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Show SPRINBVILLE INDEPENDENT. BBVKD SYBRT FRIDAY 9. P. FKLT, Bditor and Manager. SPBJKevnxa, May 16, 1896. STATE NEWS. Sell and Adam Forepaugh's circus and menagerie are billed to exhibit in Salt Lake city July 26. Since the first of May 2,305 rabbit scalps havs been brought Into Brlgham City and sold to the county clerk at 4 cenU aach, at per law. Reports are In circulation in regard to the shootina scrape at Vernal. One man was killed and two wounded. It It not known who began the battle. Kama Quarterly stake conference convenes at Coalville Saturday and Sunday, at which the "Manifesto" will be presented for ratification r rejection Sunday afternoon William O'Neil bartender in a saloon on First South strest, opposite the Salt Lake Theatre, Salt Lake city, was arrested for violating the Sunday law. Pay son city it in darkness, the electric light company having shut down last Saturday on account of not receiving nough patronage to pay the expenses of running the plant. An Irishman was arrested recently In Salt Lake city on thecha-geof being intoxicated. When asked his name, alter meditation) he replied: "Pat Nothing." Thafao. A farewell entertainment was givea in the Third ward assembly hall, Salt lake city, Tuesday tvening, May 13, In honr of Andrew M. Smith, who will shortly leave on a mission. The closing exercises of the district schools at Logan occurred May 9. Twenty schools were represented and about 8oo children were present, besides hundrads of parent and spectators. There was some excitement caused In Provo, May 5, during the hurricane, Fences, gates, sheds, and popular trees were blown down, also a large new lumber lum-ber barn belonging to John T. Mitchell. The loss It light. The Cycle dealer of Salt Lake city are talking of having a big road race to rarnalngton on Decoration day. A very large list of appropriate prltel Ire to be hung up and quite a number of aspirants are 1 training for the event. A May novelty was exhibited in Salt Lake Sunday by the weather. For nearly two hours la the morning a heavy snow fell.th huge flakes whitening the ground ia many place. The beautiful" turned to water almost a soon at it fell. Major Wllket, of the projected Utah Midland, hat been talking to the people f Tooele county in a way which sounds like business and as though something tangible will be in evidence in the near future, of the road's Intention to go ahead. The public school of Tooele City and Granttvllle closed May 1, after a very successful year's work. Suitable and Interesting programmes were rendered ren-dered in both schools. Saturday night May 3, the school children of Granttvllle Grantt-vllle rendered an operetta, which was a complete tucces. There was a large attendance at the Sunday school conference of the Salt Lake Stake of Zlon, at the tabernacle, Sunday morning, despite the unfavorable unfavor-able condition of the weather. The various schools of the city met at their ward meeting houses and marched In a body to the tabernacle. Miss Zoe Gayton, who started from Salt Lake last month to walk to Virginia City, Nev reached that place last Friday, Fri-day, just thirty days from the time she left this city. The distance Is 6S0 miles, and she wagered $500 she could step It off In less than thirty-three days. She reached her destination In good health. On May 14th, J. J.Jones, Esq., expects to begin the publication of "a true Republican Re-publican newspaper," to be called the Coalville Mall. Mr. Jones Is sanguine of a paying venture, but to Insure It he would have to pay rather a high premium. premi-um. Coalville already has an excellent paper, the Times, and a division of the field may force weakness. A stranger, giving the name of John Hamilton, a tinker by occupation, died at the farm ?( Joseph Keslcr In Garfield County the 4th Inst, of urinary troubles, lie was burled at Pangultch by the kind hand of General Bishop Allen Miller. Deceased gave his age as 73 years, said he had a sister ten years his senior living liv-ing at Beaver, Beaver county, Utah; also al-so a nephew at the same place. While James Jenson w ho wat heard-Ing heard-Ing sheep for Andrew Mad tea of Spring City wu carrying a revolver In a tcab-bard tcab-bard under hit left arm latt Friday, the weapon wat In tome unaccountable way discharged, the ball striking the radius of the left arm about two inches above the wrist and passing between the two bones, neither of which were broken, and leaving nothing more serious than a 6eh wound, from which he will rapidly rap-idly recover. A Coalville dispatch, dated May 11, ayt: President Joseph F. Smith wa called away by telegram this forenoon fore-noon before the vote was taken on the adoption of the manifesto. The manifesto mani-festo wa read at the quarterly conference confer-ence oi the Summit (take of Zlon by Bishop W. V. Cluff and the vote taken. There were no negative votes cast, but from eighteen to twenty refused to vote. Much dissatisfaction with the manifesto is expressed on the street, and many of the salntt openly tympathlxe with Moses Thatcher. The all-absorbing topic In wheeling circles in Salt Lake city Is where are they going to race? The Beck's Hot Springs Track association has been blacklisted by the L. A. W. and the black mark is so deep it is questionable if ever it can be removed. The reason for the blacklisting is because the race promoters are accused of not living up to their agreements. It is charged that races which were advertised to come off were postponed without any sufficient reason and that prizes were not forthcoming forth-coming to riders after being honestly won. The body of the unknown man fovnd by a soldier at Fort Douglas, Thursday night, May 7, proves to be thatftf Henry Puzey, of the Twentieth "ward, Salt Lake City. The deceased was born at Alton, Hampshire, England, and was 68 years of age. A widow, three sons and a daughter are left to mourn his loss. Thursday night he left home to take his usual stroll and went to a neigh bor, but upon finding no one at home wandered away. He must have taken the car for Fort Douglas, for his body was found only a couple of hours after he was last seen In this city. The body was found in a ditch containing lets than a foot of water. He had evidently slipped and struck a rock with his head as he fell, ae he had a bad wound over one of his eyes. William Penfold,a boy about 15 years old, was killed May 5th at Buysvllle, two miles south of Heber. He and a man named Anderson were quarrying rock on top of the ridge near Anderson' farm. About noon on the 4th Inst., they started down, rolling rocks ns they went, Pinfold was some distance down and many rods to the side when Anderson ttarted a large flat rock. The rock went straight for a time and then turned with the hill, rolling in the direction of the boy and striking him in the head, killing hin Instantly. Anderson and his wife are wild with grief, at the boy was In their employ and well liked. The boy's father it prospecting near Leeds, Wash-Ington Wash-Ington county. A very important tnterprlse has been let on loot at Mt. Pleasant. A company of five representative men of that city have issued a notice of appropriation of use of water of Pleasant Creek, in Pleasant Pleas-ant Creek canyon for furnishing power for manufacturing, lighting, milling and other purpose, the water to be reverted to said stream undiminished. It is the Intent and purpose oi the association to erect a large electric plant at the mouth of the canyon, to be supplied with water from Pleatant Creek. From thia plant it it expected to furnish electricity elec-tricity for lighting and for machinery power arid will supply Mount Pleasant, Moroni, and Falrvlew cities. It Is to be hoped there will be no hitch or delay in inaugurating the new undertaking. The funeral services over the remains of Mrt. Johannah Hall were held Sunday Sun-day May 10, in the Second ward meeting meet-ing houte, Ogden. The hearte, horses and casket were white, just at for the funeral of a babe. The casket was made by her son, Mark, at her request. For nearly one hundred years deceased has lived and all the while the has been un-consclonsly un-consclonsly teaching the people to honor hon-or and revere her character. When a homeless unknown diet and is burled there may be no mournert and no t'jM yet even then their absence eer ln congruous and pitiful, but wher e q the seats are filled with rela;,lvej of the dead there was none wh jost o the fact that her des.Vn was but the consummation con-summation of a triumph and that there wasnoteart to be shed for the good fight that had been fought on the faith that had been kept. In talking with an American about the different condition of women in Japan and the United States, a Japanese diplomat once said: "When I marry 1 take a head servant; when you starry you become one." A man who recently recent-ly visited Japan quotes a remark in a somewhat similar vein made by a Japa- u - l.t......,.., It T at SMI a Am, I...... 1 ' 111 ne said, "ai me aoor 01 aainingrooir , u.i 1. t-i,i .11 Li.,!, 4 a! it ri aw a tie vlnrr an1 - I watched them as they came in. 1 came in with madam r T: OBACCO HABIT CURED IN 72 rW Ma Antidn shette'i Indian Tobacco lets '1 obar (O, the original, jruarsmeed barm- All drur nn r 4ATCHETTE CO., Chicago, Illinois. rabit Cure, i'blf bosoalj .Unnro 9 or by man Agsmts Wantsu nuuia e Frenchman A Via arm . Thn tii j.uk inn iiirii va , 8 Mt In so (Imitating .Important personage). t)h, she came in afte 4 (dramatising a meek and Oman following). The Amerl usband? Oh, he's not in it. Madam '11 In ahead of him and he just walk behind wherever she goes." a pompous, belt And his wife? him like th' timid w can Dupont's is the highest place in Del aware, 282 feet above the sea level. Invasion by Japan. The San Francisco Journal of Com merce says edltorialy : It looks as if the Japanese were going to get a strong hold in this country, to make the United States the chief outlet for their pro ducts. The tea that we used to get from Ja pan was excellent; but Americans In America wanted more for their money, and American shippers in Japan have lowered the cost. They had to take a poor tea, weight it with gypsum or stonepowder, color it with Prussian Blue "to beautify It" which makes poor tea even'worse. In this way immense profits have been made at the expense of the American public, and likewise at the expense of the Japanese producer, whose interest it Is to have thejbest tea consumed, be cause people willllke it and so want more. Good tea Increases the consumption consump-tion o tea, while poor tea, weighted and colored, tend, to decrease the consump tion. The American shippers stand between the American consumers and the Japanese Japan-ese growers. The Japanese government seemsto be quite aware of this, and at the World's Fair, spent thousands of dollars showing America that we were not (and are not) using real Japan tea at all. We shall watch the proceedings with Interest; for it will be a good thing for the country to use good tea, and a great thing for SanFrancisco, which, because of climate, harbor and trade facilities, is the natural tea-port of the United States. CXKARIWCi HOl'SR REPORT. New York, May 9. The following table, compiled by Bradstreets, show the total clearances at the prlnci' cities and the percentage of incrf and decrease, as compared with the MERCUR The GET IN EARLY IN Great Gold Field. You are certain to make big profits In return. re-turn. We cau put you on to lMVlOKXIt I'AYKH and stocks which will surprise you. W. E. HUBBARD, West Second South 51., SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. E8TARLI8HED 1S7. IMCORFORATJKB . The Best is None Too Good. The 184. RED SEAL Is the best. A fac seal printed in red will be by us It Is a guarantee of be had. 111 BW simile of accompanying found on all good bottled purity and the very be ASK FOR IT. Send orders to BEWAKS OF SUBSTITUTES. SEE THAT YOU LABEL BEFORE PURCHASING. Salt Lake City Qoj Watep Co THE LEADING BOTTLERS. .Salt Lake City, Utah. The J tint ire a Frinoner. The Washington Times tells the fol lowing story of Justice Gray, of the C nited Mates supreme court. He had gone down into Delaware to hold court and was met by a deputy marshal. The fees are not large-down in that section .1 L 1 . anu me uepuiy marshals are not tho richest men around. So this deputy met the justice and was ready to walk over Into the town. "Where is your carriage?" asked Justice Gray. "Well Mr. Justice, you see our fees are snail. and if I hired a carriage I would have nothing left. "You get the carriage." said the justice, "there is an account to which it can be charged. Write to the marshall in Baltimore and he'll tell you what to do." So Justice Grav rode over to the town and the deputy mar-shall mar-shall wroie to his superior. Shortlv after the return of Justice Gray to the city he received a leter from the ueput marshal! saying the carriage bill v all rieht. "The marshall toll. m wrote, "to charge It up to the a- of transportation of prisoners." Utah Nursery Companv es'tai ushed 1885. A large stock, of fr roses, shrubs, etc. JVJ at low prices. Call uit and ornamental trees, tlso small fruits, akc a specialty of supplying commercial plants And examine stock. Office: v Naylor Block -SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. rh'.e Organic Remedies 'Prepared according to the- New System. box is guaranteed to do you jsore good than a gallon of any either medicine you can get. at ' he eount Stati or Ohio. City or Toldo LUCAS Couhty, Fbanx J. Cheney makes on senior partner of the firmo Co., doing business in County and state aforeaa' will pay the sum of C LABS for each and ev cainot be cured Iabbh Cum. Sworn to befo presence, this t SBAL Hall's C acta dip faces r free. S ihthat he is the ill. Cbbmby A the city of Toledo id, and that said firm NB HUNDRED DOL-ery DOL-ery ease of Catarrh that , the use of Hall's Ca-FBAK Ca-FBAK J. CHENEY, e me and subscribed in my Ah day of December, A. D.1886. A . W. Glbabon. Notary Public, 4tarrh Cure is taken internally and 4fltly on the blood and mucous sur- jftfee system. Send for testimonials F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. 4M by Drug-a-ista, TSo. HJl's family Pills are the best. icspondlng week last year: e1 crnas. A Chicago msn is the inventor of a process for the storing and preserving of grain much in the fashion that obtained ob-tained among the people of Egypt in the time of Rameses, and many a century later, In Italy, when Herculun-cum Herculun-cum and Pompeii were leading markets in the grain trade. The process Is a Very simple one, and comprises a series of air-tight cylinders, filled with grain, charged with sterilized air and hermetically sealed. In the summer sum-mer of 1S93 some corn was taken that had been inspected and graded as No. 4, and subjected to treatment In the air-tight cylinders. cyl-inders. The grain was kept two years, and was unsealed in the spring of 189;. Some of the grains of corn which had been pronounced unfit for use of an kind In 1893 were planted, and In d time grew and a crop was harves' The steel cylnders will keep both and wheat, exclude the air, which as a conductor of contagions t grain, preserves all the good qual the presence of sterilized air, an tain Its grade or Improve It-any It-any number of years. Det Pret. New York Chicago HosUm Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisoo, Kiiltimore Pittsburg- Cinolnntitl Kansas City - New Orleaus,.. Hutfalo Milwaukee. Detroit ... - LoulsvU' Mlnne j j Omr tlil Pr -Jf r .riteuee .... -fVel(ind. Houston 8t. Paul Denver IncflanapoH CoHnmbntv O Hartford Kirhmond Washington Salt Lki Dallus. St. Joaeph Peoria Memphis Portland. Ore Kochrster New Haven..., Snviimmh Spr Inif Hi-Id, Muss.... Worcj-ntpr Portland, Me Atluiita Fort Worth Syracuse. Waco Ie Moines (rand Kitplds .. fettli Kuoxville Lowell Wilmington. Norfolk SIlIlK ( itV I.oa Aninl Tnoomu Scruntoii. . Spokane. ttl Jitckftouv Lincoln. (Up Ntw lts Wiihitr .ford' Hirniii 1 open Lexli Ititig Hep AMOUNT 121.356 ' A 121.2 .7j 68.- -4.747 ? ,6,0KSi A073.1M1 !3.820,:W 13.715,7 17,20t 12.35' JIG. , - u a, -0 6; 2. 5.51 641 ,224i 4,4(10 M.753 15. 9 11. 1 2.4 2 2 4,818.825 6,955.634 5.W9.4H .w.ii:t 4,558,7: 4.6ti3.5f 6.5M 3.04.V n 5.449 5 J.5J7 , 4.58 3.9' JilHH 4H.3KH JliKl-Oi La.572 11N9.96W 0,152.713 Z,lfi2.94S! 2.426.SKI 1.IM1.479 1.7x6,263 .l.ftft.WJ 1.9lWl 1,752.331 1.593.292 t.361.554 1.301,709 1.1N2.819 l,U2.4tV 943,266 1,422.529: 1,107.773 491 699 4,9.2I 957.BW 746,701 9X0.2.V, 61.t.23 1.7:.NS 4.W.VI6 f.5 A. 61 ao i '.7i 39 -29.61 10.6 "hll AI S y ue ied. fern . acts imong ities by d main--through roll Tree Ordered to Mnali London, May jo. A e' Timet from Simla, In native troops are being klm for garrison dut-Infantry dut-Infantry regiments wi' for Suaklm at toon a' Am. iltpatch to the dia, say 1 that , ordered to Sau- and that two .1 ttart from there ieiilble. ghnui ,fton tuunpton ... ma City. Mich.. ,1 Kiver tron, O prinnBeld, O. . . Jmnton. O Hoax Fulls Kreinont. Neb. . Hunting. Neb... Cliuttuuooga Fargo Nitahvllle (inlveston KiiUtniuoo Kockford Augusta Toledo Duvenport. Daytou 613,994 478,947 343. IT 279.971 607,37-J 474,291 3.9U 325.041 3:Moo 5NU11 3n6. 18 867.369 246,3110 241.NV 210.5K 95.247 90.221 65 195 299.IH) 184.267 1.035.524 3,9M.4l 268, 4M... 26. 43H 650,;tl6 1.874.005 152,550 660,579 Totnls United States. Kxolimive of New York 1.135.083,412! 508,877.449 4 7 4.8 '7 9.2 6.8 12 11.9 7 6 It 2 15.1 8.1 6.1 2.3 a.7 3.6 15.6 6 4 A Vegetarian Cat. There is a black cat at present in the dat seclusion of the Hampton Court cloisters which has spontaneously 'worn ofl from all kinds of flesh food Its lavorite diet, uncooked scarlet ren- ner beans, are eaten as an Italian eats macaroni. Cucumbers it likes, and car rots which arj boiled, but fruit it will not touch. The Hampton Court cat seems to stana aione in a pariiaiuy ior food which none of Its race could hitherto be induced to look at. 4 6 5.1 16.2 29.1 23"8 8.6 1.0 6 6 3 1 20.6 35 5 9.7 19 1 5.6 33.3 18.01 1S.9I 20.6 8.4 3 7 2 29 6 7.31 28 46.9 7.6 46 1 8.4 14 0 38.4 10 11 2 6 4 51.2 9.2 36.7 18 3 26.7 17.0 14.4 3.7 17 4 21.1 111 0 7 8 i DOMINION Of CANADA. CITIIN. AMOtWT. INC. DIO. Montreal I 10.629,531 119 Toronto 7.ti22.5nl U.J llulifux 1.140,508 8.8 lUinil on 71.147 U 7 Wlunepeg Ul 1.951 16.3 Total. 20.849.438 ...... . " m - - - - l The lord chief justice of Eagland receives 8,ooo a year, and, after fifteen years' service, it entitled to a pentlon of 4,500 a year. Salt Lake is more and more getting the appearance of a big citv. One of ks most beneficial Institutions where Twenty-five Cents goes as far as a'Dollar elsewhere, is the I X L Second Hand Store. They carry an enormous stock of, all kinds of New and second Hand furnl ture, Stoves, Carpets, Refrigerators and Harness, and in fact everything in any household, and they ship goods all over Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, and everyone whi believes in buvine cheap should certainly etiher call or write to them before buying else where. Address I X L Second Hand Store. 48 E. and South, - Salt Lake City, Utah, pa rat e itrntoy sach disease. Wng like them ever ol-lersd ol-lersd tor your approval. As tasteless and harm lei as Homeopathic pellstst Wore powerful to cure diseases dis-eases than any ol the old-time, old-time, naureout allopathic medicines. hey cure iy supplying to the ystem lacking vita elements, THE a. 1 j iy istunsl mehod combatting DISEASE. Cure when ail other medicines medi-cines and doctors fail. OR GANIO REMEDY 00 V tstern Beadauartcrs. SALT LAKE C1TI They show their power for good quickly. you dou't hove to take 6 to 12 boxes before you can make a gruees as to whether it h heta-lng heta-lng you or not, but a day or two tells the taw. We nave separate remedies for Coagrha and Colds, for Stomaeh, Liver and Bowel troubles Nervous Exhaustion, Acute Inflamitory rheu matism, Sub-acute and Chronio Xnfiajnatory Rheumatism Muscular Rheumatism tad .Neural pis, Chronio CougDs Chronio Diarrhoea, Female Troubles, Canker. The finest kaby Cefta ore in the world, containing no opiates er other osrootlo drugs and is absolutely harmless to the most delicate infant. A wet and a dry Catarrh cure, a su our (or LaGrippe, and tht Ideal cure for tks L habit, which Is Just right, absolutely the best and oosts but 115. If yourtdrugiist has net yst got our remedies, dea't let him sell yea "Something "Some-thing just as good," because there is nsthlng in this wide worldisogeedoand harmless, kut send your money direct to us and we will deliver your medicine to you prepaid and reand yeur money If you think we have eiagorated ia the least Our prices are, for the Magnetic Colic eure Cough and Cold cu e 60 cents, fifty Cotlos. ("Tanker ("Tan-ker cure, 0 cents; Catarrh out, ILA, f enough internal and lees remedies to ifcit sis weeks, tand for the balance ot our cures tl fo from two weeks tws months' treatmsat, matt ing the ehe&oesv. . tment in the world. NELDEN-JUDSON DRUG CO.. General Wholesale Agents. EVERY MAN HIS OWN NORSE AND CATTLE DOCTOR Read What DR. NUNN'S BLACK OIL will'do. nunai, t ui, jihuioisju or WOUNDED, UBe NTJNTTS HORSE or COW got COLD or BLOAT U8e NTOWS HOUSE COUGHING or got DISTEMPER, use NTJNN'S No Flies on WOUNDS when you use NTJNN'S i ou gei a v eirmary D00K REE when you buy NTJNN'S Every Farmer, Stockman, Dairy, should have handy NTJNN'S "ery oore, Bcratcn,rues,etc,cured with NUN T l 1 i 1 o Stable or Household complete without NUN S--QiOl'I ll I NUNN'S JlJ 1 CLUIY J 1 1 BLACK Oil BUCK Oil BLACK Oil Every Store thould keep for sale 50 CENTS Sold f .- su 1 retail s A BOTTLE. Z. C.M.I. Driu? Dep't, Ag'ts Salt Lake City, Utah. Partner waniedin this buslns When Buying- Mrs. E. Lvnn Linton, the novelist, tells how George Henry Lewes once characterized Thackeray and Dickens In the way of service to a friend, Dickens, he said, would not give you a farthing of money, but he would take no end of trouble for you. Me would spend a whole day, for instance, in looking for the most suitable lodgings for vou, and would spare himself neither time nor fatigue. Thackeray would take two houis' grumbling, indecision and hesitation in writing a two-line testimonial, tes-timonial, but he would put, his hand Into his pocket and give you a handful of gold and hank notes if you wanted them. IMOX I'.KIHI HYMTRM. The Shortest and Fanteut I.lue to all1 -Points Kiwt. Two Through Tralns.MJ SHOES! WHY NOT HUY THE Daily, carrying U. 8. Mull. Kuuipped "with the Latent Improved 1 iillmiin iTiUuoe Sleeiert. bleiraiit Kolitilinr-4j ir-Ohalr Cars. Tourist Sleepers, Finint ( Day Coaches. The only line opert-l ( iftinit Wiling Car Bervioe from I'tah. ZkAl The Buffet Smoking and Drawlngroom Carsreceutly put tit service by the C.NION I'ncltio are specially attractive features. Time saved in utiiisr this line from Silt Ijike to Oenver. Missouri River, Chicago, St. Louis and all Eastern pointa. City Ticket Otfice 1 Main street. Salt Lake. I. R. HI HLKV, Gen. Agt. 1'nssciiger Dept. A joung school teacher named Hendricks, Hen-dricks, residing In Honeybrook township, town-ship, Pennsylvania, was arrested upon complaint of a resident of that place, who charged him with uttering twelve eaths. At a hearing before magistrate the school teacher wat fined 67 centt eroath. HjH'it-wiJjiiik Ifi i-UKts WHtxc All kit unS. 111 BeA iiuah hjicup. Thim OomU t tn tim Hold br Artnil. zvr r7 Ami -: 1 1 Moulded fTALKl BEST' nun MAnNCI Ho! for 1896. Now is j our time! You ill want A Bicycle tills year, not because others have them, but because yon 1 will get more good, solid p eai-ureout eai-ureout ofthemtn you can out olanyt thing else. Of course, if you buy, you will w e carry n knnw tr. tio spect. We desire to call your atteutiou to the AFFORDS For the money. Robinson Bros.-y The Shoe Builders, . . . Are the Manufacturers of Them. 35 Firm Month. Mnlt Lake City. DON'T LIMP When ycu can be made to walk straight We take platter plat-ter of oarls cast of feet to In. sure comfort. Nau ripeciniists tn - : 1 1 .. 1 i t-riiinT-u ami up formed shoe. Steel braces and ertitlclal limb of every descrip- tlon Hilgert Deformity Deform-ity Shoe Co. Third Month Mtreet. SALT IJVKE CITY. UTAH and consider our you buy. We are good. Don't forget that KUVII OI All fish breathe by taking in water, which Is, to a certain extent, Impregnated Impreg-nated with air, and expelling It through the gills. These blood red organs are so admirably constructed for the purpose pur-pose they are Intended for that they extract the oxygen from the water during dur-ing Its momentary contact with them. Fish that live for some time out of water have cavities in their head which are filled with that liquid, and which can be utillied (or dampening the gill at any time. ' the people to give you the same, nothing but what we positively reliable and O. K. in every re-lesire re-lesire to call your atteutiou to the AMBLER ! the Heal Top-notcher. Wend for Oar Catalogue oods and prices before n a position tn n . we have the largest Sporting Goods, Guns, Rifles Eto., in the state, and price are right. Browning Bros. Salt Lake Ch, Dte.h.1 , "1 Washington Avenue, OgdVn. Utah-. I. M. N.U.21, 1896. WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN; Am I. Wyatt. removed to tjz Main. MINERS' ASSAY OFFICE " eeond 0",b. Halt Clt,. " O. IftfiV 1 ! ft ce'S.ij'v "mpieoy mail or prompt and careful etc, a cent additional attention."'" r'Va f |