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Show T.'iK STRAW-BEERY CASE. Till' ease of ;i;iult prcferrwl by Ml-s Irean lierry aain-t I". inch straw came up in Justice Il;iyi;r's li t at. tlii- city liall today upon the billowing complaint. While there - a large numlicr of young ami old ;::.mi present, the ladies weie aUent. ':!- parties in immediate Interest t-.u'li told a story, and as i lie outcoine !' their recital, she was believed. She exhibited in court a dark hi nine on icr arm 'and stated that, she had received the Mine while Ugh! ing for her honor agi.inst the defendant. The people, until the same is r. verged if siieh should happen on an appeal bring taken, now have the right to f men I upon I he same for the valuable valu-able lessons to he deiived I herefrom. M iss I!ei r should he congratiilat ed for her brave Miami that, the offender should he punished; that shecourag-oiisly. shecourag-oiisly. and almost, alone, saw the affair to the end. It is a triumph of our social organization. It appeals ilouiv to the manliness and woinan-mess woinan-mess of the people with a direct ''ireethat cannot he turned aside. Me vi as so mew hat under t he inline uce f l.(iior ,'it the time, In; says, and v.lii'e , 1 1 : 1 1 dues UU legally eXCUM' i.bu, still he might nut have dune as , (till if he had hern perfectly so her 1 iiirtsare not instituted to crush .myotic down, and this experience - iohIiI he of ureal value l; Mr. Straw, lie is a young man of very good pres- nce. and apparently of brains, lie that about him which would luakea good citizen, and one that can nn ana in a good recognition in i ime. Which shall it be' If he concliidrs ' . take the belter course, then let no " i if throw stones at his elf. u is. lint h v. en- horn and brought up in this .ty, and it is certainly to be hoped Mat I his will cause the; young people i f both sexes to be careful whether '.heir associates arc or arc not sober. Tnis prevalent state habit ol young ucn getting drunk at balls, at even hurch gatherings, may, if persisted wi, lead to something worse than has t.i.s cited case. The complaint: "The. state of Utah, Utah county. ! the justice's court of Springville i ecinct before John S. I'.oyer, justice ; the peace. The state of Utah vs. Kuoch Straw. On this 30th day of ,i ;!y, IS'isj, before me, John S. 1? yer. .st ice of the peace, personally ap-i ap-i ared Irean Iterry, who on being - vorn by me deposes and says: That ! uoeh Straw, on the 23 1 h day of July, . i. at Spanish Fork. Utah county, state of Utah, in and upon the said Irean llerry, did make an assault and then and there did unlawfully un-lawfully attempt, having then and ' here the present ability to commit, , t violent injury on the person of the said Irean Rcrry, and then and there lid in a rude, insolent and vicious manner, unlawfully touch, bruise, wound and ill treat, contrary to the '. i mi of the statute in such cases riadeand provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state of ''tun. Ikkan Kkuuv. 'Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year tlrst above written. writ-ten. John S. Hoykii, J. IV The complainant. Miss Irean Horry, waslliellrst witness for the prosecution. prose-cution. She said in substance: She left home in company with the defendant de-fendant at about. 9:30 u'clwk in the evening, July 2.tli last: when near Hallows hill, lie wanted to no to Mapleton, but she said no: then he said 'all right, we'll go to Spanish Fork;" they then kept on toward .Spanish Fork: due then commenced to sing, und he joined in and muig with her, they kept this up till they arrived at the bend of the road which 'nrned down toward Spanish Fork; Ahen they got to the bend of the ioad Straw stopped his horse and rose up and looked hack over the p of the buggy ami then pulled a aall b ittle out of u packet, saying, I've got some scent here and I would ke you to have a smell of it;" wit- ess then said she was afraid of him i nd attempted to get out, hut he crabbed her by the hair and pulled her back and then threw her violent- ivon the buggy seat and held her lown with his knee; he held by the inn with a grip that bruised and ! sco o red it; she screamed and he !ieu took out his handerchief and ukcd it Into her mouth, she tried gain to scream, but the handerchief rcvetited her from doing so; then he ook her hand and with her hand ield tightly he tried to pull up her dress and succeeded in drawing it up .-far as her knees; he during this t-iiie was making an Indecent exposure expos-ure of his person; she broke loose from him finally and got out of the buggy, aud just at this time the two Misses l ily and lnger Gudmanson with George Miner drove up; she went back to them and told the party t hat she hail been Insulted and was going to walk back to Springville: they invited in-vited her to get in with them and go n to Spanish Fork and she could ride home with them, which she concluded con-cluded to do. The cross examination did not materially differ from the above condensed story. The other witnesses for the prosecution prose-cution wcro Mrs. (Jlurlie I lorry, the neither or the complainant. G. 1 Miner, and the Mi-se-; Lily and I,'t (lii'lmansou. Their tctimon corrob orated that, of the e pi linaiil nfion such matters they knew of. and the couit then took a iccess until o'clock. At 1:3.1 o'clock the court reconvened and tbedefense began. Sheriff Storrs. A. C. liird. Henry Wood, G. S. Wood. A. O. Packard and Marshal Geinmel told id I lie previous good character or the defendant. Then the defendant defend-ant took the stand and testitled in his own bebal 1 : lb: denied that he had assaulted the o-iiiiplaiuaul at the time charged .ir at any other turn-nr at all. Wneii they had got b-yond tiie city limits of Springville lie had merely placed his arm around h r neck, and tickled her under the chin. She lieu sang two S'ing and witness complimented her on her voice. All at once she screamed out. but he did not know what caused her to do so lie said: What in hell ails you?'' She responded re-sponded by scieaiiiing again. Witness Wit-ness then said: "For Christ's sake, what is th in it ter?" S'a thru g .t out'aud got in an ither buggy and went on toward Spanish Fork, while lie turned around and came back to Springville. On cross examination in: stated that hu did not c.-.iiibil i, boti.le, did not I r.v to put a handkerchief hand-kerchief into her mouth, nor take violent hold of ber wit n his hind, nr make an indecent exposure ii her presence, lie did not know what ca.ised her to scream. As to her being be-ing a girl of good character, he had never heard anything said against he; on that account, but thought, she had hsulted him by screaming out as she had when she was in the company of witness. S. A. King for the people and I). I), lloutz Ksj. Tor the defendant then argued tiie case, before his h nor, who up, in the conclusion of the same, found the defendant guilty as charged in the complaint, but reserved the judgment on his lluding until next Monday at 2 o'clock, and the court adjourned. The people arc anxioui to tlnd out what it costs in dollars and cents to assault a Springville girl. MOTES OF THE WEEK. A cheap Job lot of shoes at II. T. Reynolds & Co. Win. M. Roylauce got in a carload of box shooks this week. Albert Manwaring and wife of Provo were in this city Wednesday. lop cream and confectionery next door to Whitehead's store. ltest Ice cream in town at the parlor par-lor next door to Whiteheads store. Joseph Rossman of Castle Gate is in the city on a visit with relatives. To close out their stock of straw hats, II. T. Reynolds & 'Co. are making mak-ing a reduction of 2D per cent. A birthday surprise party was given Mrs. Anna Hrury last Tuesday evening even-ing by a few friends and relatives. l'dwin Tolhurst, who has been the guest of Doctor ami Mrs. Peterson for a couple of weeks, returned to h's home in Salt Lake, this week. He expects to visit this city again, soon. One of Richard Palfreyman's sons had a runaway Wednesday, lie had a horse hitched to a hay rack, and the animal became frightened. The boy luckily escaped injury. K. R. Johnson is preparing to build a substantial brick residence on his place in the Fourth ward. Ivl is oik of those progressive, hard-working fellows who always get to the front, and believe in doing things right. Lee lioyer was mixed up in a lively runaway Wednesday morning. He was driving his team when it became frightened and the horses got beyond cont.ro1. However, the horse united down after running two or three blocks and again became sensible. No material damage was done. Ray Fuller, a son of Mr. Moroni Fuller, was arrested Monday night for jumping on the Rio Grande Western West-ern cars at the, depot. He was brought before Justice Thorn on Tuesday morning and lined $1.50. The marshal says that this is only the tlrst of many arrests he intends maklug unless the boys slop indulging indulg-ing in the dangerous pastime. The 10-year old sou of Wm. Curtis of Oakland had a horse fall dow n with him last Tuesday evening. The horse stepped on his right arm. break-both break-both holies Just above the wrist. He was brought here to Dr. Dunn rot-treat rot-treat merit, who set the arm, and the youngster is now ready to learn the next lesson experience seems ready to give him. Amos lirown went fishing during the fore part of the week ami returned to the city with an absolutely true story of an encounter with a lynx. While going through some underbrush under-brush at the mouth or Hobble creek canyon he came upon one of these animals and the lynx at once cleared for action and so did lirown. Ezra Oakley happened along about that time and the animal slunk away, using a wise discretion in the face of the overwhelming cue my. Miss Mary Wallers of Provo was visiting friends in the city tomorrow. Would it be proper to say that a lady is in the arms of her political friends'' The Misses Daisy and Pauline Moore of Provo were visiting in Springville on Thursday. The following marriage licenses have In (n issued this week by the county clerk at. Provo: H. W. Jor-trenson. Jor-trenson. 2."i, and Rose Adamson. is, of Pleasant Grove; W. McDonald, 40, of Salt Lake, and Uiiiil.V Rush. 31, of American Fork; and Edward F. Graves, 4 ). of Cisco, and June Jensou, 24. of American Fork. Special prices from now on at, II. T. Reynolds ,V Co. on s;imiii"r dress goods, fans, parasols, ladies and mi-ses slippets, and a great many notions. A rep irt'T for the Independent visited ho Whitney it Pierce planing mill, last 1'iiilav, and took a good look at the premises. The plant now represents an investment of 91, '(!:), and is kept fairly busy with the local trade. Nearly all 1 lie supplies used bv local bee men come from this mill. The proprietors also have a number of building contracts in band, and a:e extending their Held of operations as rapidly as possible. Catanh cured. A clear head am' svveet, breath secured with Shiluh's catarrh remedy: we sell six bottles for Mand guarantee an absolute cure. Sold by C. L. Cran ial & Co. Frank Roylauce, son of Win. Roy-lance, Roy-lance, Sr.. was hurt quite badly last Tuesday while jumping off a Rio Grande Western train at the depot. Thisshould be a warning to the other small boys who engage in this dangerous dan-gerous pastime. They are all liable to arrest under a city ordinance. One of these days some might-be president presi-dent will have his whole political career shut off by being brought home in a cigar box Karl's Clover Root Tea, for eonstipa-t eonstipa-t ion it's the best and if after using it you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Sold by C. L. Crandal & Co. A lepresentativeof this paper spent last Sunday in Geneva's halls and bowers with Messrs. Dallin and Covert and their wives. Geneva is a most agreeable place at which to spend a quiet day in hot weather. The breezes from the lake are always cool and refreshing. The scribe carefully care-fully stayed at a distance from the water, so cannot vouch for the bathing bath-ing facilities, but is told that they are line. During the afternoon Editor Smith of the American Fork World, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, appeared, and tilings at once took on a festive air. Then Collins, a. sewing machine agtnt, arrived from Provo. As Mrs. Collins came also, Collins was a model of behavior, lie wasn't afraid of the water, and with his lady at tempted a boat ride. Collins rownd all ovei a couple of square rods of lake where the water was knee deep, and was unable to go further to sea or to get back to land. The waves kept him guessing until Covert went to the rescue. Stop that cough! Tike warning. It may lead to consumption. A 2."e. bottle of Shiloh's cure mav save your life. Sold by C. L. Crandai & Co. Last week closed up the raspberry season for 1 SUS. There have been ",0UO crates containing 7.1.000 quarts shipped from Springville. this year. Of this amount Win. M. Roylauce sent out HO percent. In addition a large number were disposed of at the local homes or sold by boys on the passenger t rains as they stopped at the depot. Producers received 75 cents net per crate, making the crop worth upward of $.",000. The crop, it ,s est imated, would have increased by one-third if there h.i I been more water with which to irrigate the same. Talking toThe Independent reporter, re-porter, Mr. Roylanee stated that he could not get more than enough to supply the orders he received. He believed the farmers would make a good thing by increasing their raspberry rasp-berry bushes, as they will ordinarily produce from ,"00 to 7.10 crates to the acre. This would mean $."oi) to the acre. From these figures it is very evident that the industry can be made a very paying one. Last Tuesday night Am liii: was initiated into the mysteries of the Maccabee order, and it is said on Unquiet Un-quiet that a dickens of a time was hid. As the story goes, Rird got along all right until the goat was brought in. For some reason that animal objected to Hird, which behavior be-havior the latter resented and said he would be hanged if he would ride the brute. "In fact," declared liird. "I'd sooner ride that old freckled cayuse of Stansou's." As the debate was consuming valuable time, the master-at-arms called the guard, and liird and the refractory quadruped were induced to go through the ceremony by the gentle persuasion of sharp spear poiuls. liird afterward effected a conciliation by furnishing the goat his host lap-robe and some papers for luuch. and Imth weie seen taking nourishment from the same black bottle, liird now has In his keeping ! the dark and terrible secrets of the local tent, and his wife doesn't like it because he won't tell her the pass word. P.oru to the wife of S. P. C. Laisiti. July 31, l'.iH, a son. Prof. Rydalch was a Springville visitor over Sunday. Frank Aekley returned Tuesday from a trip to Colorado. Miss Katie Norris of Salt Lake is visiting her brot her, Sain Norris. Miss lilanehe Crandal! returned Sunday, from a visit to Fillmore. Part Thorn has commenced the construction of a brick addition to his residence. Mrs. James of Provo was visiting with her datiglites Mrs. Sarah Carter last Sunday. A stubborn cough or tickling in tl e throat vields to One Minute cough cure. Harmless in effect, touches n e right, spot, reliable and just w I at is wanted. It acts at once. C. J. Peterson. Deal Pros, it Mendenhall have increased in-creased their foice on the work in the change of line for the Rio'Grunde Western. De Wilt's witch hazel salve lias the largest, sale of any salve in th" woild Tins fact and its merit has led dishonest dis-honest people to attempt tocnntir-feii tocnntir-feii it. Look out for the. man who at It nifits to deceive you when you call for I e Witt's witch ha el salve, the great pile cure. C. J. Peterson. The Young Ladies' and Young Mens' Mutual lmproyetuenf, associations associa-tions or the Second. Third and Fourth ward of this city go to Spanish Span-ish Fork next Sunday evening to render a program in the pavilion. You invite disappoint uirnt when you experiment. DeWitts little earlv risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. C. J. Peterson, At the Presbyterian chapel, next Sunday, there will be services at 11 a. in. and at S p. in., and Sunday school at 10 a. in. The morning subject. "Words from a D uijeon.'' In the evening, "Enoch the Mysterious. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and especially espe-cially piles there is one reliable remedy, rem-edy, De Witt's witch hazel salve. When you call for DcWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frauds. You wi I i not be disappointed with DcWitt's witch hazel saive. C .I.Peterson. Mrs. Lewis Olsen of Thistle departed de-parted this life atSa.t Lake on the 2Sth of July. 18:8. as the result of a surgical operation. The lady was a native of Springville, where she leaves many relatives an 1 friends, as well as Fail-view, and Mt. Pleasant in Sanpete county. She was the daughter of Mr. R. W. Westwood of Thistle and formerly of this city. Truth wears well. F'eorle have learned that DeWitt's little early risers ris-ers are reliable little pills for regulating regulat-ing the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't uripe. C. J. Peterson. The primary association of the Fourth ward of Springville presented a program at the Latter-day Saints' meetinghouse last Sunday evening. The little people made a most excellent excel-lent exhibit ioa, one that was creditable credit-able to themselves in every way as well as showing careful training on the part of the teachers in charge. It was thoroughly enjoyed by those who attended. More than twenty million free samples sam-ples of DeWitt's witch hazel salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. manu-facturers. What : et ter proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in the shortest space of time. C. J. Pe terson. A splendid rain fell yesterday in this city and vicinity. While it came too late to help out all the crops, it has saved many orchards that had about concluded to send in their resignations, res-ignations, and gave a growth to new wood on bushes that will bear fruit next year. If the weather clerk had (nly brought the lain a week earlier it would have added much wealth to the farmers of the state. As it is, the farmers are kicking up their heels and vowing that J. II. Smith can hang on to his Salt Lake weather bu reau office until he brings on another drouth; and if he does, off goes his head. Those of our farmers who have sugar beets and hay growing in their tleld are pie ised at the now assured prospects of handsome returns. P.ut you might press the button once more, Mr. Smith. One minute cough cure surprises people by its quick cures and children may take it in large quantities without with-out the least danger. It has won for itself the best reputation of any preji-aration preji-aration used today for coldscroup, tickling in the throat orolntinate coughs. C. J. Peterson. A party of surveyors are at work running a preliminary line for a railroad rail-road from this city up Hobble creek canyon and over the pass into the valley of the Duchesne river, there to connect with an old survey made by the Colorado Midland company. It is a line which will, when completed, materially shorten the distance between be-tween Salt Lake and Denver. The pass and route now being explored is the only known one not now occupied by a railroad company and lu actual use, so it is said, between Echo canyon can-yon and Salt Creek at Salina. It has also been stated that it will shorten the route, eastward by 2oo miies. but this is of course hugely conjecture, as nothing can be detlnitcly known until CAUSE FOR ALARM. How baldness begins. How to prevent it. Every person, male or frmnle, shrinks from baldness. It urtils to the appearance of age and is a serious discomfort. The ca.tiiit rare when the fr.lliie; out of the hair mav not he stopped, ami a new ami healthv growth of the hair promoted. The hair grows in the scalp like a plant in the soil. If a plain Hum -i.--.hes. it must have constant attention: it must he watered reRiilarlv and lim! i'.s find in the soil where it is rooted. It's so with the hair. Neglect is usually the leKiiiin of baldness. bald-ness. Dandruff i'-; allowed to thicken on the scalp. The hair begins to loosen. The scalp loses its Mlality. The hair, insufficiently insuf-ficiently nourished, begins to fade and to fall. The instant need in stich a case is some practical prep;eation which, supplying sup-plying the needed nourishment to the scalp.' wilt feed the hair, ive it strength, and so produce a slron and healthy growth. All this is done by Dr. Ayer's Hair Viior, the most practical and valuable valua-ble preparation for the hair that can be obtained. It tones up the scalp, does away with dandruff, stops the hair from falling, restores the original color to gray or faded It. A. I'.ICESl.KV. pit if! mm gain list and art catalogue of swell '98 models. BICYCLE FREE-fur FREE-fur season to advei tise them. Rider agents wanted. Learn how to Earn u Bicvcle and make money. J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO.. Chicago, 111. tiie preliminary line at least has been run. The surveying party is under the iiiinierliate direction of I M. Lyman, Jr , but the work is be inn prosecuted by .Jesse Knight of I'rovo. The road will cross the Uintah Indian reservation, the Ashley settlements settle-ments and tap the immense gilsonite and asphultuni deposits on the reserve. This enterprise will greatly hasten the development of eastern Utah, ami will make Spriiigville an important point. It will then have as f'ond railroad facilities as are now enjoyed by any location in the state. When jou call for DeWitt's witch hazel salve t he yreat pile cure, don't accept any! hi tig else. Don't he talked i ii to accept nig a substitute, for piles, for sores, lor burns. C.J, lVteison. MS1NESS JMIEFS. (let your soda water at the City tlriiir store. (I. E. Anderson is the one to see about enlarging pictures. Wheat taken in exchange for furniture fur-niture at Molen vS; CatTrey't. Go to 1'. K. lloutz and get a nice family record. lie will do the work cheap. Cet your cheese at Erdmau's meat market. They have the best in the ma rket. When you want any carpenter work done or any mill work, don't forget Whitney & Tierce. If you need any honey cases olenites, ol-enites, or any kind of fruit boxes, go to Wm. M. Roylanee. Win. M. Uoylance is buying apricots, apri-cots, peaches, plutus, cherries, black currants, eggs and chickens. Yni. M. Uoylance will next week ship a carload of extracted honey. If you have any, call and see him, and get yours into his car. Farmers, why take your grain to Spanish Fork, when you can have the same ground just as good and just us cheap at the Springville Holler mills. W hat Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Iii'KFAi.o. N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in,, observing ob-serving the effect of your Shiloh's cure in cases of advanced consumption, consump-tion, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable, remedy that has ever been brought to inv attention. It has certainly saved many from consumption. con-sumption. Sold by C. L. Crandal & Co. Flower Day at Omaha. The fare to Uniiiha and return via Rio Grande Western. August la, one fare for round trip plus ?2, tlnal limit August 25. hair, and gives an abundant and jrloj Krowth. Those who are threatened with , Snproachinii baldness will he interested i iii the following voluntary statement, i made by Alderm.-.u S. J. (Ireen.of Spencer, Iowa. He writes : "About four months ago, my hair com- ; menced falling out so rapidly that I became alarmed, and being teoommended Dr. Ayer's Hair VtRor by a druggist, I re.oKfd to trv this preparation. 1 kave been now usimr it for three months, riod a:n much gratilied to find that my hair lia ceased falling out and also that hair which had been turning grav fo'' thp P"1 .fiv: years has been restored to its oriKtual color, dark brow'n. It gives me much pleasure to recommend this dressing. S.J. Gates, Alderman, Spencer, Iowa. Those who are interested in preservlr. and beautifying the hair will do well t send for Dr. Ayer's Curebook, A stoi v ot cures told bv the cured. This book of ut ages is sent free, on request, by the J. U Aycr Co., Lowell, Mass. TllOS. A. IIHESI.K.V. BEESELY MARBLE IRKS M A Sl'KAC'lT UKIIS 111-' IlItiH-CIlAOb: fllonamental : ttlork IN MARELE AND CRANITE. Examine Our Work. Get Our Prices. All v tn k :i:iuii)ilci'(l sii ictly liisl. clis. PROVO 7000 BICYCLES carried over from 1897 niusl ha sacrificed now. New High Grade, all styles, liest equipment guiu'itnteoil, $1) 75 to $17.00. Used wheels, late models, all mukes, $3 to $12. We ship on approval without a cent pnvmeMt. Write for bar First Siintlay Excursion. The Hio Grande Western railway will on Sunday, August Hth next, give its tirst Sunday excursion to the Saltair beach. The train will leave Silver City at 0:20 am. and Springville at 8:li am. The fair for the round trip from southern county points: Silver City.. $2 25 Mammoth .. $2.2." Kureka 2 25 Goshen 2 00 l'a.vson 1.7.) Spanish Fork. 1 (15 Springville. . 1.50 I'rovo l.f The above rate includes the trip to Saltair beach and return. Return special will leave the beach at !: 15 pin. and Salt Lake at, 0:;i5 pm. Untiling, Until-ing, boating and special music. A grand concert in the at lernoon and evening by Christeusen's band. The excursionists are to be accommodated in going on train No. 7. connecting with the 16:30 am. at Salt Lake fur-the fur-the beach. For constipation t iie Karl's Clover Root Tea. the great blood purifier, dues headache, nervousness, eruptions erup-tions on the face, ami in ikes the head ciear as a bell., Sold by C. L. Crandal & Co. Notice. 1 have tine peaches for sale at Canyon Can-yon ranch. tf. II. Rh iiakds. Important TSotiee. All those who were in any way interested in the capture of 1. Maxwell, Max-well, the bank robber, are hereby called to attend a meeting at the city hall on Tuesday, the 9th inst. at 8 p. in., to bear the report of your committee. N. I. Cuasdall, Wm. M. Roylanck, II. T. Reynolds, Committee. Shiloh's consumption cure cures where others fail. It is the leading cough cure, and no borne should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by C. L. Crandal & Co. Wunted. A young or middle aged lady to learn the tailor's trade. Those who have marry on the brain need not, be afraid to apply. For particulars call on Wm. J. Leishman the new tailor, one door south of Hotel Harrison. Springville, Utah TrvbK!' SaTt So. Cinenreta t'smlv Catlinrtie. tiie most won-Jarful won-Jarful mistical iliwowrv of Uie Hire, pleasant, pleas-ant, ami rof n-Btiinir t tlio tame, net. irently ami positi v ly on kiilne-.'s. livef mill Unvils, 'ctfttnuiinr liie entire sv:'.t.-in. diiiKil , t, rm lif.iiiliHilif, fever, lialilln.il eoiistinadon unit t! iniiFin'FA. Picas. . Unv ami trv a Imx of (.'.'. C. !.; in. ;.. Hii-erc. isolduuvi guaruubet'd to turu Ly nil dcuvifistis. |