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Show Church Directory. PRESnvrEUl.VN CHAPEL. Regular services 11 a. ni. and 1:2,0 p. m. Sundays, Sunday School at 10 a m. Christian Endeavor meeting Wednesday Wed-nesday evening at "30. Strangers ulway welcome. Itev. A. C Todd. Pastor. E. 0. T. M. Springville Tent No. 9 meets in regular re-gular review avery Tuesday evening nt7:30. Visiting Sir Knights made welcome. A. O. Packard, Com. Elliot N. Jordan, II. K. WATSON Is the Placo to HOUTZ'S '3-our BOAP9, CANDIE3 AND OONFEOTIONERY. Candies from 15c to 40c per round. Toilet Soap 3 Lars for 5c. Carbolic Soap 25c per bar 2 for 45c. A full line of Croft & Heeds Medicated Soaps always on hand. CALL And Se Ub at 1st door South of Harrison's Hotel. I pay cash FOR FAT CALVES, NEAT CATTLE, FAT HOGS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, Etc , Etc. 0-: Call at my place : o HARRY WHJBB, SPRINGVILLE .... UTAH MEDICAL INSTITUTE, DR. 0. W. SHORES, CaaiaMlar Payililan. Tm Imtltutiam la duly lnaor aaraUd under tha lawi of Utah, irtth oa.itci atacic or oo.uuw.uv, iu la apaaLiiljr darated ta tie traatmrat ud oMre ot all oluronlo, 4aap-aaa,t4 aad waattna; diaoaae wtich have so Uaw bafftt-A tha ganaral praatltionar. AkaolaUly tha laaat equipped In-rtttaUcva In-rtttaUcva want of CfcIc-o, adapted tv atthar r oSloe traatawiat Under paraouaJ wprTlals of Dt. ft. W. Shorea, (oririaator of tha f&OO a moath f far Chronic dis-aauM) dis-aauM) whawa aklll ud experience Ikara aanda thia Institution famous a tha treatment and our of: CATAftftH, ASTHMA, DBAPNC33, bronchitis, WIAK TOM ACM, KKEUMATISn, a in AUJ EASES. KIDNEY AND LIVER ELLS. PILES, CONSTIPATION BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, NERVOUS DUBIUTY, FITS. RUPTURE PERMANENTLY. A M02TTX FOB ALL TKS ABOVB SISSASIS. A Sptclal department far treating 4weases of Ala a. Cures guaranteed Offices J4 Eait Second South Street, SALT LAKB CITT, UTAH. k vaj tiva our op rowN write nsiXm aaoat M Dress Making Mrs. Yates has opened parlors in the Bank Building, upstairs, where she will be pleased to meet her frieuda and patrons who desire work done in THE LATEST FASHIONS AND BEST WORKMANSHIP. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. QA4AAAA4 Q OUT VOIB HOXUV'S WOJiTll! SALT LAKE HERALD Blilaat, BfUMael and Baal. K DAILY W Per annum, or T tto. per month. p SrcMT-WK,Kl.,-Only H.tt K per year, or T6o. for t month. V Bubaoriba Uiroosh locai asent 4 i i or aana wiwi v Tiru HKa.vi j oo.. Salt Lak Ciajr. Utah. $5.E 5 TKS OF THE ViEEtt. U.ilpli Wood was in town Monday. Charley Johnson of Oakland was in town Friday. Geo. Wood was down from Salt Lake, Friday. Quct Johnson was over from Spanish Fork Saturday. Born, Sunday night to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Whitehead, a son. Malin Mendenhall, of Starr. Juab Co., was in town this week, D. A. Crandall has quit Thistle and is again a citizen of Springville. Miss Amy Rowland went to Eureka, Sunday night, for a visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kearns arc the proud parents of a sin, born Saturday night Aner Humphrey is able to be around town again after a sickness oT four weeks. The Deal & Mendenhall grading outfit finished work at Lehi Junction, Saturday. II. T. Reynolds has a new kind t a heating stove into w hich men can not expectorate. John Holly has timed, his family down from Castle Gate and has gone to house keeping in this city. ' Miss Ada Neilson, of Mt. Pleasant, who is at' ending school at the I!. Y. A. In I'rovo, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. R. J. Ktoupa, of I'rovo, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting her mother, Mrs. E. P. lirintou, in this city. Miss Anna Sandall, of Fairview, who is one of the B. Y. A. students, was visiting friends in Springville Sunday. Mrs. Cap! tola Gunnison came down from Mt. Pleasant Sunday for a few days visit with her mother, Mrs. Nick Groesbeck. Mr. and Mrs. Heher (Joodinanson aud lit tie son, of Helper, arc visiting relatives and friends in Salina. Salina Press. The Monroe Specialty Co. tried to show here Thursday night but the crowd was so small that they returned return-ed the money. Mrs. Jane Spa fiord of Moab, Utah, and Mrs. E A. McKenna of San Bernardino, Cal., are in town visiting Mis. Joe Bringhurst. Ike Randall was out on the streets Saturday on crutches; this is the first time he has been out since he was hurt two weeks ago. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. De- Witts Little Early Risers cure biliousness, constipation, sick headache. head-ache. C. J. Peterson. Subscriptions taken for any b;iok, magazine or paper at publishers' prices by E. W. Jordan, local agent for Chicago News Agency. Mrs. J. U. Mercer, who is here from Missouri visitlrg her son, went to Salt Lake today where she will spend a day or two taking in the sights of Zion. Disfigurement for life by bums or scalds may be avoided by using De-Witt's De-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for pills and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. C. J. Peter-sou. Peter-sou. Springville has got a new bath room, but the Independent editor gives it only a throe-line notice. He doesn't believe in pulling every new high-toned fad that strikes the town. Denver Post. Don Johnson was down from S ilt Lake over Sunday. He came dawn to Provo, Saturday, to play foot ball with the Y, M. C. A. team or Salt Lake, which defeated the U. Y. A. team by a score of 0 to nothing. A fair-sized house greeted the presentation of the ''Queens Evidence"' Evi-dence"' last night by the Johnson & IIouU company, which call for praise and commendation. Don't fail to see the play to-night. Payson Header. Running sores, indolent ulcers and similar troubles, even though of many year's standing, may be cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes, strengthens and heals. It Is the great pile cure. Peterson's Drug Store. The banquet given by the Payson corps of public school teachers to the teachers of the Springville public schools last Saturday evening at the Wightman hotel, was a grand event aud will be long remembered by all who were fort unate enough to be present. pres-ent. Payson Header. Static or Ohio, City ok Toi.koo. I Ll'CAS t'ol NTV f Frank J. Chunky makes oath that ha la the senior partner of ttio firm of V. J. CHIt.NtY A Co.. ilolnj business in t ho City ot Toledo. County tout State foVTl. mid that anid firm will p:iy the sum of ONE HUNDRED HUN-DRED HOLLA Ki for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot he cured hy the use Of IlAl.L'8 CATAUHH CtlHK. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to hjxfore mcjtnd euhscrlbed In my presence, thi4thjp(y of December, A. D, 1S1W. l SEAL j- A. V. CLKASON. Halt'i Cutarrh Cure la taken internally and acta directly on the bond and mucous surfaces sur-faces of the system, Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, O. FtTjirtM hy PrusgKta, TV. Bun. to Mr and Mrs. VViilis Sum-lot', Sum-lot', Monday n ghf, a s m. L D. Cian i a l is at Prico buying grain for Win. M. Roylunce. Miss May Jordan Is visiting relatives rela-tives at Mona, Juab county. Wm. M. Roylance loaded a car of alfalfa seed at Payson, Tuesday. L. S. Wood and Newton Thorn left Thursday for Logan, where they spent a week. Lee Roylance is down at Oasis buy ing seed and grain for Win. M. Roylance. Roy-lance. The old Mexican war veteran, Eli Ashcroft, was down from Mapleton Monday. Guy Mendenhall mashed two of the Angers of his right hand Monday, while loading wheel scrapers. Who wants the use of a gooiD buggy or saddle horse the coming w inter for its keep? Enquire at this ofllce. Geo. T. Williams, a noted newspaper news-paper man of Iowa, was la town Monday. Mon-day. He paid The Independent? a fraternal call. W. C. Scheu of White X'.iver. spent a few days in town this week. While here he was introduced to the Mac-cabee Mac-cabee goat. There is no need of little children being tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sal ?e gives instant relief and cures permanently. C. J. Peterson. A committee of the A. O. U. VV. lodge of Provo, composed of H. S. Pyne, J. VV. Farrer and Nephi Straw, presented Mrs. Nephi Kindred with $2,000 last Monday in payment of the policy held In that order by her bus-band. bus-band. The Johnson & Houtz Dramatic Co.. returned Sunday from u week's enjagetueut in Salem, Payson and Saulaquin. They left for the north Monday for a week's engagement at American Fork, Pleasaut Grove and Lehi. Warning: Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warnings of danger and save themselves suffering and fatal re- suits by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung trouble. C. J. Peterson. The Rev. Augustine Prentiss of the Episcopal church has been deputed by the bishops of Salt Lake to hold a service at the Procter Academy in Provo on Sunday morning, November 21st, at II o'clock, likewise In the evening of same day! lie is anxious to meet all the . Lpisfcof alians of Springville and any others interested. Miss Maud Harton of San Uernar- dino, California, who has been visit ing relatives in this city for several months, was given a surprise by n number of her friends' at the resi dence of her uncle, E. L. Whiting, of the Second ward, last Monday even ing. The surprise was intended as a farewell party to Miss IJartoii, who returns home in a few days. J. C. Berry, one of the best known citizens of Spencer, Mo., testitlesthat he cured himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Ho had been troubled with piles for over thirlhy years and had used many different -kinds of so-called cures; but DeWitt's was the one that did the work and be will verify this statement if any one wishes to write him. H. B. Smith hai filed a complaint in the clerk's office of the Fourth dis trict court against John S. Boyer, ad ministratorof the estate of Mary Ann Wilson and Georgenla E. Clark. Plaintiff sots forth that he is the owner and is in possession of certain real estato situated in Springville, and that the said defendant claims an Interest in said real estate. Plain tiff asks that the dei'endant be for ever barred fruu asserting any claim in the pieinises whatever, and such further relief as the csurt sees f?t to grant. Enquirer. Win. M. Nesbit and Harry Kruse of Eureka, were lu town Sunday for the purpose of looking up the lithograph quarries la Spanish Fork canyon. They were taken up and shown the claims by Levi Curtis and were much pleased with t he outlook of the same. Their visit may result In the sale of the properties. If it does development develop-ment work will be started at once, as the campany which ' Messrs. 'esbit and Kruse represent, have abundant means to carry on operations. With the sale of the properties will be opened up another great mining Indus In-dus ry in Utah. Last Thursday evening at about 9 o'clock, in response to a telephone message from Sheriff Storrs at Provo, Marshal Clark went down to the Rio Orande yards aud to "The Willows" and gathered in as a precautionary measure all the hoboes in sight. The collection numbered six. Storrs came over the next day and after inspection inspec-tion ordered the gang released. None or theiu proved to bo the parties wanted. They wero a tnotly crew, and among the six were white men and black men, good men and bad men, large men and small men, lean men and fat men. The whole outfit were armed with tallow candles. Billy Lund came down from Mm-roe Mm-roe Tuesday for a f. w day's vi.-ii. Fred Richan of Provo is a nct iil addition to The independent staff. Miss Maud Fuller departed for Buitc, yesterday, for a visit to hei mother. 1 Fou Sale A good second bard Singer sewing machine. Call on A. C. Bird. Mrs. Birdie Lee of Provo. was visit ing her 'mother, Mrs. Clark of this city, Sunday. Will. Ray and Jake Packard came down from Silver City Sunday, to at tend the wedding of their brother, C. F. Packard. The second daughter of Sheriff Storrs is reported to be very sick. It was first thought to be a case of dip- theria -Enquirer. Miss Nellie Cunkell of Salt Lake-City, Lake-City, who has been visiting Miss Lizzie Walters for the past five weeks, returned home Monday. The north cud of State street is rj coiving the attention of the street supervisor. Gravel is being placed where loose sand used to be fourteen inches deep. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into pneu monia or consumption. Instant relief re-lief and a certain cure are a Horded by One Minute Cough Cure. C.J. Peter son. The W. R. C. of Provo will bold forth at the City hall on the night of Thanksgiving. An elaborate program pro-gram is being prepared. Refreshments Refresh-ments will be served, arid a nominal admission fee charged. Marshal Clark is now spending his evenings in watching the duck pond at the corner of Joseph Bisscl's lot near the depot, to see that duck hunters do not break the game law by shooting ducks there after sun down. John Anderson, of this city, who has been in the hospital at Salt Lake on account of injuries sustained by an accident in a mine, at Eureka, came home this morning. He is getting along nicely, but his injured leg is still incased in plaster of paris. lie is able to get around a little by trie use of crutches. 'The worst cold I ever had in my life w;i3 cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes W. II. Norton, Nor-ton, of Sutter Creek. Cal. ''This cold left me with a cough and I was expectorating ex-pectorating all the time. The Remedy cured me, and I want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by C, J. Peterson. Last week Marshal Clark met up with an assortment of tramps at the R. G. W. depot who were out inquest of work, they said. Clark offered to get them jobs at Sold.cr Summit with the Deal & Mendenhall outfit, when the festive tourists hastily reconsidered re-considered their desire to work. Their next move was to get out i f town and on towards a section where work could be sought for but not found. The following persons registered at at the Hotel Boyer during the week Geo. S. Sellman, J. S. Brandon, San Francisco; F. Browning, W. II. Wilkinson, Wilk-inson, VV. H. Cultner, II. S. Boyer, N. J. Webster, D. S. Sicgrist, Salt Lake; 3. G. Lane, Fruita, Colo.; M. Stewart, P. V. Junction; Thomas Langberry, J. Fridshawn, Ogden; A M. Gregory, Deliver; Stella Stewart. Mrs. R. Crowels, Payson; Frank Speckhart, Will Bailey, Provo; J. A. Kirby, Eureka: wife, Chicago; S Creek; P. Nelia, VV. Thome, New J. W. Clayton and G. Hobart, Clear Rawlins, Wyo.; G. York; Edgar Chec- than, Kansas. That it is never too late to marry was proven by a wedding which occurred oc-curred In this city a week ago Wednesday. Wednes-day. The marriage might truly be said to be the uniting of two old famines, fam-ines, as the groom, Mr. John Francis Berry, of San Bernardino, Cal., is 63 years old and the bride, Mrs. Sarah E. Beeby of Circlevllle, Utah, is 70. The ceremony was performed at the residence of of Mrs. Elizabeth Gauge of the First ward, by Bishop Tuckett. Oh Thursday evening, thirteen of Springville's lively lads collected a lot of tin pans, cow-bells and other Instruments for making noise, and serenaded the happy couple. The three-year-old boy of J. A. Johnson, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject sub-ject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson John-son says he is satisfied tbe timely use oT Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy, during a severe attack, saved his little boy's life. lie is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place aud they haudlea great many patent medi cines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to choose from, and SKiuca pnysicians reauy to responu to his call, but selected this remedy for use i l his own family at a time when j his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to tny other, and famous the country over for Its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selliug cough medicine they handle, and that It pi ves splendid sat isfaction in all cases. Sold by C. J. Pfteron. .1 .. ft a r r ft a at, a a 1 1 I 1 1 H ' M I I i I U I M I I I I M off on nil kind) of LYME CDolen & Are seUino; To make H-T. Reynolds; This hook will he of great v;i!uo to Hihle t'tuJf.ils uml ail interested in the doctrines of the gospel gos-pel as laught hy Ihe apostles aud early VICTORY OVKIl TI1K Wild Beast. Christians. For sale at Whitehead's Drug store. Trice '2o cents- UD THERE MEM M W GOING? GOING Where goods are cheap and where I can change my produce of all kinds fom r er- chandise at Rock Bottom Prices. HERB VUMV AT 5U E. A. Gregory spent, Sunday in town. David Packard, who has been on a mission to New Zealand, will reach Ogden today on his way home. To Ileal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, sur-faces, to instantly relieve and to per manently cure is the mission of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve-Peterson's Salve-Peterson's Drug Store. Myron Crandall returned Sunday from his business trip down in Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. While in Oklahoma he picked cotton in the cotton fields, and altogether he had, as he informed the icporter, a high old tiim. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Fred Maack received a telegram from Salt Lake saying that her mother was sinking rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Maack left for the city immediately, but arrived 20 minutes to late, Mrs. Tullidge having died at I) p. in. The funeral will be held this afternoon. Merit, purity and high grade goods will tell. Our trade on Three Crown Baking Powder. Triple extracts and pure spices have increased to such an extent that we have been forced to add another addition ts our large factory, and we hope to still keep building additions for it gives work to those who need it, and keeps money at home. Hewlett Bros. Another of Springville's young men has launched his bark on the tempestuous tempest-uous sea of matrimony. The young man in question is C. F. Packard, who was married Wednesday to Miss Phoebe Schuyler, of Payson. The cert tuony was performed at the reside resi-de uce of the bride's father, James Schuyler, by Bishop Page. A reception recep-tion was given to a large number of friends ami relatives at Payson last night, and another will be given In this city tonight at the residence of the groom's father, Milan Packard. Mr. ami Mrs. Packard launch their WAISTS or TAT SII0B5 at Caffery ITUR room for a His Image NUM HER And hut IS THAT? I matrimonial craft with very roseate ! prospects of a pleasant voy age. May j they never meet shipwreck Is the i wisii of The Independent. XoUee. All persons o.vin past ure bills to the City Pasture will please pay at once and ret urn tags to W. M. Coffman. l-Mnrntc Your ltuwoln lTltli t'ntcareta. Candy ( ';:i!:pi-i !-, -ur- ro-K.ipr.ii.in forever. Zjc. IT C. (J. C, r..!I. i.ni-,-.Mhrc:andmoaejr. Cxaml'io Our 2" cent .Fxi-Dat-k Carry ('crab. Jaslthe ihi!;. Tor ALL horses, Fspcclal iy Nervous and Sensitive Ones. II. T. Reynolds & Co. NOW OPEM-A OPEM-A RJotion Store Where you run buy aliiiost ANYTHING For almost NOTHING. COME AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. : : a few fiucEs : : Lead Pencils - From 6c (lot to 4c each 1 eiiholrters - KYoiu 10c doz to c eah Mule Pencils - . 1 ulltts - - From 2't to I5ceach Stationery - From lUi: to L'.V: per boi Knvelopes - . 2 tmnchi's for 5c aiiilolino. Ouitur, Violin aud banjo Sliu.-s - . . 5c each haf.'ty Pins - - 2", to 5c doa ' i'1 " - - lcdoiup ( oiuimm Puis - - 2'ic paper i!lk , . " " aboitles for 10c shoo marking - . 2bo.eafor5c (lollies pins - . . 2!4c doi Fine line of Ladles' Hose - from Sc to3Rc I- Ine line of t ndenvear from 4nc to 11.85 suit Suspenders - - Krom Jo to 40c nalp Give us a call, V7e don't ask yon to buy I : ONLY OKT OVTl ritim-a ONLY GET OVIl riltCES Miner Building SPRINGVILLE WANTKD-TltrsT WORTHY AND ACT-ive ACT-ive gentlemen and laflloa to travel for responsilile. est aliilslied housn in Utah Monthly ICS and expenses. Portion stead HefeMiiee. I.nclose self-addreiwd stanmed envelope Tht Inmindm l.. Y.iTrirnqn E IT COST. |