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Show NEW SHEET MUSIC. The Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, consisting con-sisting of songs, duetts, quartet les, )., all of which Is iioyyrightc-d and -he best out. e:"ci:.siok Holler J. W. Hooves. Grist Work do m? in exchange on short lint ic(. Meneray & Go. L. E. Pederson, I I Next Door to Harrison Hote. SPUING VILLI!, UTAH. S". K. Thurtnitn. K. A. Wedgwood. Thurman & Wedgwood, Attorneys-at-L aw, A RARE CHANCE. One-half ifte.-t -; in a c V;s -ice 17 acre tiuit liii'ili (.n I'iovci l'.rncli. Will rive time, cr traile tor Sp itiKulh: property. Cheap fur cash. Ei. quire of Johs Mexeray. lC-il' 0 MEAT CO., XOVILLE, - - UTAH. j4 PROV IHfc COAL. Leave your orders with H. T. Reynolds Rey-nolds & Co., .for the celebrated Il'jck Springs coal, the very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part i the city by II. T. Reynolds & Co. i DllwlB,,lt,,l-.r visit., t his ity every Tuesday and Friday regular Spread delivered to any part of town Local agents: at Miner Bros.' Shop. HE DIDN'T DO A THING 1)Ut make the trip to Chicago on the "Chicago. Union Pacific & Northwest ni Line. Whv? Time the quickest eilid vestibuled trains, no change ot coach at the Missouri River. Through first and second class Sleepers and Din ins Cars. For further information call on or address. G. W. Craig. U. P. Atrent. Provo T&rmars Attention. , Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 pgr cent per annum. Write or ap $ly personally to Samuel Cornaby Spanish Fork, Utah. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdei A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. LEGAL NOTICE. 'territory of Utah, Utah County, ss In the Probate Court in and for suit! County. In the Mat4 or of the EsfUts of Martha Fuller. deeea.sel.-Orior to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. Oranda Crandall, the administratrix of the estate of Ma-tha Fuller, deceased, having hav-ing filed her petition herein praying for an order of sale of the real estate, of said decedent, de-cedent, for the purpose therein S"t f -it li : It is therefore ordered by fhe Probate Judge of said Court that all persons Interested Inter-ested 'n the estate of said deceased, appeai-before appeai-before he said I'p-bate Court, on Saturday the 28th dav of December ISitt, at 10 o'clock Sn the forenoon of said day. at the Court oom of snitl Probate Court, at the Court House iu Provo City. County of Utah; to how cans1 why an order should not bo granted to the said administratrix, administra-trix, to sell so much of the real estate Of th said Martha puller, deceased, as should be necessaiy And that a copy ot this older lie published at least once a week for four weeks successively succes-sively in the Sprinirville Independent, u newspaper printed and published in said IJtali county. Territory of I'tnh. V AKKEN .N Dt'SEN BERRY. Probate Judge. Dated November 25th. 1895. Terr'toryof Utah I County of 1'tah. (B- I. E. L. .Tones. Clerk of the Probate Court in and for t'tah County. Teiritory of I'tnh. hereby certify that the forecoinn is a full and voirect copv of the original ''Orderto Show rause why Order of sale of Ki'iil Estate should not lie made ' in the estaleof Martha Fuller deceased, and no: on file and of re ford in my ollice. Witness my hand and seal of said Probate ( Court at my office in Provo City i Seal this2jthday of November. A D. 1M'.". E.L.JONES. 1 Clerk. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Nelson D. Crandall, deceased: Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Nelson 1). Crandal. deceased, to the creditors of. and 11 persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator, admin-istrator, at his residence in fpringviile. Utah county. Territory of Utah. M. I. CKAXD-V U Administrator of the estate of Nelson f. Crandall. deceased. Da'ed at Springville, this 2nd dav of December. De-cember. Pffi. U': DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRH URE. IIOTSI LOCAL ANI IXTKKKAL. The only remedy guaranteed to absolutely cure catarrh and completely eradicate the disease from the blood and System. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. Ech full sire package contains nne full month's local treatment, one full month's supply of Catarrh healing Balm and one full month's supply of Catarrh, Blood and Sloinack Pill. It you have Caiarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever or any Complicattd aff , clionof the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or l-ings. Doctor Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure will give Instant rel et and completely and permanently cure you. If tne bowels are constipated take one nf Dr. G. W Chores Anti-Const patmn Hills at bedtime. If oiir trouble Is chronic ai d diep-seated. write Dr. (i W. Snores personally tor his new smrtom lisi and have your case diagnosed and get expert advice free. Dr. Q W. hree' Ionic and Blind Purifier treatises and purifies the blixid, gives strength and Vigor, cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseabes. Price, $1 per bottle. Dr. 0. W Ahores" Kidney and Liver Cura cures all diseases of the Inui'.tys. liver and bladder. Price, $1 per bottle. Dr. O. w. Shores' Cough Cure cures all coughs, colds and bronchial affections. One dose will stop spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle in the house. Largs siie bottles, 2Sc Dr. 0. W. Shores' Mountain .age Oil stops t'i orst pain In one minute. For headache, toothncha, heuralgia. cramps or colic use It externally and internally. in-ternally. Prevents and cures d'phtheria If used In time Keep a bottle hinlv. Price, He a buttle. Dr. 0. VV. SWes' Pepsin Vermifuge deslrovs Intestinal worms and removes the little round nest where they hatch and breed. It never fails. Prica 2V s botte. Dr. O W Shores' Wlntergreen Salve cures all diseases of the skin. Keinoves red spots and black pi i pies from the face Heals old sores in 3 to 5 days. Price. V a box. . Dr. 0 VV Shores' Anti-Constipation PHI cures chronic constipation, sick headache and bilious attacks. Price, 2c a bottle. These famous remedies are prepared only by Doctor G, W Shores. Z'oa'i Medical Institute, Salt Uks City, Utah. For said by Dr." C. J. Peterson', PprlngTille, Utah. . . . J. Ul. 0 1, rnvoo city, - - utaij- Secure This C o u r 8 - To iitlvoi t ise our College, we will give :i lln.tviili course if instmct ion in Double an.! Single Entry Hook keeping and Connnercial Arithmetic, liy mail, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to a limited .iinnlier of persons. This course will tie completed in 40 lessons. les-sons. No charge for diplomas. ADDRESS Capital City Commercial Gallic, 116 West Sixth Street, TOPEXA, - KANSAS, HOTEL TEMPLETON DON C. PORTER,' Manager. Cor. Main and Brigham Streets. SALT LAKE CITY, - I TAIL -BY THE S?aiN3IYLlE CMilEJY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt, THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly haif a century by tho people with entire success. o. grrciytc fob 1- Fevprn, CongwsiiouH, Inflammations.. 2 Worm, Wuno Fever, TVorra Colli).... 3- TVettainG! Colic, Crying, WaterulneM 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults J-t'anghs, CoUla, UrenchltH H-Nenrnltfla, Toothache, Taccache. 8-Headaclies, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. 10- Dyspepsla, Billoiisiw', Constlpatlou. 11 Snppreisacd or Palatal Periods... 14 Whites, Too Piofuso Periods 13- Cronp, Lnrycaltli. Eoarseneas 14- rialt Khouin, Er'lprlas. EnipUons. . JS-KlifUBiatism, Klicumallo Palm , 16-Mnloria, Chills, Fovpr nud Ague 10-Cntarrh, Influenza, Cokl la tho Head. tt9 Whooplnsr Conch ST Kidney l!pnses B-rrTua Debility AO I'rinary Weakness 34-Sore Throat tjulnsv, Diphtheria.... "77"for HAY FEVER BoM by Pnie(d(ii, or t prepaid on r"tpt of pr1r, t'c, or ft for $1., (Tnar po rt-l , except i, ?l. f on!. PR. lrMpnRi:TH'IiNr,I. RnUrSert H- ...lv, MAM RDFRK IILKI'lIlll.VS'JlED. CO., 111111 Wllli.h(.,NVrk. Ohamberla;n'g Bye act Skin Ointment Is imemmlled for Ivwiiin, Tttr, Htilt-Rheiiirj, Htilt-Rheiiirj, S'jiUI lloail, Jure Nipi'lc-s, (.'bajiped fliinc'a, Itcliinir riles, limns, Frorrt Kites, Chronic Sore Eycaund (Iramilnicd Eyo Lids, f ar tmlu by drugg at rout par box. TO HOKSK)WNER3. Fur putting a liors' in h line healthy oon-tlition oon-tlition try I)r. Cady'n (onditinn Powders, They toii up tho Kvxirm, aid dirwlion, cure liw of appetite, relievu constipation, correct kidnpy li.oinlciH sud destroy worms, giving nw life to fta old or over-worked horne. 25 conli per pai-kage. for wile by druagLstft TIME TABLE TOM M'KIK&VII.I.E, 1'TAH QOIMI EST. No. I, t'lielflp mull 1(V .10:4.1 . m to Suit, I,I(h Oetlt-n h nd tlic eoiist. No. 5. I'nsM'tiiirr.toOjfilcri bv. :i:4.', p. tu No. . I'ii-M-msrr I.v. C:li0 p. tn No. 5, Lcti- h. m. imlxpdi dmly exrt pt SiiikIii v. niin'Un Hlul till 1 liu",e poltilii. No. 11. PHelflc limited J.y, m m p, In. lo Milt I, like, Ogdeti Htid I he const,. No. 7. Leave .tn,, Hwlt LHkeCltjr. liOl.Nfl BAKT. No.i, Atliintlc r.viireis hr. 9:Mn, m WClear Creek. I'. V, June., Casild Hate. No. 8, t'nsR. and nmll I.v. 3:0:p . m. From Opdeii to all Situ Peto points No 4. ciilfimo lliultitd bv. u nn n. ui. 1.C. DUUtiE, .U BABCOCli Oenctial NiiBiter. Trallic Manager. K. A.WADLKKill, licr'l rn.,tr Alt' Mi wanted A "W A. Kk. Sim -MV w J i& RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line running Trjuo past Trains Daily to Lkadville ASI'EX, J'l.'KBI.O Colorado Sriuxos And 1exvkk ElTectivc April 2!)!h, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Otfrtcn 7.00 a: in. S;tt Luke 8.0") a. in. Arrive at Pueblo ti:!8 a. in. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogdon 6;S5 p. ni. Salt Lake 7:40 p. in. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m Arrive Colorado Springs 0:53 p. in. Denver 9:2-" p. m. Coitneetions wade at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Klesrmt day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers en all trains. Take the D & K. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the iln-est iln-est scenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Cieek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at D: 30, a. in, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. ,"c T. A. Denver, Colorado. P. F. Nevins, (Jen'l Ag't. H. M. dishing. T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. T. Child & Son, DEALERS IX MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGVILLE, - UTAH, BRICK I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Springville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J. V. FKIlL. mi rmnn in J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Suar. Irt lbs $1.00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb lf Coffee. Lion or Arbuckies per pkr .'S Sardines pi r can O.j Oyster per can 10 Corn pf r can 10 Soap 7 bars 2.r Fresh bread .'! haves 10 Oat Flake 7ibs 2". Kiep 41 lis 2.r t i si ns ." lbs 25 Closing ut at. cost HOOTS. SHOES HOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. COB. MAIN M HUNTINGTON STS-Si'kin'onille, STS-Si'kin'onille, - Utah. Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. . E0CM 5, BANK BUILDI50, . .. Are preparM to do all kinds of Painless Dentistry, includlnK the lat ettt Crown and llrldpe Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty, Satisfaction Guaranteed f &R0GERY l'CuvoOlt.v, - IMnli. - J -)R. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All Calls Ki'iep:!? AiteoKei Diy 01 Him. :- Sunrrui li. li. W. li.- B. t91.' and Hi-sl-dii-i' wit i .1. W. H.'liuUursl. Tt-U'pimnt' t'iinrt'tions. .WILSON, Aitcrnoy-at-X.ar. Si)iiiig ille City Atloriu.y. Ollice: Rooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Bank. Provo. Utah. IIIEI BERKLEY; Contractor i i ami jjuiiuci. INTIMATES MADE WITH OK WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Euilftins Repaired on Sbort Notice. SPRINliVlLLE, UTAH C( ) N T 1 1 A CT( ) 1 IS A TT 12 N TlON! For whiten UhliinR or pliiMorln. I'ctr titftiiis or liiirklftyi'ir,. THOMAS BOAHDMAN. XjX3E3 UTTIlIKriail. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts tilled promptly from 1 lmslx'1 to 10.000 bushels. C. E. AfiDERSOFJ, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES. PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family irroups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the spot. Keep your JVIoney at Home. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. IjNTtfESEDlM times, wlip" v.-m bav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Huics, brine your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as good as new; and the roll' ro-ll' pal ionize Jlomr luthi'lry. IfYouwanta Good Turnout '-GO TO 13. Thorn Livery and Transfer STABLES. ?; On Rcylance St., two Plucks west of Mun Where you will find the best inatche teams and the best sinile drivers in town. Baggage and Freight transfered loan part of the city, Good Safe Drivers for Ladies. SpiiiNoviiat, : : 1'tah: P, E. HOUTZ. SHADING JSIOKJ WniTEIl l''amlly Records a SiH.'CiuH STIJIXGV1LLK. 1'TAH 1 ARTIST . 24 CENTRE ST., PROVO Will SELL MEATS as Follows: U the Side. UiiuIqiiaHers, - Forcqmiricrs, - A: r Whole or Whole or Sides 5elo 5 l-2e perlb. JHepe prices Remain till JJarr J, J896. Oil U MOTTO: "Lowest PrieesCon-sistent PrieesCon-sistent with I5est Quality and Honest Quantitty,M I). J. 0k.nt. John ll kmiy Smith. I'n's. Vice I'reh. J. V. (iUANT. Secy, mid Tiras. t)lltl"riiKM-' John Henry Smith, lli'her J, tiiunt, J. I', (i'ant. It. .', tiiaiit. Nat lian Si i i. GRANT SOAP CO, OFFICE FACTORY 751 to 701 S i.o WEST S- Manuf.ict ir ers of llljrh (Oude Laundry Ami Toilet .Soitpo. SPECIALTIES: HKK I1IVK. KI.ECTIilO and V l.AI'MHIV. IO:r; II ivi: Toifkt: IMNK TAIL I'KKI i: T I LOATINU CASH 1,1, K, ami CO.M.MKIiCl Ab HA H. J. F. GRANT, M.AQtR. Salt Lakk Cii y, : : 1'tah. Provo Iieat Co- PAVS TiiE HIGHEST s CASH PHI E FO R FAT LIVE STOCK Phil. Specha'tt, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WI1LN YOU VISIT SALT LAKK -co to thi: HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 ttleSt, Third Suoth St. This wiiter U H surecure for Llicnmal tm, Miners' Leadliii.'. I ndVehl ion. i 'nturrli. I '"ii--1 i I .:i I ion ( 1 1 1. 1 1 1 : i- I Hsrilnen. l'alHatloii of tlie lleiiri ami (ill kidney mm nervous tioiil'les. Towels and suits wa-lied liy Lmpire Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Class. All coiieuiences for (,'oinniercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, - LJtuli. Just Opened Si Pe Gi LARSON THE SHOEMAKER. Next P'i"i to Wmiil Mcr. 0, - at 4c. per lb. 5c. to 5cpor 11k ;5ke. to 4x or lb4 i.,N 4v. & v. per ib, P. SPEC W, top. j D. D. Houtz, j ATTOHNKY AT LAW. I Ollice, Elderidge Block. ! 1 rovo, : : : : : tltah. AVE YOUR TEETH! Whea in Silt Lake City Hm Dr. fyed Hewett DENTIST. He will do better work for flfss money than any dentist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates n specialty. special-ty. Don't forget the place. 19 A 20 Suolt-Auerback Building. I". O. Box 41. Salt Lakk CitV $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS, $i;o.oo every month given away to any one who applies ap-plies through us lor the most mwilorious patent during tlie month preceding. We nrc the brat patents for onrrllrntis and the object of thi offer ia to encourage inventors to keep tmclt of their hri.;ht idrai. At the same time w Willi to impress upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily ilM up and down without breaking the passenger's back) "sauce-pan," "i oHar-batlon," "nut-lorkt" "bottle atopper, ' and a tlioutand other little things that taost any one on And a wuv of hiiiimvine: and thee siraule ' inventions arc the ohm that brinr; largest returns U the auinor. i ry to tiiuik 01 inctlung tu invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Pa (en u t..ken out through us receive special notice Jrt the ' Naiional Kecordcr, ' published at WjshirgfCMi! D. C, which is t)ie Dct newspaper publuhtd io America in the interests uf mventori. We furnuh a year tub wrnptum to thin journal, free of cost, to all our cltenu. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each moafh which uini our $150 prize, an 1 hundred of thcmsaiHi of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, nnd a deKtiptton of hit invwtion, wiU be scattered throughout the United outtt among capitalists and majiulacturerst thus bringing to Uk atiflntion the merits of the invention. AU comniunications regarded strictly confidential t CftS JOHN WCDDCRBURN & CO., Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents 618 F Street, N.W., Box 383. Washington, D. C jo-fagf fniiifklit, FKKE. A. C. BIRD Livery, Feed AM) Sale Stables, tTAJl' 7' ., |