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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS lllf She It's three o'clock. Iiii going to my dressmaker. I shan't be more than a quarter of an hour. Hi' All rlKhi; don't forget we are dining out at eight o'clock. Educational Campaign Effective. In th- states of the I 'tilled Slates in which the most preventive ami tlier-Culot-ls work has been done the percental per-cental of public funds spent is the highest, while in slates when- little or no effort has been made to prevent tuberculosis, tu-berculosis, and the treatment of the disease alolle has been considered, the percentane ot public expenditures is ery low. For instance, of the $ I ."''.-000 ."''.-000 i-petit in New York in VMi's. nearly near-ly 6u per cent, was from state and city funds In Massachusetts nearly two-thirds two-thirds was froti pubilc nioney; In Maryland about erne-hall. ;thd In IN-tin sylvunhi three (mirths. In Colorado, on the other hand, less than one per c nt. ta from public money; in Cal-ffWnia Cal-ffWnia about 15 per rent . ati.l tji Art sona none at al! These facts ludi rnt. the national association declares, that wherever an atcresslve educational educa-tional campaign has been carried on ty prnale vtariUa'ions, states and diles have l.cen Induced to make lib-' oral appropriation.-, for 'he pnv. n'b.n of tut i rculnsU St.!.,. tin . s a lean U m bad'y fi t;1il r t;- , l.y an iti,ai::tiar sr.tke as a miiu.iii is by a n .J i: mis.'. a t I ''tit- 1. 1 . .1 1 ti.-:.l I !- I.rull IT ir a :n h- ! .'! - !( weil, I d.-lke to b tr d Mohammedan The Army of Constipation l Gsowiaf StMilvr Lrrrw Daf. CARTtlfS UTTLE UVLR PILLS m y i Stl PtU. StU K'.L JtALl tua CF-NUINE im4 irmt m,-f .- : V - DYOLA DYES 11M lur Mm i..-.t It ... f For. AilKma, Dror.chiti and all Throat Trouble Take 111 IUI s.l. I. A -I. fmmX P CURE S Tk fricl is M 5 Jtl M f si trfUsv 1 I Vsiuri is Use aJ rkstecd I &ckfrf irre bora cfciVs. '.. n BUDGET- nt.o'vtr $S.O0C ip- ,ourids dur '. Rtb (Jfande de- Vlll be eomplet- R I agitation and of Murray now fsvsteni. . it thirfv in mini' lg the northern on for several .hospital for the iiued. miners as lion. sinessiu Ojsdon fur ihth. . the Kn ift npany has been placed of a' wfelviT: one gristmill and one saw- ite countv. 1 wo saloons aro by the county. There are unincorporated towns. inouncement is made that the oiiow: academy, at Eph.aim will din ing the coming summer erect a K.vm-nasiuin K.vm-nasiuin building at a cost of $10,uiii). The town marshal caushl four boys playing cards with a lo-eent ante on a truck at I.ehi Junction" .and. the local judge gave the lads a fine of $10 each William I'latt and M. Young of Stockton were badly burned by a pre mature explosion of powder while get ting out gravel for the Tooele smelter. A Japanese contractor is in Ogden niacins n canvass amarnr fandowncrr for a lease of land on which to plant a colony of .laps to go Into the beet raising industry this year. IJxaininations were held Saturday in P;i!t t.akri, Oipleii. P.f.vo and I.d sail of applicants .tor places as census cen-sus enumerators. In Salt Lake foui hundred applicants look the cxamina. tion. Salt Lake capitalists have formed a company which will take over " the property of the electric light plant and tlour mill at Salina. and evtenu the operations of these oncerns iii mediately. - Henry ( Heath of Salt Lake declare! I'faii Is the greatest slate In the I'nior, In' "which to raise onions. Mr. Heat It claims to have raised Lido bushels oi Spanish 1 1 lobe onions on lo'J syuar rods ol ground. A Salt I.ake paper declares that tht Southern Pacific Is tiuring on ahund oning the Lucin cut off. Ik ause oi damage done d,thc trestle-bv storms and buildUig around the south end ol the lake,-through Salt Lake t'itv. Counsel for Nick Yoeas. convicted at Ogden of mutjbr In the second de pree for the killing of Julin Coiitos, have tiled a motion for a new trial, holding that Judge Unwell erred when he, rt fused lo grunt Vaom a rhV.lilf of venue. Kasmus Hennlr.csiin, one (Tf-the old st persons of Main 1. Is ilea, I of par alysls. He was past .s7 vi-ich of age. having been born October in Ife-ntn-irk. lie was In tr.id" a hatiuss makr and since coming to Mau l In 1'7.'. suppoitfd hiiii.-.'lf and family -by his Ira b- Two cb:!dle:i Mr and M MrtTipnfV or n.-.l. K.i-I a turn. i) enj-e from d- a' h 1 " - 'i they L-.it Iii-bl i t a hi.' - ; !., ; win n i.l iiii' i i'.n Uiien" ,ii, ! ilr.ink ,il uticv ot Oil- polsnllKllS Willie 'h- o !.-! lir a, I ers .if !.. t.iiell;. .!- lit tinhi th- I" 'in The xiv.ir fnt,i- .i- l.t!i wi'l tin-t-U tie- run .i-o,' I'ebt i,r 1"- The ri;n ha I" en ." n -r-t sue c s-f i: mi", 'he iniil .iii-iiiii'ng u waid of 1 full !,,n of 1-. -s ,i d,i T1., !,,;jcy of M'.dlig 2" :-t II1 o! the i n p ad' ;' d las' i.ili h. not plo. ,J a si' i - - 'li e . ng'n r L'i rharg- S Ho- - bctrv V3'!e r"i;i!, re-oi'. that 'he rk is prt-.-res.ng r t.v r.it!. an 1 thai ' of the i .net was di;-n .dTitlr g Me rn itrli uf JanuM "I he Sf.l.W i ej.'e !.-.- .!-, ,, 1 U- . si pofal f tie 'i.moi, in1 his d n' !!? -' f wi'h wo k Wi'h a in ' taking -.' pr.- Iflll !1" r 'i s ,!l!limi-, ij l . V . IM"- ,jh!i.'J b i: it- Iv.fJ ' -.- th- g'. -i '". i .!s so h ;-'o v of tgib n i'i has 1 i b i;'. ! n.: ;.iio n the rj i.ck '.h- og ! n r:---. f " "'V' !"' ' ' ;, lll l.il.lee !,,! V.4 'l-ei In s?: . I T . - i I tb:.ie- . ' : . .- n I ! - Hi I Is - t e p'l ' '' H i j I : ' r!,j!" ' lr- al. i ini- f r On;.- ' i ' :, . i A J J -t. 1 v n f - ;i ' '" ! . : 1-r . !' - '. 1. 1 - . . i . - - .--- r t ' :- y ' ' ' ": .-. . .1 0 , - '-,.- ' - ' j .- i '. , ... t ' ; : :,- - -- - f - t . ' i V.r e .-; - r - :.. " '"j I'r. , - J f ? - ' - - - - s A -.,...' -T 5-' , 4 f"s. ' - 4 !", ' ! ifr-t. h " I - ; , .''.-'' ' ti i 1 t- : ' v t,t'-4 i r. ll ' t ' t f t ' ; ' ... i .. v, . . I . I" l.i ; : a -if .- .. ' "-4i.it t-i,'i. t'i- l "t . i i . tf i m-zx t i-i PASSENGER TRAIN CRASHES INTO IN-TO MOTOR CAR AS RESULT 0F HASTE Of CONDUCTOR. Three Passengers Dangerously In-. In-. jured, While Many Others Have - Teritjo'ng Experience in a Veritable Death Trap.. iOg4Blt4itah. In- a "head-on r-ollia-L ton between a" mofor car used cm the Malad branch of the Oregon Short Line and a passenger traru, in " the wrtrvvvr vardirn nthis cii, the niotor- car was wrecied-And t he ; thirty'- oti more passengers had ,a severe snaK-ing snaK-ing up. at least three being dangerously danger-ously injured. The nassenger train from the north was a few minutes late, and impatient to get a start for the north, the motor car in charge of Motorman Case and Conductor. H. V. Logan is said to have disregarded orders to meet the southbound south-bound train in the local yards, and attended at-tended to make the "town track" by way of the Twenty-second street crossing, the result being a head-on collision. None of the passengers on the southbound south-bound train were injured in the least. Had either train been traveling nt a nigh rate of speed, the loss of life jn he motor car would undoubtedly have oeen appalling. Passengers who were antlie car and escaped without ln-iWrv ln-iWrv sav that the motor CarsMll!d prove veritably death traps in a casj -if a serious wreck, as there is no way ;o get out except through a narrow J doorway, the round w indows being too : jmall to admit a human body. Idaho Town Threatened by Fire.' i Malad.- Fire originating from a clg- j arette in a hall on the.semmd floor J of the Harding rooming House, a iwo- , story frame structure, Monday nigni,-threatened nigni,-threatened for a time to wipe out the entire business section of the town, hut after t-wo hours of hard work on the part of. the volunteer fire department, depart-ment, and hundreds of ' resident, the ilamis were kept from spreading, and at 1:1.". Tuesday morning wore tinder control The Harding building was burned to the ground, together with. nost of thepe.r-s.otial effects or tne in- j I .nates. . ' ! 1 Case of Interest to ldahoan. noise, Idaho In an opinion handed j I down Tuesday Judge Krank S. Dietrich ; i i- iIim federal court hohlfr that In a ! suit brought to enforce a :orfeitur of jjhe title to a reservoir ail' located riry Ant.li t .mt on .nccotilTt of -An alloCd i breach bv the grantee of a condition ! subsequently embraced In the ortinal I grant, the I nited States should d-! d-! dare nu tviture -and that the m j should not be required by an H ol I congress as contended by the diend-ant. diend-ant. Ti is sweeping ruling Is of vast i importance in ths state. Jumped Frorrr-Roof of Building. S .at I..'ke City. V'ursued by two ' e,,-i , n.rti t;orge Johnston, a laborer, ; ,.! i had acted suspiciously in the c-n tral .nt of the ftty Tuesday Ii ght. j it, , ol the (base and rushing to th" 1 i ...,,f ot the Luna theater In Thttd f So.iili s'iei-t b no ans of a P.r es- ; dpi , cotutuliti-d suicide by leapii; !:iotn the building t 'he sidewalk.; l.tte t..r;-s below His hkiill w.x i,, u,ih upper jew were hioki-ii -and both artii and Ifg bdi ' EetAeen Hn Satanic Majesty and the Deep Sea. V.'; i t ' n The ho.lse cnmml"e i ' i. v ir.'o the high cost of food, en T.e-diy develop., the fad that th tail n.eii t.aiit of Washington cn ;,,f l dsn-it troin the (rner w"h j ...I 111 I ,r.d :.i.g:i;g down upon hi h"it ! i. ii com mi nierchac. !... i- t :.. r-tori forced o trade Lit ti.a; ii.--il.-im ! iharge to th n i '- --ti.-utucr tiatfer th :n-'t-- ! -" ii a The n.iddi"t,4n s tl. i l.-eJ r ri- ies.t.le for kwpa.i ' -he farm Oi-tFKl Fl ta Kep Up Witi Crunth of Population. I !, T fa''iiF" of rh f irm ,!,!, ' . K. . 1., W . I. f-OWth '.' r; b;: g . a th- -ThTA -.. -i .' ! f i. .'i I " - ! - S i ! -. ! K ' I " , r , i i. i 'n aa . t . ,:-. I.. ',,r- !! -( . 1 ft Nt h :-, ii J n K-. .-- I ! - . i ' f r : - d J .! s :.?':' ' 1 ,. .. . .- i r- - ' ' I ' n i '- f , ., ; ....,-. -. -r ! ' 1 i: g .n ..t ,r. 'fcn i3 P-t"' C cs m Ar-Jjnj - 5 K'.k'' " a ' i ' -. - f . -i ' " I I ' ' ' ' . ...... . .. 1 j ! ' - t ' n- It T. . - . JUROYALSPIfiDER m--m-- Uncle (to Slarjorie, who has married mar-ried a millionaire)-! really- think you'd be happier if you had married a man who had less money. MaxiDIerHelliiiave-4es8 aftF a few ea s-' -with me. ' RAW ECZEMA ON HANDS "I had eezema on my hands for ten years. I had three good doctors but none of them diff any good. I then, used one box of Cuticura Ointment and three boftles of Cuticura Resolvent and was completely cured. My hands were raw all over, inside and out, and the eczema was spreading all over my body and limbs. Before I had used one bottie, together with the Cuticura Ointment, my Eorqs were nearly healed over, and by the time I had used the third bottle, I was entirely well. To.any one who has any skin or blood disease I would honestly advise ad-vise them to fool with nothing else, but to get Cuticura and get well. My hands have never given me the least bltof trouble up to now. "My daughter's bands this summer became "perfectly raw w ith eczema. She could get nothing that would do j them any good until sne tnea tuu-cuxa.: tuu-cuxa.: , Sheusew-.Cutlcura . Resolvent and Cuticura Ointment and in two weeks -they were entirely cured:. I have used Cdticura for other members of my family and it always proved successful. suc-cessful. Mrs. M. K. FaUn, Speers Terry, Va.. Oct 19, ,1909." Money Needed for Cood Work. Twelve years ago. Massachusetts made the first appropriation for a state sanitarium. Since that time, over Ii1,0o0,000 has been appropriated appropri-ated by state legislatures for the prevention pre-vention of tuberculosis, and about an equal sum by municipal - and county authorities. The federal government- has over t.fitin.000 Invested In tuberculosis tuber-culosis hospitals, and spend annually about $300.0110 in their maintenance. Every year the -percentage of appropriations appro-priations made from public furids for tuberculosis work has" Increased. While private societies have led the way In the tuberculosis campaign, every effort has been made to have states, cities and counties do their diare. A bulletin of the national an-AoclaliotfflSfcea an-AoclaliotfflSfcea that the final success of the antituberculosis crusade depends de-pends on every city and sta'e providing provid-ing funds to treat add prevent consumption. con-sumption. Practical Christianity. "On behalf of the sewlriK circh thU church." said the pastor a' conclusion of the morning srci-desire srci-desire to thank the congi-gallon fifth. fif-th. "I for 11 buttons plared in the i uiurn.'.ithm Ivox during the past tno'-.th l! now the phllanthroplcally ito iin- d donor of these object will put a half dozen undershirt mid three pair.- of other strictly secular garments on the plate next Sunday morning, that we may have KimethltiK to -w those buttons on, we shall be additionally grateful" Harper's Weekly What the Doctor Did. GilKtRve fllyatt ha a IP th- daughter daugh-ter wbohahn't be n well r- entlv The other d: a phyitii Ian was ralb-d to th I'llyatt home to h-r He ex aralned th rhlld with th aid of a tethocop'- When h-r f.ithr came home that, evening bp afk- d what the doctor had caid. Nothln-." replied the little rlrl What did he do' a.sked Mr i'llyatt i'll-yatt "H Jt!t telephoned n. ail over." as the child reply Ih m t pi.t CET POWCR. Th Supply Com From -Pood. If we ri rowr from fr-!. why not frivo to art all the power we caa. That U only joItl- ly ue of klll-filly klll-filly Vu J 1t4 thst 4ct;y Utt J ta riir-mT:'s 0 the body. l i-.r f if, ti.ak- a fo-'r T.r. and a -x-r t.i" t f"' I'vA stram pr! str. 1 ' Frrm n t kcwlns he, o U-ct th r fl I it fit rr y t-i!. I .1 I j; .tot!y dr a Ug t.iae frow :o:a- trrwbVi." wrr.n a lasiy fr-tn L''i ton In M.ouri It :i as If i c-tj".i r- rt t ! to tr.w t'tt th tort t-f ! 'tut . tt for tu. UttVf r.-t!ig ll ,t I fttil at wo-iM !- f i-J -otu- t k h. V.Xtrf ! !. tie t! ?.-) t -a r4 f.!l nt ':.A.h 1 ! ti i I sot th;r r. - r . 1 r 1 lit-; - "y t- jc r lf nr t :n !: n c - : ' - si ' k- p 'Hi ti J ' i ' fw rswe& tZ' I -jv-"t s 1 t f; ti- t) t-r'-'t't I t k-;t sp fs wf 't t. - 1 it sjrpt.4 at tfc wivs t.' a ! I : jmH It. It j-r--J ! t J .! ; 1 I t J -J I ill tey fctr- i.arti.-ft j I.- -t hrs. J ..? -! "i 1 f 'rit'i ? : '' ' .it tti4 isr--a.--t ' t I ; i :u. s-y f r.r, k J -. -jf-a rz l-Afk. ri I -; t j. ' 'O 4 KT 1' 'ft tX t''' J ,l j C-; Xst Jl ti" r fsrts ' ?"! I I., k fa tir ti xt ;- TV I R.t.t M WJtU." IVn-'llE'i ' I r ft - t t J ANGRlHyiOTESl "Valentine Night-Gown" Offended Sp-J Sp-J sibilittes of Smalt Masculine Humanity. William, a little country boy of sx, was snowDouna wilq nis rnoinw ai the house ofan aunt0jnilesjrom his own home. The two, who had driven driv-en over ; In a sleigh just to spend the day, were forced to -remain three nights, and were supplied by the hostess host-ess with garments to sleep in. There being no small boys in his aunt's family, fam-ily, Williant was nut tq bed in one of his little cousin Deborah's nightgowns, very indignant at having to wear any-tWng7-wkh so. nwny frills and lace trimmings around the neck and on the sleeves - ,'.wpji'LjStand it, mummer," he loud-ly loud-ly protested on the second night, . "I won't wear anything so glrly! I'll run away, you see If I don't, and perrush in a snow drift before I'll put that thing on again. Why, rather than wear that that valentine night-gown I'll sleep raw!" Asking Too Much. ' The motherof little six-year-old Mary had told her a number of times not to hitch her sled to passing sleighs, feeling that it was a' dangerous danger-ous practice. It was such a fascinating fascinat-ing sport, however, that Mary could not resist it and one day her mother saw her go skimming past the house behind a farmer's "bobs." When she came in from play she was taken to task, her mother saying severely: -"Mary, haven'r I told you that you must not hitch onto bobs? Hesides, you know, it Is against the jaw Mary tossed her head. "Oh." she saltfv-at.nl fall.' iS im about theTaw7 It's all I can do to keep the ten commandments!" com-mandments!" Woman's Home Companion. Com-panion. Young America'. The H.'s lived in the country, kept chickens and lived the simple Hfe-One Hfe-One of their daily diversions was to sit on the front veranda and watch the sunset and Roberta, aged four, sat and watched with them, but it waj a rather tedious as well as solemn occasion occa-sion for her and one day, after watch Ing In silence for unite a while, an explanation of the whole thing suddenly sud-denly dawned upon her and with the delighted enthusiasm of a discoverer she exclaimed: "Oh. mamma, I know-now know-now why it takes the sun so long to set. It has to hatch out so many little. stars'" lis Angeles Times. Loved to Death. "Iiid you ever know a girl to die for ) love" I ., "Yes." I "Did she j 1st fade away and die j because some man cscftMl her?" j "No; she just took !tv washing and worked herself 10 death because the man she loved married her " Ruling Paision. "I kl.ew Putt's smoking wo;.bl get I, mi Into troiiblr " Weil'" At his wtdding wh-n it came to the 1 :ng par', h- r ad - d U to poiki t and hau.U.I ih- ii.nii r a 111. He ti " w nt v vn iif t m i!i" n I- s e? 111. face 1 1011 is not that lmhtH is i-.-H.irlii up m hint. 111 j.iw - l 111 1 1 itrn i to 1 1 i w r7nMMim .,,i,.)i.'.i , f 1 H. to i b . ( i'f4n.a., -,M, (fl It'ii a I'lty 'hat w ir hi a n an bk- bisk- III tim -' t tin l l-'-M--. 1 (At- a ,n!i J,. ! T. I h. tan:- m-rag-1 a-it liKli 1- i at .i ,1 .it ALCOMOL-3PtR CENT t'rf(ljUt Prrprioi for ki k - p:J iftV5tcsviiJa iS, . ... Ir 7 rroeVs IK?choafhferf-J-eVASSr! nVM CCf U);n? ri"vr Not Naiic tic ft ' n Ssr it -j h .rrrMf V .TftJ C rr.Jir rrT1- tenia I : " 1 j, fM . .'1 J-4 . I fr - 11 -,.. - 4 . I MAV YOHK 'ji y 1 n t ; lusct or v.-MfTssb MAKES STATEMENT, After Spending Thousands of Dollart- and Consulting tie most flmmnnt Physicians, He Was Desperate. CHICAGO, IlLS. Mr, J. G. Beckers of 1 34 Van Buren Sta well-known wholesale dry goods dealer, states as follows: f "I have had catarrh for more j than thirty years". Have tried ! everything on earth and spent thousands ef dollars for other-medicines other-medicines and with physicians, without getting any lasting re- lief, and can say to youthat I have found Peruna the only rem-edy rem-edy that has cured me permanently. per-manently. . ..-i "Peruna has. also cured my wife of catarrh. She always keeps it in the house for an attack of cold, which it invariably cures in very short time." Sloan's Liniment is the best .rsraedyior sp;Aii anA&ruiscs. - It quiets the pain at once, and can be applici to the tenderest , part without hutting because it doesn't need to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful preparation prepa-ration and penetrates instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion, con-gestion, and reduces the swelling. Here's the Proof. Mr, L. Koland, Bishop of Scran-ton. Scran-ton. Pa. says: "On the 7th of this present month, as I was leaving the building at noon for lunch. I lipped and fell, spraining my wrist. 1 returned in the afternoon, and at four o'd'i k I coul l not hold a pencil pen-cil in my hand. I returned horn Liter and purchased a bottle oi Sloan's Liniment and uel It five or tix times be fore I went to tv-d, and th next d.iy I as al!e-t- gi to woik and use my Lsod as ustul" Sloan's Liniment b an e.crl!cnt antiseptic anti-septic s'd germ kilh r l.i.t!s cuts burns, woutnU and contusions, anr'. will draw the poison from slit of pot-somjus pot-somjus iruicii. 25c.,&JC.and S1.00 Htnmn'm h"f . rtalll, 9t r . . iar, Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Botea, Kim., 0.8 A. WANTED TO BUY All kind of Uv- 'AIM Animal and I'lrds, p.irflculaily It.-at.-r. Ott.-r, bij Whit-- Cranes, I'ua'.aH. Trumpt-ter Swan. etc. etc. Addrew OR. CECIL f REMCH, Zcalojivt, a-hmat9, D.C DEFIANCE STARCHr 3 For Infants tn3 CtlHren. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought" Bears tho Ay r Signatoro A.u In Use i Fnr uvpt Thirty Years I Oi I A AS U ;, .- -- V, j - ... 1 - f - - i '' I,. |