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Show m mrnmi imepeheht Iued every Friday. D. r. FEL.T. EMHer mm Maaafter. Entered at the poet office at Sprlojvllle, Otah. (or tranatntisioa through tb mail a eecood-clace matter. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months, Three month. 12.00 1.00 .75 THE Council tat dowo on the pron-positioo pron-positioo to license a billiard ball with IU whole body. March came In with the lion propensities pro-pensities all right. Now for tb Jamb; we are ready. The Independent is now happy In the knowledge that. Councilor Robertson Robert-son is its friend. He is in favor of giving The Independent the position fif official bill poster. Well, If we get the lob we wont deface the neat post-office post-office or Main street shade tress with beet and water notices. Ephraim, Sanpete county, with a population of 2,213 is, to have sidewalks made on the two principal prin-cipal blocks of Main street with two Inch plank, the city to pay half and the property owners the other half. Why can't we, with a population of 3168? We are glad to note that work has begun be-gun at the bridgo the new abutments are beingj placed in by Contractor Berkley. The heavy fills ateach end on either side of the bridge are being filled with clay, gravel, etc., and are long an excellent foot way will be completed over the east end. Tbk two Salt Lake County selectmen select-men have returned from their eat tern "elevator" junketing trip and Doth are fully convinced that they have discovered the best system of elevators, ele-vators, but, unfortunately they are not on the same track. In fact, their trip was enlivened by a genuine scrap and now perhaps neither elevator company will "pay the fiddler", so the taxpayers will attend to It. - b'PAiN had better go slow. Uncle Sam la a good-natured chap, but no one big or little can annoy him persistently per-sistently without getting hurt, and the sooner Spain learns this, the better bet-ter It will be for the fiery and bombastic bom-bastic Dons. Tne recent re-awaken-Ing of the patriotic sentiment In this country bodes no good to any power in the world that monkeys with Uncle Sam. The Independent is In receipt of a copy of a speech from Hon. C. E. Hen, our representative to Congress. The subject of his remarks was sliver. A careful perusal of It shows that Utah has at least one representative la Congress who Is nut afraid to "speak right out In meetln'" and the one who has the best show at present writing for success In the next campaign cam-paign for Increased honors, if he desires de-sires them. W want: Waterworks. Jire Department Road to Lake Shore. county fair at Springville. A new city Jail or Improvements In the old one. We hate gotten:-; Tneatre hall Improvements. A bridge over Hobble creek. Ad early and late mall from Salt Lake to Eureka via Springville. Councilor Hall very pertinently calls attention to the necessity for a slightly Increased assessment to de fray current expenses It Is certainly humiliating for nur city to be under the necessity so often of ' authorizing the Mayor to negotiate a loan." It has to be paid, and that, too, with Interest, and the Increase of our taxes will be a necessity In a short time, tod the louger it is delayed the heavier heav-ier will be the" strain. " A rapidly fcvowiig city UU SprlcgviU ut iiu'4al ren.ua w.ti wilci LE3AL AD7IETISIHG. The Deseret News promptly called us down for attempting to snow the consistency of legislation fixing the price of legal advertising. In our comments com-ments on the News's protest we allowed al-lowed it go for granted that the rate fixed would be exorbitant but it would not; the rate is-a fair woe,every thing considered, and it is proper that a rate for this kind of work should be fixed by law. ' The gentlemanly pencil pusher, realizing re-alizing the weakness of bis argument and In an attempt to divert suspicion from his own motives in taking the stand he did and also from the desires of his paper regarding legal advertising, advertis-ing, calls The Independent writer tome hard names, and like the man caught in the act of burglarizing a house, seizes the first Individual who Interferes with him and raises the cry of "stop thief 1'' but It wont do. The News writer is evidently using his derby for a speaking tube: Heap-pears Heap-pears to believe that everything ought to be so fixed as to give the daily papers an advantage over the weekly or semi-weekly, and attempts to show that the rate would be exorbitant, if the advertisement was published In a daily psper. Upon reflection be will remember that nearly all legal notices are required to be published once a week for a given number of weeks, and If a daily paper does this and no mure it does all that U required of it and fulfills the law. The bill introduced by Senator Miller does not allow the News to charge more than a given rate, and this is where the cora hurts. The rate should not, of course, be fixed so as to give the weekly paper an advan tage over the daily, as that would be unfair, although there are fifty weeklies week-lies to five dailies; but it should be fixed with regard to the public benefit, bene-fit, welfare and safety. The rate fixed by Senator Miller's bill is for the ben efit of the public in tnat it permits the parties concerned to publish their legal matter in the paper from which they can derive the greatest amount of good, without being compelled to pay an outrageously high price for the space used. For initanc : If any thing arose In Utah county, concerning concern-ing Utah county people or property, tne necessary legal advertising could He published In a Utah county paper nearest the people or property concerned, concern-ed, without the parties being compelled com-pelled to pay an exorbitant rate which the paper could charge if the rate was not fixed by law. Thus it will be seen that the law will be beneficial to those most interested. In answer to Senator Miller's letter the News attempted to show that economy would ferce the advertlsei to a weekly paper, intentionally forgetting for-getting that nearly all legal notice are ordered published.as stated above, once a week for a given number of weeks, and rarely If ever In every consecutive con-secutive issue of a daily paper. How has It been In the past without a legal rate? could not a weekly paper under bid a dally, moreeasily without a fixed 'egal rat e than with one? would not the fixed rate prevent the mushroom campaign cam-paign weeklycharglng less for the same number ef insertions than a bona-fide dally is compelled to charge? What's the matter, Brother News, Isn't the rate high enough? Several bills have been Introduced In in National House and Senate lately to strengthen the rmv snd navy.all of which it patriotic and very proper, but It would be In line with this movement to also introduce a few bills to provide ways and means of raising sufficient additional revenue to meet the increased expenditure which the first named bills make nee-etsary. nee-etsary. There are are a great niary wave to do this, and one of the simplest sim-plest Is to coin the silver bullion now to the treasury and use It In payment, la part at least, for the proposed Improvements. Im-provements. Spau wants to fight 1 Well, we are perfectly willing that her desire to be whipped should , be, gratified. War, of course, Is awfui, but iU result re-sult ire taretisw Ueef,'. Sbccld vat teclpej, allnr vectt U OMne'Uied, and- while toe Amerleaa soldiers were fighting a foreign foe, they would at the same time work out their own industrial, comuier- cial and financial freedom. Where's that Electric light proposition? prop-osition? Is it tabled indefinitely? Let's have a 'yes' or 'no.' JOTTINGS. Wallace Storrs, R. G. W. station agent at Salina, was in town Monday. President Partridge and his councillors coun-cillors were over on Sunday on business relating to the church affairs. The subject of ward division was not presented, as it is believed that the question of such division has been indefinitely tabled. The Presidency Presi-dency occupied the pulpit on Sunday afternoon. The American Cultivator describes an experiment to show the effect of perfect clealiness in milk. With only ordinary care, 6818 bacteria per minute min-ute were deposited on the surface of the milk in a common pail. When th udder and flank of the cows and the hands of the milker were washed at th-i beginning, the milker, also, belnp enveloped in a white robe of spotless purity, the deposit of bacteria fell 16 1450 per minute. This is a good time of the year to take Simmons' Liver Regulator. It Is the very best medicine to take In the spring for the blood, and to cleanse the system of all Impurity. "I have used Simmons' Liver Regulator Regula-tor as a corrector and blood purifier and think it an excellent remedy. I always keep it on hand to take in preference to any other medicine." I. M Hysell. Middleport, Ohio. Prof. H. E. Giles of Pimvo has composed com-posed a beautiful piece of music, with words, which he has called "Utah's Natal Day". The harmony in the piece is simply grand and will undoubtedly un-doubtedly be phced in the archives of Utah's musical compositions and shine with the best of them. It was written for Sousa's band, and will be presented for the first time on tbt occasion of its visit next Saturday. Simon S. nartman, of Tunnelton, West Virginia, ha9 been subject to attacks of colic about once a year, and would have to call a doctor and then suffer for about twelve hour as much as some do when they die. He was taken recently just the same as at other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Di-arrhoea Demedy. He says: "I took one dose of it and it gave me relief in five minutes. That is uiore,tban any tblni t h ni 83v. ruv sale by Meneray & Co. At a meeting of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture, the Governor, who is a farmer, stated that If he could keep his hogs free from cholera he could fatten and sell them at 13 to M per hundred and get 30 to 40 cents per buhel for the corn fed to them He suffered from cholera for years.and finally discovered that, like all other Infectious diseases.lt had its origin in filth, and that when that was avoided hog cholera was got rid of. He got rid of it by the very simple plan of making his fattening pen of ten acres on a hillside, which was, of course, well drained, and providing an abun dant supply of pure drinking water, so conducted that the hogs could not Infect it. He also always kept an abundance of corn-cub charcoal with in reach of the hogs at all times, and has never lost a hog out of the pen, although al-though his neighbors' hogt all about him often die off by the hundred. Free Mis. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen k Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits These pills are easy In action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weak en by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invlg orate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Dr. C. J. Teterw n's Drug Store. Or. Price's Cream Baking Povfeer Moat Perfect Made. TBI KIW YORK LIDQIE. Aasrioa'i Qrsstest 8Ury Psper. Always publishes the best and most Interesting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, pro-cured, regardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There la, always something some-thing lo the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the Jaxiily. 20 pagee-Prlee, S oeati. For & 13 till towa b7 Robef t Strren , oi. I Is Your Blood Pure If it U, yoa will be strong, vigorous, full of life and ambition; yoa will have a good appetite and good dlgeatioB; Strong Barrel, sweet sleep. Bat how few can say that their blood If pnrel How many people are eufferinf dally from the eonaequences of Impure blood, ecrofula, ealt rheum, rheumatism, aatarrh, nerTousneas, ileepleMneea, and That Tire reeling. Rood's SaraapariUa purifies, vitalises and enriches the blood. Therefore, It U the medicine for yoa. It will give yon pare, rich, red Uood nd itrong narree. It will overcome that tired feetlngi mate an aopetlte, gWe refreshing sleep nd make yoa strong. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently Inthe publlo eye today. uood's pilis rrLn 'si SOUSA'S BAND CONCERT AT THE PROVO SATURDAY, EVENING MARCH 7TH Aided by the Full Tabernacle Chior and the Spriagrrille Choir. The eminent Soprano, MISS MYRTA FRENCH, and the Renowned Lady Violinist. MISS CARRIE DUKE, will appear. Popular Prises. JOHN PULP SCOSA, Director. H. E. GILES, Conductor of choruses. U. R. IRVINE, Business Manager. Cash Paid. SIX CENTS a pound paid for fat veal at the Provo Meat Co. 3?. Sjpools.AXt, PBOF'B. Provo, Utah. J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, 18 lbs 11.00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb 15 Coffee. Lion or Arbuckles per pkg .26 Sardines per can 05 Oysters per can .10 Corn per can 10 Soap 7 bar 25 Fresh bread 3 loaves 10 Oat Flake 71bs 25 Rice 41bs 25 Raisins 5 lbs , 25 Closing out at cost BOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS COR. Il l 111 BOJTISGTOI STS. 6i'rinonille, Utah COUPON Cut out this Coupon for Independent Entektunment, MAY DAY. , ; Each Subscriber to the Indepen-: :dent may cut this coupon out and: ; write their nameon the blank line: ;with number of children. It will: .entitle the children toadmissionto: : the Independent May Day enter-: ;tatnment, free. rSubscrlbcr'a name : Address...., a I Number of children between the: isgeertf 3 and 10 yi ,. Stab Tataacle CORNER GROCERY poi(T pUt off Till Tomorrow What you can " : POTOPAY, This ndtjifft nrvnlifis to the mirchase of DRY GOODS; GROCERIES or anything in in tne line or GENERA MERCHANDISE ouiises-so ouiises-so in the matter of Clothing; Because everything points to a rise in the price of clothing and job MB SAVE MONEY by buying now. IF fver dealt with us and we think you have you know we have the 'beet ' oods and that we give you the most for youmoDey, and if you have not it la lime you called and were convinced. You are losing money by dealing els, where. We can sell you anything from a box of matches, to a steel range, a modern beater, or a ton of coal and we sell it cheap. Deal Bros, h MendenM. Pmo Gity Iiniifc Co., MANUFACTURERS OF COMBINATION FENCE of Everv descriptien, DEALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, MOULDINGS, PAINTS, OILS, Hardware, Lime, Plaster, Hair, AND CEMENT AGENT POH HACK'S PAINT id TOPDRCHHINO w . J. HOSS, Rtn.ta;eir. GO THE Provo Hardware & Iron Co., FOR THE Matchless Majestic Range. AND ALL KINDS OF ivaotN. tvtv ucfav Woo& Vrotv. Special attention to mail or telephone orders. Telephone BTo. 4t. PROVO HARDWARE & IRON CO. Packard pros & Co,, Mitni i GEflEHAIi (MGWDISE, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc SPRINGVILLE. UTAH. Francis MILLING CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer In REGAL FATENT. ROYAL, ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GERMAD1 COBV MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. Cash paid for wheat. MILL OPPOSITE SPRING CREEK. IWolen. Reynolds & GO, Successors to CAFFREY & DAVIS Will sell their immense Stock ot FURNITURE At COST PRICES To Make Room for Larger,- l(ever loek YOU BUY FROM US. If you have M Sijel), |