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Show i Short -- --I hare :i in f I i-tt cow a ml a calf for sale. J. F. l;uiNOiiri;.-T. E. K JoIiih m) t j . hi new residence resid-ence well i toward completion. A gramophone entertainment was given at the I'.iplM hall hist evening. even-ing. The Kio (J ramie Western yards are crowded every day with heel shippers these days, and 'he end N not yet. Levi Curtis :iml others h ive located the Thistle Folk and Last Chance marble (jiianies in Spanish Fork CHIlVl'l). The Kiodra'ide Western has tilled the swale in Mrs. Walter1 lot, preparatory pre-paratory to openitit; a street along the raM side of I heir t racks. Spicer Bird was given a birthday surprise hy friends and relatives Saturday eveiilnj. Refreshments were served and a general good time had. Prof. H. M. Warner was given a birthday surprise, Saturday, by a 1 uge number of Provo people who drove over and took dinner with bun. Ladles, take the best, if you are troubled with constipation, shallow bkln, and a tired feeling, take the Carl's clover lea, it is pleasant to take. Sold by C. L. Crandall & Co. The Third ward Y. L. M. 1- A. meeting Tuesday evening was postponed post-poned as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Miss Blanche Crandall. Have your Improvement Eras and mi her magazines and periodicals bound by F. E. Crouch, opposite postofflce, Provo. Prices reasonable and work the best. Geo. H. McKenzic, Thus. L. Men-denhall Men-denhall and L. D. Deal have been appointed bv the district court as appraisers In the estate of Kineline liiii, deceased. When you call for DeWltts witch hazel salve the ureal pile cure, don't accept anything else. Don't be talked Into accepting a substitute, for piles, lor wires, for burns. C. J. Peterson. Milton Nelson, of Minneapolis, Minn., brother of Mrs. Adella Todd, urrlfcd In town Monday to visit his Mister. The lady's condition is so much improved that Mr. Nelson left lor his home this morning. It is reported that the terrible mystery surrounding the "burglary" in Ptof. Dougill's music room In the bank building has been solved. The reporter, however, !s not in a position to speak with authority. Dyspepsia cured. Shlloh's vitalizer immediately relieves sour stomach, coming up of food distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by C. L. CraDdall & Co. At the Presbyteriau chapel, next Sunday, there will be set vices at 11 a. ui. and 7:30 p. in , and Sunday school at 10 a. m. The morning subject, The Bestowment of the Spirit. Evening topic, "Music in Religion," For broken surfaces, sores, Insect bites, bums, skin diseases and especially espe-cially piles there is one reliable remedy, rem-edy, Dc Witt's witch haul salvfe. When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not be dlsappoluted with DeWitt's witch h.7.el salve. U J. Peterson. Mrs. Todd underwent another operation, oper-ation, Saturday morning, Drs. Silver, Dunn and Smart doing the work. The cause of her trouble proved to be an enlargement of the gall bladder, from which 132 gall stones were removed, re-moved, ranging in size from that of a wheat kernel to that of a hazel nut. Charley Groesbeck came in fnmi the Mt. Nebo mining district, where he fUs Von working on a claim belonging be-longing S. M. Davis, Geo. Hyde and others last Friday. He repoits that the clatlii is showing up In tine shape, and that the district bids fair tube one of the best mineral producers pro-ducers of the state.) Hon. Moses Thatcher will discourse of things Democratic ill. Reynolds Hall, Saturday eveniug. This meeting meet-ing will probably close the Democratic Demo-cratic campaign here, at least so far as public meetings are concerned. The speakers for the unterrifled have been I literal In their attention to Sprlngville rulers this fall, and election day will record the results of their labors. Some people get the erroneous Idea that an editor of a paper is mad at every business mau who does not advertise. ad-vertise. Advertising Is a matter of business, yet the liberal advertiser Is iften a favorite of the editor, but the editor never takes it as a personal matter effecting social relations If jruo business man declines to patronize patron-ize hi advertising columns and when It come to the business part he Is under obligation to do what he can in a legitimate way to help his advertiser. adver-tiser. They pay for the pa pel's Influence In-fluence as well as the space In which their advertisement appear. South-t South-t i u CtuM. 1 Stories Take your turkeys to If. T, Reynold's Rey-nold's ,t Co. aid get the highest market price. Nice slock of fresh cream candies at eonfectioiierr parlor next door to Whitehead's store. Horn, lo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Itothwell, Monday, Oct. ai, a daughter. daugh-ter. Mother and baby both doing well. The rafters are up on the new Western depot, and the building is now well advanced toward completion. com-pletion. The slaughter among wild ducks on the lake is no becoming quite heavy, pot hunters making bags of 100 mid upwards. The ladies of the Baptist mission will open a kindergarten in their hall, Monday, Nov 7, at 0 o'clock. A fee of 25 cents per week will be charged. Joe Stevenson came down from Helper Wednesday. He was called home by the serious illness of his brother John, who is very low with typhoid fever. Up to date 30.0C0 tons of beets have been received at the factory and it is expected that, from 10,000 to 12,000 tons more will be received this season. sea-son. Lehi Itatiner. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's little early risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. C. J. Peterson. Leader and Triumphs of Baptist Missions In Japan" will bethesubject of an hit erecting service at the Baptist hall next Sunday evening, at 7:30 p. in. Several good talks on the subject are anticipated. All ars welcome. Be not deceived: A coVgh, hoarseness hoarse-ness or croup are not to be trilled with. A dose in timo of Shlloh's cure will save you much trouble. Sold by C. L. CraudaJl & Co. The promoters of the anthracite coal mine in Rock canyon are very well pleased with the outlook of the property, and expect to lap the vein at about seventy or eighty feet more. The tunnel is no 730 feet in. Two shifts are being worked. Enquirer. On Sunday. Oct. 6, the liio Grande Western will lun an excursion to the Tintic mining district. A special will leave Sprlngville at, 9:40 a. m., and reluming will leave Eureka at about 5:00 p. m. Fare from thWcily, $1.00 for the round trip. It is the last excursion of the season. It is getting the time to commence thinking what you are going to give your wife for a Christmas present. Why not goto Ed. Anderson and order mi enlarged picture of her, for a present? Hon. John M. Zane will discus 'Silver and Protection'' from the Republican point of view at the Reynolds Hall, tnls evening. As tills Is the llrst Republican rally of of this campaign, and probably the last, the members of the g. o. p. will no doubt be on hand in force. Althe Wednesday night meeting of Ihe Christian Endeavor society it voted unanimously to extend an invitation u the State assembly of that society to meet In thiscity next April for their three days session. These sessions have been held in Salt Lake City and Ogden heretofore, and if It is determined to hold the assem bly here, this city will be the first country town on the list. The event usually call together from 150 to 200 people. Win. M. Itovlance still keeps his force of men busy loading and shipping ship-ping the large quantities of produce which he is handling in different parts of the State. This week he has shipped a carload of tipples from Pleasant Grove, a car of apples and pears from Payson, two cars of honey from Sanpete points, one car of honey from Kaysville, one car of alfalfa seed from Sprlngville, two from Spanish Fork, one from Lafce Shore, two from Hther points in the State, and five cars of potatoes from different points lii Utah county. It's no wonder Roy-laee Roy-laee stands all right with the farmers. The.Vitton Comedy company drew a fair sW-d audience at their performance per-formance here last Friday night. On account of the absence of Mr, (2rufvim Ihnv rl i.l tint, nraennt. flu. drama, "Under the Cuban Hag, 'as advertised, but much to the disappointment dis-appointment of the audience they Duton "The Circus Girl." which they rendered In good stylo. The specialty work of Charley, Paul and Robert Kuhn, who composed the renowned Kuhn Bro. Trio, In their negro melodies, and Prof. Mons La Com o In his wonderful feats of tire eating were especially flue. The company promised to play "Under the Cuban'1 on their return trip, when they will likely be greeted by a large audience. Tin Rl) Grail s W nvjru'i nr.v t ime card will go In .eff ect tom irr.iw. It change the tini'; of N . tj, g iing east, from 9:50 a. in., to t:33 a, ui. This is the principal ch tngc, there being one or two other minor changes. Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's little early risers ris-ers are reliable little pills for regulating regulat-ing the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't Kripe. C. J. Peterson. J. A. Simpson, who has been employed em-ployed in the remodelling work at the Springviile Roller Mills lately, left for Rexburg. Idaho, Monday. Simpson wa pining away for a change of scene and therefore took advantage of an opportunity to build i mill at that Idaho town. He seems to be a sort of nomadic fellow, anyhow, but doesn't appear to lose any flesh at it. Cure that cough with Shlloh's cure. The best cough cure. Relieves croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cts. Sold by C. L. Crandall & Co. The Imperial Dramatic Company held the boards at the city hall Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The company is one of the best that has visited this city this season, and it is to be very much regreted that they received such poor patronag-, which through a combination of circumstances was very slight. Mon day and Tuesday nights they played that beautiful border drama "The Golden Giant," which gave entire satisfaction to all who were fortunate enough to see it. The work in this play of Jas. Ellis. Jr., as Jack Mason, A. G. Swenson, as Alexander Fairfax, and C. W. Roane as Jim Bixbv, was especially worthy of mention. Mr. Swenson is only 19 years old but he shows that he has the making of a good actor in him. Wednesday night they put on "Confusion," in which a pug dog and a baby caused n j end of trouble to the parties is th . play and amusement for the audience. WESTERN WOMAN'S WILE. How She Succeeds la Getting; th Moat (or Her Money When She doe to Market. It is not slrange that dress has a wonderful Influence on the average masculine heurt. -A pretty woman living- in the west alw.ays depends upon getting the most for her money at the corner grocery, according ns she is gowned, ays the Rochester Post Express. Ex-press. In the morning, perhaps, she slides into the place sacred to the breakfast break-fast Imeon, and the green stuff niul other oth-er edibles, rigged out in a shirt waist and pi ii in skirt. The grocer advnnees to wait upon her and is culm but courteous. courte-ous. There is no gleam of joy in his eye. no tendency to give nn ounce ns a complimentary to the roast or steak, lie is firm in his stand over the price of his wares nnd makes no concessions. Perhaps she finds she needs something some-thing Liter on in the day nnd goes over on her way down street shopping. She wears n hat t rimmed with roses, un organdie or-gandie gown with roses nil over it. and j bewitching pnrnsol which forms a background for her face. He melts, dowly us nn ieeberg. but all the snme Me melts. As he puts tht fruit she buys into a basket he throws in seeral extra ex-tra ones-l.e ignores her os she goes around nibbling from one crncker box or barrel and then to the fruit stands he w li ves playful, and finally hands ber a package of tulu. Hut it is at night she sweeps out i he store. She comes around to leave an order for the following morning, and this time she is melted and poured into a white gown trimmed with lace insirting. The grocer comes to t Indoor In-door and leans against it in a beautiful way as she tells what she wishes. He picks up n stick of candy instead of a pencil to write the items down, while a glorious, sweet smile Hoods his face and trickles over his ehin, At that moment mo-ment money is no objeet what is lie running that store for save to oblige ilial lovely woman ? He gazes w istfully after herns she 1 rips off. and the next day he stares at the figure at which he sold those goods Inst night and calls himself a business donkey with lisp ears. Vesuvius' Arrnmula tlon of Lara. Lnva streams that have flowed out of Vesuvius tlTiriiijr the last three vnrs hnve deposited 105. (HM.oOO cubic meters of lava on the Mdeu of the mountain. 'A. cone of lava 3,'!0 feet high-hits ben formed', out of which fresh ctreams are tlovt iiifj. The valleys on either side) 3f the observatory peak have been completely com-pletely filled up. State or Ohio, Citv ok Toledo. I a Lie AS L'OCNTV. 8- V'KAMK J. CUKNtT makes oath that he U tho senior partner of the firm of V. .1. t'liRNCT A Co,, (loin business In the City of Toledo, County unit Statu aforesaid, and tlint auld Hrtn will pay tho sum of One Hundred Hollars for each and every case of Catarrh that eunnot tie cured by llieusa of Hall's CATAHIIH t'l'RK. , Khakk J. ClIkNltV. Sworr, to Ixiforc nm and u'lierllmd la my presence, this 8th day of Deoernbor. A. I). lK'.aJ. skaL AU A. II , ULIAHUF, ' Nularv I'ubllo. Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken Internnlly ami m'ts directly on tlio htood and mucous mir-fttet'H mir-fttet'H of tho-iysHMii. Send for toNllmonUU. freo. Y. J. UiitsiY & Co., Toledo. O. VSold uy Druimlsu. 75. WANTED Trustworthy unci oetlvts irontle-luen irontle-luen nml IiuIO-m In trnvel fur reaMUiillii, elilli!iecl lioiivr In Utah. Monthly V cxpeiine l'nit Ion .temly. Ueferenee. Kn phwe Mlf R'Mr',v"l Klmupml nMin Tho Dominion i n.. Impt. Y, t hlrago. PURELY PERSONAL. C. F. Packard was In town yesterday. yester-day. Ily Straw was in from Eureka this week. Mrs. Sarah Carter visited In Nephi over Sunday. S. B. Wilson, of Payson, was in town Tuesday. J. A. Robinson, of Salt Lake, was in town Wednesday. Wm. P. Silver, of Provo, was in town Wednesday on business. Arthur Griftin and Parley Olson, of Provo, visited in town Sunday. Wm. M. Roy lance shipped a carload of honey from Ml. Pleasant, yesterday. yester-day. F. P. Whitmore was taken quite ill, Wednesday, but is now reported better. Arthur Liddle and sisters went home to Payson, Friday, for u two day's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miss Miriam Norris are Salt Lake City. Levar Stewart went Idaho, Tuesday, to take Norris and visiting in to Oxford, charge of a creamery at that place. Mrs. R. A. Hatfield, of Salt Lake, was in town Wednesday and Thursday, Thurs-day, visiting relatives and friends. Miss Chloe Carter and Frank Ack-ley Ack-ley furnished music for the Imperial Dramatic Co., Wednesday evening. MissZaidia Kearns who has beeD attending school at the Ilungerford academy returned "home to Gunnison, Sunday, on account of ill health. John Thomas, a Spanish Fork tailor, has entered the employ of John Martin. John is doing lots of business and looking fat and happy. Mrs. Wm. II. Henderson and the Misses Nellie Cook and Nellie Crandall came down from Salt Lake. Tuesday to attend the funeral of Miss Blanche Crandall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Roylance were in Provo yesterday attending the funeral of the hitter's sister, Miss Eva Turner, who died Tuesday afternoon. after-noon. Deceased was 21 years of age. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Minute cough cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once. C. J. Peterson. Pe-terson. Gus Houtz went to Salt Lake, Wednesday, to be examined for a situation as biakeman on the Rio Grande Western. He passed all right and was assigned to service on the Tintic freight. He went but on the run this nforning. Ifext week, Miss Birdie Snow will go to Springviile, where she will join her uncle, W. C. Unit, in a home dramatic company which will play Utah towns this winter" Miss Snow will be lead lady in the company, which is an excelleut one. Brigham Bugler. THE RAILROAD ARMY. A Lartrer Peace Establishment Than Any Country Id the World Possesses. The standing- army of Russia is usually put at SCO.OOO rren, of Germany Ger-many at GO0.0O0. of Aiistrin nt 7!i (i I ,1 V, ' r:.:.. ... nnr nuu. ui uirai uniillll UI fcJ.lAlU, all OU a pence footing. Yet there are, it appears ap-pears by the last published report of the interstate commerce commission, 830,000 railroad employes in the I'nited States, whose gross wages and salaries sal-aries are nearly $500,000,000 a year, or 02 per cent, of the operating expenses ex-penses of the American railways. There are four employes, on the average, aver-age, for each mile of railroad track. There are 30,040 station agents. 35.CG7 engineers, 25,322 conductors, 43.7C8 , switchmen, flagmen and watchmen, and J1.452 telegraph operators and dispatchers. dis-patchers. At the present ratio of increase in-crease there are now 50,000 more railway employes in the I'nited States than there were in 1895 the total number will not be very far below 1,000,000 at the time of the next census. Here is an army in which there is no mustering mt and no war footing, for the railroad army of the United States, larger than the number of railroad employes of any other country, is essentially es-sentially an army of peace, nnd it is steadily growing at a rate larger than the railroads themselves taldncr the 'mileage as a measure of their importance. impor-tance. Art for All. Bill Nye discovered cheop and simple sim-ple invention for producing newspaper portraits. Item. One box containing 24 interchangeable parti of wood-cut portrait, including high and low forehead.', fore-head.', bnhl heads, flowing locks, nn assortment of beards, several sets of eyes, several noses, several earn. Item. One screw-driver. Item. One screwdriver. screw-driver. Item. One oil-can. When a great man die or a great criminal risen to the surface, the photograph i." 'oid before the operating artist, who in h h: minules screwt together nn exact ex-act reHiinblanee of the original. By this proi-ts anyone may become a pictorial q.st, Scott IV Ilor Prlnrrnn. It i utdfnat Frinem Kna of Rat-tfnburg. Rat-tfnburg. vio was born In 1887, is the only royi child born in Scotland for nearly jfiO yenrs that is, since the birth ofiClmrlej I., in IfiKi. BLOOD POISONING. A Nurse's There are thousand of people differing from blood poionin who nave tlmo&t beggared themselveii tn buying medicines from which they have obtained no help. There are thoimanda of others who first or last have tried Dr. Aver s Sarsapariila and found perfect hoaling. One ol these others, Mrs. A. K Taylor, of Knglevale, N. Dak. relates the fuslowinp experience : "About two years ago, I nursed a lady who was suffering ( and finally died ) from blood poisoning. 1 must have contracted the disease from her ; for shoi tly after her death, 1 had four large sores or ulcers, break, out on my person. I doctored for a long time, both by external application bud with vaiious blood medicines; but, in .pite of all Hint I could do, the sores would not heal. They were obstinate, very painful, pain-ful, annoying, and only getting worse all the time. At last, I purchased six bottles of Dr.Ayer's Sarsnpartlla, thinking I would Kive it a thorough trial. Before the first buttle was taken, I noticed a decided Improvement Im-provement in mv general health; ray appetite ap-petite was quickened, and I felt better and stronger than I had for some time. While using the second bottle, I noticed that the botes had begun to look healthier Drugs. Medicines. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by Earl Tranchell, Pharmacist in Charge. City Drug Store, O. !- CHAMJALL,, lt-tj j f. Stationery, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfumery, Sponges, Brushes, Cigars, Confectionery, Musical Supplies, Etc.. Etc. : ; : East Side of Bank Building, Springviile. PEACE is now declared between the United States a nd Spain, and to keep peace in your home you should buy your wife some nice article of furniture to beautify the same. We will sell it to you at the lowest possible figure, and take wheat in exchange. MOLEN & CAFPREY. K. A. BEES LEY. Examine All PROVO Abitemloniineiis at Mht. A writer in Italia Termale declares it as his opinion that many persons who remain thin and weakly in spite of all precautions in regard to diet, etc., owe the fact la nre I v to linhitnnl j ibstemiousness at night. The digest ive organs, lie asserts, have no need for repose, provided, always, that the quantity of nourishment taken within the 24 hours does not go beyond the normal limit the fact that the inter nals between meals are short working no inconvenience, but, on the contrary, con-trary, tending to the avoidance of ; feebleness, which is the natural result (of on interval extended to too great a length. Further, according to this w-riter, feeble persons, those who are always lean and emaciated, ands nbove all, such ns sufferers from insomnia, owe it to themselves not to retire without with-out toking some nourishment into the stomach, such as simple bread nnd but-ter, but-ter, a glass of milk, a few biscuits or crackers. One of the stations of the railway which is to be built from the Red sea to the top of Mount Sinai will be on the spot where it is supposed Moses stood when he received the tables of the law. Hangerford Academy. The Second term of this institution will begin Monday, Nov. 7th. A class in book-keeping and Business Correspondence Corres-pondence will be organized, and other studies will be pursued In the Academic Aca-demic department adapted to the needs of the young men and women of Sprlngville. No young person who is not earning i salary can afford to miss the opportunity here offered of getting i practical education. Come and visit the school next week, make arrangements with the Principal for entering, and then begin work the following Monday. II are It Done Right. Take your watch to K. N. West and have it cleaned aud fixed. Work giiaTimtefd. BEESELY Experience. and to hal. Before the six bottle aa4 been taken, the ulcers were healed, the skin sound and natural, a ad my health better than it had been for jears. I hav been well ever since. I had rather hat one bottle of Dr. Ayer's SarsprlUa tha three of any other kind." This is but one example of the remedial value of l)i. Ayer's SaraaparlUa in all forms of blood disease. There is do other blood medicine that cures to promptly, so surely and so thoroughly. After nearly half a century of test and trial It Is the standard medicine of toe world for alt diseases of the blood. Sores, ulcers, bolls, tetter, rheumatism, scrofula and every other blood disease is curable by Dr. Ayer"a Sarsaparilla. The success of this remedy has caused manv imitations to be put on the market. Imitation remedies work lm-itation lm-itation cures. The universal testimony i that "one bottle of Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla; is worth three of any other kind." If you, nre interested in knowing more about this remedy, gi t Dr, Ayer's Curebook, atory of cures told by the cured. It is sent frr on request by the J. C Ayer Co., Lowell. Mass. Write for it. Chemicals. THUS. a. BEESLET. MANUFACTURERS 09 1IIGH-GUADK MARBLE IRKS fflonumental : Ulork IN MARBLE AND CRANITE. Our Work. Get Our Prices. vork guaranteed strlrtly first class. XJTA.H Marriage Licenses. Legal permits to wed have been issued since last report to the following follow-ing parties. J. L. Holdcn, aged 35. and Lora Couser, aged 30, bot h of Lehi; Albert J. Spencer, 52, and Emma G. Froruan, 3T both of Provo; Martin Alexander, 21. and Louise Reynolds. IS, btth of Springviile; Jesse P. Crookston, 22, of American Fork, and Cora Darling, 13, of Lehi; James Howell Dunkley, 21, of American Firk, aud Kattie Karren, 18, of Lehi; Dr. John Franklin, Frank-lin, Noyes, 34, and Sidda Chipman, 24, both of American Fork; Ferdimantl J. Boorey, 35, and Mable L. Bee, 21, both of Provo; David Arrowsmith, 22, and Luvina Epperson, 27, both of Provo: Ernest Arrowsmith, 21, and Lorenda Epperson. It both of ProTO. Fur Sale. A new five room brick cottage, with artesian well, water of best quality. All or part of lot 3 block; 49 plat A. Sec P. K. Houtz. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Hoy lance wants to buy wild duck. Nice tripe at Erdman's meat market. If you want a good cigar try tho City drug store. Farmers go to the Sprlngville Roller mills for chopped feed. Bovs, go to G. E. Anderson and get your best girl's photo on a button. Whitney & Pierce are now piepared to do all kinds of scroll or latho work in wood. Koylanec wants all the good winter apples ho can get. If you hate any call and sen bim. Sewing machiues from 126. to Ml. The same as you pay 170 to agent for. Call and see them. Molen A Caffuky. |