleischmann's active, fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable for more than 70 years America's tested favorite. Electric Device Controls Sprinters at Starting Line An electric device has been designed de-signed to prevent sprinters in track events from making false starts, says Collier's. It consists of a small box connected by wire to the starting gun and to a metal plate placed on the ground before be-fore each contestant. To make the electrical connec tion that permits the gun to be fired, all runners must be In starting start-ing position and exerting a certain cer-tain pressure on the plate with both hands. Why MUSCLES that Labor Long Hours rely on SLOAN'S When outdoor work and chilling winds leave muscles aching and sore lake the letted way la fast, happy relief. Just pal en Sbae'i Unimtnt, warm away those slabbing muscular paint, Ne slow, painful rubbing. You'll feel this "heat treatment" go la work penetrating Instantly, stimulating circulation, relaxing light muscles. Yaur handy way le solid comfort. Tired Aching Muscles Sprains Stiff Joints Strains Bruises If 1 X,AVt Vs. X ANSWERS TO ALL YOUR STOCK DISEASE PROBLEMS -IN CUTTER'S FREE CATALOG! Send for it! Find out why animals get Blackleg If there' a better way than slaughtering to stop Abortion how "Shipping Fever" starts. Get dependable answers to these and your other animal disease problems from the world's leading experts in animal disease control Cutter Laboratories. Detailed descriptions of alt diseases plus a handy chart, giving the boiled-down facts! Just tend your name and address to Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, California! |