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Show V X A (V A J v ... .. f A- I 7 I f?fltf poi the CONSTITUTION! Our motto: Q Silver, 16 U VOL. 5. NO. 21. SPRING VILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY, DEC. 27. 1895. PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR is- 1 tlM, JiNUJrJS.NJJISl 1 Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report jmBOMlVBlV PURE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES. Christmas Celebrated in Time-Honored Time-Honored Style by Spring-ville Spring-ville People. "Gloi? to Ood In the bl'host, f And o-Varth ood will to men." The anniversary natal day of the Saviour was observed with feelings of joy and gladness in this city. Sunday School and family parties, family reunion, re-union, etc., were the order of the liy. The weather was fine and the iu-rry tinkle of sleigh-bells was beard 1 1 every quarter of the tow.i. The Sunday Schools under Supt. Bayerand his aids had a most glorious time on Tuesday afternoon an J evening, even-ing, in which fully 400 primary children child-ren were presented with a bag of choice candy, and 500 larger pupils and teachers were alio recipients. At the City hall sinking, speeches, recitations recita-tions and a spectacular representation representa-tion of the mode celebrating Christmas Christ-mas by various nations, after which old Santa Clans appeared, followed by a dozen little fairies who indulged in a merry dance, followed by a speech, and the fairies then dealt out the bags of candy. The whole program was beautifully interspersed with a dance that was hugely enjoyed by the little ones. In the evening the larger members of the Sunday School and teachers assembled at the Tabernacle and the following program was rendered, ren-dered, with a repetition of the primary pri-mary Christmas representation and Santa Claus, dance, etc.: 1. Singing by the School; 2. Trayer by C. VV. lloutz; . 3. Singing: 4. Opening Remarks by OrW. Mower; 5. Song by Tillie lloutz; 0. Music by the Harmonica Hand; 7. Music by Goodmundson's Orchestra; Or-chestra; 8. Song by a Company of Girls; 9. Christmas Exercise; 10. Santa Claus. The Presbyterian Sunday School held Christmas Eve exercises in the chapel, with a gift-laden and gaily-decked gaily-decked Christmas tree. A cantata, ''Mother Goose's Rhymes", was given by the little falks, assisted by some who were not so little. Various characters char-acters from Mother Goose's melodies were depicted to a musical accompaniment, accompan-iment, the personality of some of the little ones often times adding much innoceot amusement to the scenes. After the cantata Santa Claus assisted in stripping the tree of its t reasun a and the little ones amply rewarded for their efforts. Canyon Ranch was the scene of a merry juvenile Christmas festival, under the careful and kindly direction of the hostess, Mrs. M. A. Johnstone. Invitations galore were issued and a lovely time enjoyed by the little folks A Christmas tree, Yule log, mistletoe bough, etc., in good old English style, were provided, and nothing was spared which could add to juvenile enjoyment. Nov but Ayer'i at thi World's Fair- Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraordinary extra-ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed an exhibit ex-hibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparilla Bought by every means to obtiln a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application applica-tion of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. S2aJ.ri.slo0 E. J. WARD & SONS, Lumber Dealers, Provo City, UtaVu Dooro l...!L J . .!! The decision of the World's fair au thorities in favor of Ayer'a Sarsapar-i Sarsapar-i 1 la. was in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here on its merits. " BITTER TASTI. IT AIDS IN TUB, DEJECTION WnOLKSOME FOOD. OF UN'- Daniel Webster in the famous White trial in Salem, Mass., years ago declared that "murder will out". This maxim has been found applicable to many other things besides murder, housewives know it to be true when there is alum in baking powder. A bitterness in the bread at once be trays the alum's presence. It can't . conceal its true nature. The alum bitterness "will out", and because it will, physicians, who understand the j harmful effect of alum on the system, are at a loss to know why people continue con-tinue to buy baking powders containing contain-ing it. All baking powders sold for twenty-five cents a pound and less contain alum. There is surely no economy in using these che ip pow-ders.aFor pow-ders.aFor a pure cream ofi tartar powder, as Dr. Price's was shown to be at the World's Fair, goes so much farther and gives so much better results, there is no dodbt of its being more economical in the loDg run. Statehood Day Mting- Last evening a few citizens met at the city hall, in response to the call of the Mayor. The purpose of the meeting meet-ing was, to determine whether we should celebrate the day when the 1 rta.,,',An,,t .i.rnarf V otat..n.d 1,111 The meeting was railed to order by the Mayor and he was elected as chairman; chair-man; Win. M. lioylance, as secretary. It was decided that services should beheld in the L. D. S. church on the afternoon of the signing, and give a dance in the evening. All committees were elected and instructed to report on Monday afternoon after-noon at 2 p.m., when it is desired that all citizens should attend to hear report and modify it if they see fit. committees: Arrangements II. M. D.iugall, W. M. Roylance, F. C. Boyer, Mrs. Lydia M. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth Bird, Mrs. Ella Haymond. Finances G. A. Storrs, chairman; Jos. B. Whitehead, II. L. Cummings, Geo. Harrison, F. M. Snell. Cannonading U. A. Curtis, J. L. i Loyi d, Jr., Thos. Bryan, John Har rington. Ringing Bell? G. A. McKenzie, A. Humphrey, Enoch Straw, Don C. Johnson, Jr. Music Geo. Harrison, chairman; T, II. Kelly, Barney Dougall. Bonfires Mark Boyer, G. W. Men-denhall, Men-denhall, Will Storrs, Aner Humphrey, Jacob lloutz, Jr. Aa Ideal Panaoea- Jaiues L. Francis, Alderman, Chica-go.says: Chica-go.says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery Dis-covery as an ideal panacea for coughs, cilds, and lung complaints, haviug used it In my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physicians' prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Bihgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes; "I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave such speedy relief as, Dr. King's New Medical Discovery." Try this ideal cough remedy now. Trial bottles bot-tles free, At C. J. Peterson's, WlndowB SOCIAL AND 0THEBWIS3. It is understood that a number of our society gentlemen are Intending to receive lady callers on New Lear's day (leap year.) The ladies will .undoubtedly .un-doubtedly avail themselves of the opportunity and pay the geutlemen back for the past three years infliction in this lina. The bachelor reporter of the Independent Inde-pendent extends holiday greetings to his fellow celibates of Springville, nd bids them hope for the best during dur-ing the year to come. Let all be brave and mindful of the future, as no leap year comes again for eight years; therefore let it be not as we will, but as will the fair ones. The Silver band ball, Xmas eve, was an unqualified succsss. L'lrge delegations attended from Provo Spanish Fork, and J'ayson. The boys must have sold fully one hundred tickets and all participants were profuse pro-fuse in their praise of the social success. suc-cess. New Year's eve another ball will be given. The grand leap year ball comes on apace and the would be popular gentlemen gen-tlemen are straining every nerve to da the gallant to ye ladye faire. It Is rumored that a prize is to be award- cd the best representative wall flower, also for the belle or beau of the ball, If any young lady finds herself minus a partner, the Independent lias 'em in job lots, cheap for cash, but no booby prize nnut be awarded the Independent force. Woxdkrful are the cures accomplished accom-plished by Hood's Sarsaparilla and yet it is only because Hood's Sarsaparilla, Sarsa-parilla, the one true blood purifier, makes pure, rich, healthy blood. Hood's Pills for the liver and bowels, bow-els, act easily, yet promptly and eft ci.ently. MAPLET03 MURMURS- Amusements have begun in earnest at Mapleton. The first of a series of club dances was given Friday evening, Dec. 0th, at the meeting, house. . . Orphans," was played to a full house by the local talent. The characters, in the main, were well rendered. The play went smoothly and gave ; onnl untinfiiHinn Tintinabulation of the sleigh bells fill the crisp air, mingling with the gay laughter of the sleighing parties. Tonight another dance is on, and will be well attended. The 9ugar beets are all dug, and the dead beats are not in our midst, for which we are duly thankful. Lew Whitney has returned from Tintic, feeling well in mind and body. He was seen at the play gazing with the eye of a critical the performers. C. M. Bird, who, for about three weeks has been suffering with typhoid is slowly recovering, Wayne Johmon is up from the Hungerfnid Academy visiting his parents. Samuel Kendall is with us and will probably remain a few weeks. He may be appropriately seemei 'The gentleman from Idaho." Dora Curtis arrived here Christmas loaded with presents for her little brothers and sisters. Profitable H SINGLETON CLOTHING COMPANY Has Crawled so Quickly to THE FRONT It wasn't "Blind Luck," Oh! No! Here are some of the Bargains that made them Popular: 200 Men's and Boy's Suits in 10 diflerent .patterns Elf Per now on sale at q)2j3U Suit- 5S- Ji.SIljGIiETO((,Sapt. Bert Evans enjoys bis new Christmas Christ-mas boy, if smiles are any indication. Jak Coimlv leaves Mapleton today. His destination Salt Lake City, where a good position awaits him. Jack has 'made himself a favorite with all here; 1 Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bmvels and kidneys wijl find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. Bit-ters. This medicine does not stimulate stimu-late and contains no whisky nur other intoxicant, but acts as a ton:,' and alterative. al-terative. It acts mildly on the stomach stom-ach jind bowels, adding strength and givifg tone to the organs, therely aiding nature in the performance of of the I'uuet ions. Electric Hitters is an excellent appeti.er and aids digestion. di-gestion. Old People find it just exactly ex-actly what they need. Pi ice 50 cents per bottle at C. J. Peterson's drug store, NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Jffhn 0. Graham has resigned as mauiei of the Provo opera house. A lease to certain parties is now un-deryonsiderat un-deryonsiderat inn. The wedding reception of Mr. Geo. Garf of Draper and Miss Ph.-na Brim-hall Brim-hall of Spanish Fork was h'-ld at the residence of Mr. George II. lirimhall of Provo, Friday night. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple. The farmers owning land along the shores of Utah lake met Saturday and elected D. W. Thomas of Lehi and Waiter Scott of Provo members of the Utah Lake commission. J. A. Johnson was elected permanent secretary. sec-retary. Last Sunday night a wagon containing con-taining Joseph Horen and his son, Charles, was upset on a dngway in Provo canyon, and the gentlemen narrowly escaped injury, and probably probab-ly jdeath. A rock prevented the team and wagon from going into the river. Tin' wagon was badly damaged, damag-ed, the harness torn to pieces, and the horses badly used up. A damage suit against the county may be the is said the county road inspector has been very negligent 1n keeping the canyon road in repair. The dugwa.v in quest ion is in front of Enos Carter's dace. John M. Brant was brought over from Pleasant. Grove Saturday afternoon after-noon and lodged in (lie county jail in default of S.'lOO bonds, lie was tried before Justice II. E Coll.-t or Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove on a charge of entering a school house unlawfully and feloniously felonious-ly with intend to commit larceny and held to the grand jury. Brant was at onf time a married man and well fixed having a small fortune, but he became wild and t he money did not last long. lie has been living with his eldest son. his wife being divorced from him. He wa caught in the school house taking coal. Enquirer. EST It A Y NOTICE. I have in mv n ssrsMi.ri t he fullnwinjr din erllH'd uiiimal. in. poti jo! i-1 :t t 1 r u s, or for t ri-spass: Olio liay tniirc, iilmut ID ycar old. wliilr in forelirail. thrci wliMi fei-l: branded J 0 on left liVp, mid resenildiiii.' C on li ft -h.iilder. If diniiHiteH and riMs im said animal lie ""' I"4'1' within six days from the uate of I II IS llljl l V II- t I 1 I Of Sp Ml HI I lie IM U I MS I I ' ll didder at Srlntrville F.stiay I'm.nd at uYlix'k p. in., on Ihe'Jd day of .fan., Is.ni. Mated lit S pi inif ille City. Itali County. Territory of I. tali, this liTih dav of Hi e , IMl.i K. I.. HIUI). I'mind keeper of said I Ity. eadiijg of Sound and Solid Reasons Rea-sons Why The 4 Tills does not represent fScvntn, Olcwiss nor even Joo Stoi'l's, but mer.ely a man who w ishes to announce that II. T. REYNOLDS Have received their HOLIDAY GOODS and a this display WILL SEEN I X T H B I K W I N DOW CONSISTING OF Tovs Currants Groceries Candies B:oks Raisins Oranges Huts Souvenirs Candy Peel Lemons Etc. etc. Sji m'ihi Will B 3 -rrrTfkk The Influence of an Organization such as ours, becomes All-Powerful a-ml Far-Kcaching when by the Might of Right! IT Keynote of our Success and Rail Grow Prices Right, Goods Right, SERVICE AND ATTENTION its every detail nf this -busineM are known to be right. Should anything be otherwise, we make it right. It is the knowledge of this that has gained us the confidence of th people. It is the jiower, "The Might of Bight" that has made this one of The Leading Stores in l7tah Never more right than now; never bet ter equipped or better prepared to assert our mighty right than ati present. You will be mighty right if you Put Our lame on Your Shopping List. THE BIGGEST OFFER YET OuMoiiilay autl Tuesday, Dec. S3i'd &2 4th, -WE WILL GIVE EVERY PERSON Making a purchase of One Dollar or more at our store a nice SILK HANDKERCHIEF. See Handkerchiefs in Our window. CJome one, Come all, and do your trading where you get the lowest prices and not a Chance in a Prize, but a nice PRIZE on every purchase of One Dollar and upwards, Yours for BIZZ, A. BARNEY, Provo, & CO. BiiONtiiiAi. Tuonti.Ks are very prevalent at this time of the vear. The breathing apparatus is exceedingly sensitive to sudden changes in thempera-ture. thempera-ture. and when it becomes affected, our One Minute Cough Cure is invaluable. niriiifi I'UKKsr WINKS and your (irui'rs lomo fill orders promptly. IS THE- w |