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Show The Park Record Wednesday, March 1, 2000 -OOMOHCHL 9PACI eonno : OH6WLS- ARKcmr III Mm 1111 r: MHKCTV MreatnY C-14 4BEDRM HOUSE M Oakley for rant, 1st. last & security, large lot, $110Omo. Aval 120. plus utilities, utilit-ies, contact Jell or Jamne 435-783-2782 COALVILLE 2BOY1BA fenced yard wood stove new paint a carpet car-pet $750. pets ok wMi deposit 4354404940 HOUSE FOR RENT n Oakley. 4bdrm, 2 Sfoarh. 3car oarage, lob of storage. $1300rmo. Mary 435-615-9211. SPACIOUS NEW CUSTOM home wtwrse bam. Kamas. Great views, easy access on paved road, school bus route. 3-4 M. 2 StMtfts. large island kitchen, firepiacs. office, huge storage. $1,750. fleubM lease. 435-783-2983 J6& 800-1400 SQ.FT. AVAILABLE Prospector Square area Call Allen Stockbndge. JO CCIM, 435-658-3666. Executive Office Business Center Private Office Suites (from 112 sq. ft. to 411 sq. ft.) Flexible Terms (Month to Month, Years) Personalized Telephone Reception On-Site Secretarial Service Conference Room Media Room with SmartBoard Xerox Color Copier and Digital Printer Direct Internet Access via Tl Line Virtual Office Programs Located on the corner of Heber Avenue and Swede Alley in the Gateway Center (435) 655-9696 www crtng com infogcrtno.com PREMIUM OFFICE SPACE, excellent excel-lent terms & ski area views. 1650 Park Ave above Bank One. 1080sf $17 50fSf 4-offices are-ception are-ception adiacent to 1600sf. addtl space, ample parking call 701-5356 701-5356 for more info. troncE of TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described real property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, payable in lawful money of the United Unit-ed States at the time of sale, on the West front steps of the Summit County Courthouse, 50 North Main, Coalville, Utah, on Tuesday, March 14, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. of said day for the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed dated December 12, 1998 executed by JERRY D. FRY, an uTi ma med man, as Trustor, wherein JAX H. PETTEY, Attorney at Law, is the Successor Trustee, MAERIQUEST MORTGAGE COMPANY, is the Beneficiary, and which corers the following described real property situated in Summit County, Coun-ty, State of Utah, to-wit: All of Lot 14, PARK WEST VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, PLAT "A" according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the Sum-, mit County Recorder's Office. Of-fice. Property Address: 1572 West Village Round Drive Park City, Utah 84098 Serial No.: PWV-A-14 Said Trust Deed was recorded December 23, 1998 as Entry No. 526014 in Book 1214 at Pge 475 of Official Records. Notice of Default was dated November No-vember 9, 1999 and recorded re-corded November 10, 1999, as Entry No. 552637. in book 1294, at Page 1480 of Official Records. Re-cords. DATED this 10th day of February, 2000. Published in The Park Record on February 16 A 23, 2000 and March 1, 2000. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described property win be sold at public auction to the highest high-est bidder, payable in lawful law-ful money of the United States at the time of the sale, at the front steps of the Summit tounty Courthouse, Court-house, 60 North Main, CoafviNe. Utah, on March 15, 2000. at 10:00 a.m. of said day, for the purpose of rortxtosing a trust deed executed by Jose Levy Ezban, Ester Harnui De Levy. Jacotoo Levy Harnui, Marcos Levy Harnui and Adela Levy Harnui as trustors, in favor of Marriott Mar-riott Ownership Resorts, Inc., recorded September 10, 19M, as entry nurrtbef 462316, in book 991, at page 343, covering real property located in Summit Sum-mit County Utah, and more Darfcularty descri FOR LEASE 2520SQ 2nd story 2024 sidewinder drive can be dnr-ided dnr-ided mn two spaces with private entrances and seperate meters. Tennant pays uflNitws and 12 taxes tax-es no cam fees, plenty of parking avail, feb 1 owner agent Advantage Advant-age Properties Anne Lagrange 435445-7315 days 435449-4086 evenings. MDUSTRIAL OFFICESPACE 100X108 buiMng 22ft ceikng 14ft doors fire sprinklers healed insulated insulat-ed new tor sale or lease. 435-649-0754 or 435-640-0555. 1552 3588 SQ.FT. AVAILABLE Kimbal Junction area. Call Assn StockOnoge. JO CCIM. 435458- PARK CITY PLAZA Pnme retail space available Store for rent Call (201)327-1919 M-F. 9am-5pm. 37 EAST 100 NORTH HEBER. 2 oflce. available. 210sqft $250 mo 750sqfl. $750mo. includes all utilities, utilit-ies, common area fees. Rick Smut) Internet Properties. bed as: TIME PERIOD UNIT NO(S) 2301 WEEKS 03 TOGETHER WITH, FOR EACH SUCH TIME PERIOD UNIT, AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON' AREAS AND FACILITIES IN SUMMIT WATCH AT PARK CITY CONDOMINIUM CONDOMINI-UM AS MORE PARTICULARLY PARTICU-LARLY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM CON-DOMINIUM ESTABLISHING ESTABLISH-ING THE SAID CONDOMINIUM. CONDO-MINIUM. BEING DATED DECEMBER 23, 1993', AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUN-TY RECORDER FOR SUMMIT COUNTY, UTAH ON FEBRUARY 7, 1994, ENTRY NO, 397621, BOOK 785, AT PAGE 302 THROUGH 425. AS AMENDED OR SUPPLEMENTED SUPPLE-MENTED FROM TIME TO TIME (THE "DECLARATION"), "DECLA-RATION"), AND BE REFERENCE REF-ERENCE TO THAT CERTAIN CER-TAIN RECORD OF SURVEY SUR-VEY MAP DATED DECEMBER DE-CEMBER 27. 1993, AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF-FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER FOR SUMMIT SUM-MIT COUNTY, UTAH AS PART OF THE DECLARATION, DECLA-RATION, ENTRY NO. 397620, AS MAY BE FURTHER AMENDED OF SUPPLEMENTED FROM TIME TO TIME: Dated:. February 7, 2000 Coalition Coali-tion Title Agency, Inc. Trustee By: Robert C. Rodman. Published In The Park Record on February 16, 23, 2000. and March 1, 2000. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE on 3272000 at 10:00 AM the following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest high-est bidder payable in lawful law-ful money of the Untied States at the time of sale, AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE EN-TRANCE OF THE SUMMIT SUM-MIT COUNTY COURTHOUSE, COURT-HOUSE, 60 NORTH MAIN, COALVILLE, UTAH, for the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed executed by SEE EXHIBIT EX-HIBIT "A", as trustor, in favor or GLEN IVY RESORTS. RE-SORTS. INC., A CALIFORNIA CALI-FORNIA CORPORATION, CORPORA-TION, as beneficiary and recorded on f EE EXHIBIT EX-HIBIT -A" in BookPageEntry SEE EXHIBIT "A" of Offoal Records in the office of the County Recorder of Surnmit, State of Utah, and more rujrttcutarty described de-scribed as: SEE EXHIBITS EXHIB-ITS "A" ANO "8" ATTACHED AT-TACHED HERETO. The property aiMrees and ott COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE services available. Investment. Tenant representation. Side equsi-bon equsi-bon Commercial property sale. Call Allen Stockbridge. JO CCIM. 435458-3666. no KAMAS STORAGE; NEW. Lowest Prices 12 mnules front Park City. 11x15. 11x30. 14x40 with 12 x12 doors, security fence, kgrw. asphalt as-phalt drmes. 65 West 2nd North, Kamas. Utah 435-783-4449 3BORM 3BATH, ELK run condo tor lease long or short term. Lease Option to buy RKk Smith 435440-1 435440-1 155 Internet Properties 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, LOFT, SINGLE CAR GARAGE, FIREPLACE, ONLY USED ON WEEKEND BY OWNER. NEVER USED AS A RENTAL LIKE NEW CONDITION. LOCATED IN SILVER SPRINGS. SURROUNDED BY MATURE LANDSCAPING. ACCESS TO TENNIS COURT & PICNIC AREA. INCLUDES STOVE, DISHWASHER, FRIDGE & MICROWAVE. NEW REDWOOD DECK. WILL SELL FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. $187,000 UNFURNISHED $192,000 FUNISHED. THE PERFECT HIDE-AWAY!!! CALL 1-307-877-6491 OR 1-307-877-4439 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED CONDO. CON-DO. 2 bdrm, 2tth. new carpet, washer dryer Great area! Cal 435457-9593 M-F. or cal 435-901-2752 $126 900, BEST BUY IN LOWER DEER VALLEY m lower Deer Valley. 2700 so, ft. condo. 2 car garage. 3bdrm3ba1h. rec. room wpoof table, ta-ble, completely turn, wnew furniture, furni-ture, carpet, granite kitchen, spa-cous spa-cous master w hot tub. $429,000. Must see! 940-0676 BLACK BEAR LODGE. 2Dd.. Ita Snort walk to Deer Valley Its. Fully furnished, fireplace, laundry wpool. sauna & Jacuzzi on site $595,000 8 $659,000. Gene Atkinson 435440-5444 CokJweH Banker Premier COTTAGES AT PINEBROOK 2rxirmlcrfl2 5bam. 2car garage $199 500 By Owner. Cal 435- 6454467 IRON HORSE C-4. 2bdmv1bth. Sale by Owner New water heater. FndgestoveDW (id. Great starter start-er or rental. Motivated SeSer. $113,000 Robert 435449-1435 SaWatewflewalaMaslH er common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported pur-ported to be: A Time-Share Time-Share Estate located at 1710 PROSPECTOR ABE, PARK CITY, UT. The property will be sold without covenant or warranty, war-ranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, posses-sion, or encumbrances, to pay the unpaid balance of the note(s): secured by the Deed or Trust, plus, as provided in such note(s): advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, fees, chargers and expenses of the Trustee. At the time of the initial publication of this notice, the total amount of the unpaid balance bal-ance of the obligation secured se-cured by the Deed of Trust and estimated costs, expenses and advances is: SEE EXHIBIT "A". Dated: February 22, 2000. PARTY CONDUCTING THE SALE: United General Gen-eral Title Insurance Company, Com-pany, as Trustee co Foreclosure Fore-closure Services of America, Ameri-ca, Inc. 1833 East 17th Street, Suite 111 Santa Ana, Ca. 92705 (714) 564-3350 Fax (714) 564-3364 564-3364 By: John Stuczynski. EXHIBIT "A" TS 99-3351 ACCT PR5885 TRUSTOR TRUST-OR JOYCE WILSON-FORD WILSON-FORD TD REC. DATE 62791 ENTRY NO. 343128 BOOKPAGE 614183 UNIT NO. 102 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $10,591.86. TS 99-3352 ACCT PR5886 TRUSTOR BOBBY BOB-BY WELCH & D'AROLYN L AZEVEDO TD REC. DATE 87791 ENTRY NO. 345851 BOOKPAGE 621416 UNIT NO. 226 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $4,883 50 TS 99-3353 ACCT PR5887 TRUSTOR -CARDO RAUDA & BET-TYE BET-TYE V. REED TD REC. DATE 51791 ENTRY NO. 340950 BOOKPAGE 608323 UNIT NO. 102 IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $3,427.86 TS 99-3354 ACCT PR5897 TRUSTOR KA-THERINE KA-THERINE M. KELLER-MAN KELLER-MAN & CATHERINE A. KE HERMAN TD REC. DATE 62791 ENTRY 343069 BOOKPAGE 614-115 UNIT NO. 106 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $6,203.13 TS 99-3355 ACCT PR5904 TRUSTOR CHARLES M. COLE a GAIL COLE TD REC. DATE 51791 ENTRY NO. 340960 BOOKPAGE 6087338 UNIT NO. 112 SUMMIT AT The Can yons. Corner 1bdrm2bath lock-off sum (2LA) 14 share. Ful kitchen, gas fireplace. 2 decks, health dub. valet parking' 988 sq. H $159,500. Cal 4354494326. KAMAS-3b0rm condo. $79 000. 2bdrm condo. $69,000. 9 unit condo con-do lot. (city approved-ready to buM) $85,000 Cal 801-298-5452 or 801 4524255 or 801-231 4414. PARK CITY CONDO, 710 Seddk view Way. by owner 4M, 3-Vbad. 2car garage hot tub. jacuzn, 2 pi. 1.5 kiKhens, fishpond. 3 decks w, resort view 3S00 sqtl. stung $32S.000. 801498-7902 PMEBROOK POtKTE CONDO 2bdmv2bath. best location, building build-ing T, most privacy and suneght. Must see! Sacrifice. By Owner. $170,000. NOW 808-878-1621 PINES. OUAKIES. STREAM with Summit Park convenience 3Adrm condo for sale or lease Cal 435-655-0413 (eves) leave message Totally remodeled, furnished. $78,000 1 Bdrm PowfontYOod Immaculate, new carpet, pant, stove, bends, unfum., $86,500 1 Bdrm Powdtfwood So. facing location. Me. barber, unfum.. $92,000 2 Bdrm Powdefwood Comer location, walk-out patio, fpic. unfum . $109,500 Annum Broker Lewis, Wotcott Dombueh 435-S55-3772 GRAND Legal Notices. SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $1,075.69 TS 99-3356 ACCT PR5975 TRUSTOR GARY GENE EISERT & DIANE LYNN TD REC. DATE 51791 ENTRY NO. 341007 BOOKPAGE 608411 UNIT NO. 206 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $17,265.84 TS 99-3358 ACCT PR 5994 TRUSTOR GRADY R. MINGO & DEBORAH E. MINGO TD REC. DATE S2191 ENTRY NO. 341266 BOOKPAGE 609127 UNIT NO. 328 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH IMPERI-ALHIGH ESTIMATED BID $16,366.47 TS 99-3359 99-3359 ACCT PR6011 TRUSTOR RUBEN G. DAVILA JR. & DEBBERA S. OAKES-DAVILA TD REC. DATE 52191 El TRY NO. 341244 BOOKPAGE 60990 UNIT NO. 312 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $8,268.65 TS 99-3360 ACCT PR6020 TRUSTOR RAYMOND A. RENNARD & GENEVIEVE GENE-VIEVE G. RENNARD TD REC. DATE 52191 ENTRY EN-TRY NO. 341278 BOOKPAGE 609145 UNIT NO. 331 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $17,894.59 TSf 99-3361 ACCTf PR6035 TRUSTOR MICHAEL S. WOZNIAK & MARIE V. WOZNIAK TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346717 BOOKPAGE 623602 UNITY NO. 301 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $12,330.87 TS 99-3362 ACCT PR 6039 TRUSTOR RENOUL SINGLETON SIN-GLETON & AUREUA JO SINGLETON TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346739 BOOKPAGE 623.636 UNIT NO. 313 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $12,826.42 TS 99-3363 PR6041 TRUSTOR TRUST-OR EUGENE T. BOAT-WRIGHT BOAT-WRIGHT TD REC. DATE 62791 ENTRY NO. 343147 BOOKPAGE 614-213 UNIT NO. 328 SUITE TYPESEASON eVtPRlALrflGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BIO $11,231.27 TS 99-3364 ACCT PR6044 JOSE L DAROYA ft LAURA A. DAROYA TD REC. DATE 92091 ENTRY EN-TRY NO. 347309 BOOKPAGE 625337 UNIT NO. 106 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHrGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $17,400.43 TS 99-3365 ACCT RP6046 EDWARD C. BUCKRErS RACQUET CLUB I really want to sea. 2bdmv2tMthlott. unfum. Good rental history $165,000 Owner Own-er toroker Cal Laun 801431-1592. RED PINE ANNA'S Ifcrjrm. con-do. con-do. CM Chris 4354474032 Prudential Pru-dential Coleman Real Estate. SUNSPOT CONDO ON Deer Valley Val-ley Dnve. 2bdrm2 5betn, gas fireplace, fire-place, urg parking, 1305 sq. ft. plus 250 so, ft. deck rprrvata hot tub. Very nice una. exc loc. at bus stop, exc rental history. $249,500. Cal 4354494326. UKE NEW best price. 5txt 4ba. 4600 sq.ft. $400,000 up grades, ski mountain views, no ouak 10 down, $895,000 435401-01 16 iALE!!!!!!! FOR SALE BY OWNER Most desirable de-sirable location in Ok) Town, ski-HvskHxiL ski-HvskHxiL remodeled Meiers home, private hot tub. garage, off-street off-street parking, great sun. great price! Cal quicktyt 435449-1680. NEW HOME ON 1 Acre. 2 bdmV2 bm 2 car gang. $192,500. 435-336-0300. PINEBROOK CONTEMPORARY Dramatic open floor plan designed tor entertaining, 2700 sq ft -. secluded, south decks whot tub overlooking seasonal stream & woods. Attractively landscaped. 3odrm, 2.5bath. 2tofts. Attached 2 car garage wcarport Radiant heat throughout, central vacuum. Price $429,000 Woodruff A Company 435-6494649 & ELIZABETH M. BUCK-REIS BUCK-REIS TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346751 BOOKPAGE 623656 UNIT NO. 329 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $10,121.57 TS 99-3366 PR6047 GLEN-DA GLEN-DA C. SPRATT TD REC. DATE 5-20-91 ENTRY NO. 341142 BOOKPAGE 608659 UNIT NO. IMPERIALHIGH IMPE-RIALHIGH ESTIMATED BID $5,38256 TS 99-3367 99-3367 ACCT PR6061 TRUSTOR JUDITH A. ABBOTT & CHRISTINE M. EASTERDAY TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY EN-TRY NO. 346719 BOOKPAGE 623605 UNIT NO. 301 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $17520.45 TS 99-3368 ACCTf R6064 TRUSTOR BALENCIA M. DEWBERRY TD REC. DATE 52191 ENTRY NO. 341242 BOOKPAGE 60987 UNIT NO. 312 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $14,884.49 TSf 99-3369 ACCT PR6087 TRUSTOR MIKE CERVANTES & BECKY S. CERVANTES TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY EN-TRY NO. 346625 BOOKPAGE 623454 UNIT NO. 123 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH IMPERI-ALHIGH ESTIMATED BID $17,300.67 TSf 99-3370 99-3370 ACCTf PR6103 TRUSTOR DENNIS D. ABBOTT ft ANGELA L ABBOTT TD REC. DATE 51791 ENTRY NO. 340997 BOOKPAGE 608396 UNIT NO. 131 SUITE TYPESEASON REGENCYHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $7,848.28 TSf 99-3371 ACCTf PR6104 TRUSTOR JOSEPHINE JO-SEPHINE A. GATCHAU-AN GATCHAU-AN TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346659 BOOKPAGE 623508 UNIT NO. 206 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $15,472.85 TSf 99-3372 ACCTf PR610B TRUSTOR ROBERT ROB-ERT GOMEZ ft ANGtE GOMEZ TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 34669 BOOKPAGE 623524 UNIT NO. 213 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $13,012.15 TSf 99-3373 ACCTf PR6176 TRUSTOR MANUEL MAN-UEL GARCIA ft ELIZABETH ELIZA-BETH ROCA TAD KLC DATE , 918791 ENTRY NO. 317 SUITE TYPESEASON PRESI-DENTIAiyHIGH PRESI-DENTIAiyHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED CD $16516.73 TSf 99-3374 ACCTf PR6182 TRUSTOR RESTORED OLD TOWN HOME BEST PARK AVENUE LOCATION Constructed 0.1881, It s fisted n the Natl. Registry of Historic Pav oes and is authenacaW restored by a prominent interior designer. Three large bedrooms and twee baths Two fireplaces. A large modem mod-em kitchen, formal dining room, lying ly-ing room and family room The house has a large verandaporch. CorTipletely tenced and lanoacaped on two Ms w outdoor patio and hot tub and separate tool shed. Fteaksticaay priced at $529,000. CROMWELL BECKER COMPANY BOB PHILLIPS 4354554435 TM8ERUNE HOME 2000 sq.ft. 3bdrnV2baa Cozy atmosphere views wmany windows to watch the weather come in and the sunset sun-set over the mtns., deck, hot tub. fireplaces, etc. Rustic pine, fits A flagstone. Redwood exterior wmetel roof. Pais 1.800 eq.tt healed 3 car garage wAmryt ftmsn-ed ftmsn-ed rec. roonVofhce space wdeck A views. Hiking out the front door. .43 acre. $250,000 4354494145. HEBER 2200 sq.ft. brick home. 3bdrm, living, rm wrtreptacs. Ig kitchervdtning rm, mudroom, bathroom. bath-room. Second story spat level tami-ty tami-ty or bedroom with gas fireplace, deck 8 mtn views. Plust 1100 aq.fl basement wone bdrm. twig rm wyfirepiece, Wchervtareno. room, bathroom, laundry and storage. Two 2 car garages, one detached Outdoor patio wrbnck BBQ and fireplace. Large comer 13 aoe lot Big trees. Walk to market Man Street, schools and Heber Creep-err Creep-err $205,000. 435-648-8145 LOO CABIN KIT roof, doors, windows, win-dows, plans. 2drm. left over. 3015 S. 460 W SIC 801-9724066 $16,500 Delivered www doiog.com MR 6 MRS CLEAN LIVE HERE 4 bedroom. 3 5 baths. 2 fireplaces, steam shower vaulted ceikngs. 6 acres, formal living a dnng hdwd. floors. 2 breakfast bars $309,900 Gene Atkinson 435440-5444 Cokhvel Bankers Premier. WANTING SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT? enchanting, incomparable Wasatch canyon home on 248 conservation acres remote, private, peaceful alpine and unbelievable 16 rm to PC. 8 mi to SIX $3 million -801-581-1362 WHY RENT? OWN FOR (750 nut 142 S Main Street $103,000 Got $1,200 down and good crerj-? crerj-? Beautiful Bungatowtomraown Coalvwa Natural wood doors and tnm New carpets. Large eet-ei kitchen. 1900 Sq Ft. 2od. 1e. FA and Woodstove Fenced Yard wti frees, ful basement Cal Justin Jus-tin Internet Properties 43S-7B3- CHRISTIAN K. THOMAS & BARBARA J. THOMAS TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346706 BOOKPAGE 623583 UNIT NO. 224 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH IMPERI-ALHIGH ESTIMATED BIO $6,956.83 TSf 99-3375 99-3375 ACCTf PR6198 TRUSTOR JEFFREY A. DUDLEY TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346694 BOOKPAGE 623565 UNIT NO. 219 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $12,783.02 TSf 99-3376 ACCTf PR6218 TRUSTOR ROBERT M. LEON-GUERRERO ft IRENE T. LEON-GUERRERO TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346678 BOOKPAGE 623-539 UNIT O. 213 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $15,073.70 TSf 99-3377 ACCTf PR6310 TRUSTOR GREGG ALLEN BRA-DEIS BRA-DEIS TD REC. DATE 91191 ENTRY NO. 346735 BOOKPAGE 623630 UNIT NO. 312 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPERIALPRIME ESTIMATED ESTI-MATED BID $6,851.49 TSf 99-3378 ACCTf PR6330 TRUSTOR DENNIS DEN-NIS DORAN ft KELLEY PARRETT TD REC. DATE 92091 ENTRY NO, 347311 BOOKPAGE 625-340 UNIT NO. 106 SUITE TYPESEASON IMPRIALHIGH ESTIMATED ESTIMAT-ED BID $17,766.80 EXHIBIT EX-HIBIT "B" PARCEL 1: An unoivided one fifty first (151 st) interest as tenant in common to that condominium condo-minium shown and defined de-fined as Unit No. SEE EXHIBIT "A, PARK REGENCY , a Utah Condominium Con-dominium Project, according accord-ing to the Record of Survey Sur-vey Map recorded Apr! 17, 1987, as entry no. 270092. in the office of the Summit County Recorder Re-corder and as estabfishsd in the Declaratkm of Co dorrtWurn for said project recorded Apr! 17, 1987. as entry no. 270093, in book 428. at page 62, of Official Records. TOGETHER TO-GETHER WITH an undecided unde-cided arjpurienant ownership owner-ship inters In tie common areas and farjross and shown on said Record of Survey Map and Oectara-ftan. Oectara-ftan. EXCEPTING fftare-frurn, fftare-frurn, the rht to uee and occupy w Property as is soscMceffy set forth in that certain Declaration of Condrtjons, Covenants, and nestricSona for fne PARK REGENCY RESORT RE-SORT recorded Apr! 17. 1987. as Entry No. MARRIOTT SUMMIT WATCH OWN THE VERY BEST WEEK 52 AND PLATINUM PLUS THIS EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE IS ONE OF A KIND The most sought after occupancy and the highest income ownership Marriott has to offer. $76,000.00 If you can afford the best investment in Park Gty, call: 903-581-8107 or FAX 903-561-1418 BROKERS PROTECTED FLAtMAN't MN t Restaurant at 2 ion National Park. 4 acres. $3,500,000. Cal Jane Whalen at 800-358-2133. Wardtoy Homes 8 Gardens. SINGER NEEDS EQUIPMENT: Pa system, miner boa, microphones, and mec. Seme. M you have some equtment laying around and would Ike to get nd of for a smal pice pktase cal Sydney 435-654-7147 leave message 174 JAGUAR XJa. Laos tian 80.000 mesa, single owner, always garaged. i storage past S years in Park City Maids work to be opera-bte opera-bte $3,500 060. cat Sandy 761-8944208 761-8944208 1971 CONVERTIBLE VOLKSWA-GEN VOLKSWA-GEN Bug. while, eacelent shape no rust, cal Knsty tor Mo. 435-6584656 435-6584656 1982 FORD ESCORT FOR SALE $500 OR BEST OFFER PLEASE CALL SUSAN 435454-3488 1986 SUBARU WAGON runs but needs some work, blue, $700 OBO 4354584656 191 FORO EXPLORER EDO BAUER, blue, excetisnl condnon, loaded, new brakes, new transms-snn, transms-snn, Sunroof. 4.0V6 engine $7250 435-649-3040 teas CHEVY TRUCK 2500 Ser-ado. Ser-ado. power package st cab. long bed. heavy trans 6 suspension. $10.500060. Cal 435445-7976. 193 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO. WMa. CD. ski rack, 122k. V8. wcvfttflt condition, i9000 4354554732 . T5 AUDI OUATRO 90S. alpine package, wrwts, eaceeant conra-aon. conra-aon. Ok meas. Must see. Accepting Accept-ing oturs. 435449-7313 (7 FORD F-350 4X4 460. ukkty bed aeti vhHow, 43564-e038 or 435440- 270116. in book 428, at page 166, Rules and Regulations Reg-ulations referred to therein, there-in, which among other things, contain or provide for certain rights, easements. ease-ments. Kens and the subordination sub-ordination thereof, limitations limita-tions open the right to use and occupy tjmeshare units restrictions on the transfer on the urneshare interests, provisions relating relat-ing to partition, covenants, conditions and restrictions. restric-tions. PARCEL 2: The right occupy a SEE EXHIBIT EX-HIBIT -A" Unit Type for a period of one (1) week (7 days) during the SEE EXHIBIT "A" Season. PARCEL 3: the right to use the Common Furnishings Furnish-ings within the Unit described descri-bed above In Parcel 2 and the Common Areas within Parcel 1 during a property reserved Use Period. Published In The Park Record on March 1, 8 ft 15,2000. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE , The foaowing described property wW be sold at public auction to the highest high-est bidder, payable m lawful law-ful money of the United States at the trme of the sale, at the front steps of the Sumrnil County Courthouse. Court-house. 60 North Main, CoarviOe, Utah, on March 15, 2000. at 10:00 a.m. of said day, for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed executed by Brent L Lit-tJefteid Lit-tJefteid and Marina A. Ut-tiefteid Ut-tiefteid as trustors, in favor of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Re-sorts, Inc., recorded Sep-tember Sep-tember 18, 1997, as entry number 487448. m book 1076, at page 553, covering cover-ing real property located In Summit Ckxjrtty Utah, and more particuiarty described de-scribed as: TIME PERIOD UNIT NO(S) 6309 WEEKS 39. TIME PERIOD PERI-OD UNIT NO(S) 6309 . WEEKS 40. TOGETHER WTTH, FOR EACH SUCH TtVE PERIOD UNIT. AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON AREAS AND FACILITIES IN SUMMIT WATCH AT PARK CITY CONDOUm-UM CONDOUm-UM AS MORE PARTICULARLY PARTICU-LARLY SHOWN ANO C-SCRtSED C-SCRtSED M THE DECLARATION DEC-LARATION OF CONDO-ICMUM CONDO-ICMUM ESTABLISHING ' THE SAO COrWOMJNI- ' UM. eSfNQ DATED DE-CCMCCR DE-CCMCCR 23. 1f3. ANO RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF-FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER FOR SUMMIT SUM-MIT COUNTY, UTAH ON FESRUARY 7. 1894. ENTRY EN-TRY NO. S37S21. BOOK ' 7C5. AT FACTS 3C2 TtrSUGH 4C3, AS INS DODGE NEON, Greet condition. condi-tion. New ares. CO Player. Speakers. Speak-ers. Great otter. Cal Brandi 435-783-4413 or 435-512-0557 1M7 AUDI OUATRO A6 Wagon emerakl green with ecru leather in-tenor in-tenor eacelent condition watt as chdin tires 40k mesa, asking $23,000 OBO Cal Steve Vaa 435-783-5068 1897 PONTIAC SUNFIRE SC Coupe, sporty version watt 24 Mer engine, Aloy wheels, power sun roof and Spoeer. COAMrFM. cnase control. 48k meas. $8500 0604354574988 U SUBURBAN LT 44 tuey tosdt(t Nvw m looks 4 nms great $23,500 Cal 435448-2156 IJOVMGI MUST SELU 1989 4WO Mitsubishi Momero Eacet body 6 enrane. Includes al estrae-fijty estrae-fijty loaded! W sscnkcef Cal 435449-2191. 1986 EPSON DFX 5000 9 pr Dot Mafia Primer wfih stand. Features mdude extra-fast pmbng speed (up to 560 characters per second), two tjuit-in push tractors for mua pis rypes of paper, quiet operation. Perfect for office opeialion. Printer is at working order ano r be sold as is with no warranty or guarantee guaran-tee $500 Cal SBSIO at 435449-7993 435449-7993 for questions or inspector). FULL LENGTH BROWN rmnk coat Appraawd at II2.0O0. W seel for $6500. Onry 1 yr. old Site 8-10 Womena. 601-4764626 or 564-2119. I AM LOOKING tor ewaig seTand other outUuot play asms tot cM-en. cM-en. I you would Hot to set please cal Sydney 435454-7147 PORTABLE STORAOC CON-TAJNER. CON-TAJNER. 8 I 20 $2500 435440-2069 435440-2069 WOO0 PELLETS CLOSE OUT $125 00 ton 4354454391 or 435-640-4355 AMENDED OR SUPPLEMENTED SUPPLE-MENTED FROM' TIME TO TIME (THE "DECLARATION"). "DECLA-RATION"). AND BE REFERENCE REF-ERENCE TO THAT CERTAIN CER-TAIN RECORD OF SURVEY SUR-VEY MAP DATED DECEMBER DE-CEMBER 27. 1993. ANO RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF-FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER FOR SUMMIT SUM-MIT COUNTY. UTAH AS PART OF THE DECLARATION, DECLA-RATION, ENTRY NO. ,397620. AS MAY- BE FURTHER AMENDED OR SUPPLEMENTED FROM TIME TO TIME; Dated: February 7, 2000. Coalition Title Agency, Inc. Trustee By: Robert C, Rodman. Published In The Park Record on February 16 ft 23, 2000. March 1,2000, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described property wfl be sold at public auction to the highest high-est bidder, payable in lawful law-ful money of the United States al the time of tie sale, at the front steps of the Sumrnit County Courthouse. Court-house. 60 North Main, Coarvflle. Utah . on March 15, 2000. at 10:00 a.m. of said day, for the purpose of forectoeing a trust dssd executed by Patrick K. Handrahan and Parnla C. Handrahen as trustors, in favor of Marriott Ownership Owner-ship Resort, Inc., recorded November 25. 1996. as entry number 467807, In book 1009. at page 504, covering real property located lo-cated In Surnrnfi County Utah, and more particuiar-ly particuiar-ly dsecribed as: TIME PERIOD PE-RIOD UNIT NO(S) 4207 WEEKS 26 TOGETHER WITH, FOR EACH SUCH TIME PERIOD UNIT, AN UNDIVIDED eNTEREST IN THE CC4JMON AREAS AND FACILITIES IN SUMMIT WATCH AT PARK CHY CONDOMINIUM CONDOMINI-UM AS MORE PARTICULARLY PARTICU-LARLY SHOWN AO DESCRIBED DE-SCRIBED M THE DECLARATION DEC-LARATION OF CONDOMINIUM CONDO-MINIUM ESTaBUCHCD THE SAID COHDOtm-UM, COHDOtm-UM, BEMQ DATED DE-CEiCtR DE-CEiCtR 23, 1993, ANO RECORDED M THE OFFICE OF-FICE OF THE COUNTY sconce for sum- KXT COUNTY, UTAH ON FE2RUARY 7. 1S34, ENTRY EN-TRY NO. 397621, COOK 76$, AT PACTS 332 THROUGH 4SS, AS AMENDED OR SUPPLEMENTED SUPPLE-MENTED FROM TES TO THE (THE "DECLARATION"). "DECLA-RATION"). AND E fC7 CHENCE TO THAT CCV TAS RECCTD CF f VEY MAP DATIO C2-CCZ1 C2-CCZ1 17. 13, AT3 UStSrNEW SKL SNOW1SOARO X-C, demos, rentals, ski boards, loos, packages, tads' race boots, docounted gloves, goggles, luggage, lug-gage, bags, back packs, camping. Muts. and sports stuff, ski truck 1100 Wast Norm Temple kveid Fait Park SLC. 8004854919 NEARLY NEW WeNOORE stacking or unstadung washer dry er. warranty, fiat capacity. $875 OBO 435458-159 3 BED-tUNG EXTRA THICK ertlo-pedc ertlo-pedc pwow lop mat and boa. new sal si plastic, coat $1495 sacerkce $490. 801-9424268. BED-OUEEN Black wrought son canopy wmafiees 8 rxw Nsw-eM i plastic. Cost $1195 Sacrifice $350.Candekver 6014424268 CRaVYOUTH BED WHITE wicker 5 drawers compkHo watt mattress and bumper pads Hui new $150. 4354494110 GREAT FURNITURE MUST sei gKMy up. Desks, Coucn. Chairs. Dressers. Cal fix pnces and ntor-maoon ntor-maoon 4354494964 OAK ROLL TOP desk $200 435-649-4029 OAK ROLL TOP DESK WITH CHAM $400 435448-7241 OVAL OAK Pedestal dmmg room table with two leaves and sax Chan. Includes laokt pads $125. Red metal bunk bed waft double sue bunk and angle top bunk $7$. includes mattresses 43544w 3 VOCAL Ptt RACE stas. Marker 91 Titanium adkjstable txndngs. 190s' X-Mountam Solomon stus. Marker S.I Titaraum atfiustawe bmdaigs both pan esceiem conov ton $450 each 080 4354494082 Y0STMARK MOUNT AM NOO-DLE9 NOO-DLE9 with Rrva H a and Q3 Mlars. Great kNemark boards. Used 6 amee. Awesome at Vie Powt 200cm. $225. Cal Aaron at 435-657-0515 1696 EPSON DFX SOW 9 pm Dot Maftik Printer with stand. Features tnctuOe extra-fast printing speed (up to 560 characters per second), two bull-in push tractors tor mu ple types of paper, aunt operafion. Perfect tor office operation Pnraer S3 at wortang order and wal be sold as fit weft no warranty or guarantee guaran-tee SIO0 Cal S8SI0 at 435449-7993 435449-7993 fix guesscns or inspection. SONY CELL PHONE wft leather case, car and home charger , $50. 4354454330 STEEL BUSLOwtGS, NEW, must eel 30x4x12 was $10,200 now $6 990 40x60x14 was $16400 now $10,971 50x100x16 was $27,590 now $19,990 60x200x16 was $58 760 now 39.990 1400-406-5126 RECORDED IN THE OF-FtCE OF-FtCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER FOR SUMMIT SUM-MIT COUNTY, UTAH AS PAR T OF THE DECLARATION, DECLA-RATION, ENTRY NO. 397620. AS MAY BE FURTHER AMENDED OF SUPPLEMENTED FROM TIME TO TIME; Dated: February 7, 2000 Ccak-tton Ccak-tton Title Agency, Inc. Trustee By: Robert C. Rodman. PubHshed m Ttw Piaffe rtocot'd on February 16, 23, 2000 and March 1,2000. SUseerONS OFPUBUCATION IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT fN AND FOR SUMMIT COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH CASE NO. 00 0600075 JUDGE ROBERT ROB-ERT HILDER DEBRA LEVY. v. GEORGE HA-DOWANETZ. HA-DOWANETZ. THE STATE OF UTAH TO GEORGE HADOWA-NETZ: HADOWA-NETZ: YOU ARE HEREBY HERE-BY SUMMONED wtd required re-quired to fite an Answer in wiring to the Complaint dated February 17. 2000 filed with the Clerk of the above entjoed Court located locat-ed at 60 North Main Street P.O. Box 128. Coehrfte. Utah, 84017, and to serve upon or mal to CMstina Inge Miser, TESCH, THOMPSON ft VANCE, LLC, the petitioner's petition-er's attorneys, P.O. Box 3390, 314 MaWi Street, Suae 201, Park City, Utah 84060-3390, a copy of your answer within TWENTY (20) DAYS after pubttation of this Sunv rnons. Said Complaint involves in-volves a dawn for fraud against defendant That Court has also entered a the trartsfer of defendant's de-fendant's known assists into tie Court pendrtg resolution of this matJer. if you M to answer tie Complaint as sat forth retrain, judgment by de--tauB w be taken against you for the reset demanded demand-ed in said Cornpstint m-clurJnrj, m-clurJnrj, but not srnaed to. the money currently on dapoat vOi fha Court, coass. reaaoneWs attor-naya attor-naya faaa, actual ds-manrJad ds-manrJad In said Contatr aXsurJng. but not krtKed to, the money currenty on oopos watt the Court, costs, reason sbia attorneys attor-neys faea, actual rJarnag-es rJarnag-es of 1448.000.00, and punitive damages. SaM CrjrnpWnt has been tied ji the Clerk of the Court referenced above. DATED hie 17 day of February. 2000, TESCH, THcWl SON ft VANC3L LLC I. |