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Show Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co.. Tfewberu, Or"., s..: 'Wesell more of Cuaniber-1uIq' Cuaniber-1uIq' Cough Remedy than all others pat together, and it always gives satisfaction," sat-isfaction," Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Ore., says- ' I believe Chamberlain's Cough Remsdy to be the best I have handled." hand-led." Mr. W. II. Hitchcock, Columbus, Colum-bus, Wash., says: "Chamberlain's Couf b Remedy sells well and is highly praised by all who use it." For sale fey all druggists. Dr. Price's Cream Baiting Pewder Most Perfect Made. JUT IHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, con-sitting con-sitting of songs, duetts, quartettes, t., all of which is copyrighted and the best out. COAL. Leave your orders with H. T. Ret-jcolds Ret-jcolds k Co., for the celebrated Rock Springs coal, the, very best in the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by H. T. Reynolds & Ce. mFtH RRP AH J L Flora, the popular mean ontuP r thig city every Tuesday and Friday regular Bread delivered to any part of town Local ageats: at Miuer Bros.' Shop. HI DIDN'T DO A THIN8 but make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest em Line. VThy? Time the quickest slld vestibuled trains, no change ol coach at the Missouri River. Through first and second class Sleepers and Dining Cars. For further information call on or address. G. W. Craig. U. P. Agent, Provo Fsratrs Atteatisa. Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum. Write or ap ply personally to Samuel Cornaby Spaalsu Fork, Utah. DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRH URE. BOTH LOCAL AND INTERNAL. The taljr rentedy gmmnaited to efcaolately re catarrh and completely radical tb diaeeae Iron the blood aad Syatcai. FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c. Each full tin package contain on fun month't local trtitawnt, one full monlb'f supply of Catarrh healing Balm and one full month't supply of Catarrh, Blood and Stomach Pillt. il you have Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fiver or any complicated afftctioa of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or lungs. Doctor Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure wiH give Instant relief and completely and permanently cure you. If the bowels are constipated take one of Dr. C. W. Miores Anti-Const pation Pills at bedtime. If your trouble is chronic and deep-seated, write Dr. G. W. Shores personally for his new symptom list and have your case diagnosed aad get expert advice free. Dr. a W. 5bore' TmIc and Bleed Partner cleanses and ports the Wood, gives strength and vigor, cures dyspepsia and all nervous dlteaaee. Price. $1 per bottle. ... Dr. O. W 5heree Kldaey end Uver Car cures aH diseases of the Ifwceys. liver and bladder. Price. $1 per bottle. Or. a. W. Shore' Cough Care nires afl cmifhs. colds and bronchial affections. One dose will stop spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle la the house. Large si bottles. JSc. Dr. a. W. S bores' Mewetata Sage Oil stops the worst pain in one minute. For headache, toothache, neuralgia, cramps or colic ese K externally and Internally. In-ternally. Prevents and cures diphtheria If used la time Keep a bottle handy. Knee, J a oowe. Dr. O. W. Shore' Pepsin Vermifuge destroy intestinal worms and removes the little round nest where they hatch and breed. It never fells. Price 2ic a botte. Dr. 0 W Shore' Wlatorgnea salv cures an diseases of the skin. Removes red spots aad blaca pimples from the face. Heal old sore la 3 to day. Price, a box. Dr. 0 W Shore' AaU-Censtlpatlaa Pin cures chronic constipation, sick headache and blliou attack. Price. Mc a bottle. These famous remedies are prepared only by Doctor G. W. Shore. Z oe's Medical Institute. Salt lake City. Utah. For sale by Dr. C. J. Prrnsow, Springvllle, Utah. Saturday Nigh at the CITY HALL. Leading Local Amatuers will present ABOVE THE GLiOUDS NEW QOENEIll?'. new moon GOOD PLAY. DFLollei Mills, J. W. Hoover. Grist Work done in exchange on short notice. P.O. Box 84, PRV O CITY. - - UTAH' Secure This Course To advertise our College, we will give a thorough course of instruction in Double and Single Entry Bookkeeping Book-keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mail, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed in 40 lessons. les-sons. No charge for diplomas. ADDRESS Capital City Commercial College, 116 West Sixth Street, TOPEKA, KANSAS. DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cor. Main and Brigham Streets. SALT LAKE CITY. - UTAH. BYoTflE SPRIN6IYLLE CREAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt, THK MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people -with entire success. m. SPtwnc ro l-Ferer Congestion. Inflammations.. 9-Warau, Worm Jerer, Worn OoUe.... 3 Toetalafi Colic, Crying. Wrnfnlnaa 4 Diarrhea, of Childrea or Adult f-Ceaaha, Colds, Bronchi U 5 Vearal(la, Toothache, FeceeclMV..... fKHeadaehea, Sick Headache, Vertigo., lt-Dyawewtla, BUIowm", CoBSttpatloa. Jl-aareee4 orPalafal Ferlaaa... 1-Whltee, Too Profose Periods .. IS Cr.ap, Laryacltle, Hoarsene....- 14- Sel Klataaa, failpelai.EUoii.. la-Kheaasatlsai, Rhewnatlo Pala 15- H alalia. Chill, ferer andAga...... It-Catarrh, luflaeaaa.CoU In the Heed, e-Wheealag Ceagh Sf-Klaaer Dlaeaee M-Hervaaa Deal lit r e-Criaary Weakaeu S-r Threat. Qulnay, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER aria W Drwrlte, slfM ea '. MaeS Jf it., (Mr ke mmiWi, mw! IS, II. (Iieealr. fcTlnrmTi1 M .. w (t.l mi a .-l4, " aaa7auTrua.ee., til a ill rnMi.,eTera. Ofcaaiberlaia'i Eye ad Skin OUtment T. .-...11, fnr Erauna- Totter. Salt- fcbetm, Sbald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Haada, Itching rile, Burn, Frost Bites, Cfcrocl Sore lym and Granulated Eye Lid. Tag ibM bj draggMta st 20 ceou par oox. TO HOKSB OWNERS. Far enttinir a horse in a Cm healthy ooo- Htim sry Dr. Cadr's Condition Powders. The tone up the irstem, aid digeation, cure Iom at appetite, relieve constipation, oorreot kklaer disorders and destroy worm, riviag atr life to aa old or orer-worked horse. 3o sals yer package. For tale by droggiiia TZlstSJTBlUX! roa trBiaernxs, ciab. some i8T, He.l, Perlle mall Lr .10:. to Salt Lake Ogdeo and the coast. To. I, Passenger.toOgden Lt. 8:4Sp. ra No. . Passenger Lt. 6:30 p. Mo, ft, Leave 7:30 a. to. (mixed) daily except Sunday, loreka and all Tlntlc point. Me. I. Pacific limited Lt. 10:04 p, u. M Salt Lake, Ogdea end the coast. Me. T, Leave 1:15 a. m., Salt Lake City. OOIRO HIT. Me.l.tlaetlc Iiproas ... Lr. t:M.m to Clear creek. '. V. June, Caitl Oat. Me. 1 Pace, and nail Lt. 8:0fp , u. From Ogdrn to all Sen Pes point Me. 4, Chicago llmlUd Lt. 1:00 p.m. 0. P. THOMPSON. Agent. 1. 1 BABCOCK, P. A.WADLEIOH. Trafflo Mang. Oee'l Paueocer Ag ,Col. D. C. DOIIQI, Cmier! Kanager. HOTEL TEMPLETON Milk Wanted ,fCAlT lAKEjS Meneray & Co. DRUG STORE, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. '!JL J, MM SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only llDe running Tuio past Trains Daily to Leadtille Aspen, Pueblo Colorado Spkinqs And Denver Effective April 29th, 18M. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: m. Salt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at Tueblo 6:18 a.m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:25 p. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & R. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est scenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Creek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at 9: 36, a. m, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. AT. A. Denver, Colorado. B. F. Nevins, Gen'l Ag't. H. M. Cushing, T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. T. Ghild & Sod, dealers IK MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Springville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J. W. FRIEL. -J-L.JLl-.!l J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, 16 lbs 11.00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb 15 Coffee, Lloo or Arbuckles per eke .25 Sardines per can 05 Oysters per can 10 Corn per can 10 soap t Darn zo Fresh bread 3 loaves 10 Oat Flake 71bs 25 Rice 41bs 25 Raisins 5 lbs , 25 Closing out at cost ROOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. COR. IAII 111 HOITIISTOI JTJ. SriuxexiLLE, Utah. Drs. HOLDAWAY & BROWN, DENTISTS. . . BOOM 6, BINE BUILDING, . . Are prepared to do all kinds of Painless Dentistry, Including the lat st Crown and Hrldsre Work; Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed CORNER &R0CERY L. E. Pederson, THE SHOE MISER. Next Door to Harrison Hote. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. ia.SBin.Lii , E. A. Wedgwood. 8. K. Thurmaa. Thurman & Wedgwood, ATTOfNIYS-AT-LAW. ProvoCltyi Utah, X)R. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ill Calls Promptly Ait6i4t4 Bay or lult :- Surgeon R. a. W. R.' R. Office and Benl-dance Benl-dance win J. W. Brinxhunt. Telephone connection. . A. WILSON, Auorney-at-Lw. Springvllle City Attoruay. Office: Rooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Bank, Provo. Utah. Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Builds Repaired on Short Notice, SPRINGVILLE. - - UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION! Fur whitewashing or plastering. For maaons or brlcklayore. THOMAS B0ARD22AN. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bushels. C. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family groups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the spot. Kep your Jfoney at Horn. SPRINGVILLE" - UTAH. IJ1 THESE DUkli times,whe nn hav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Buggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as good as new; and thereby there-by patronize Home Ind'uttfy. i& If You want a Good Turnout OO TO- E Thorn LiYery and Transfer STABLK9. - Ol Rtjluci St., two Blocks f Kt if lati Where you will find the best niatche teams and the best single drivers in town. Baggage and Freight traosfered to an part of the city. Good Safe Driven for Ladies. SrRitroVna.i, ': : Utah: P. E. HOUTZ, SHADING PEN And axaN wiiiTun Family Records a Specialty. FPRINGYlLLEj UTAH ANDREI BERKLEY 111 ARTIST EAP THE PROVO NO. 24 CENTRE St., PROVO Will SELL MEATS as Follows! By the Side, Hindquarters, Foroquarters, - Buttocks or rounds, 4 to 5 c. per lb. Whole or Sides 4c. & 4e. per lb Whole or Sides 5c to 5 l-23perlb j THcpc price? Remain tiJl Jan- , 1896; OUR MOTTO: "Lowbbt Prices Ooli-sislent Ooli-sislent with Best Quality and Honest Quantity." B.J. Orant. Join HlST SlilTH. I'rea. VlcePraa. J. F. Grant. Secy, and TreAa. Directors John Henry Smith, Haber J. Orant, J. P. Orant, II. V, Uraut, Nallian Seara. GRANT SOAP GO. OFFICE ui FACTORY 761 t. 761 S i. WEST St Manuf ACtii-eraof Hiitb Orad. Laundry And Xoiliil boaps. SPECIALTIESi-a BEE HIVE, ELECTRIC and 5c LAUNDHY. Bib Hive Toikct: PINE TAR, PERFECT FLOATING CASTILLE, and COMMERCIAL BAR. J. F. CRANT, Mammid. Salt Lake Citt, Utah. Provo Meat Go. PATS THE HIGHEST CASH PR IB FOR FAT LITE . STOCK Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LAKE OO TO TH HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 CZJeSt, Third Suoth St. Thli water la a nurecura for Rheumatlam, Mloera' Leading. IndiRextlon, t'atarrb. Con-atlpatlon, Con-atlpatlon, Chronic IXsrrba'a. Palpitation of the Heart and all kidney and nerrnua trouble. Toweli andaultswaabed by Kmalre Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly FlrtClas. All conveniences for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop. Provo, - Utah. Just Opened S. P. G. LARSON, THE SHOEMAKER. Next Door to Wonrl Mf r. Co; tor m PUT GO., at 4c. ter Ibi 5c. toSeper lb. S!c. to 4c. per lb P.SPEGPftT,hop. I. D. Houtz, ATTOh!?EY AT LAW. Office, Elderldge Block: Provo, : : : : : Utah; . j SAVE YOUR TEETH! Willi in Salt Late City Count Dr. Ned Hewett bENTIST. He will .do better work for 'less' money than any dentist west Of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates a specialty. special-ty. Don't forget the place. 19 4 20Soott-Auerback Building. P. O. Box 48i. -Salt Lak City; $1800.00 OtVEN AWAY TO INVENT0R& i jaoo rrmy awth t'lwvm away to aay ea. wao a a. eaaa Ibrouga at (or th mat aianioriaMi pawat auaiaf th awaik pracadiaf. W. fvurm the bt patanUforotirelUata, asd ike obj of Ihia enar m m eacomgt imtn M kem track of iheit briuht idrat. At the aaia Wat wt wwh W iatprau upoa Utt public th. bk that IT'S THE SIMPLE. TRIVUL INVENTIONS THAT YiaD FORTUNES, atk M ta "ear-window" which cap ba aaaBy aHd a aad down without braakinf th. naaaennr'a back, "auxa-paa," "coHar-koticn,' "nat-lock?" "koakf iNoppar, aad a thotuand other Kttl. tbbrt feat ooat kayoa. canSndaaawofiaiprovipgi atufthetc alnpla Nnttrau ar. tb. Mt that brinj( bit gt ntarhi lo t aatkor. Try thiakof aooMtluag to Ihtut IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. , Patent, taken out through a. raetivetpacial aotiet ai the" Naaoaal kceorxki,7' pubtulwd at Waabkftoa, D. which it th. best annpaper paboahed ia Anorica ta at. iateraaai of iamaawa, We nwaiah a yaar't aua tmiaaa to thiajoaraal, fret of coat, to ai etar eaeata; W. akw advarriM, fret of coat, the iaveatioa each awalh which wwl oar $150 priit, and huodrtdt of thoeaaadt at eopiM of Ih. "National Recorder," eoaawiiog a ibMcaof taewirmar, and a dKiptioa of ajainrwiiaa, wtB he acattercd throaf hoot the United State, tioag capiulira aad aaaaotactaTari, that brtaawf le aWeal atMaboa Ike BMriai ef uWaiwtoeeu fjfffiff JOHN WEDDERBURN ft Cd.i ItMritars tt Aawtcaa aa4 Forelga Paaaata, 6iSPStrt, N.W.t Box 385. Washington, D. Ci rar cW ffW Mi t?r. WriuM A.C. BIRD Livery, Feed a per J Sale Stables. RPRIN0VILLE, |