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Show Meramorphones of Injects. Among the curious, highly interesting, interest-ing, mysterious workings of nature's laws, the tuetaiiinrpiKiaes of insccis occupy a rjromlrirni prsitinn. Must Insects preent tli!?t;;inft way of ex-Istlutf ex-Istlutf to four forms of life: The pkk. the larra or worm state, the pupa or image or'pcrfect insect. We are told that ap ostrich was once an epK, then a monstrous worm, whose eating was wonderful; then changed into the pupa state in which it remained for months without food in a quiet state, then burst the shell and came forth an ostrich; we would lie astonished and amazed, and yet such changes, equally as strango, are occurring all about us in the r insect world. The caterpillar of a large and beautiful butterfly, found on the milkweed, is a worm, in common language, about 2J incli in length. It f'ieds on the leaves of the milkweed until full grown, having in the meantime shed its skin to enable it to grow larger. When full grown it fastens itself by its rear extremity to some object with head hanging downward; and then it begins a series of humping up until the outer shell U shuffled of! and there appears a beautiful blue pupa with golden dots acr oss the but s of the wings. It is apparently lifeless, but when touched it wiggles, so that you know it is aliye. After remaining in this state a definite period it bursts its blue shell and comes forth a butterfly, but-terfly, with! six legs instead of sixty, with two eyes instead of twelve, arid with a proboscis more than. two inches long, instead of a pair of strong jaws. In this perfect state it soon lays its eggs, and on buoyant wings sails into pac Its long proboscis is only usetl to drluk the ambrosial sweets of honied hon-ied flowers. If, is rather short lived after providing for the contiuuance of its kind. Its eggs are almost the size of a pin's head with a shell analagus to that of a hen's egg. These diff-i-ent conditions of lift and a continuance continu-ance of the species is complete. The jjupa state of an insect is a most singular sin-gular one, for it neither eats nor drinks, and yet it lives and perfects itself on the means contained within itself. The silkworm and many othei insects in their pupa state are called cocoons. Arrived at ils full size, the silkworm spins a cocoon, the silk of which is woven intoAdoth, so mueh admired by the ladies as a beautiful fabric and durable for dresses etc. "When he has finished his cocoon, he is on the inside of a warm, safe habitation hab-itation to await his perfection, when he eats his way outj a moth. Many larvae, when full grown, burrow into the earth and there4 undergo the change into the pupa state, as our big tomato worm, and stays there until the tomato plants of next year are well developed, when he comes forth a bumming bird moth of a gray colof, to lay her eggs on the under side of a tomato leaf. Her unerring instinct leads her to deposit her eggs so there tan be no mistake-in perpetuasing the species. There are many species of beetles whose grubs or larvae bore into trew, feeding on the wood until full grown, when they assume the pupa state until the fulluess of the dispensation dispen-sation of her time; instinct bids them them come forth a perfect beetle to enjoy ;the new life and safely deposit the eggs to reproduce her kind. Some bymenoptcrous insects dig holes in the jrround, in the same fashion that a woodebuck digs his hole, but for quite a different purpose that of providing a safe place for the eggs. She captures cap-tures a grasshopper an inch or more in length, drags it to her hole, having first Inserted an egg in the body of her victim, and then fills the hole with dirt, carefully tramping it down, then covering the spot with bits of leaves and weeds to hide-the spot faini the sight of her enemies. This done, she flies away to dig another hole and repeat the whole process. The eggs thus maternally provided for soon hatch out and the larvae feed on the meat provided by a provident mother. There are many other ways adopted by different insects, but all for the one purpose of perpetuating the species. The mud wasp, for instance, in-stance, builds her nests of mud, for the reception of an egg in each cell. Then with due caution she fills the cells with spiders for the coming larvae lar-vae to feed on, and what is singular, ihe puts them in alive, but In a helpless help-less condition from having poisoned them by her sting just enough to keep them quiet while the larvae indulges In fresh food. It. K. Slosson in The Wisconsin Agriculturist. Dunn's Review. The exports .of merchandise from Tfew York during last week exceeded those for the corresponding week in 1897 by 40 per cent, and the imports last week were 28 per cent below the corresponding week last year. Men talk as if wheat had gone down out of eight, but the collapse of May speculation specu-lation hasonly made it more apparent that the ouUide world requires nearly If not quite all the wheat this country can spare. Last week Atlantic exports, ex-ports, flour included, were 4,200,293 bushels against 1.634,602 last year, and racifle exports were 253,213 against 125,212 last year, and it is close to the end of the season. Over 210,000,000 bushels of wheat have already been exported, and almost. 200,000,000 bushels bush-els of corn. Iron and steel production for the week showed a decline, due to st oppage of some concerns for repairs. New demands for structural steel In the west is beyond all precedent. Woolen manufacturers are buying no wool, and the sales at the three chief markets during the past week were only 2.549,300 pounds against 4.878,750 in 1892. The manufacturing works are running steadily, without inquiry for more wool, as if they had on hand material for a year to come. It is the plain truth that dealers here and in the west have greatlv underestimated the stock held by the mills. The boot and shoe manufacture is actually shipping more products than in any previous year. The holders of leather are trying to get highwr prices, and price-, have materially advanced, but wit h much fear of reaction. Chicago Receipts exceed last year's in sheep 5 per cent. hid"s12, butter 18, corn 48, lard 50, flour 55, dressed beef 70, rye 175, wheat 300, and broom corn (100 per cent, but deciease in cattle slightly, cheese 1 per cent, wool 2, hogs 14, oats 17. barlev 30, and seeds 00 per cent. East bound tonnage is shrinking, and lake carriers llnd business busi-ness quiet and freight low. Live stock receipts, 207.800 head, ar 7 per cent over a year ago. drain markets are quiet, with actual sales narrow. Wheat has declined 7 and oats 5 cents. Demand for live stock and provisinns have slackened and values are still declining. ''For three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house," says A. II. Tatter, with E. O. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.,"and my wife would'as soon think of being without Hour as a bottle of this remedy in the summer season. We have used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, butcure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone any-one who tries it will find it so." For sale by C. J. Peters in. MAPLETON' MUTTERING. Anna Whitney came home from Eureka Tintic last Sunday. A new girl baby is at the residence of lioswell Bird. All well. Ilyrum Terry, and Oscar Whiting are each building brick residences. Eli Curtis, an old time 'Springvillia is visiting his brother and friends here in Mapleton. The Hatflebd brothers moved their steam saw mill into Spanish Fork canyon last week. Elder Samuel 1). Fullmer who was recently called to perform missionary labor in the southern states, was given a splendid reception at the meeting house lest evening. Mr. Fullmer will begin bis journey east Wednesday. The good wishes or his many friends go with him. Mapleton, June 14, 1 8:S. Do It In business Style. Why not apply the same rule in the purchase of your railroad ticket that you would in purchasing other commodities? com-modities? If you could buy silk for the same price you could calico, you would take the silk, wouldn't you. The C. M. & St. T. Ry. is the "silk'" between Omaha arid Chicago; that is, if electric lighted, steam heated, solid vestibulcd trains of the very latest designs and safety appliances, uinningovera stone ballasted, steel rail track, several miles shorter than any other line, cuts any figure in the case. Through electric lighted sleepers, sleep-ers, Denver to Chicago. Through tourist cars, San Francisco to Chicago. Chi-cago. We lead, others follow. Give us a trial. For time tables, maps, etc., call on or address, L. L. Downing. Commercial Agent, 212 South, West Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. In Marriage Bond. This morning at nine o'clock, Miss Anna O'Malley and Mr. A. It. Ethier, members of the .1. A. Si mom comedy company, were united in marriage at the church of SS. Teter and Paul. Rev. Fr. Lefever officiating in the presence of a large number of friends of the contracting parties. Theyoung couple were presented with numerous presents by members of the company and f i lends. Outside of the theatrical theatri-cal coterie was a box of cut flowers from Billy Mahany and secretary of the grand lodge of Elks, Geo. A. Reynolds. Rey-nolds. Mrs. Ethier is an accomplished artist and belongs to an old theatrical family. The groom is a promising young actor who ha made many friends during his stay In the city. After the ceremony the party repaired to the Crowlv house when? the wedding breakfast was served and thU evening after the performance dancing and a supper will be served. Saginaw (Mich.) Evening Leader of May 26, 1898. A thrill of terror is experienced wheu a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. Rut the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has beeu administered. ad-ministered. Safe and harmless for children. C. J. Peterson's. The American NatT.Cnba and Hawaii. A portfolio, in teo parts, sixteen views In each part, of the finest half tone pictures of the American Navy, Cuba and Hawaii has just been published pub-lished and the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has made arrangements arrange-ments for a special edition lor the benefit of its outruns and will furnish the full set, one hundred and t-ixty pictures, for one dollar. In view of the present excitement regarding Cuba the pictures are very timely. Send amount with full address to Geo. II. Heafford, General Passenger AgentC. M. & St. P. Ry., Chicago, III. Eilnruto Tour lloneli TVIIh Caacaret. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. 10c. 25c. ir C. C. C tail, (InitreisiBrtlund money. :-CKOC-C-0XKMiC- Webster's Intcrsiat I ona I : Dictionary Succeswr of the " I'lwlridfffi." The One Crc.it tftnitrlurd Authority, h rrlN-H Il'in. 1. T. I:rmer. .iiuti.vo i. . h. wuyre.no conn. Standard 1 of the V. '1. :or't Prlft u O flics, lite V. H. hiiprrttJi uurt, at. u. o utau? i- I fy ati tliaticaJoibooks. Warmly Commended by flute NuTmitentIertM ilpnu.aiiilot.iivKmicfttrttrt Muutuat wlUiottt nmiiber. Invaluable In tht hoiiaeholil, nml t the teacher, c,iolnr, pr-tionitt pr-tionitt man, auU 'lf-educaLur. 'lf-educaLur. ; THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL USE. It Is easy to find the word wanted, it is eaay to ascertain the pronunciation. It Iseasy to trace the growth of a word. It is easy to laarn what a word means. The Detroit lree Press says: The I'nabrtdued la lona len Ihe t5mlart anion thoxa m:iiUiiff eunatant uso of a ilh-.mnnry. Ihe i Imernutionat la our old fnrnrt ami aianO-liT rtTim-ii ) ;iiut expanucd tonieet the denismlH ol our growing , lariKUAKO iwu auvsui 1113 rivuiMkiun. - - 1 lift ' whole has been marie 10 reflect the Urinific thouul.l ' - or lite (lay, ana ute miew ami nausea of uie imi- giuiKtj tli&t uovr encircles tins globe. Sot. 11, lsi. The Chicago Times-Horald says.- Webster'a Intjirnfltinnfll 1Hi.tlnn.rv In It. nrdirnt i form Malwolme authority on evervllilmr nert.-Unlntr 1 ) to our lauiruiiKe in the M ay of oriherm)rv, ortho- 1 ) epy.etyiuoloiry, and definition. From It there ia no 1 .appeal. Jtiaaj perfect aMniman effort ami achoiar- , . Jiuutiu uuuto iu uec it. use. GET THE BEST. ' fcSSpecimen pages sent on application to G. & C. MERUIAM CO., Publishers, Svrinefleld. Mass.. U.S.A. t Ut " Do not buy cheap reprintaof ancienteditlona. i HREYS' CURES No. 1 Fever, Congestion. No. 2 Worms. No. 8 Infants' Disease. No. 4 Diarrha. No. 7 Coughs Colds. No. 9 Headache. No. 10 Dyspepsia, Indigestion. No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 12 Leuchorrea. No. 13 Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. IB Rheumatism. No. 19 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Dr. Humphreys' Homeopathic Manual of Divaws at vour Druexi!" or Nailed Krre. Snld by drngirrats. or ent on rf-coipt of SOcy.. SC-ts orjl. Humphrey' Mi.Co.. Cor.WUJIaa dHd John Sta.. New York. :E3 GREATEST BOOK 0? TiiE AGE! Should U !a Every Hoed aid Library. s written by TtHht ffon, William Kwrt CJIndftont .vJ'rA.iH'-r of firfcHt 1 rilinrj uhI J 'j!:inu, ( .-( or 'u.; tV. A. fT. Sa.cc, Vueen'o Collet o. Oxtorii. Kiie. ,v SiiuiibI Ivoj furiifct, I). I., ChirAgo Tbeiloama-- Tbeiloama-- ii m if v, CnicAo lh.. Lev. Frxleru' V . Ftirnir, fv J). N.S. JVrtfi oi Cnni'M-l'in y, Cnntertniry, tnff.ihpT. .In. or II, Cr.iip.n, Ii.l,).,Tnft. (Village, tom(.rviII, .Minis.; Trim W (.n,MJiiK-, J.li.. Armour Institute 'liira-u. 111.; Row Geornt f I'enUc; -t, 1.I., Mnrl-one Mnrl-one I'rMMhvtwrtaii Clmich, Ixxvlon. rue; Ftv. H. S i rr;(iur, !).(., Calvary ftaptiat ClMirvh, Naur York itv. N. V ; Kev. Martyr. HtinnnrbM, l li., Mntn 1 1 Krvy Huna.r Churdi. Lwi toa, Mo.; Kev. Frunk I. Hn-tol. U U . First, Mw nnUt fc'ji(.-0a Clinrrh, .vniiiOM. Til.; Htv T. Moore, 1 L I) . "3 h Vhtt i ( 'oinuioii AHiilth," L'-udun, Knit ; Itftv. Kiward 'vm-Mtt Hle, y Ho'.ith 1 oiiprt-m.t hhikI Church, iiw'nn, Mns.; Flv. h Atfr 1 nslevnn ittM, ivicinr. in 1, Kn.; Kpt. Oiiiir Ht-op (irt"rv, wipnv UniviTii.y, I.s.ii.iu, (icrnmn, liar Vim 'ipuver Vi'iMcinHf,!i, O.D., Vntvri'y f Ch;-.io. ('Ir. to. II .. Ht'V. Stmrjtil Hart, I . 1 . . Trini'y Coitfc' (,r' fm i!, (Jonti.; Hev. nrn (iilivon. 1.I .S t .J . r ' . o l '' IJt,'i,' C hnn'h. Lni'on, r n.: l(v (koik ' lniirir. LI, D., 'I lie 1uipl, Ho ion. M ;;,'! I.Alt l.mi'lnx. , b', fnll-i .!' i r; on-, tfiir. ftitc, cloth, liulf levr.i-t, 41 H.i viir.', .-m.'KI. i Otin MHTIOV.1,:m pivroN. ?f1fi fnn-rnr. il'iir. 1 ma. Ktvlft A Kilt "If", lull Iftvant, nt.r TiM'itr.f 1.5 iJi; St lo I,- two Tolmit, full larai.l. tufa-.l, ' .1 16 f'A KTS, ritmrto iz. rariw i'ftt)on in enrli, tt it. apnr rove iv, nawt'd, trimmvil alifrhtly, JJ.'ji. tnvh nrl f-or at ail tHHiktori anl br ho -aelipri. r-t, .'untiMr infnrni.nlnn. wriia HKNUY (). hl(tPAhl), 'utHiffior.L' aul 2J Moore btret. Chicago, liituoia. fa-aB-l-o2-e' tffc- . tk i mcAU : BAZAR i tiriiEPjsS i "THO STYLISH PATTERN." Ar-f Ar-f tistic Fashionable. Original. Ferftrt-? Ferftrt-? Fittinr;. Prices lOaml 15 cents. I None higher. None better at any price. J Some reliable merchant sells them In J nearly every city or toT-n. Ask for 1 them, or they can be had by mail from J us In either New York or Chicago. ? Stamps taken. Latest Fashion Sheet 4 sent upon receipt of cne cent to pay j postage. j HSGALCS I MAGAZINE ooooooc 6 HUMP 0m 7 Brightest ladies' maga:!ne published. 7 9 Invaluable for the borne. Fashions cf I 1 the day. Home Literature, Household I T Hints, Fancy Work, Cuirent Top 7 1 Fiction, all for only 50 certs a year. In- B J cludinjja Iroo taltern.yrdtrownselec- i J tion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps ? I for sample copy. Address I ; THE McCALL COMPANY, S H2-M( Vest 14th Street, New York, i I M FJilh Avenue, Chicago, " I : 1 Throogti Tourist Kleep.v. KtTective Jatiuitry :toth and ouch ftillowttnf Sniday the llici Grande Wtstorn Uallwav will have a thrnuRh tourist slt-cprr fur Portland on train No. 1. This car will lay over at Salt Lake City until train Ts'o. 1, Sunday nights, deliveries bt-in made to O. S. L. hy this train atOifdeti. Easthound the same car will be carried from Otfden tit Salt Lake City on train No. 2,every Thursday iiiornln.layiiiir ocr at Salt Lake City for train No. 4 Thursday evenings. This weekly ner-vice ner-vice will tie operated between Portland Port-land and Doston via O. II. & N O. S. L . It. C. W.. C. Jk ll. (.. It. I. L.S. & M. S.. N. Y. C. and H.& A. H'ys. F. A. Wadlkioii, G. P. A. I the district fourt of tlit fourth Judicial (listiict , in nn(l fur Ihe count y of litnh.Mlatn of I'tuli. pioliiitc (ilvi.tion. In tin- in-tu-riif tht fstatr of NcImhi l. Craml,ill. doci-ascd. The final account mid pet it Ion for distribution distribu-tion and parlilinn of John S. Buyer, Hilmlii- ihiraior, lias ixmiii mi tor Drai-lnK ut 1U u clock a, ni Sutuntay, tlm Sd day of July, lstw, at tho court )un nouse in l'rovo i lty, l tan county slate of I tiih Dated at l'rovo. t'Cili. JiineRth, 1S!IS. lino. II avkkcamp. Clerk. Hy A. V. Kohison, lieputj-I'liht lieputj-I'liht publication June Hth. )S!s. Notice to Creditors. IN the matter of thf estate, of Ann I). Brinjr hurst, deceased. Creditors will present clalmswitli vouchers to the uiidersluned ut SpriiiKville. Utah enmity, Ntuloof Utah, on or before 1 he ITll) day of October, a. d. IS'.is. John V. ItKiNOHi'itR-r. Adniinislralorof Ihe Ksiate of Ann II. Hrliiplinrst . docea.sei!. first publication June 10th, IS!W. Probate A'otiee. In thi; bb t-rict Court of the fourth Judicial District. In and for the t Hunt y of I I all. Statu of I'tuli I'rolmte Mivislon. In the luster of the f state of John llattiel.l. dci-eased Tlie petition of Win. Ilatfii-ld t lit- Administrator Admin-istrator of thk K.state of John Hatfield, deceased, to sell all of the Ksiate of John Hatfield, deceased, has been set for heariiiK at 10 o'clock a in. Saturday. June 11th. Hlis. at the Court House In lVovo City, I'tah County. State of I'tah. Dated at l'rovo, I'tah. May 20th. WW. (IKO. II A VKKI'A VI'. Hy Kosk Mooiir. Clerk Depul v. A. I), Oasii. At t y . for petit loner. Xotiee To Creditors. In pursuance of the provisions of sort Ion ninety of the Kevised Matutes of I'tah IHSts. notice Is hereby (riven to all persons having claims nri Inst V. C. Hoyer and J. Hrlni!-hursl, Hrlni!-hursl, lately doinx business: at. Sprinuville, I'tah county. Slate of ( t.ili. under tin- Hrm name of Hoyer & llrinchurst, to prnsent I lie tiimie. wlt.li the vouche.is vhoreof duly verified, to the undcisltrnod, who has been duly appointed assignee of said firm of Hoyer .V lirint'liuist. for the benefit of their creditors, at his oflice, at t lie store heretofore occupied by said firm in Sprinpr v'lle, flab, on or before theWst davof Muv ISiH. Dated sprinuville. t tab. February 21st lKlis. Marco I). Boybk AasiKnec. WANTED Aeents for -tiladstone. Ills Life and Public Services," by Tims. W. 1 1 an ford. A wonderful story of a kIoHous career. Over SOO large radiant paires. KM) Riiperb rare i-n-yraviiii;s. Klcln-sl. Iiiciii-st. best and only endorsed '-riladstone book" published. Only il.fa). Coinniission 50 per cent. Credit given. Krelglit paid. Outfit freo. Drop all trash and clear a month with the only true and (food "Gladstone book.'' Address: Tha Dominion Do-minion Co., Dept. Kli, a.V2-.'l5t) Dearborn street, Chicago. 48 JOHN W. HOOVER, Jr. MANAGER Springville Roller Mills-- Manufacturer of and Dealer la Flour and Feed. Custom (iritidinir a Specialty. Cash Paid fur Wheat. Mill Noiith ok Sfbinqvillk. TIME TABLE fOR 8PKINGVILLE. UTAH. GOING WEST No 1. Pacific mall Lv. 11:02 a. in. To Salt Lakr, Oiiden and tha Coast. No. 5, Passenger to Salt Lake.. Lr. 3:W p. ra. No. S. Passenger Lv. H:H0 p. m. No. 2s. Leave fi:.Y a. in. (mixed) daily except Sunday. Eureka and all Tintic points. No. 3. Pacific limited I.v. 7:44 p.m. to Salt Lake, Ogden and the Coast. No. 7, Leave K;I5. in.. Salt Lake City. GOING EAST. No. 2. Atlantic Express I.v. 9:58. in. to P. V. Junction and Colorado points. No 6. Pass, and mall Lv. 9:40 a. ni . from Salt Lake to all San Pel points. No. 4, Chicago limited Lr. 9:00 p. m. I). C.DODGE, General Manager, 8. II. BAHCOCK. V. A. W A DLEIGII. Tratlic Manager. Gen' Passenger Agt T SAL? LAKEB W)l. Jd. HOVlifltlGE, Springville, Utah. 'The Produce Merchant," IS HEADQUARTERS FOR : : : : : The Crescent, Defiance, Monarch, and Sterling "I-? 1 And noils all kinds of BICYCLE SUPPLIES. Also repairs and rents wheels. I can iare jou money if you buy your whsels and supplies of me. Please call and be convinced. Vou't Tobacro Spit ! hmok Voar Life inaf. To Quit tobacco easily and forever, berruuf actic, lull of lifo. aorve and vigoa, take No-Tt-U ic. tliu wonder worker, that mukui wea4 men strong. All druggists, 60c or $1. Cure guaranteed guaran-teed Rooklot and cauiple free. Aidlrcts Sterling Remedy Co , CJIiititgo tr New York. 44t4f Of .Send Five cents l IT "L in' stain ps for a beautiful hut-ton hut-ton wkh Diet ure in Ave colors of the World fam 5 Button ous -'Loop" near Ueorifetnwn. Colo. Address It. L. Winciikll, V. P., D. A O. K'V Penver, Colo. The- Colorado Midland Railway lias tlieliest through car service in the west. If you nre going to Colorado Springs, Denver, Cripple Creek or any oilier point in the East, it will pay you to use the Pike's Peak Route. ::::::::: W. F. Bailey, Gen. Pass. Agt. Denver, Colo. WALKER, C. F. Fisher, l'rop. -i- European PJan. -n- Rooins with Steam Heat. 50c to $1.50. $10. to :t0 per month. f Restaurant is First- Class, f Salt Lake City. I 414)4)J444 t THE i ONE Q1VES RELIEF. n't Spend a Dollar Medicine until you have tried can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. avrl I pot ap ebaapljr W rUfr Um (alTaraal iimnl 4aaB fa a to If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules t the Druggist's Send FW Centi to The Ripani ChesQ(iai Compant, No. m Spruce St., New York, and they will be tent to you by mail; or 13 cartoni will be mailed for 48 centt. The chancel are ten to one that Ripani Tabulei are the very medicine yon need. (Hifllfilpi r fas Uncle Sam's Mails (o east on the CincAori Spkcial the Burliiigton'g new Denver-Chicgo flyer "the train that brings Chicago a whole day nearer Colorado than it was a year ago". Look at the time it tnnkei: Leaves Deuver.. 9:30 a. m. Arrives Omaha. . 11:55 p. m. same day. Arrives Chicago. 2:15 p. in. next duv. Superb equipment. Wide vestibules. Pintsch ggs. Tickets at offices of connecting con-necting lines. He nure your tickets read via the ' llurliiitfioti Itoute from Denver, G. P. Thompson. Arc It. Q. W. Ry. U. F. NESLEN, Trav. Tass. Sl Freight Agt, W. F. McMILLAX, General Agent, 214 8. W. Temple St., (). S. L. Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY wM44l BO YEARS' JL- EXPEBttNCE PP &r Trade Mabk .m4 Doions ' fvf tT COPYNIOMTS AC. Anvone annding a aketch and deaorlptlon maf quickly aaoeriHln onr opinion free whether aa Invention la prohahly patentable. Communlra. ttonaatrletlyconflnmitial. Harnlbookon Patent ant free. Oldeat airenry for aecuTltigpaUmta. Patent taken throuith Muun k Co. raeclv ipcrial notice, without charm. In tb Scientific flmericam A handaomely Illustrated wexkly. I,ariat etr dilation of any eclantlBo inurnal. Trm. M a Tear; foarmontha.il. Hold by all ncwadealera. MUNN&Cu.36'81"'' New York Branch Office. OS V St, WblD(ton, D. C. for |