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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES 1 V ; : , H III t vv, ''V'',''V'X''''''"' ' ;-';.- , ""''',';' -v - '- - : - i nnr-j Aannn r- n n n m nr llllllfllll IW EFFECT mm NOTE THESE NEW DEPARTURE HOURS NORTHBOUND BURLINGTON T RAILWAYS BUS DEPOT W. E. Rodrigue. Agent 103 North University Avenue Phone: 1272 . asm NULIUX LV Provo AR Lehi AR Murray AR S. L. City AR Ogden 4:58 AM 5:27 AM 5:57 AM 6:10 AM 8:20 AM 12:23 PM 12:52 PM 1:22 PM 1:35 PM 7:18 PM 7:47 PM 8.17 AM 8:30 PM 3:20 PM 10:20 PM SOUTHBOUND LV Provo 12:31 PM , 7:26 PM 1:05 PM AR Fillmore 3:15 PM 10:12 PM 3:40 AM AR Cedar City 6:08 PM 1:06 AM 6:16 AM AR Lai Vegas 10:00 PM 4:26 AM 10:21 AM AR Loi Angeles 6:00 AM 12:40 PM 6:40 PM 9 ROUTS OF TH? , - urn ii i n i , i ni i fJLJL W JUt JLt 4Jf TIMPANOGOS Three babies received names and blessings at fast meeting Sunday; Elvis Brent, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Terry; Earl Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elon Barnes; Edith Karen, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer. The Relief society will convene con-vene Monday at 2 o'clock in the ward chapel, with Classleader Lucy Poulson giving the Theology Theol-ogy lesson- The ladies of the ward have been requested to go to Utah Valley hospital Thursday morning morn-ing to help mend. Plans will be completed at meeting Monday regarding transportation, etc. WithjOurjService Boys & Girls SGT. YOUNG STATIONED IN JAPAN . Raymond V. Young, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Rt l, Provo, is now stationed in Japan as a member of the occupational oc-cupational Fifth Air Force Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Madsen of Lake View, holder of the purple heart for being wounded in France, is now at the family home on convalescent furlough from Bushnell hospital in Brig-ham Brig-ham city He plans to attend the BYU this quarter, to major in Stake YWMIA Officers Chosen Miss Alta Buckner of Grand View ward has been appointed as Sharon Stake Young Women's Wom-en's Mutual Improvement president presi-dent to succeed Mrs. Virginia Poulson, who has been released after serving several years. Miss Clorene Lamb of Geneva ward has been selected as first coun- Fighter command. Young is a radio mechanic with the famed business administration 49th Fighter Group, top score outfit of 5th Air Force and one of vh first Air Forces to oc cupy Japan. CONVALESCENT TO ATTEND BYU Pfc. Kenneth Madsen, sou of selor and Miss Nelda Carter as secretary. The other counselor will be appointed later. Board members have been selected as ollows: Sylvia Holdaway, Phil-is Phil-is Hancock, Marian Ercanbrack, cnese Woffinden, Lillian Prince and Alta Rowley. , These new officers participated participat-ed in the Mutual convention held in Timpanogos ward chapel Thursday evening, with President Presi-dent George Ashby in charge. iimiuiiu Towns are vital factors in a lucrativt tourist trait. P TPRESSIONS good or bad, arc formed before tourists reach the large cities of Utah. Many of these impressions are indelible. DISTANCES - e so great that every highway town and city should have profitable stop-over business. The requirements are simple: C aod food properly served, clean rest accommodations city or town parks in good condition, an ait of hospitality. A JOB OF SELLING every community by all its citizens Is only common sense. Yet the greatest responsibility for creating favorable impressions im-pressions rests with such border places as St George, K&nab, Thompsons, Vernal, Echo, Logan, Tremonton and Wen-dover. Wen-dover. Tbeiri Is a state-wide as well as a community service. UTAH STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICITY AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AtmBmUng UtUkCkVub (Tab JmuWieat b number eight of a series to promote a treads tourist trade foe the entire state) SEAMAN ENJOYS LEAVE AFTER TWO YEARS Seaman 1C Verlin L. Allred; a coast guardsman, is now on leave for thirty days with his wife, the former Marie Kerby, after two years of sea duty In the Pacific area. Mr. and Mrs. Allred will also visit with the Allred family at Duchesne before be-fore he returns to duty on the west coast. Mrs. Allred has made her home with her mother, Mrs. Minta Kerby. GENEVA-TIMES NEXT TO A LETTER FROM HOME A letter has been received by this paper from Pat (Melba) Edwards S-lC Camp Parks, California, stating "I have been receiving the Geneva-Orem Times regularly and enjoying it very much, next to a letter from home It's tops. I look forward to receiving every issue, and I think I speak for all other service serv-ice personel in extenamg thanks." First Lt Moyle E. Harward. 23. has been honorably released from active duty in the Army medical corps, at the separation base of Scott Field, 111. AAF Training Comman radio school. Lt. Harward. one of four service serv-ice sons of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Harward, was commissioned March 3, 1941, and served in the Pacific theater from Dec. 6, 1941 to Dec. 9. 1942. During his overseas tour he was a medical technician and clerk. Brothers of Lt. Harward In service are. Iris P. of the army, Thoron, in the marines and Mer-ton, Mer-ton, USN. S.S. West Virginia Enroute Home Word has been received from Fleet Home Town Distribution Center that the S S. West Virginia Vir-ginia has been reported enroute to the West Coast and expected to arrive about October 15. Max E. Pyne. buelemaster. third class, TJSNR, son of Mr. and KT T rt T 1 I m liuu. . u. j-jruc is serving on Ik (this battleship which was with it Ahe advance nccunatfnn fntve group hlch entered Tokyo before the t in laaai surrender documents were lion. Igned. Pyne's ship wi the irst of the "old" battleships e anchor off Japan's capital - '"''H'urFii; Thursday, October 4, 1943 city. After a year in which they had seen only sparsely populated islands, crewmen found the densely den-sely settled area a novel sight. With binoculars they could watch the people on the streets of Japanese towns. In the west was Fujiyana, sacred Japanese mountain, a sight every man aboard had been promising i)im-self i)im-self for many months to see. Brothers Home On Furlough Max and Warren Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wil liams, are both at the family home- Max has been in service for four years, part of that time spent in the European theater of war. He expects to receive his discharge soon from Fort Doug las. Warren is a member of the merchant marines and will re port back to the coast at the end of his leave. French Government Honors Serviceman Set. Bert Kirkpatrick, hus band of Donna Davis Kirkpat rick of Lake View, has been dis charged from the army after 4 and one half years of service. Sgt- Kirkpatrick was a member of the 756 tank battalion with the Third infantry division in Africa, Italy, France, Gerrmany and Austria. He was overseas 33 months. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirkpatrick of Salt Lake City, has five campaign stars, and was cited by the French government for his part in the Colmar Pocket campaign a year ago. MARINE STATIONED AT TOKYO. JAPAN Mark Bigler, member of the 3th Marine Division, was among the first marines entering Japan and is now stationed at Tokyo. He is the husband of Beth Prest-wich Prest-wich Bigler, who with their two children live in Vermont ward. He is the son of Mrs- Flora H. Bigler of Edgemont. He recent ly received a citation for bravery brav-ery and outstanding accomplish ments during the Okinawa cam paign from April 1 to June 21. FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos, Accor-'ions, Guitars. Gui-tars. Phone 940K. Prof S. W. WiHiares, 308 E. 3 South. Provo. I buy, sell, rent, and teach. WORKS WONDERS FOR MRS. WILLIAMS Nashville. Tenn.. A recent letter let-ter from Mrs. Johnny Williams of Nashville, Tennessee to the Faultless Starch Company reveals re-veals an important time-saving ironing secret. Here is what Mrs. Williams wrote: "For the past three years I have been doing my own laundering. Last week I decided de-cided to give Faultless Starch a trial. It certainly made my ironing easier and I finished in almost half the time. I shall never stop praising Faultless Starch; and I am telling all my friends about it. It sure worked wonders for me." Would you like to save half your ironing time, like Mrs. Williams does? We certainly can't promise it, of course, because be-cause you surely iron with a different dif-ferent iron and in a different way but, you can't lose anything any-thing by trying Faultless Starch. And it may help you save time, just as it has Mrs. Johnny Williams. Wil-liams. EASY. BEAUTIFUL IRONING There is an important reason why Faultless Starch makes ironing so easy. You see, Faultless Fault-less Starch contains ironing-aids, already mixed in, that keep the iron from sticking. No more fighting a "sticky" iron. No. more pushing or pulling at the end of each stroke. Your Iron just slides along, smoothly and beautifully. No wonder Mrs. Williams found she could save half her ironing time. YOU DESERVE FAULTLESS Why should you go on fight, ing a "sticky" iron, when Fault) less Starch can make your ironing iron-ing go so easy, Why tire yourself your-self out when Faultless Starch can help save your back, your arms, your legs? Why work so hard when Faultless Starch can make it so easy to do beautiful ironing? Just ask your grocer for Faultless Starch and use It. Then you'll know why Mrs. Williams says it "works wonders" wond-ers" for her. OPEN FOR BUSINESS INEZ Beauty Salon OPERATED BY INEZ NEWELL BOULTER 720 West 4th North (Beverly Place) OREM Phone 080-J4 KENDELL W. BOULTER Public Accountant and Tax Consultant At Above Address Entered as second-class matter November 19, 1937 at the post office at Orem, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Published every Thursday By Utah Valley Publishing Company, Prove, Utah. i ...and she 0 Q rap three... 9. Luckier than Old King Cole. . . this merry modern homemaker can get the sweetest musk there is ... the song of kitchen service that only an ALL-GAS ALL-GAS KITCHEN can give! INSTANT HOT WATER from her automatic gas water heater; CAREFREE REFRIG ERATION from hei Gas Refrigerator; PERFECT COOKING from her automatic auto-matic gas range! With these gas servants at her command . surely a kitchen is fit for a queen! iJKf 7 I .-v . S ' I. A nor Mountain Fuel Supply Company Stnkj Turn VtA mi Wymhf Ct mm i iWw First Class FIRST CROP HAY $22.00 at Ranch 26.00 Delivered 2nd CLASS HAY $16.00 at Ranch DAVE SHULER Phone P. C. Wighlman Parson 148 FOR SALE Used Furnace . with tire-box, tire-box, like new. Also dome-top dome-top Monkey Stove and 30-gal. water lank. Also used Vacuum Vacu-um Cleaner and used Electric iron. See them at GENEVA SUPPLY CO.. Orem. Phone 053-J5. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. OWNER-SHIP. MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION. CIR-CULATION. ETC REQUIRED REQUIR-ED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS CON-GRESS OF AUGUST 24. 1912. AND MARCH 3. 1933. Of Orem-Geneva Times, published pub-lished weekly at Orem, Utah, for Oct. 1, 1945. State of Utah County of Utah ss. Before me a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared, A. T. Nielsen, who having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says she is the Bookkeeper of the Orem-Geneva Times., and that the following is, to the best of her knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, embodied em-bodied In Section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse side of form 3520, to-wit: 1. That the names and addresses ad-dresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Utah Valley Publishing Company, Provo, Utah; Editor, Eva Gillespie, Gil-lespie, Provo, Utah; Managing Editor, A. V. Watkins, Orem, Utah; Business Manager, P. K. Nielsen, Provo, Utah. 2 .That the owner is: Utah Valley Publishing Co, Provo, Utah; A. V. Watkins, Orem, Utah; E. A. Jacob, Provo, Utah; P. K. Nielsen, Provo, Utah. 3. That the known bondholders, bondhold-ers, mortgagees, and other security se-curity holders owning or holding hold-ing 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: none. A. T. NIELSEN, Sworn to and subscribed before be-fore me this 1st day of October. 1945. (Seal) p. K. NIELSEN. (My commission expires Jan. 14 1947.) Utah County Mattress Factory COMPLETE MATTRESS and BATT SERVICE Only Factory in Utah County We are not represented by any transient mattress workers, but will call for and deliver without extra charge. Just Phone 345 Or drop us a card 661 West 2nd North PROVO UTAH DR. ARTHUR VANCE VETERINARIAN 156 West 3rd North Phone 953-J Provo, Utah WANTED TO BOY CASHFOU Used Band Instruments 387 E. 2nd North Provo Shoe Repairing Louis Kelsch & Sons Z4 West Center INSURANCE LOANS and REAL ESTATE SEE FRED E. RAT Offices 70 Sentb, Second Weal TIRE REPAIRING VULGAHIZIHG BATTERIES BRIMHALL BROS, 121 W. 1 N. Provo Phone 20 i 3 I 1 BUILDING MATERIALS ARE STILL SCARCE However we do have i soed stock of DIMENSION LUMBER and COMMON BOARDS, rough 2TxW and 2"xl2" JOISTS audi PLANKING. Cement Plaster Insulitc Wallboard Sheetroek and Plasterboard Doors Windows and Sash Overhead Hardware Track-type You can build a garage I row before winter cornea SPEAR LUMBER COMPANY 195 W. 3rd South PHONE 34 FOR... I PAINTING AND 5 PAPER HANGING SEE c. Mcdonald 1 Phone 02-J2 F.D. 2, Bex 158 nnt! : WRECKER SERVICE- PHONE: PROVO 055J4 f OREM MOTOR CO DRIVE OUT AND SAVE We pay more for good used Cars and Trucks. Orem Motor Co. Dealers In Essential Transportation OREM UTAH Phone: Provo 055-J4 FENCE CONTROLLERS FREE BATTERY With Each One Sold This Week SPEAR LUMBER PROVO , |