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Show - 1 1 . : , I Independent. , i . The VOL. 7. NO. 51. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 189S. PRICE- $2.00 PER YEAR. WEATHER CROP BULLETIN. Salt Lake, Utah, Aug. 9, 1805. During the fore part of the p ist week the weather was quite warm, but the last four days were much ctxiler, averaging about four degrees below normal. Heavy thunder showers occurred on the fourth and fifth, relieving, to a considerable extent, ex-tent, the drought conditioo which have been prevailing for several weeks back. The showers were accompanied by high winds, and in ome localities by hall, which did nome damage to grain and fruit in many parts of the st:ite. The rain was most opportune, and made marked improvement iu the condition of corn, potatoes, sugar beet?, and the late sown grain. Harvesting and threshing continues, con-tinues, and th3 yield in uniformly good in all sections. In the wester i and extreme southern south-ern sections, the water supply is gettingquite short, aud more rain is needed for the growing and m ituring crops. Dewcyville Grain harvest is finished dry land grain turning out well. Secoud cutting of lucern in progress. Minersvill Water failing fast. Potatoes and fruit not so good as last year. Wheat crop better than last year. Levan A few more davs and wheat harvest will be over. Oats just turning, turn-ing, apricots ripe apples wormy and dropping from the tree. Uees doing first rate this season. Ranch Having going on and a good crop. Grain beginning to ripco. Weather hot and dry. Descret Crops have suffered during dur-ing the past week owing to the scarcity of water. Grain cutting has commenced, also some lucern for seed. Holdcn Harvesting In progress. Second cutting of lucern going on. AH crops good. Coyote A fine rain on the 4th. Farmers busy cutting wild hay. Early sown grain ripening. iSalem The fine rains Thursday and Friday have done much good to corn, potatoes, beets, melons, etc. Threshing in progress. Second "crop fiOUceni nearly all hauled. Lehl Harvesting progressing finely. fine-ly. Sugar beets much improved by the tmsnt rain. Paysoo Fleavy hail on 5th, cut cabbage cab-bage and tomato plants to pieces, and ruined cucumbers and melon vines. Santaquio -Threshing machines kept very busy: dry grain yielding as high as 45 bushels per acre. High wind damaged pear crop. American Fork -Most of the small grain is harvested. Had a nice tjower Thursday night which made vegetation lonk fresh. Meadow ville - Winter wheat i being put: haying is getting pretty well along: currants and raspberries are ripening very fast. Circlqville The rain on 3rd and 4tbwercof great beueflt to vegetation. vegeta-tion. Another week of dry weather would have damaged small grain to a great extent. . Greenwich Drought of past three weeks broken by rain on 4th and 5th. La Grippe, FaltoMd by Hrt 01 , Ourad by DR. MILES' HEART OURS. ME. C. C. SHTJLTS, of W Internet, low, inventor and manufacturer of EbolU' Safety Whiffletree Coupling, write of Dr. Miles' Hewt Cure. "Two years go bo attack of LaGrlppe left me with a weak heart. I had run down in flesh to mere skin and bone. I conld not sleep lying down for tmotherlng ipelUi freqnent eharp darting paint and palpitation caused a constant con-stant tear of midden death, nothing conld induce me to remain away from home over night. My local physician prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Cre and In a few day I wat able to aleep well and the pains gradually lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced the tbt dotea, having gained fifteen pounds, and am now reeU&f better m every way nam i bare for yean." Dr. Mllea' Bemedlee are told by all drug gist under a poltlT suarantee. Brat Dome benefit- or money r funded. Book on U raaea of the heart and . J)R. MTU KmiCAfcOO, F,lkhrt, lad. w v r R-.l Royal make the lood pare, whotoome and delicto. POWDER Absolutely Pure KOVAt awiwi POWM CO.. HtW First crop of lucern just stacking: yield heavy; some grain turning. Kooshareni Haying iu progress; yield of lucern fifty per cent above the average. Ham on the 4th and 5th much good to grain and second crop of lucern. Kingston Crops progressing finely; wheat beginning to turn, aud coru to ear. Spring City Wheat and oats ready to harvest. Heavy wind and rain on Friday done some damage, to heavy grain. Chester Harvesting going on. Rain on the 5th lodged heavy grain, making it difficult to cut. Manti Haying nearly finished. Grain harvest continues. Potatoes promise a good yield. Coalville A nice rain on the 4th: water low and everything very dry: commenced cutting grain. Heber A heavy gale on the 4th lodged heavy grain and damaged fruit and shade trees; early apples ripening; harvesting going on. St. George- Water very low in the streams; unless, we get rain soon, our stubble corn and sorghum crops will he Injured. Pinto Harvest commenced; grain ripening fast; potatoes and corn are growing fast now where there i9 moisture mois-ture enough. J. IIj.SmII'5, Secfclon'Director, Salt Lake, Utah. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Harry Hanford was in town this week. Hest soda water in the city at the City drug store. The best meat in town is always to be had at Erd man's meat market. A tlno stock of picture frames of all sizes just received alG. E. Anderson's. Molen & CafTrey will pay 50 cents a bushel fur wheat in exchange for furniture. Win. M. Roylance wants all the peaches, plums, pears, poultry, eggs etc. he can get. Go see hlui at once.' Wm. M. Roylance wants all the combhony he can get at once. If you have any for sale, see him at once. He pays cash. Whitney & Pierce have ten or twelve loads of sawdust and shavings which they will sell for 25 cents a load, as they wint to get rid of it at once. Boys, when you are going to give your girls a treat to ice cream, don't forget the parlor next door to Whitehead's store. Creamery ice cream always on hand. Wanted, one hundred ladies to buy our stock of waists, which we offer at 25 percent reduction, all good styles, and new patterns. Call early and get a first choice. Yours for blzz. H. T. Reynolds & Co. LONG JOURNEY AWHEEL. Among the Jmaoy visitors to this city Is a dentist of Ogden, Utah, who is making a remarkable bicycle tour of the United States. Such victors have been common, but the peculiar feature of the latest is that he is neither traveling on a million dollar wager nor making any of the gigantic gigan-tic bluffs so common with the alleged long distance riders. The man is Dr. A. M. Ulanchard, a prominent dentist of Ogden, and he has visited all the prominent 'battlefields in the south for the purposeof gathering material for war songs which he will compose upon his return home under the title of "Ballads of our Battlefields." The doctor Is a well known poet and Is known as the "bard of the Wasatch." He has visited all the more Important battlefields and is now on his way borue. He came here Thursday from Sew York City and has traveled so far about 7,500 miles. He remained on account of the rain of the last two days, but expects to start westward west-ward tomorrow, going through Canada Can-ada to Detroit and thence to Chicago. He takes his own time and makes a j living en route bv following his pro- GHERT GltEAW S Commencing: August 8tr, and continuing till August 20. PRIGES GUT During the above - mentioned dates at H. J. MORTBNSEN. Spanish fession, tools of which he carries with him. The doctor rides an old time Victor wheei of 1390 pattern. It has solid tires, steel rims and weights 40 pounds. He carries 40 pounds of baggage. He expects to be two years more on the road, and when the trip is over will have covered from 15,000 to 20.000 miles. He called at the repair shop of the Pjwer City company for a few repairs. The rider Is 55 years of age and has been on the road 15 months so far. Dally Cataiact, Fall City, New York. BLACK HAWK VETERANS. -.The Utah County Comrades ofrfe! Black Hawk war have issued their sixth anual invitation to a camp fire to be given at Provo Lake resort August 24, 25, and 2fith, this month, and it reads: Dear Comrades: Those who stood togcter in t he dark days of 18t55-8, are again invited to assemble in social reunion, to review the experiences of the past, to thank God for his care and blessings, to more unite us to-. gether in the bonds' of friendship, and to pay respect to our fallen comrades. com-rades. Respectfully your comrades. J. M. Wkstyvood, Chairman. Tnos. A. Brown, Secretary. MAGNIFICENT CATALOGUE. This office has been favored with a copy of the catalogue lately issued by the Latter-day Saints college of Salt Lake, and particularly for its business dopartment. Every demand upon a young man's capability for holding a situation seems to have been anticipated. antici-pated. The details seem to have been systematized, the plan of school work very careTully elaborated. As a typographical typo-graphical production, the catalogue is a handsome origination with cloth covers, illustrated with Manz cuts, printed from clean-cut type and was printed by a pressman. WEBER STAKE ACADEMY. We have been favored with a copy of the catalogue lately issued by the Weber Stake academy of Ogden. The primary object of the academy seems to be to graduate theologists. In addition ad-dition it adds mathematics, history, the sciences and modern languages. Notice to Debtors. Persons having accounts with me are requested to please call and settle the same within five days, as I intend to leave Springville. Gbohqb Jones, the Painter. The Greatest Thing on Earth In Irvine J4s Shoes M AflD SMSflED Fork:, .Utah. SHORT STORIES. People Should be truthful above all things when they furnish information to a newspaper. Ogden Standard. Dr. Thomas G. Lines left here for Kanab, Tuesday, where he will practice prac-tice bis j profession. l Washington County News. . The News; gravely wishes him success In his new field.. The choir is preparing a sacred concert fco be given in the near future, says the Lehl Banner. That explains the decision Editor; Webb has made to rusticate in some quiet, rural, sylvan syl-van retreat where sounds of life are neTer'Wif. Try Pr.ovo.v ' x '.'V-wWu-U'-jufreriij just delirious with great Jttf its entire f..rce are insanely hugging themselves just because be-cause there in an Increase of 20 in the school census there over last year's report, and it now boastingly declares Provo has 2,081. It confidently believes be-lieves that It has reliable information some more flowers will soon blossom. Just you never mind. Springville is jogging along with a reliable reputation reputa-tion for twins, and the other day she was visited by three dust storms in succession. As a hustler for news, the editor of the Cedar Record seems enviably to be in the lead. He is iudicted by the good ladies of that city for being over inquisitive in securing birth not ices for his excellent and newsy paper. Brother Wilkinson admits a feverish impatience and retorts by saying his force is "able to glean all the happenings happen-ings of importance." The Cedar ladies may make that Irascible editor measure some of these happenings as to their Importance. It is really a humilliating confession on the part of The Record. It has sung about the "sweetest," "prettiest," "just-like-its-father" so often that its editor is impoverished for the use of the right word. Send for Brother Howard of the Salina Press. The Blight of Free Trade. "The Blight of Free Trade-the Blessing of Protection," is the title of a document just issued by the American Protective Tariff league. This document clearly demonstrates the effect of the system of free trade under the Wilson, and of protection under the Diogley tariff. It is based on the result of the tariff leagoe's industrial census, and should be in the hands of every voter. Seven copies to any address for six cents. Address W. F. Wakeman, General Secretary, No. 135 West 23rd Street. New York. . Ladies' Fair Stitch, Projecting Hole Shoe, Lace or Button, all Sizes, at on, 14 The long looked for battle between the British lion and Russian bear seems near at hand. It will be a royal roy-al battle ami will protiahly end in proving the lion worthyof his title as king of the jungles. The late rain was the salvation of the beet crop of Springville, insuring a bountiful yield of that sugar producing pro-ducing esculent, thereby ensuring the jiuglcof many of the dollars of our daddies in tin; pockets of the farmers of this enterprising city. What's the matter with opening up that road from Lake Shore to Provo by way of Springville? It would be a great convetiiei.ee fur the people of Lake Shore in going to and from the county seat, and it is no more than right that we should be given this concession by the county commissioners commission-ers Springville citizens should help their neighbors secure that road. Ice Cream NEXT lee Cream 7 Ice Gream WHITEHEAD'S STORE, lee Cream Drugs. Medicines. Pr. sciiptions Carefully Compounded by Earl Tranchell, Pharmacist in Charge. City. Drug ' c CHANDAI.L, Propr, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Perfumery, Sponges, Brushes, Cigars, Confectionery, Musical Supplies, Etc., Etc : ; : East Side; of Bank- R. A. DIAL, Fresident. ( , H. L. 0UMMIHGS, Cashier H. T. REYNOLDS. Vioe-Proidet. Springville Banking Co. SPKINOVILLB, UTAH. 0pitctl JS tools. 300,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought arid sold and depo its rpceived subject to check. Four per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding semi-annually. Money always on hand for short time loans. CDothers Iioring this extremely hot weather, to keep the baby in good health it must be given an airing in the cool of the evening, a nd the Baby Buggy becomes a household necessity for the comfort of the little one. Buggies cn be obtained from $8 up. MOLEN & CAFFREY. pain list and art catalogue of swell '98 models. BICYCLE FREE, for season to advertise them. Rider agents wanted. Learn how to Earn a Bicycle and make money. J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago, 111. n Q Childrens' Ox Black, Strap Sandals, sizes 5 to 8, Closingat 8 to 11, 90 cents; 12 to 2, $1.15. Centre St., Provo, Spain has signified her willingness to be at peace with the United States. Americans may be classed by Spain as hogs, but the people of that nation have not heard them squeal. Aner Humphrey, Stanley Staten, Tran k Harmer, Will Tipton and Don Johnson have been baptised in the smoke of battle near the city of Manilla. When they shall have returned re-turned home we'll give them a royal welcome due to veterans. Dreadful Nervous. Gents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's clover root tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole nervous system. sys-tem. I was troubled with Constipation. Constipa-tion. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by C. L. Crandall Sc Co, Chemicals. Store, Building, Springville. H'" ' 7000 BICYCLES carried over from 1S97 must be sacrificed" now. Nkw High Gkade, all styles, In si equipment guaranteod, $9.75 to $17.00. Used wheels, late models, all makes, $3 to $12. We ship on approval without a cent pay merit. Write for bar- Blood, Chocolate or 75c r |