Show S COWLEY WYOMING OI 01 X s 1 b by III ha of At Vieller p cit Wyo Yo April SA 14 nr very sad d death oce Jaen Ih thia morning In Inthe inthe the person fir 01 der r JAt James N Will Welch son lIOn or of Thomas ti Q Welch or of tier gan aen Utah Uth The c cause of wu was a paralytic stroke Bidet Welch am m from Morgan aloan four Sars ago and settled lId In n nIJ Its IJ Ii a brother of A Wl Welch ht if th this place The death ath I iii doubly sad sadon on account of It Ih the third death deal h in III the famIly meld Ind ot of nine alae months month I tb they having lost an aD infant blie bab and anI i ian an II 11 year rear old daughter withIn that I tune He H lea heaves a wIdow and ad living H He was faithful all II Ibe lb days of h his hit la in every I and w was whO driving hi wife to 0 visit the lilt Primary of tta the stake ak He was wall bem Nov J It 2 lii in III Morgan Moran county Utah when hr he I lived ve until hi I to tit the 81 Big Horn Viron VironA A very interesting visitor spent nt a lew day 8 at t Cowl in III the person or of Peter ar II C Morrison who I yr yeut old U Ills first vote 11 was cast t for Andrew tor president of the United WIt Wang a 1 boy 0 h he lived with the lb family of Joeeph SmIth th the father ut of the Wu Was WU well acquainted with the latter latr and I hi his martyrdom t Carthage jail Rider c Charles A 4 Welch hi statement In writing as to event wll with h lb Ih life Ufe if 01 the prophet I Iilo lit ilo never hI himself with the I hurh though hi his lIter marrIed a by bf tta Ike name nam lit t Norman L I Mr orn ornI is quit active for tor ii y uW o and I It I t taking l up a the canal I in skis |