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Show w ne'jLjf m . i JAI'Igmau mam HEW SHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, consisting con-sisting of swigs, duetts, quartettes, t., all of which Is copyrighted and tk Lest out. A EARS CHANCE. Meneray & Co. Roller SfiillK, ... . Hoover. Grist Work done in exchange on short notice. L. S. Pederson, Next Doopto Harrison Hote. SPRING VI LLE, UTAH. One-half Interest in a choice 1" acre fruit ranch on Provo Bench. give time, or .-trade for Sp-ingville nroperty. Cheap fur cash. Enquire Of JOHK MlCNERAY. lo-ir COAL. Leave your orders with II. T. Reynolds Rey-nolds & Co., for the clebrated I lock Springs coal, the very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by II. T. Reynolds & Co. CDCtl1 FPPSn .T.L Flora. the povuiar rnCOTwJitPn.voiJaker.visits this city every Tuesday and Friday regular Bread delivered to any part of town Local agent: at Miner liros.' Shop. HE DIDN'T DO A THIXO but make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest eru Line. Why? Time the quickest -lid vestlbuled trains, no change ol coach at the Missouri River. Through first and second class Sleepers and Dining Cars. For further information call on or address. G. W. Craig. U. P. Agent. Provo Farmers Attention. . Money loaned on irrigated farms at JO pr cent per annum. Write or ap toly personally to Samuel Cornaby Spailsh Fork, Utah. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. LEGAL NOTICE. Territory of t'tah. Ctsih County, ss. In the Prolate" Court in mid for sulil County. In the Matter of Hie Est-itu of Murilia Fuller, deceased. Order to show rauw why older of sale of real estate should not be made. Ovanda Crandall. the udininistrat 1 i. of the estate of Ma-tha Kuller, deceased, liav-1ns liav-1ns Hied her petition herein praying for an orderof sale of the. real estate, of said decedent, de-cedent, for the purpose therein set f Tth: It Ih therefore ordered hy he l'roiiafe Judneofsaid Court that all persons interested inter-ested n the estate of said deceased, appear before he said I'rbate Court, on Saturday the 28th day of December IMC), at I'l o'clock In the forenoon of said day. aktli Court room of said I'roliate Court, at Xhe Court House in Provo City. County of ltah; to kIiow chus" why an order should not be t ran led to the said administratrix administra-trix to sell so much of the real estate of th said Martha Fuller, deceased, as -should he necessary. , And that a copy of this older be published at least once a week for four weeks successively succes-sively i the Sprinsville Independent, a newspaper printed and published in said Utah county. Territory of I'tiMi. Probata Judge. Dated November 25th. lrtfi. Territory of I'tali I s 1 County of I" tali, f ''' I. E. h. Jones. Clerk of the Probate Court in tuid for Utah t'oiintv. Territory of t'tah. lie relijLC'jltify that the foreitoins! is a rtili and correct eopv of tbe original -'Order to Show cause why Order ot-sale of Real Kstate should not be made ' iu the estate of Martha Fuller deceased, and now ou file and of record re-cord in my ofHce. Witness my hand and seal of said Probate ( I Court at mv office in Provo City ( Seal Mills 25th day of .November. A. I). IMt... i E. i. JONES. ' ' Clerk. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Nelson II. Crandall, deceased: Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Nelson l. Crandal. deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims a trains! the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten month after the lirst publication of this notice, to the said administrator, admin-istrator, at his residence in Spi lngvul.-. Utah county. Territory of Utah. M. I. CKAN "A I.E. Administrator of the estate of Nelson 1). Crandall. deceased. Da'ed at SpiingviUe, this 2nd day of De cembcr, IH!k". DOCTOR 6 J. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRH URE. KOTIl LOCA L AXD 1XTKKXAL. . Tbt only remedy guaranteed to absolutely tun catarNi and completely eradicate the disease ham the blood and System. POLL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. Each full site package contains one full month's local treatment, one full month's supply of Caiarrh Healing Balm and one full munth's surply of Caiarrh, Blood nr.i Stomach Hills. If you have Caiarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay rsveror any complicated aff ction nf the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or I ings. Doctor Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure will give instant rel et and completely and permanently cure you If the bowels are.constipated lake one of Dr. G. W Shores Anti-Const pat iun Pills at bedtime. If your trouble Is chronic aid deep-sealed, wtile Dr. (i W. Shores personally lor his new symptom list and have your MM diagnosed and got unpen advice free. Dr. 0. W. Mtores' loulc and Blod urltler Cleanses and purities the blood. Rives strencth and JJgof, cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases. Price, $1 per botile. Dr. 0. W. Shores' Kidney and Liver Cura cures all diseases of the dr.tys. liver and bladder. Price, l per bottle. Dr. Q. W. Shores' Cough Cura cures all coughs, Colds and bronchial affections. One dose will stop Spasmodic croup. Keep a buttle in the house. Large lilt bottles, 3V. Dr. O. W. Shores' Mountain age Oil stops the wont pal in one minute. Hor headache, toothache, neuralgia, cramps or Colic use It externally and Internally. In-ternally. Prevents and cures diphtheria If used In Ome. Keep a bottle bandy. Price. 2"c a bottle. Dr. 0. VV. Shores' Pepsin Vermifuge destroys Intestinal worms and removes the little round nest where they hatch and breed. It never fails. Price JSc a bntte. Dr. a W Shores' Wlntergreetl Salva cures all liauaes of the skin. Henmvas red spots and black (pies from the fac . Hsals old sores In 3 to 5 days. Price. 25 a bo. Dr. 0 W Shores' Anti-Constipation Pills sores chronic constipation, sick headache and bilious attacks. Price. We a bottle. . These famous remedies are prepared only by Doctor G, W. Shores. 2Ws Medical Institute, Sail Lake thy. Utah. Tor tale by Dr. PpriBTlUe, Utah. C. J. PSTEltSON, HI 9 r.u. Hox .si rnvoo CITY. UTAH- Secure This To aiivort isc our College, wo "will give a thorough c(tui.e of instruct ion in Double and Single Entry Hook keeping and Commercial AriLiimctii', I iy uiaii, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to alit-nitod .lumber of persons. This course will be completed in 40 lessons. les-sons. 'o charge for diplomas. ADDRESS Capital City Commercial College. ll'i West Sixth Street, TOPEKA, - KANSAS. HOTEL TEMPLETON DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cor. Main and Brighain .Streets. SALT LAKE CITY. - VTA II". -rnvfiiE- SPRINGIVLLE CREAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt, THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people with entire success. e. Brtrrpic fob 1- Fevcrs, Congestions, Inflammations.. 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm CoUo.... a-Tt-etliiusri Colics, Crying, Wakefulness 4-Diarrbin, of Children or Adults 7- Conghs, Colds, Bronchitis 8- NenraIaifi, Toothache, Faeeache 9- Headaches, SK'k Headache, Vertigo.. 10- Hyspp psla. Blllousnoss, Constipation. 1 1 oppressed or Palatal Periods... 1 'i-Whites, Too Trofuse Periods 13-Cronp, Laryujltis, noarsenejs 11-Salt K lie ii Erysipelas, Eruptions.. 15-Rhenmntim, Rheumatic Pains lG-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Ague J9-Catarrh, Infltwnza, Cold In the Head. 80-VhooplnB Conch UJ Kidney Discm'-s 28-NerTons Debility SO Urinary Weakness 3-i-6oro Throat ijulnsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER BoM hr rirnrrlitn. or wnl prpld on receipt of rrlr, Se or far l.,im bo iwrhd , owpt IS II. only. p.SrMriisT'Hlyrl.'Knlir(-e.lK-leiH.iAli nllil HlipllSKIS'liED.CO., Ill 4 II Ylllllam Sl.,XnYurk. Obam'berla'a'a Eye and Skin Ointment Is nneounllttl for EoKetii:t, Tettur, Halt-Rhoum, Halt-Rhoum, SoatU ilead, 8ie Nijiplos, t'hapfisd IInik Itching rilos, lluni, l'Vwt Bites, t'hropieSore Kyosand (ii-aimlated Eye Lids. For ittlu by drugRist at '25 cents per box. TO H0K3e"oWNER3. For pntlin? a horse in n line lietilthy condition con-dition Wy Dr. lady's Condition Powders. They loue up the system, aid dicr'tion, cure loss 'of npjxitite, relieve cowtipttion, correct kiHnev .-fisnnJem and destroy wornw, giving nw life to an old or over-worked horrio. 25 eent ler tmckage. For sttle by druggiria TIME TABLE TDK SI-nlKRVII.I.K, UTAH. DOING WERT. No. 1, Pnelfl.' mall I,v .10:4 . m to fait I,nle Otrilfii Hurt tli toiist. So. .V I'asM'iuri'rtoOK'Irn I.r. ,'I:4S p. m No.. IWcngpr l-v. :. p. m No. St, bar 1:15 h. ni. unlxcrli dally M'cpt Sunilfiy. Kurckii Hiid all Tinlle point". No. a. raplflr llmitf'l I.v. WAA p. m. to Halt I. aid-. Opilrn and the const.. No. 7, 1.euve S:K a. m.. .Balt LaUo City. (iOIMI KA8T. No.2, Atlantic Kxpirts I.r. 9-Mn.tn tn C'li-nr Circk, P. V. J unc, t astle (intu. No. fl. Pass, and mail Lv. 3:ft'ip . m. I'rom t'di-n Id nil San I'oto polnu No 4. ( hlfii'.'o limited I.v. S OU p. 111. I). C. IHMK.E, H HAIK'tK.'K, UctiPtnl Nannjor. Traflic Maimger. F. A. WAIH.EIOII. f.n I P!.K-nerr Aft. I k Wanted CWC SALT LAKE-3F UTAH. 10 GRAfJD RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD The only line running Tcuo Fast Trains Daily to Leadville Asi-kx, PrEiu.o Coi.ohado SritiKos And Hexvek Effective April 21ith, Train No. 2 leaves Ogrten 7.00 a: in. Salt Lake 8.05 a. in. Arrive at Pueblo (5:18 a. in. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. hi. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m. Salt Lake 7:40 p. in. Sp'ville !:00 p. in Arrive Colorado Springs 0:53 p. ni. Denver 9:25 p. ni. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elctfint day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers en all trains. Take the D & II. (J. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est seenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Cieek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at !): 30, a. in, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes. Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. & T. A. Denver, Colorado. P. F. Nevins, Gen'l Ag't. II. M. dishing, T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. T. Child & Son, DEALERS IH MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGYILLE, - - UTAH. BRICK I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Spring-ville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J. W. FRI EL. rinnn J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOIl CASH. Sugar, 10 lbs $100 Pioneer Tea half pound 11) 15 Coffee. Linn or Arhuekles per pkg .25 Sardines per can 05 Ovstera ner can 10 Cui n jier can 10 Snap 7 bars 25 Fresh bread .1 loaves 10 Oat Flake "lbs 25 It ice 41bs 25 Ituisins 5 lbs 25 Closing out at cost HOOTS. SHOES HOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. COR. MAIN anj HUNTINGTON STS- SpmxttNiLLK, - Utah. Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. BOGM 5, BANK BUILDING, Are prepared to do all kind of rainless Dentistry, Including the lat est Crown and Hridge Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty. SaUCactl-tn Guaranteed srUINGVILLE, DENVER COSHER mm i S. E. Thurmah. E. A. Wedgwood. Thurman & Wedgwood, ATTORNSY3-AT-LAW. ProvoCltyi ' ' IK (ill. OR. F. DUNN, " PHYSICIAN AND SUR610N. All Calls Promntly Aiteuileil Day or Sur.st'Hir K. ti.W. K. I!. OIHcn and liesi-dt'iiCB liesi-dt'iiCB wit i J. SV. !h in;luirst. Trlopliont' cmnioi'tions. JJ, A. WILSON, Attornoy-at-Law. SpiingviUe t'ily Attorney. Office: Uootns 5 mid 7 1st Nat. Hank, Provo. Utah. ANDREW BERKLEY Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH Oil WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Buildings Repaircl on Sbort Notice. SPRING VILLE, - - UTAH CO N T KACTOPiS A TT ENTlON! For wliltf wiuliing or jilastcrliis. For inn otis or lirirkluyt!?. THOMAS BOARDMAH. XjI3VII3 UXJU-ZSTIUXl. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bushels. C. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer In FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged hy home artists Pictures of family groups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken ou the spot. Keep your JVIoney at Home. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. Ifl THESE DIM times,when hav'nt money to buy new Spring Wnjxons or Buggies, brinft your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as Rood as new, and thereby there-by pal ionize Home Industry. 35 IfYouwanta Good Turnout X$. Thone Livery anl Transfer STABLES. fla Roylance St,, two Plocks West of Main Where you will find the best niatche teams and the best single drivers in town. Baggage and Freight transfered to an part of l be city, Good Safe DriTera for LadieB, Si'BINvili.e, : : I'tah: P. E. HOUTZ, PEN &X3rN WIUTEIlj Family Records a Specialty. j FPRING VILLE, - UTAH, L ARTIST THE PROVO MEA 1 " l . 24 CENTRE ST., PROVO Will SELL MEATS as Follows: By the Side, - at k. per lb; Hindquarters, - 5e. to 5c per lb; Fore(piarters, - ;Ujt to e. per lb. Huttoeks or rounds, Ik to 5e.per lb; MUTTON Wiiole or Sides, 4c. & lkc. per lb; Wlioleor Sides 5c to 5 1 -2c per lb. Jhec pricey Remain till Jan , 896. OURllOTTO: "Lowest Prices Consistent Con-sistent with I3est Quality and Honest Quantity." 11. J. irant. John HknuV Smith. I'reu. Vice l'ren. J. V. (iRANT. Sory, anil Treas. DIHECroHS-Juhn llonrv Smltli. MvIkt J. Giant, J. V. ti- ant. It. V. (ii mil. N nl ha n Hears. GRANT SOAP GO. OFFICE and FACTORY 751 to 7t 9 mo WEST Si Mauufartii-erMof lllsli tirade Laundiy And Toilet bo jjm. SPECIALTIES:- BKKIIIVE, EI.KCTKIC and 5eI,Ai:NIKY. Hkk IIivk Toieet: PINE TAU. I'EKFECT I'LOATINCi CASTII-I.E. 11 n d OMMEKCIAL HA It. J. F. CRANT, Mnghi. Salt Lakk City, : : Utah. Provo Meat Co. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRIE FOR v FAT LIVE STOCK Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LAKE --oo to Tim HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 LUeBt, Third Suoth St. This wntrrN a surf ctiri' for Hlu'iimnt Um, MIiiith' I,i;dlti2, I nd'fnt Ion, hi iirih. ( on-Ktii!ilion. on-Ktii!ilion. I'limnie IMritIio'r. I'rI pllul l ii of tin' II. 'in i ami ull kidne y iiii'I m-i voiih trouhlfs. Towi-ls Bud milts wa-lird hy Kuiplru Lauliiliy. Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Clasa. ! All eonvenienees for Comniercial j Trade. ! L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, - - Utah. Just Opened S. P. G. LARSON THE SHOEMAKER. "eyt Uvtr rn Vwu Mer. Co. T GO. , P. SPECPHT, Prop. D. ID. Houtz, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Otlleo, Elderidge liloek. Trovo, : : : : : Utah. AVFYOURTEEHT.'- Wftea i3 Salt LU City Coiisalt Dr. Ned Hewett DENTIST. He will do better work for flees money than any dentist west of (,'hi-cntfo. (,'hi-cntfo. Teeth without nlates a special ty. Don't forget the jilacc. 19 t 20 Scott-Ancrback Building. T. O. Ilox48i. Salt Lake City GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to anyone who applies ap-plies through ut for the moat mwitoriou patent durina; die munth preceding. We anrure tho best prtenta for crnr client a, and the object of this oiler is to encourage invantora la keep track of their briplit ilma. At the tame Uiac we mth to imprest upon the public the iact thut IT 'S TH E SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, tuch the "car-window" which can be easily did up nd down without breaking the pawn net ' back, " uuce-pan," " coHar-biiiton "nut-lock," "bottle-ttopper, "bottle-ttopper, ' nd a thouund oilier little thing! thai moit any one can find a way of improving ; and thaM tiinple inventions ate the oa that bring Uirpe st returns to tlii autlior. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patrnts tiken out through us receive special notice in the " National Recorder," published at Washington. 1). C, which is the Peat newtpaner published in America in the interests of inventors, We furnish a year's sub senption to this jnurnol, free of cost, to all our clients. We alt.0 advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $ 150 prize, aiH hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United Stares amoasj capitalists and maniilacturen, thus blueing to tittit atiention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential.' I rss JOHN WEDDCRBURN & CO., Solicitor ol American and Foreign Patents. 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. jf Rirtutttdiltrtlkitfntrr. iVriutrtu A.C. BIRD Livery, Feed Sale Stables, SPKINf; VII.LK, rTA s-ss-diM |