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Show Pl.EA8AN. GROVE NEWS. PLEASANT GROVE NEWS ab independent veetij paper puD- lisaed in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Utah County. ' Issued Every Saturday. , BY THE? The Provo Herald Pub. Co. "j. DAVID LARSON, - Editor and General Manaaer. ASHLEY BARTLETTr LoeaP Edftor, Vr- Application made at the postofflce at Pleasant Grove, .Utah, for trans mission through the, mails as -second' class matter. Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year, In Advance. AN ORDNANCE Amending Section 204 of the Revised Ordinances pi Pleasant Grove City. Be it Ordained by the City' Council of Pleasant Grove City: "204. Application Amount. All application ap-plication lor license contemplated by the preceding section shall state the number and kind of tables, pin or trail alleys, or nine or ten pin alleys o. be licensed and the. place of keeping the same. Upon the filing of such application appli-cation and upon paymentinto the city . treasury of $50.00 per annum for each billiard or pool table, pin or. ball-alley, or nine or ten, pin anfigG specified in said application, ygMsly" license may be issued therefore as in this chapter provided; provided, that no person, either by himself, or his. - agents, servant or employee, in charge xf any such billiard or pool table, pin or ball alley, or nine or ten pin alleys shall allow any person under the age of twenty-one years to engage in any game, or linger in or about the premises prem-ises where such.jtgles, pin or ball al-Aley, al-Aley, or nine or ten pin alleys are kept. 9 Any and all ordinances in conflict with the above are hereby repealed. This"6fdffiaiBce sfiair"""be In" force from and after its approval. ALBERT E. COOPER," Mayor. Attest: . JOSEPH HILTON, City Recorder. : AN ORDINANCE Establishing the Salary of Street Supervisor Su-pervisor and Providing that the Offices Of-fices of Street Supervisor and City ... Marshal May be Held by One and the Same Person. Be it Ordained by (he City Council of Pleasant Grove City: Section 1. That the salary of Street Supervisor shall be Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars per annum, payable quarterly, and the offices of City Marshal Mar-shal and Street Supervisor may be held by one and the same person at the discretion of the mayor and city councH. 8ec.2. Whenever the same person is appointed to hold the offices of city ' marshal and street supervisor, as herein provided, such person shall perform all the duties pertaining to both of said offices as provided by ordinances or-dinances and shall be entitled to receive re-ceive the compensation allowed for both of said offices as herein provided. Sec. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force from ami iter it passige ALBERT E. COOPER, Mayor Attest: JOSEPH HILTON. City Recorder. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN. Application. for permit to grnz-live grnz-live (Mock on the Vim:itrh National Forget for the Hcafon of 151ft. imict le Ch-il (n the office of th- und-rtiKt-tl at Salt lk City. I'tah. on or before February 1.". lfi". The H4rretary of Bttrlt tiSture hn an lhr'lt'l 'he grazing of ;'.'. htud of rattle and horsen, and IR.ihmi head of sheen. The ieriodn ilurin h r;n:nte. will te jiUu.Mt-il and the fees to lie chtiriced are an o.!oi . May 1 to Oct. 31. lSlu Cattle. ?,c p-r head; horen, 4)c jx-r head Yearlong, ending Arll I!ll Cattle, 4K.f jmt head; hire. fiK jier hend. July I to October I". Sheep. 6c jier Lead Hl.mk tonii to be u-l in m.tktriK appiication and further information In regard to grating ill lie furnished Upon reque.t A member of the aervtrr miU be at e ctty hall. Iteasant firoe. on Jai rt ;j and J I. to recei ailticati.tn ROItKItT V RHYSOLItS. the ua Su per!iior FOR SALE A an room how 4 j I acre ef orchard i lucern. in-1 uir ef N. P. Pevlaen, Pleasant ) Grove. Utah. j Sotne tleter rk aa done at the (rear f the p.io"f.ie the other ntgbt I along the I ne of k-.-'!Og I'leaAant FOR SALE j ace iai4. betehji;roe dry The hero of the hour hute P'ocertj of Mit. SaraH D. ja the g.-r,!al i.ttiiater. Jme l iMQuire of S. L. ieo. Pleasant ,' Ttorr.. . b'jt hat he d:d oooe the C'oe. Uta j r Lgorously -ind-4 bjr Mr j Tt.-rne. M r-ght'j he mar be f"Je3 , kern-Be ot that un' hour l'tii ArJefom-a ceta i, t-e place foe j ,.., ,n (M Mr Ttet taaie ; frorj t tt) feather bed b - .' ttni'i'tUl't M.r..J that om "mm fOR HENT Tri eort rooms ! te Be erce'tr. At W L. Hayes j ; FCCCH tSCAPd t . J Tie rirr.Tt ' rrger -ft t t tt 444 a erk to tk i to cp th muti I rAar to Vs . i:J efcii. s:ktiu!. m., Jr .tis t'- lgtj. ! .st-mmx oi fc. castas '.:' At Urge. s4 I ef tO Ot'jt 4l4 tie 4 a ta'O B. --it rerra b ta it: 4 rt ons ie -eg it mti Rcir rr s t r.-; F-er .ti f I ce o-3 er rrrj mnt.t tit Ut F".et fn, n tvr;- of c- k( u a r:Tl j ! fe kls. a4 r'sr4 s ;!iv;t e lie 1 i. HIGH SCHOOL. ' Clarence Newman registered last Monday. ..-? - , Prof. Banks has invented a clever device for- holding erasers during the cleaning process. The- male glee - rendered "BenJe- meer's Stream" at chapel yesterday. English C students are reading Shakespeare 8 Henry V. , ,- " -. -.' ' Students In the Physics laboratory are experimenting on the relative expansion ex-pansion of brass and aluminum. j , . ----- .-- The Pleasant Grove high school bas ketball team meets the American Fork High School five in the first league game to be played this seasdn, at AmerrcanTork tonight. The Pleasant Grove boys go into this game confident confi-dent of success. - The high 'school will all be there to cheer them on to victory. vic-tory. The teams will line up as fol lows: - . . PieasanGrovfc American i'erk- Jv West . . . . . .l.f i .' .Chipman W: 'West-. . . ... . . . .t.I.. ...Wooten Warnick, e. . . , . ..: .c. . , ... Brown E. West-. . . . l.g Greenwood Ra8mu.8son .. .r.g...., Barrett The game will be referred by Yernts of Lehl. . . ''. Championship Tfiis Year. At present this question is being debated with much vigor by the bas ketball fans of the town: "Can the Pleasant Grove High School win the county championship?" The conclu sion usually arrived at is, that winning win-ning is doubtful. The only way to successfully predict the final outcome of the league games" is to take a sizeup of the condition and record of each team. ; Beginning with the south end of the county we have, first, Pay son. This has usually been, a very strong aggregation, aggre-gation, and all probability would have.rankedWg,hin.Abje-league.Jbut ior me toss ny sicxness oi iwu m their best players, Kapple and Wig- nal.Thls will handicap Pay son so much so, that ' Pleasant Grove will stand a very good chance in this game. V'sit tokn a lwilr at Snrlnevlllp Quite a "husky" bunch, bit the score of 37, to 24 (December 29), in our fa vor, shows the relative strength or mis antagonist. As for the Hungerford, all we need -say is that Sprlngviiie de feated them by a score of 16 to 37. American Fork Is In the field to be sure, but we Ded have little fear con cerning this team. Our boys are larger, lar-ger, stronger, faster and more experienced expe-rienced than are the American Fork players. All we ask is a square deal and we know this game Is ours. Witbout doubt the game with Lehl Is our hardest one, but I think the odds r tn our favor. Our team Is as large, our coach, without doubt, is superior, and the game is to be played toward the close of the season, and In our own hall. Taking all these things Into considera tion the game Is very likely to be de cidedly In our favor. In conclusion let me say that Pleas ant Grove's prospect for a winning team was never better, and we are confident that with the support of tte town, we can come out with colors flying. K. B. Alvin Sundberg was a visitor at the Central school last Tuesday. Mr Paxman. music teacher In the j district school. lll be In Provo Sat-e" Sat-e" I urday on business (to buy Miss New-I New-I man a pitch pipe Aydelotte's is certainly the place for bargains. Fugal Bros., the electricians. LAND CONTEST IS CONCLUOEO. The land contest between A Hoi nmn and others and It , I Wadley htch Involves certain lands ner I"t-acant Grove, and hich ha be.-n on hearing l the Cnited State land ufflie since Monday last. a concluded conclu-ded Wednesday and a jleelnion nt H rendered in due tlnit There af mk acres In dispute and it la claim d th.it (jri are rich In mineral, fire cla. i'h Mime lead, filter, gold and roppr. The averment of Mr Wadley .s tht i he land a Kold to him by the i,! some year ago for agricultural p.ir ;-'e The contest a (trough in, the ground that the land imor 'ui i uable than agricultural purposes Aydtlottfa certainty the place for I Bargain. i (nil I I I 1 II rr 1 1 H I I I J PP (J 1 1 I I I I l I I L wtiitk-a.1 OF P0S1 . ' tetr.g burrledSy let Umm ti iB a Birsner ae4 (D quaotit.e tt, h r.is tm thorcghl!t anakeoe4 t 'te.-c..-.l rrt ag)Ct U auf t'-acv aui q-jtei He ij 1 ht aa t, u r- .rt- t ba- k h fn. , t -f. miejM fee d.iise rit. it arf.- rt the irjr f cr aol cSmoMt take S'1r tke k e-,t4 m.r nr. j-.m r i . i sa i p ts j Nf r r5 cx la ttwttmt to a' J ftr k.n ( t - j ilf .t--j ti ctr a i'.. .r. - tfitt.f It t f ' I'V'n -! I -p m ' ft . " .s: I V:r TAFT TURNS DOWN THEPEOPLE. Gifford5Pinc!i6haCeri ousted fr This action by President Tift may bring about a decided divi sion in the Republican party, It is predicted by influential newspa pers of the middle west that it will,.b ring more strife than any event since the civil war. This may, that i has divided the Republican President Taft's actions have terests," otherwise known as corporations or capital. He has prac tically exonerated 3allinger, Secretary of the Interior. His actions have placed him strictly in favor cost of the remainder of the people It seems reasonable that President Taft had to protect Balli: ger. He appointed him. He has made every effort to clear him and sustain him throughout "th entire controversy. To have 'allowed Pinchot to remain longer in the government service would have meant that Ballinger would have had o withdraw and in conse quence the entire official family broken up. Tha Republicans of the entire known of his effective forest work, lose the services of so able and so converted President Roosevelt to the splendid policy of the conser-vation conser-vation of our nation's resources. There is no man in the government govern-ment service "who was so thoroughly, admired and trusted as Pinchot. Pin-chot. In losing him, the nation loses the most comprehensive advocate advo-cate of reclamation and conservation of our nation.- The president's action in sustaining the alleged crooked work oT" BaTTmgeT" sympathy with the graft principles practiced by the "money powers'." He opens the way for a change in the administration. He demonstrates that in being weighed with Roosevelt's policies he is found wanting, Instead In-stead of sustaining the people, he i Sustaining the monopolies and the money powers. He is in sympathy . with the Cannon-Aldrich ring and he has taken another link from his second term chain. " " .., The ousting of Pinchot is a low to 'the, entire country. FACTS ABOUT You can buy good land from $2 to $150 an acre in Utah county. For $2500 you can owrrVin improved twenty-acre home irvUtah couttjy. ' ,,f - --T. : ; . Twenty acres will make you independent in, five years. Land set to fruit pays original cost in a very few years. There is great profit in dairying in Utah county. Poultry raising pays in Utah county. While improving a farm your spare time will be used by neighbor? neigh-bor? at good wages. There is such variety of locality that you can easily be suited. Taxes are low in Utah county. Rest educational facilities are afforded. I'tah county has an abundance of natural water power. THE'ANNEXATION OF CANADA. K tlurr .a ever a pronounced sentiment for annexation on thej part of Canada it i non-exitcnt just a- the word "alliance" withj Ktujand is olinoi(,u muhc Anierican minds because Washington j sait '"lieware of entangling alliances." Hut eliminating the words j "annexation" and " alliance" dctiny point to closer and closer relations rela-tions oi all l.nlish speaking peoples. Professor Golden Smith, in a rcitnt reply to a nii-statcnutit in a Canadian paper, said: "If seem j that-I have been rejtorttil a- advocatm-;. 'annexation. Let me a-' sure oii that I hae itudiou-iy avoided fhc use of. a term which ; imtdics submission 'in the part of Canada to the United States. That which. I think, seems the dictate of nature and likely as such to ome; to pa-s. i tin- oiitnt.irv union if the tw A great English-sjicaking conimunitiei on thi C"ntitu-nt i-.ir their mutual bTntit anl security.; o- ial l';iion stems to be already pretty complete." ANTI-FOOD ,. t .,,;., ,., tut? are exorbitantly high and the r. -tr." biM i! presented we are trttt fM movetnent ha ,t started in Washington- and it is ex-j linger controversy has Iteen forced to the front and made the "head-pectcd "head-pectcd that f! consumers . which there are a sprinkling in the line -i" for tlitical news from the national capital and tenia v comes fn ted States will t!-h k t n standard. The general plan mapped j the announcement that Chief Forester Pinchot has Iteen "fired" for out is to vlciitly hut sen-boycott certain luxuries, and even j ins;!ordination. the oftens consisting of addressing a letter to Sena-tie-. sMtic of life, i.Jr.l i e Imv cotters can stand it. f or our tor lX41ier which he read in the senate chamber, in the face of ex- tart wt can get along with t the condiments and even luxuries. plint instructions from the president not to do so. .u! we have n -t rt nachrd he htgh plane of that adept. Charles, Whatever views t--4.ie mar have held of Mr. Pinchot, it must l.a-r.b. who was ready to d.. w thout he was allowed its luxuries CONTROL OF CORPORATIONS. ih r it n nee fo trie, Sh 'man law the president ha asked con- impressed with the fact that Mr. Pinchot was the highest authority ,ro to c--r.;.;tr a natpitsa! icjqfatn act and such a mrajrr anl w hen this ha leen questioned he has alwav unhesitatingly pr-'ns pr-'ns already ten .'.ratted b "e attomey-peneral. If such an act ij clamed himself such and flaunted his fumer in the face of all optxv .a-e.l. ivl-js.ml c n-.rat,..r. and any business transacted Uj.-r.d tht t-tundarses .f the state a hkh their -are now inroq -rated will ; , . , r ..me s-.'.-e t to Ja It ? r.bab!e that the management r,t jc h 1 -i, rA!,- r. w i.l ! ender ' (MtA of the Department el i.r , vt J.-! U1, f , Z 1 " I, . ; ' - perhaps. m. as weis Hat T. K. t ten tiiousan.1 ni away :t w..u-. .rrse for hirr. not to Qitx io this Pinchot-CaT -ftceri ..-t.. , t t , . jnat-rai reAjrce. was r7it. anJ Iww. to my mrtbsru: A t-e whisky p9tW. - lmt, 1ti,, ,s- u-,n,, frJ- ? ? " uc lStir lV A jus,Ke of tfce jeace m Mkhican ha;eed h, r. eiv-1 : -C a ht reason: Local rVm 'n' iont. no dmrkerne-. --, : rt e. there ft re co f rt-t in tVe jcib. It mast Ibe a fee cT;ce - s or may not, be true, suffice to say opinions. placed him ia line with the "in of money powers, and that, at the of the United States. " of the president rriight have been -: - west, in. fact, all people who have - will grieve that the nation must excellent a man as Pinchot. He UTAH COUNTY. TRUST. -.-..-nUv ,riu f.1 1 when once a month, or oltcner. feign to Wlieve them. An anti - the necess,tiCf of life, pr-.v.-b d ) OPERAHOUSr Pleasant Grbc THURDAY JAN. 13 i - THE BELLE OF JAPAN -CO .... . IN THB GREAT PLAT "flllilWlll" ThrUllngfour-act melodrama Success of the season ELECTRICAL EFFECTS A Cast of Metropolitan Players r Prices, 25c, 35c, 60 let o r wit it a.r.waiKer aons Your Steak 9 Solid Financially 9 Accommodating y-s (i Can help you in a thousand ways in borrowing, loaning or saving money, J Pay Interest on time deposits, fj Drop in for a personal chat or Address, j. BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE. JANES CHIPMAN. Pitaidtnl Big In everybody's mouth. Output in 1909 doubles over 1908. Carload business is taking the place of retail trade .'. .'. . Pleasant Grove Roller Mill A. L C09PER. Proprietor r PINCHOT OFFENDS PRESIDENT. Irrespective t-f the merits or anj undoubtedly each has some ot , ,.rK..ed by all that the trait which prompted the writing of such j a letter d-recily afraint orders has been his weakness. He has ruled this bureau with a firm hand and ivhen specific law was lacking he mad a relation to suit h-.s own views. The whole country has been t)! f,lf,p abea , carrrin$r f.ol , . . that thev were rumsevelt p Nicies, . crK"1 a '" lt l ivoseveil I.t hs determma and darmi: ftnehnt made h.meU a na- Mml rfctre; made his trrrarinda a national issue. 'am! whether hi ptai mere rtjrht rr ymmre his chief object, that of ccierrin(f the clKt p4icte aoj ted t'V Keve!t rresi fetit Taft any rrxre pcclir t T'esert. and a v&i inettttioej c-f tfce fr contrwrerrr wCl be net sjiry to hi"y jestifj it- j jA . . -. - . 4 In wishing that yon may have J , a prosperous year.-, I desire to thank the people of Pleasant Grove for their patronage and - will try tp merit it always by ' selling them the best that can ..... . ... "i :. ... . . . A is lore ana wui ao ue oesi Kina- of work- in WATCH and CLOCK T". and JEWELRY Repairing that ant li hoAf In tha oinf a . Tours truly, 3 James Martin American Fork . UiaSS Paints, OiUt ! Ppt(y Feint Colors VOal Clear Crceh.. Z ; : I A. K. Thornton & Sons S. L, SWENS0N, Asst. Cashisr Flour demerits of the persons involved. both qualities, th PinchM-Dal- hi, ,Kies It is unfair ft uv . , , liecawse thev were m realitv Pin- ifcrek ts,. k trtrocgh him the catson has bee ,r e.e.t rC iht ieed ofcarm-f l therr been etrs. |